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The Forum > Article Comments > Osama bin Laden: He's back ... > Comments

Osama bin Laden: He's back ... : Comments

By Brad Berner, published 31/1/2006

Brad Berner gives an explanation to the meaning of the latest announcement from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

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" Ah Soh God of the Trogs"
Ah Not who is Ah Soh's Buddish Mentor[Alias Some of Bin Laden,the puckered coit] is given his final council.

Ah Not; Why are you looking between your legs at the mirror?
Ah Soh; I think my orifice is too small.
Ah Not; You mean office.
Ah Soh; Same thing.
Ah Not; Instead of making it bigger,why not have a mirrored wall,it'll be twice as big especially when the sun comes up!
Ah Soh; Brilliant idea! Why do I look the same from all angles?
Ah Not: That is a rhetorical condition of your Ah Soh nature.
[Deleted for objectionable comment]
PS There are lots of Bin Ladens in this world and the original one that inspired this last verse was an arrogant male Aussie who didn't like the size of his office.After Sept 11 it was time to include another arrogant male who cannot see past his own importance.The feminist facists have a similar attitude.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 2 February 2006 8:31:49 PM
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Hi all

Friedrich (post 6:57:19 PM 31/1/06)
Keep on asking those questions (of others)! The below is self-explanatory:
"Fight (qatlova) against such of those to whom the Scripture was given .....". Sura 9:29. [Sura 9 = Al-Taubah = repentance.].

N.B. "qatlova" has been translated by Arab-speaking scholars as "kill". Little ambiguity there.
I'll let Human_Nature respond to your query/statement in the last paragraph. But I know that response by heart & the Koranic source, so if the reply is inaccurate I will make comment.

Arjay (post 7:02:12 PM & 7:58:42 PM 31/1/06)
Very clever, though a touch naughty.
Sadly you've destroyed any chance of making another posting for 22-hours. I'll sleep with my spectacles on so that I don't have to find them when next you 'post'.

Keith (post 7:06:00 PM 31/1/06)
Your response to Boaz_David:
That is the pragmatic position. There is also the biblical perspective on land ownership which goes to the heart of what the Jews believe (& also those who support Zionism) vs Islam. That stance is more than 4000-years old.
Confirmation is in the following scriptural text, broadly called the Abrahamic Covenant. The scriptures are:
Gen 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:1-21; 17:1-8, then 17:9-27; Ezek 36:4-7; 36:22-24; 37:1-13; Gen 23; Lev. 25:23-27; Ezek 43:1-6; Ezek 11; Jer 25:4-11; & Joel 3:1-3. There are cross-references into the NT too. The Jewish position is through Isaac from Abraham.
Meanwhile, the Muslims believe that through Ishmael they have inherent rights to the same land. They claim it, as Islamic territory due to post-624AD occurrences, but also since 1517 until 1917 under Turkish occupation.
More specific are the claims to the two Holy Cities of Mecca & Medina. Those locations are theirs. But they can't have Jerusalem. They built the Al-Aksa Mosque above where Solomon built his temple. The best thing they could do is move the mosque into genuinely owned territories in Iraq, Iran, Syria or Saudi Arabia etc, & give Jerusalem & the Land of Israel back to the Jews. The total landmass of Israel is only about the size of Qatar anyway.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Friday, 3 February 2006 8:30:53 AM
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Arjay: Those Feminist Wimmin Face Painters are more correctly referred to as the Feminazi. They have too much say in the nature of breaking up families. They are anti everything excepting, as you say, their fullness of their own agenda(s).

I believe there is a strong connection between these organisations getting into the ears of policy makers and the 'fear factor' being fostered and promulgated at present to the male population of Australia who are Cannon Fodder age (prospective warriors in the War on Terror).

Their motives are only too obvious to those who have experienced their foaming at the mouth misandry. Remove the testosterone laden and more virile specimens, to leave a society being more and more exposed and de-sensitised to these unnatural ritualisations. No wonder the Indonesian Muslims are up in arms about PLayBoy being sold there.

I am all for individual rights, but it gets over the top, -like TV evangelists at 3.30 AM, and more difficult to digest as the frequency of exposure to it increases.

We saw parallels in WWI with the jingoistic press castigating males who did not gain enlistment into the AIF and other armed forces - the 'White Feather' became a sign of male weaknesses. This now manifests itself in the Family Court and the high suicide rates amongst men who lose custody/care/contact.

So we attempt to divert away & counteract this with a macho:
" Get those big bad Bogeymen who threaten our way of life and our Wimmin..." in response to a manufactured or perceived threat. E.G Al Qaeda. Bin Laden, Saddam and WMD.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Friday, 3 February 2006 3:38:49 PM
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Islam is a stain that will be eradicated.

Islam is a vicious evil religion-Nick Griffin.

