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Black and white flag : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014

Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?

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That’s interesting about the “Thuggies”. It reminds me of the origins of the gypsies in Europe who have Indian origins. Indians fled to Europe because of Muslim invasions in India.

Aisha was 9years old, not 11.

The Christian concept of GUILT is of high importance as it does not exist in Islam.
Posted by Constance, Monday, 22 December 2014 1:52:03 PM
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HATE BRIGADE, You wrote:-
"Quran says Mary is part of the trinity (one of three, Quran5:116)"

Quran does not say so; what you wrote is a lie.

You quoted translation of the verse,from Quran, which is wrong again.
I posted the actual translation of the verse, you quoted.
And did not see a confession of mistake or apology for a lie.
Honorable behavior should have resulted in one of the two.

So much for the authenticity and credibility of your scholarly discourses on Quran and Hadith.

Or is it that I should brace for an other barrage of abusive language now, for what you have shown so far is, that only things you have, in addition to Hatred, is Lies and Abusive Language.
Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 2:29:46 PM
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Check out 5: 116:

"5:116 And when Allah saith: O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah ? he saith: Be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then Thou knewest it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy Mind. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower of Things Hidden ?"

So Allah, Jesus and Mary were considered by whoever wrote that bit of the Koran to all be gods ? Three gods ? Well, two and a goddess, with Allah being a sort of senior god. Of course, we've only got Allah's word for all this, or rather Muhammad's word of what Allah said, or rather somebody else's version of what Muhammad said Allah said.

It's interesting that Jesus, presumably a Christian, uses the term 'Allah', for his god. Perhaps the authorities should allow non-Muslims in Malaysia to use that term too ? After all, if it's good enough for Jesus .....


Yes, it seems a stereotypical Muslim has a very strong sense of shame and blame, and hurt, but not much of a sense of guilt, of having ever done anything wrong or hurtful to others. That article:

is a beautiful example of that, and also of the low level of morality, i.e. sense of good and bad, rightandwrong - that someone would want somebody else, indiscriminately, it really wouldn't matter who, to suffer as much as a relative or friend has suffered.

No, McAdam, that attitude is barbaric: innocent people shouldn't suffer, and most certainly more innocent people shouldn't have to suffer because one innocent person - really this girl, going off to fight for IS, is innocent ?! Let's just assume that, anyway - may suffer. Or more likely, one innocent person must suffer because the parents of this stupid girl will suffer if she gets herself killed. Do you understand how backward, how barbaric, that logic is ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 December 2014 2:54:35 PM
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Are NC and McAdam the same person? They certainly think alike and dodge the pointed questions the same; but NC seems a little brighter.

For the umpteenth time - NC and/or McAdam will you please explain how the Koran ended up with so many references to hate and justification for killing off the non-believers if Muhammad was such a peaceful prophet.

Every other religion and philosophy offers the opportunity to evolve with the times except Islam. Why is it that it's impossible to question or modify any aspect of the Islamic dogma.

Asking these simple questions is not a sign I hate Islam; I am not a Muslim hater but I do worry what the world will become if at some point in time the Muslims rule given the state of the countries they currently rule. Is that a fair consideration?
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Monday, 22 December 2014 3:40:14 PM
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@ Conservative Hippy

<<Are NC and McAdam the same person? >>
You will find that whenever Junaid Cheema writes an article NC and McAdam will sudden appear on the scene as part of his support crew.
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 22 December 2014 4:13:00 PM
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The stick of "terrorism" with which you have beating Islam and Muslims with, is fabricated; with lies.
Please see and hear the 67th U.S. Secretary of State confess. Here is part of transcript::
"the people we are fighting today..we funded.
.lets go recruit these mujaheddin ..lets get some, come from Saudi Arabia and other places..importing their Wahabi Brand of Islam.
Lets be careful what we sow, because we will harvest.
...So we then left Pakistan, we said OK fine, you deal with the stingers that we have left all over your country, you deal with the mines..."

So, the HATERS of your victims, the bullet that pierced the skull of Malala Yousafzai, or even the bullets and bombs that slaughtered 130 School children, and explosives which continue to kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan, could have been funded by you.
Any Guilt?

Was this the last Frankenstein that the west created? Is the factory closed for good? or is it still churning out new models of the monster? We will never know...or may be another Secretary of State makes similar confession......decades later.

So, the HATERS, have you any guilt for murder of millions for the WMDs which never existed? Guilt for plundering and ruining a country and the whole region?

So, HATERS, does your conscious prick for the crimes against humanity, committed in Guantanamo, the U.S. Congressional Committee has unearthed now and the brutalities committed in Abu-Ghareeb and elsewhere that surpass the barbarianism of all times, that some other committee may unearth later?
Any shame, on the holocaust unleashed on the people already subjected to apartheid in Gaza and Palestine?

You have displayed so far, the ability to look a fact right in the eye and then deny it exists. You are so shameless that you continue to insist that your interpretation is in fact translation of Quran.

I am done pleading with you for good neighborliness, for you are the incorrigible lot
If you are happy basking in the cesspool of your lies, slurs, and hatred, wish you good luck there
Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 11:47:12 PM
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