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Abbas abandons peace negotiations with Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 24/8/2016

Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to prosecute Britain for publishing the 1917 Balfour Declaration amounts to an outright rejection of the right of the Jewish people to have their own state.

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You state:

"Actually Hamas' so-called "Charter" is a wordy exposition of Moslem theocracy and doesn't seem to contain a requirement that no Jew be allowed to live in Palestine. The PLO Charter ducks and weaves between different versions but I couldn't find a statement that said no Jew should be allowed to live in Palestine."

Try understanding these articles from the Hamas and PLO Charters:


Article 11:
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day..."

Article 14:
"The question of the liberation of Palestine is bound to three circles: the Palestinian circle, the Arab circle and the Islamic circle. Each of these circles has its role in the struggle against Zionism. Each has its duties, and it is a horrible mistake and a sign of deep ignorance to overlook any of these circles. Palestine is an Islamic land which has the first of the two kiblahs (direction to which Moslems turn in praying), the third of the holy (Islamic) sanctuaries, and the point of departure for Mohamed's midnight journey to the seven heavens (i.e. Jerusalem)."

The PLO:

Article 1:
"Palestine is the homeland of the Arab Palestinian people; it is an indivisible part of the Arab homeland, and the Palestinian people are an integral part of the Arab nation."

Article 2:
"Palestine, with the boundaries it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit."

Racist and apartheid - no room for Jews in former Palestine

You clearly lack the capacity to think and to understand what you read - blinkered by your Jew- hatred for sure.
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 3 September 2016 10:28:26 PM
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Still no statement that Palestine must be free of Jews.

Of COURSE Palestine is an Arab homeland.

That doesn't say nobody but an Arab (i.e. no Jew) may live there.

England is an English homeland but no restriction on Jews living in it. Basically they are English and their genetic ancestors have no implications in English law. England is their homeland,

Mr Singer's lie that the Arab Charters exclude Jews living in Palestine is his way of describing Resistance to a racist Jewish State. Palestine is a Palestinian homeland and anyone accepted to live in it is a Palestinian just as anyone accepted to belong in England is English.

His reference to Jew hatred is no more than an endlessly repeated insult to anyone who rejects the racist Jewish State or its expansionist claims, and is merely a way of ducking an argument he can't sustain, that a racist state is any more acceptable in Palestine than it was in South Africa or it would be if part of Australia was forcibly sequestered for a race-based state.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Sunday, 4 September 2016 1:09:26 AM
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The narrative of 12 tribe Israel is briefer than the period since the Temple has been unused ( 1946 years ). For Judaic Jews there could be a question about G-d's narrative. The 20% Judaic believers in Israel supported the Arabs against Zionists and wait for Messiah to resurrect them in the correct Israel . The 50% secular / atheist / genetic Israelis don't support the divine Temple basis for their country. Others don't know / don't care . The rather insane praying at a non-Temple in disreputable ruins matches the non-Zionist religious and non-religious Zionist citizens of a country which lost its tribal priesthood and sacrificial system in Caesar's times.
G-d's view in Shemohth and Devarim is " am-q'sheh-oref ".
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 4 September 2016 8:05:07 AM
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Isn't it time you started posting as Dion Giles? Or are you ashamed of your "real" name?

You are becoming quite perverse.

You now state:

"Mr Singer's lie that the Arab Charters exclude Jews living in Palestine is his way of describing Resistance to a racist Jewish State. Palestine is a Palestinian homeland and anyone accepted to live in it is a Palestinian just as anyone accepted to belong in England is English."

Do you reckon Jews will be welcome with outstretched PLO or Hamas arms after reading their following rabid racist and apartheid statements:

Article 5 PLO charter:

"The Palestinians are those Arab nationals who, until 1947, normally resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or have stayed there. Anyone born, after that date, of a Palestinian father - whether inside Palestine or outside it - is also a Palestinian.

Article 6 PLO charter

"The Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinians."

Hamas Charter

"This Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), clarifies its picture, reveals its identity, outlines its stand, explains its aims, speaks about its hopes, and calls for its support, adoption and joining its ranks. Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah's victory is realised."


"In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands," Abbas said in a briefing to mostly Egyptian journalists."

Get it Herr Emperor Giles

Final resolution = final solution - which would obviously give an outed Jew- hater like you great pleasure.

Six Arab States tried that in 1948 and failed.

They have all descended into hell since then.
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 6 September 2016 2:28:10 PM
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The more you post the more you lose your innocence and out yourself as a Jew-hater closely aligned with #Emperor and his ilk.

The League of Nations made its international consensus absolutely clear when stating:

"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; "

Try and get over your hatred and go with the flow of history - not against it.

The League of Nations decisions resulted in the creation of 21 Arab States - one of which was created in 78% of Palestine today called Jordan.

The. Jews got 22% of Palestine - one third the size of Tasmania- within which to establish their State.

The verdict came in from the League of Nations.

The Jews accepted the decision. The Arabs didn't and still don't and you apparently don't either.

Accepting that verdict would have made life far more pleasant for all concerned.

So the conflict is set to continue as the Arabs find their 21 States insufficient for their nation.

So be it...
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 6 September 2016 3:06:24 PM
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Are you Islamic? You are not improving the PR. I'm neither innocent, an agenda or hater, I stand for truth justice and liberty, statistics and honour.
There are illegal settlements not being liquidated by Philistine Arab extra-terrestial terror . There is illegal expansion in East Jerusalem which cancels out your claims for British Law. Ragheads who leave the city can't return. There are 50% Israelis who reject the religious basis for which the homeland claims G-d's Mandate .
Are you innocent , have an agenda or a hater? What will Messiah do to the non-Israel Army donkey traders?
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 6 September 2016 4:20:57 PM
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