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Abbas abandons peace negotiations with Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 24/8/2016

Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to prosecute Britain for publishing the 1917 Balfour Declaration amounts to an outright rejection of the right of the Jewish people to have their own state.

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None of what Mr Singer has posted here means that the Resistance would exclude Jews (that is, people defined as Jews on the basis of their genetic ancestry) from living in and being part of Palestine. However that would not stop them expelling anyone who is holding land gained by a crime. It happens that the Zionists' wartime predecessors – the Nazi invaders of Poland – have demonstrated precisely what that means.

When German jackals imposed on Poland a land grab closely resembling the Nakba in Palestine and the subsequent expansion, Polish land was transferred at gunpoint to German settlers who became the new “owners”. After the liberation of Poland the Poles rightly threw them out. Not because they were Germans but because they were criminals. And Poland was restored as the land of the Poles. I don't suppose Poland's immigration laws would exclude non-criminal Germans.

The same might well be part of the restoration of Palestine. And since the authority to steal Palestinians' land has been allocated on purely racist grounds (meaning they are Jews) then there might well be what could be bewailed in advance by racists as excluding Jews although their expulsion would be because they were criminals, not because they were Jews.

Hamas adds religious supremacism to their rightful role as a national resistance to theft of their land. I'd support the national resistance but oppose and detest the theocracy. I hope the Palestinians will put paid to the theocracy as the Egyptians put paid to the Moslem Brotherhood after liberation from the Mubarek dictatorship even though the Moslem Brotherhood was an important participant in the liberation from Mubarek.

As for my pen-name, no I won't go through the rigmarole of changing it in accord with Mr Singer's sneers, as Graham told me long ago that it would mean changing my email address which would lead to colossal inconvenience. Focus on the facts and arguments, not the name of the source.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 6 September 2016 5:00:40 PM
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You state:

"As for my pen-name, no I won't go through the rigmarole of changing it in accord with Mr Singer's sneers, as Graham told me long ago that it would mean changing my email address which would lead to colossal inconvenience. Focus on the facts and arguments, not the name of the source."

You pathetic bleating may rather have had something to do with wanting to gloss over your vitriolic hatred of Jews with this hate-filled contribution:

"Actually the world didn't ignore the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto. Years of devastating total war on the vermin who murdered the Jews in the same result in much shorter order. The Gazans don't have the firepower to do this and must continue to work at undermining the weapon of misplaced world sympathy that underwrites the military power of the murderers, and do it in smart ways to connect with the human aspirations of decent people. That's how the Boers were brought to heel in South Africa. The Zionists can be defeated by building the revulsion of the world community, including the Jews, against the racist excrescence of overlord Israel. Rocket attacks into Israel are unlikely to do it."

With such views - any rational discussion with the likes of Jew-haters like you is a total waste of time.

I will conclude with some positive developments from the "racist excrescence of overlord Israel"

1 Leukaemia’s days are numbered thanks to pipeline treatments such as Astarabine from Israel’s BioSight.and BL-8040 from Israel’s Bioline Rx.

2. Israel’s Gamida Cell reported good results from US trials of its NiCord blood cancer treatment.

3. Weizmann Institute’s groundbreaking prostate cancer treatment has now been approved by Israel’s Ministry of Health and is being administered to patients at Beilinson Hospital

Any further comments from you and other Jew-haters will only be replied to in future with more similar news from Israel - the Jewish state you cannot abide existing among 21 Arab States.

Perhaps you can respond with some similar good news of their achievements.
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 6 September 2016 9:59:00 PM
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Just for curiosity, where is the "Jew hatred" in Mr Singer's quotation from Reader Supported News? Spell it out Mr Singer, make a rational case. Mine is that Palestine from 1948 is Poland from 1939.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 1:45:16 AM
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Haven't you been able to find any positive news from those 21 Arab States yet?


Here are another three from Israel.

· An Israeli startup uses Artificial Intelligence to increase crop yields.
· Israel is first to produce a robot that can crawl, climb and swim.
· A 2000-year-old synagogue has been unearthed in the Galilee - whilst Jew haters like you deny there were ever any Jews in the Galilee.

Pretty impressive - don't you agree?

Can't wait to see you post something positive from those who want to wipe Israel off the face of the map.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 3:49:14 PM
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It is taking you a long time to come up with some positive Arab news.

Here are a few more positive news items from Israel - the Jewish State you want to see disappear and be replaced by a 22nd Arab State.

1. Israel’s POP Medical has obtained US FDA approval for the marketing of its medical device for treatment of pelvic floor prolapse. 20% of the women in the world suffer from this condition at any given moment, and 30% at some time in their lives.

2. 25% of pregnant women may suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) but receive no treatment. Now researchers from Israel and the USA recommend a new diagnosis, ‘‘Gestational Sleep Apnea” (GSA) to properly describe, diagnose and treat OSA in pregnant women.

3. Israel is one of the top five world high-tech powers thanks to billion-dollar investments by Apple, USA, China, Russia and India. GDP has doubled since 2006, FX reserves are over $90 billion, unemployment is falling.

At least be generous in acknowledging Israel achieving these amazing feats in the face of Jew-haters like you calling for Israel's elimination

The score is Israel 9 Arab States 0.

Start scoring some goals.
Posted by david singer, Friday, 9 September 2016 9:36:32 AM
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Mr Singer continues to belittle Jewish researchers by ascribing their achievements to the racist enclave in which they work, revealing in himself what comes very close to Jew-hatred. This is very much like saying Apartheid South Africa gave the world its first heart transplant because that's where Christian Barnard did the operation. Racist Israel and Apartheid South Africa have a lot in common, which is why Mr Singer's apologia for Israel have the same stridency as the Boer apologia for Apartheid. (Fortunately their racist monstrosity of a state has been wiped off the face of the earth – without any of the mass killing or even expulsion that the Boer apologists claimed would happen if their regime was dismantled as in time its racist ally Israel will be).

Regarding achievements of Israelis I can give more, though not being a Jew-hater like Mr Singer I respect them as human beings with actual names, not as mere symbols of a state.

There is Nir Shaviv, one of the world's only actual climate scientists (of whom there are no more than a dozen or so) whose research includes exploring the cosmic and solar drivers of climate variability rather than working the AGW religion which produces nothing else but a steady stream of grant money and scary headlines.

Then there is Mordecei Vanunu, who alerted the world to a deadly evil long before the whistleblowing achievements of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

And there's Schlomo Sand whose groundbreaking anthropological studies have blown away some deeply held myths of the Zionists whose racism largely permeates the Western world.

Arab achievements? Oh nothing much. Just algebra, first awakening of chemistry, that sort of stuff. And peacefully inhabiting the land of Palestine for centuries. Balanced against that the worst of them have polluted the world with Islam.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 9 September 2016 12:58:57 PM
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