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Free speech, anti-terrorism laws and racial vilification : Comments

By David Knoll, published 11/8/2005

David Knoll argues we must support governmental efforts to combat terrorism and the incitement of it.

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Thanks for your post. Clearly, the points that you raise are pertinent. Even so, one of the best ways for you to stop yawning is for you to contribute your thoughts about issues. Labelling people does not achieve anything - but healthy challenges and debate could move the religious thrust. It's really up to you.

Posted by kalweb, Monday, 15 August 2005 6:52:44 PM
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Hi Reason,

Truth is very important to me.

Re your comment 'coherent statements'- Well I am limited in words, I try to express my thought the best I can. I welcome constructive suggestions because I'd like to improve my argument on what I believe is important anecdotal evidence of the falsehood of Islam. And people should be told that point of view.

But no excuse for you:

--> You claim to be a Christian but you mention "idiocy of Christianity" and worst, completely failed to realise that my comments do not discredit Christianity in anyway.

I think you do not understand what you believe in (but think you do).

Due to restrictions on the number of postings I may not write often and anyhow I may quickly lost interest. So as much as you are able to, please make your reasoning clear in what ways is discrediting Islam also discrediting Christianity and/or Judaism?

I anticipate a learned reply from a person called 'REASON'.

1. I too like to see postings from a lot more people. But I can assure you I'm new here. A lot newer than you.
2. You'd like to read about how people are different and yet accepted. So do you stand for anything? Little wonder not many people like you post to this forum.
Posted by GZ Tan, Monday, 15 August 2005 6:59:52 PM
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Trade 215,yes we are running the risk of becoming more like the nutters we are trying to defeat.Our ordinary freedoms will diminish as we try to fight fire with denial of the realities that confront us.The shame is, I know a lot of good intelligent people of Arabic decent,very close by the way genetically to Southern Italians who have made excellent Australians,however we have an Islamic cancer that is intolerant to all other belief systems.It is bred from hundreds of years of feeling inferior to others.These people have suffered the harsh discipline of desert existence ,Christian invasions and thus their laws are just as harsh and unforgiving.There has been no luxury of time to learn and progress to a higher form of civilisation as has happened in Northern Europe.

Suddenly with the discovery of oil, the Middle east is launched into the modern era with a belief system over 1000yrs old that conflicts with most logic.The result is that the power brokers of this religion ,reject all Western logic that has produced this new prosperity because it erodes their power base.

Thus today ,we have a confused belief system of suspicion, hate and with this,violence ensues.They have yet to realise that it is not us, but their own devisive religious leaders who are their worst enemies.

Yes, our own Govts may well use terrorism to expand their own power base, but this will only destroy the "Golden Goose" of private enterprise productivity.There are just too many ways for terrorists to attack and it is up to ordinary citizens to identify the traitors.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 15 August 2005 8:26:32 PM
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You quote that "Our Australian indigenous" are a people without a religion. Your ignorance of the belief system of our pure indigenous people is appalling. Read the dreamtime stories. They are a very spiritual people, with a religious interpretation of their past and their environment. I have lived and worked with them in Alice Springs and they are very religious.

The many tribal groups had their territory and their intertribal wars. They were not one big happy family as you seem to imagine; they were human, with fears of spirits and superstition about their world.

Quote, "Look around the world, you will see that there have been many societies that were successful for very long periods without a god head religion. Our Australian indigenous, Borneo, are just two."

Since B_D has discredited your claim about the tribal people of Borneo actually being religious and I have discredited your claim about our native Australians, it seems you are left without an argument to defend that society works perfectly withour religon. These people tell me they are much happier without their tribal religion binding them in fear and superstition.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 15 August 2005 10:53:47 PM
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Please bd, philo, get your facts right, I never said that in Borneo and Australia they weren't religious. My quote, “Look around the world, you will see that there have been many societies that were successful for very long periods without a god head religion. Our Australian indigenous, Borneo, are just two.”

Both peoples, and the Nth American Indians, and many more were animists. They don't have a god head as such, they are spiritual. You will note that all survived many thousands of years keeping the environment in good condition and living within the laws of nature.

You will also note that since the intervention of religious missionaries, their ways of life and the environment that was protected with their beleifs for many thousands of years, has been decimated in less than a couple of hundred years.

Good job in the Alice philo, people walking around with cans of petrol tied to their heads sniffing, rampant alcoholism, sexual and physical abuse, meaningless lives. Previously, they had a belief that gave them a goal and reason to live, carers of the land. Now they are destitute, terrorised into having nothing to live for but religious enforced misery.

They were terrorised into missions, separated, poisoned with christian food and illnesses. So I thank you for your support, I think you discredit yourself by your irrational and illogical outbursts.

By the way, I am fully aware of bd's and philo's history, thats why I chose those two examples.

So anti terrorist laws are too late, they should have been here before the missionaries arrived. But I forget, the religious will deny, pass the buck, abuse, threaten, try to justify then try to mislead us from the reality of what they represent.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 7:10:00 AM
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"These people tell me they are much happier without their tribal religion binding them in fear and superstition."

I think we would all be much happier without the tribal religions of some Middle-Eastern pastoralists binding us in fear and superstition. I also agree that 'anti-terrorism measures' should have been adopted a couple of centuries ago by Aboriginal societies in Australia.
Posted by giaman, Tuesday, 16 August 2005 7:48:56 AM
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