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After Cronulla, life goes on in sun city : Comments

By Natasha Cica, published 20/1/2006

Natasha Cica examines the aftermath of Sydney race riots.

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BD, I never seek to engage in personal attack, but when I am attacked, I feel the need to respond (I have been called a traitor to Australia and had rape wished on my family in this thread – although I think this post has now been removed). I also understand your want to discuss issues rather than simply respond to others posts, which is basically what I understand a site like OLO to be predominantly about.

Freidrich is openly a white supremacist. This is plainly obvious from his posts and his failure to deny it. Therefore I think it is hardly “derogatory” to label someone what they label themselves.

My post regarding judging people focused on assessing people on an individual basis, as they come. Just because someone is a Muslim, does not mean I automatically think they are a radical one, just like just because you are Christian, doesn’t mean I think you are a radical one. Of course someone’s culture matters to their person, but I am simply saying I am not going to judge someone if all I know is they belong to a particular culture. I instead believe in the sanctity of the individual and their ability to transcend stereotypes.

I just think if you are going to side with others in an argument, you need to distinguish yourself from areas you do not agree with.

Net-noobie, I disagree. You can’t bomb extremists off the face of the planet. I think the Iraqi and Palestinian conflicts, as well as basically any other conflict in history, is indicative of this. The more you bomb a people and persecute them, the more kids you will have whose mum, dad, sister or brother dies in their arms, and who will grow up wanting to take revenge for this.

That said, BD, obviously I don’t think that conflict can solve any problem adequately, just like the Cronulla riot failed to achieve anything, and the subsequent revenge attacks. The only way to achieve solution is to work together at a grass-roots level, be prepared to compromise, and move forward.
Posted by jkenno, Wednesday, 25 January 2006 8:22:57 AM
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Verdant, Where in my posts have I supported criminal activity?
Please don't confuse your own dopey blindness and construction of the word Lebanese or ethnic or multicultural as meaning 'all criminal activity'. Your racist pathologising of all ethnic people as criminals is of your own making, not mine. I've consistently questioned peoples racist constructions and projections, stereotypes about all Muslims and Lebanese people. This is not supporting criminal activity, but perhaps in your little world it is?

As for class, I am working class and proud of it. And you should go and listen to a lecture at your local uni sometime, I'm sure they'd welcome someone with your worldly knowledge in the discipline of laundry mat/public bar sociology/anthropology. Perhaps you could take pictures of all the 'nasty 'coloured 'people' you don't like along - and do a show and tell?

Boaz David, I thought you had training in anthropology? Did verdant tutor you?

Surely you would know the difference between trying to accord culture as belonging exclusively to a group of people is very different from attempting to classify all claims of association to a cultural or ethnic group? Many people do not relate to a single cultural or ethnic group and will often give a multiple response to a question on ancestry, ethnicity or cultural identity. I wonder if this has something to do with why you couldn’t answer that ‘question’. Perhaps you just did but didn’t know you did.
Posted by Rainier, Wednesday, 25 January 2006 8:30:12 AM
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jkenno. I actually think that the Cronulla riots did achieve something. At least now the Government has had to accept and acknowledge some of the issues and look like they are doing something, even though true to form they are only just pretending and presenting a picture whilst waiting for time to pass and the next drama to come along to take the attention and focus off the issue.

I was once pretty much told by a Minister that he was just a spokesperson for the Government and had no power to do anything. So I would have to ask "What or who is the Government, who has the power, and what is the point of having Ministers if they have no power and they are doing such a bad job?". Who needs puppets?

I will answer my own question. THe people have the power and that is why Cronulla happened and that is why terrorism happens. When there are no avenues to have grievances and issues properly and fairly acknowledged, addressed and dealt with, people feel that they have no other choice other than to resort to violence or go mad.

Cronulla needed to happen to show the Government that they either do the right thing by the people or the people will take matters into their own hands.
Posted by Jolanda, Wednesday, 25 January 2006 8:49:10 AM
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Dirk hasn’t departed from any line?

His position became indefensible. He cut and ran. That’s a departure.

Dump Hux.

Here’s what Dirk said to Rainier about this forum in the ‘Pogrom Talk’ thread

‘ich stimme mit Ihnen überein aber den Abstraktionsgrad Ihrer Interventionen ist zu hoch für dieses Forum. Wir sitzen ja nicht im Uni-Seminar.

