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The Forum > Article Comments > Abbas abandons peace negotiations with Israel > Comments

Abbas abandons peace negotiations with Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 24/8/2016

Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to prosecute Britain for publishing the 1917 Balfour Declaration amounts to an outright rejection of the right of the Jewish people to have their own state.

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If Palestinians began a wider national concept in 1920 and Jews began at around the same time how are they different ? What does the 1920 narrative matter today ? Philistines 1200 BCE and Jews 1400BCE go back to the same era.
There could be 3 motives for Israel:
1. Sentimental memory of David . weak case
2. Protection from persecution and pogrom. possible case.
3. Divine action by G-d. no case.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 31 August 2016 11:35:32 AM
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I don't know why you guys waste your time with David.
Better off putting your comments on forums that others actually read.
No one shares his articles anyway, he's irrelevant.
Why would they?
He posts so much biased garbage and then acts like a complete douchebag accusing others of pretty much doing the same thing and using trendy PC terms to denigrate like he thinks he's smart.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 31 August 2016 11:56:46 AM
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It's all fun.

"Bernard Lewis argues it was not as a Palestinian nation that the Palestinian Arabs of the Ottoman empire.."
Well there you have it , they used the dreaded P- word before WWI.
They read the newspaper for P- .

So David , what is your plan? Do we join them all to Syria and have Syrian artillery on the hillsides east of Jerusalem?
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 31 August 2016 4:35:18 PM
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References to the Balfour Declaration and documents arising from it are rubbish – they refer to declarations by now defunct colonial powers assuming a lordly right to allocate territory that is not theirs.

Long after the demise of those colonial powers Article 1 was adopted in the UN Charter, recognising the right of peoples to self-determination. The inhabitants of Palestine are a people defined by their place of abode including that from which they were forcibly expelled by foreigners in the Nakba.

Jews are not a nation or a people nor are they chosen by God any more than anybody else – even Celts.

Jews are not needing a homeland, they have dozens of homelands. Australia is one of them. In all these homelands Jews have exactly the same rights, status and nationality as everyone else.

This is not the case in racist Israel, which is an enclave in Palestine forcibly seized from its people and falsely claimed as a homeland specifically for ethnic Jews including immigrants from all oiver the world.

All agreements of defunct colonial powers are validated only by force applied frojm the USA which has allowed itself (FOR NOW) to be cowed by a racist lobby with strong connections to the wealth of the robber banks.

In self-defence the 99% of the people of the USA are becoming obliged to re-establish FDR's New Deal which was unravelled by successive administrations subservient to and owned by the major banks delivering catastrophic impoverishment to millions of Americans.

Americans are a tough-minded lot and are already showing they won't cop this radical inequality indefinitely.

Try reading “Listen, Liberal” by long-time US insider Thomas Frank for a glimpse of the disaster opening up under the feet of the banksters whose dominance has been the mainstay of governments which have been funding Israel.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 31 August 2016 9:30:58 PM
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Jewish expansion has cost it much goodwill and the US backing for almost anything Israel does even under Obama (" Guantanamo Bay will close") is another cost. Expansions into Ukraine and South China sea don't look so illegal . Beijing has Tianmen "Gate of Heaven" much like Jerusalem.
Posted by nicknamenick, Wednesday, 31 August 2016 9:54:14 PM
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Maybe you are not the innocent dupe I thought you were. You certainly appear to have an agenda.

Why does the 1920 narrative matter today?

Because the Arabs are trying to make out a case based on the past that simply is fictitious as I have pointed out to you.

Philistines are not Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs and no one else is included in this racist and apartheid definition according to the 1964 PLO Charter. Going back to the Philistines is one big Arab propaganda load of rubbish.

The Arabs invaded and occupied Palestine in the seventh century AD.

Enough of this nonsense #nicknamenick. You have exposed yourself as a soulmate of the Jew- hater #Geoff.

Pity. I thought you were better than that.

#armchair critic

Another Jew-hater returning to the stage.

The links posted by you contain a load of false and deceptive Arab propaganda

The maps displayed there have been found to be inaccurate by mc Graw Hill publishing who recently trashed a textbook containing them.

The rest of the material is a litany of lies and deception.

That dopes like you allow yourself to be duped comes down to one thing - your hatred of Jews blinds you to the truth.

That you choose to do so anonymously shows what a coward you are - along with people like # Geoff and # nickname.

Get it? - there is a pattern emerging here that is quite odious.


There is a great difference between "Palestinian Arabs" and "Palestinians". Pity you still can't get your head around this fundamental distinction. Or are you intentionally acting stupid?

#Emperor Julian

Another Jew-hater returns to join his mates.

Can't acknowledge what happened in Palestine was the result of 51 nations comprising the League of Nations unanimously deciding that the Jewish National Home should be reconstituted in 22% of Palestine today called Israel , Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza - whilst the Arabs would have self-determination in the remaining 78% today called Jordan
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 1 September 2016 8:55:42 AM
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