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Free speech, anti-terrorism laws and racial vilification : Comments

By David Knoll, published 11/8/2005

David Knoll argues we must support governmental efforts to combat terrorism and the incitement of it.

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Thanks to kalweb & G2 for acknowledging the need for more open-mindedness (I'm sure you won't mind me interpreting it that way)..Heres my personal oponion on this hot topic:
looking through the messages, it only took a few posts for the "free speach, anti-terrorism laws & racial vilification" topic to turn into a discussion about religion. My OPINION about FREE SPEECH is that it's our right to exercise it and that as long when we do, we have the courage to express oursleves on a stand-alone basis,not like that self-indulgent uni professor who, although was free-speeching about not letting "violent" "blacks" into Australia, used the fact that he was a uni prof from a prominent Syd uni to sprout his RACIAL VILIFICATION. If mr/ms nobody tried the same, they wouldn't have had the advantage of the forum he used. They certainly wouldn't have gotten air time on major radio stations & certainly wouldn't have made the headlines.

My OPINION about ANTI-TERRORISM LAWS: I don't want to live in a country where we're all suspicious of each other. Do u? I don't have a solution, which is why I've been reading this page. I'm very interested in knowing what others think (kind of like a think-tank approach) as to how to combat this?

My OPINION about RACIAL VILIFICATION is pretty clear. It breeds hatred & fear of anything that looks different, sounds different. I grew up in central coast NSW, where, until about the early 80's, the only foreigners were european. Even the Italians used to get a bashing. And now we lov em. In fact, as my brother recently pointed out to me, they're running NSW! I wonder how our current hatred of other races and religions will change over the next 20,50, 100 yrs?

Are we heading into another era like the 50's where we we're all suspicious of the communists? And if so, can we learn by our previous mistakes?
Posted by lisamaree, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 12:10:42 PM
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When it comes to observation of the facts about our aboriginals; with quotes like this?? "Previously, they had a belief that gave them a goal and reason to live, carers of the land. Now they are destitute, terrorised into having nothing to live for but religious enforced misery."

My involvement in the Alice was to assist building houses for the care of children at their campsite, otherwise these children would now be known as the stolen generation. Missionaries never introduced alcohol etc - it was western debauched society. The people in Alice were not on a mission site, they were on their own land. Taxi Drivers would bring clients for sexual favours from teenage girls in exchange for alcohol. I suggest you visit the aboriginal cattle stations in the Gulf Country where alcohol is banned, and see for yourself how early missionaries helped them develop their own enterprise so they could participate in a modern world.

You certainly love to vilify missionaries who raised the standard of living and life expectancy for these people. Your vilification does not offend me because I know their true stories, and have heard their praise for what I and others did. It has been the debauched imports who has been responsible for the destruction of these people
Posted by Philo, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 8:53:38 PM
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It is a 'clash of civilizations' of 'us versus them'!

Islamic culture is at war with Australian society - in particular Lebanese have nothing but hatred for Australians and Australian Society.

It is not a question of international terrorism, but a question of the terror faced by Australians on the streets of our society, terror from Lebanese who hate Australians because we are Australian and 'Infidels.

In western Sydney gang rape has been used by Lebanese against young Australian girls, and this happens more than the public is aware. It has been happening for the last ten years and longer and it is only the headlines of '55 years' for Bilal Skaff, the leader of a brutal Lebanese gang rape on a young Australian girl, which brought it to light... She was raped by up to 30 Lebanese men, passed from car to car as the rapist contacted their 'cousins and friends' with SMS mobile phone messages. She was told she deserved it because she was an "Aussie slut" and that the men would rape her "Leb style" - and it is the Sheiks of Islam who have intended this, preaching that it is woman's fault as they wear 'strapless, backless' clothes. It is a culture of hate for our society and people - we are Infidels to even the moderate Muslims.

Australia needs to make sure that not one Australian girl has the chance of being gang raped by Lebanese in Australian society because she is Australian.

Australia hands such people Australian citizenship and these people are protected by Australian law... what right should such people have of our laws when they have no love for this country. It is time that citizenship meant love for this country and it is time that Australia takes back our society.

Our ancestors built this country and it is being handed to Lebanese who hate us and our society.

It is a 'clash of civilizations' of 'us versus them'!
Posted by Thor, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 10:06:50 PM
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You are correct Islam hates us deeply for been infidels, they abuse the PC using to censor any opinion about their religion and its effect on our society, the case in Victoria at present, is terrifying with its ramification for freedom of speech,

My ancestors are Dutch, to see what has happened to Holland after 40 odd years of multiculture is truly sad. The Theo VanGogh slaughter in the name of Islam, then the censoring of his movie at the Euro art festivals as it was "Isamphobic", oh god hey, talk about an ugly form of PC.

LOL at Turkey wanting to be part of the EU, last I heard they might be let in if the admit to the Armenian massacre. Of course, there is high offence at the thought of it been put back in the high school history text.

The social arm of the jihad is about colonization, breeding many wives and legislation. I wish people would wake the hell up and take note of what has happened in Europe. Europe, Holland in particular, may be gone to Islam, we see Europe struggling so hard to roll back the PC policy making that has undone them, we really should look and learn.

My grandfather fought in WW2 and I am so proud of him, his brother also died in WW2. It is not a crime to be proud of our Australian culture, and history. I feel we should do all we can to save ourselves from the fate of Europe. Australian culture is tougher we don’t take to the crap as easily, thank god.

We should preserve free speech and the pride in our Aussie culture.
Sadly for islam it is hideous. To have this opinion of islam isn’t a crime, the day it becomes one (ie Victorian case) we have lost our country.
Posted by meredith, Wednesday, 17 August 2005 1:52:56 AM
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Dear Meredith and Col

Many thanks for your honest posts! You have said it all! Anyone who disputes what you are saying has their head in the sand.

Posted by kalweb, Wednesday, 17 August 2005 5:37:52 AM
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Sorry - I meant Meredith and Thor
Posted by kalweb, Wednesday, 17 August 2005 5:39:17 AM
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