The jigs up son. Who do you think you are fooling? Not everyone is a drop kick. Upset by cartoons in Denmark? No one can draw the "prophet." Blow yourself up and you will enter paradise. Awaiting you will be 72 virgins. God will be impressed. Sex in Heaven. I was under the assumption that Heaven was more about spiritual matters. Islam is about putting women down, make them wear bulldust clothing. Islam is about no other religion being valid. Islam is a perversion akin to child molestation. In Iraq away from the cameras what do the men do to young boys? Islam is the personification of vileness this world had never seen before. Do you really believe that your "friends" are the only ones that are willing to give up their live for a good cause? You make me sick to the stomach.
Posted by FRIEDRICH, Friday, 3 February 2006 5:59:27 PM
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Hi all

Albie Manton in Darwin (posted 7:51:36 PM 31/106)
The 72 virgins? 2 of the martyr's wives (or human females), & up to 70 specially 'created' huris. Surah 44:51-54 & 55:49-78 discusses it - except in Pickthall. Sahil MUSLIM's Hadith # 6793, 6794, 6795 & 6797 expand upon it, & ibn-Kathir's commentary on Surah 56:35-37 puts the number at 72.
Ugly ones? Perpetual virginity? There aren't any ugly ones. And Allah makes them virgins again after a 'solid' day in the brothel ... I mean paradise. So, the "huris" are all "the fair & the beautiful ones", "& high-bosomed maidens for companions: ..". Their breasts are "kawa'eb" - swelling & firm; not sagging. Sahih BUKHARI once reported that Mohammad said of himself "that he had been given the power of 40 men in sex." Muhammad ibn SAAD, al-Tabakat al-Kobra, Dar al-Tahir, Cairo 1970, Vol 8, p 139.
If Mohammad could be so 'blessed' then no wonder Usama tries for 'Paradise'. His previous links to the US only equates to the fickleness of alliances. Wasn't Russia our ally on WWII? They were our 'enemy' for 40-years. Friends now? That won't last.

Martin ibn Warriq (post 7:51:36 PM & 8:37:10 PM 31/1/06)
You're right: there are degrees of honesty in Islam - & it often has nothing to do with telling the truth.
As previously stated, there are 3 conditions under which it is permissible to lie: (1) to make peace (2) in war, & (3) husbands to their wives.
I agree with your perspectives

The Big Fish (post 10:58:57 PM 31/1/06)
Terrorists need impoverished semi-literate people with high dissatisfaction levels. Voila! Their insurgents or martyrs.
To that extent, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq & many of the Middle Eastern countries are not that dissimilar to down-town Flint, Michigan.
From memory, not one of the US Senators or Congressmen sent their children in to battle. I doubt that the bin LADEN family would send any of their children into the fight either - except Usama, who went of his own accord, & is a family outcaste.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Saturday, 4 February 2006 11:17:19 AM
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Hi all

Count0 (post 8:56:07 PM 31/1/06).
Yes, one death's one too many. Multiple killings by anyone is deplorable.
INACCURACY: your quote isn't quite a true representation of Surah 5:32. Dawood's translation says: "We (the Muslims) laid it down for the Israelites that whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind; ..".
The 'problem'? Prior to 622AD, even the scattered Israelites was more sophisticated than the wandering Bedouin tribes. Monothesic Muslims wouldn't have spoken. They didn't exist. More importantly, & after fully reading the Qur'an, one discovers the "abrogating & abrogated text" (“An-Nasekh wa Al-Mansoukh”). So, within only a few Ayah (verses) the Qur'an indeed contradicts itself, & your claim, viz:
"Those that make war against Allah & his apostle .. shall be slain or crucified, or have their feet & hands cut off on alternative sides, or ..". Surah 5:34.
Even clearer language is:
"Fight (qatlova) against such of those to whom the Scripture was given .....". Sura 9:29. [Sura 9 = Al-Taubah = repentance.].

N.B. "qatlova" is translated by Arab-speaking linguists as "kill". That's pretty conclusive.
Also, "If you do not go to war, he (Allah) will punish you sternly, ..." Surah 9:37. One rarely goes to war - I'm facetious - just to march in a line.

Planetagenet (post 11:37:21 PM 31/1/06)
Great lateral thinking! You're possibly right. I look forward to more of your posts.

Friedrich (post 6:09:54 AM 1/2/06)
Another accurate posting by yourself.
Refer to my prior posting for Islamic text references to affirm your thinking.
The 'problems' we have are as a direct result of our ongoing 'tolerance'. That espouses all thinking is of equal value. Society rarely defines anything in absolutes anymore. Enter "Mr Osama". Now we're re-questioning our previous thinking. The difficulty? We discarded many of the values & crucibles that we once held as our standards. It may take us a decade or more to accept that those very values we threw away are the ones we now seek.

Cheers all
Posted by LittleAgreeableBuddy, Saturday, 4 February 2006 11:44:49 AM
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