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The Forum > Article Comments > Abbas abandons peace negotiations with Israel > Comments

Abbas abandons peace negotiations with Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 24/8/2016

Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to prosecute Britain for publishing the 1917 Balfour Declaration amounts to an outright rejection of the right of the Jewish people to have their own state.

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Mr Singer has written of myself and two others:

Your latest missives confirm the following common features that unite you:

1. You all hide under the cover of anonymity

2. You all peddle masses of false and misleading racist and apartheid Arab propaganda

3. You all have an extreme hatred of Jews

4. You all call for an end to the Jewish State of Israel, the removal of its 6,500,000 Jews and its replacement with a 22nd Arab State to join the other 57 Islamic States world wide.

I can answer for myself only and am glad to although what Mr Singer has written about the other two is also bollocks.

1. My use of a pen name is due to the pen name being transferred with my enrolment with OLO after using it with a Disqus newsgroup (abandoned long ago). My name is Dion Giles but the name is irrelevant.

2. I peddle no racist propaganda and blatant racists like Mr Singer would be unable to identify any.

3. I have never expressed "extreme hatred" for Jews or even the mildest discomfort with Jews, and Mr Singer would be unable to point to any.

4. I do not suggest removing 6.5 million people from where they live, merely the dismantling of the racist state, as the racist Union of South Africa was dismantled. Our business as non-residents of Palestine is to work for the total rejection of all calls by Fifth Columnists to tie our own nation to a bunch of racists, either as military defenders or as financial contributors or as political sympathisers.

Mr Singer's frequent cry of antisemitism is merely his failure to cope with rejection of any exceptionalist claims (including his) on behalf of any group of people linked by any genetic characteristics, especially when such claims are not only exceptionalist but also supremacist.

Such claims are the very essence of racism and this is what makes them objectionable.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 2 September 2016 12:37:41 PM
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In reply to your comments:

1. Posting as Dion Giles will be welcomed. Remaining anonymous is the act of a coward.

2. You support both leaderships of the Palestinian Arabs - Hamas and the PLO - who both call for a State for the Palestinian Arabs in all of former Palestine free of all its Jewish residents. That is racist and smacks of apartheid.

3."Jews are not a nation or a people nor are they chosen by God any more than anybody else – even Celts.

Jews are not needing a homeland, they have dozens of homelands. Australia is one of them. In all these homelands Jews have exactly the same rights, status and nationality as everyone else."

The Arab propaganda you produce is deceptive and misleading as I have substantiated in many exchanges with you.

Sounds like extreme hatred of Jews to me.

4. Hamas and the PLO have no intention of doing your bidding. Won't help for you to belatedly express your regrets were these murderers ever to succeed in wiping out a Jewish State that the world has recognised has every right to exist and be a member of the family of nations.

Express your condemnation of both Hamas and the PLO and state affirmatively there can be no peace until these two evil regimes and their jew-hating Charters are replaced by a leadership prepared to recognise the existence of the Jewish State.
Posted by david singer, Friday, 2 September 2016 1:18:01 PM
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This has been a command of the holy Jewish scribe.
Disagreement is forbidden.
We have ways of stoning you.
Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 2 September 2016 2:49:44 PM
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Mr Singer claims:

"You support both leaderships of the Palestinian Arabs - Hamas and the PLO - who both call for a State for the Palestinian Arabs in all of former Palestine free of all its Jewish residents."

Correction: It's not about this or that "leadership" it's about justice (a concept which I know Mr Singer finds elusive). I am surprised if either or any other Arab leadership wants Palestine "free of all its Jewish residents" as it never was before the Nakba and this was never a problem. If any group wants a Palestine without Jewish residents then a reference to its statement of this would be helpful.

I reiterate something Mr Singer calls extreme hatred of Jews: "Jews are not needing a homeland, they have dozens of homelands. Australia is one of them. In all these homelands Jews have exactly the same rights, status and nationality as everyone else." Have a look at Mr Singer's list of League of Nations members. Many of them are homelands for Jews who live in them on equal terms with everyone else. There is no genetic category on earth which merits supremacy on racial grounds and to claim otherwise is blatant racism even when disguised as some sort of victimhood. That is why enemies of racism everywhere will reject supremacist claimants and support all who seek to get rid of the only racial-supremacist state on earth.

Just to pinpoint some dishonest verbal sleight-of-hand: Charters of two Resistance groups are claimed by Mr Singer to exclude Jewish residents in Palestine but Mr Singer goes on to say they ought to recognise the Jewish State. Jewish residents, Jewish State. Mr Singer deceitfully conflates the two. Let's see the actual wording of the Charters and what if anything needs to be changed to make them just.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 2 September 2016 4:05:15 PM
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You state:

"I am surprised if either or any other Arab leadership wants Palestine "free of all its Jewish residents" as it never was before the Nakba and this was never a problem. If any group wants a Palestine without Jewish residents then a reference to its statement of this would be helpful."

You are mistaken yet again.

Arab riots against Jews in 1920, the slaughter of the Jewish community in Hebron in 1929, and three years of Arab rioting between 1936 to 1939 attest to the hatred of Jews by the Arabs.

The Arabs have never been happy to accept 78% of Palestine. They wanted the lot and still do - and people like you support their claim.

As for Hamas and the PLO making that quite clear read the PLO Charter and the Hamas Charter. They are as racist and apartheid in their demands as previous leaderships.

Both make it clear that Palestine is part of the Arab nation and non-negotiable.

You have been suckered and well and truly scammed.
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 3 September 2016 12:36:47 PM
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Mr Singer writes: "Both [Hamas and PLO] make it clear that Palestine is part of the Arab nation and non-negotiable."

Actually Hamas' so-called "Charter" is a wordy exposition of Moslem theocracy and doesn't seem to contain a requirement that no Jew be allowed to live in Palestine. The PLO Charter ducks and weaves between different versions but I couldn't find a statement that said no Jew should be allowed to live in Palestine.

Could it be that this is just another lie peddled by the global Zionist propaganda machine to protect not Jewish lives, not Jews' rights of residence, but the "Jewish state" which embodies the Zionist ideology of Jewish exceptionalism and Jewish supremacism - an ideology which is racism on steroids?
Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 3 September 2016 1:45:35 PM
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