I agree with you however the degree of abstraction of your interventions are too high for this forum. We do not sit in the university seminar.

Look at Rainier’s interventions in that thread.

Rainer in this thread said:

‘yes universities are hot beds for dissenting view, its what they do but there are rules of engagment (sic) and professional protocols that ensure quality of dissent and opinion are of a high standard.’

‘Thanks girls* for inserting some common sense(sic)observations here in this discussion. Racism is argued as a justified patriotic right and virtue by many here. I feel sorry for them.’

Kaos, I agree with you(sic analysis of crowd metality(sic) and unlike others you have at least identified this as a racial issue, not a Muslim issue’

His views on racist Australia are ‘entrenched positions, staked out and clung to with dogmatic tenacity.’ and ‘Little critical self-reflection …’ are contained in those views. I scoffed at his arrogance by saying

’In diesem Forum werden Ideen geprüft. In den Universirty Seminaren werden die Ideen, die Haß von Australien stützen, automatisch angenommen.’
Translated: `In this forum ideas are examined. In the University seminars the ideas, which support hate of Australia, are accepted automatically.'

I attended Uni studying English Literature, Psychology and Journalism. I dropped out over a dispute about the inclusion of a piece of pornography in a literature course. I had attained very high grades in Literature and Psychology but C’s in Journalism. I was ending my second year.
That was to my great benefit given the obvious lack of comprehension skills shown by so many, including you, who seem to revere the inability of our University’s of today to produce many graduates with a great degree of ‘critical self-reflection’. That result’s from…..?
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 25 January 2006 11:11:27 AM
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I see your point about not condemning someone on the basis of their culture or religion on the grounds that while the religion or culture itself might be 'radical' at its core, the adherants themselves may not be. Fair point.

Let me bounce something else off you.

Part A) The German Immigration dept has just brought out a 'citizenship questionaire' where 'would be citizens' are asked their views on a number of important social issues, including
-Domestic Violence
-Suicide Bombings
-Womens rights etc

The Islamic community is 'up in arms' saying it is directed at them alone. The more important question is "Why are they worried" ?

Part B) Social Theory. -most people would accept that in any given community, there will be a 'radical' end of the values spectrum where some will be extremely passionate about 'their' ways.

Based on Part B) above, I feel it is justified to deliberately limit the numbers of particular religions (which have a conflicting view of how society should run politically), from an immigration standpoint, and preventing numbers reaching a point of threat. The bigger the community, the larger the numbers of the radical fringe.

-Ankor Wat as an example where the Thais migrated, grew in number and finally sacked the city and drove out the Kmers.

-Ivory Coast where migrants from neighbouring tribes/countries became strong, and gained control of the diamond areas, and attempted to grab the presidency.

-The radical PLO .. with a mother of TEN children who blessed one of her sons to be a suicide bomber, standing for election in HAMAS now.

-Lebanese Muslim association branch stacking the seat of Fowler NSW to get a 'pro PLO' candidate up to influence foreign policy of Australia.

Key words "managable numbers" under the framework of the Anglo/Celt cultural umbrella. Accept lots of migrants, yes, but not from one source or culture.
Romantic Idealism about human behavior won't cut it I'm afraid.

RANIER 'you' are complaining about 'white power structures' etc.. so in all fairness, it is up to YOU to say what they are ! please don't play games.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 25 January 2006 1:14:34 PM
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Dear old Rainer is feeling a little bit beseiged.Losing yet another debate.

Rainer feels no compunction to address the truth when things seem to be running against his perverted logic.When the argument runs against his tide of prejudice, we have comments like,"But there are rules of engagement and professional protocols that ensure the quality of dissent and opinion are of a high standard."Rainer takes the high moral ground when it suits him. If Rainer is the perceived victor then it is also alright to lower standards and get into the gutter[ A word of his own choice].He uses all manner of innuendo and distortions of the truth to manifest a lie.Rainer I don't consider myself to be all that intelligent,yet time and time again Rainer you lose against my honesty and many on this forum find you wanting in both intergety,logic and sincerity.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 25 January 2006 7:04:29 PM
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