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Black and white flag : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014

Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?

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Jesus Christ, NC, are you seriously claiming that Mohammad was a nice bloke?

Yep, Mohammad did undergo persecution for his beliefs, so did Hitler. Der Fuhrer got banged up in prison for his beliefs, does that make Hitler a virtuous person? Ivan Milat honestly believes he can kill people for fun, I suppose you could say that jailing him was a form of "persecution".

Mohammad was a warlord who conducted 58 successful military campaigns against Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, pagans, Buddhists and Hindus. He was successful because he had the bright idea of telling his warriors that they would go to heaven and screw 72 virgins forever if they died in battle for him. It worked a treat.

Once in power, he beheaded anybody who crossed him, just like ISIL. He had women stoned to death. He invented a religion where women were chattels like a sword or a camel. He instructed his followers to murder non believers in the most cruel ways, take their land and possessions, and to take their females as sex slaves. His "religion" is very similar to the Indian "Thugee" religion (from where we get the word "thug" from.) He "married" a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was 11 years old.

The strife prone failed religion that he left behind is the primary reason why Muslims are becoming the most hated people on planet Earth. It is a religion which has failed it's people socially and economically, and it seeks to blame everybody else for it's failure. It's adherents will not objectively examine it's beliefs and suggest it must reform itself, because it is a religion which orders the murder of those who dare suggest reformation.

Mohammad was a psychopathic, murderous, misogynistic paedophile who, like so many Muslim leaders, robbed, raped and murdered his way to the top. And you have the absolute effrontery to come on OLO and claim that he was a virtuous man?

Even your own supporters must be looking askance at you for that one. Thank you for helping out your opponents.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 21 December 2014 6:37:16 PM
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HATE against Muslims is being spread in this forum. Please see following . quotes extracted from many:-
" why Australians should not be calling on Muslims to *re-think* their belief system.
I call on Junaid Cheena and his wife to publicly renounce Islam."
"these people are our enemies, and we forbid the importation of any more of them into our once peaceful societies."
"If we can condemn Nazis as a group, than why is it we can not do the same for Muslims?"
"Islam is a dangerous religion who's declared intention is to take over the world"
"Those who embrace Islam embrace the teachings of a mass murdering thieving slaving rapist"
"99.9% of the terrorists and terrorism related violence in the world is committed by Muslims"

HATE destroys. And it's first victim is the beholder; it destroys his/her ability to stay rational and impartial. Example of irrational thinking is the quoting of incidents manifestly in name of Islam, and then concluding that all Muslims...should be condemned. It is said, Malala was shot and 132 school children were massacred in Pakistan and the recommendation implied is that all two hundred million of Pakistanis be condemned, even though, they have risen up as a nation as a whole against these criminals and are finishing them through national effort of their armed forces, law enforcement and civil society.
If we were to condemn entire communities and countries for the crimes of a few deranged zealots, who will be left un condemned in this world?

Finally, what is the point that we set out to discuss? An evil act by the criminal must be condemned .......but evil must be suppressed and not spread.

Please remember HATE is harmful;........ to you.
Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 1:11:05 AM
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Mr. McAdam

Question: Why, instead of quoting modern writers on Mohammad, why don’t you quote Mohammad himself. Certainly there must be a few verses somewhere that preach tolerance and love? I mean if you look hard and ignore the hundreds and thousands of verses in the Quran and hadith, you will find a few that seem to proclaim brotherhood and peace. After all, Muslims everywhere use those few verses to show that Islam is really a peaceful enterprise.

Maybe there is a “Sermon” on the Camel”, similar to the Sermon of the Mount, but superior, of course. I am sure there was such discourse, and if it only had been recorded, it would have had verses like “I will cast love into the hearts of the enemy”, “The believers are kind to each other and even kinder to the unfaithful”, and “infidels are wonderful people, higher than animals” or something like that.

Actually, there was a “Battle of the Camel” in which Aisha watched Muslims slaughter each other by the thousands soon after your prophet’s death.

Oh by the way, the “ill ride with you” campaign was based upon a phoney, made up event.
(“Confession time. In my Facebook status, I editorialised. She wasn’t sitting next to me. She was a bit away, towards the other end of the carriage…. She might not even be Muslim or she could have just been warm!”)

So the whole episode was imagined to make Muslims seem to be victims of hate and racism was made up, and Australians to be evil, violent racists, and this even before the real victims were buried.

Words fail me.
Posted by kactuz, Monday, 22 December 2014 1:43:21 AM
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You want me to renounce my religion.

What should I become, instead; I ask you.
Don't say Atheist, because if you did, I would know you were not being honest, atheist are against religion, you are against Islam.

Please propose your preferred religion and tell me how is it relatively more rational and less violent.

Caveat :-
Let me remind you of the Commandment of God, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

God and His messengers deserve to be revered. Those who believe in them should revere. And those who do not believe in them should be mindful that they do not hurt the religious sentiments of those who believe
An honorable person would be mindful of this fact.
Posted by McAdam, Monday, 22 December 2014 2:48:23 AM
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Note well this from McAdam:

<<God and His messengers deserve to be revered. Those who believe in them should revere. And those who do not believe in them should be mindful that they do not hurt the religious sentiments of those who believe>>

Not too far removed from what some of his fellow faithful have been saying:
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 22 December 2014 5:18:30 AM
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From McAdam's last post:


You want me to renounce my religion.

And there it is - the truth and reason for the defence of Muhammad finally came out.

McAdam no one has asked you to renounce your religion but if some of the comments have made you start to question it, that's a good thing. Anything we believe in has to be able to stand up to scrutiny.
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Monday, 22 December 2014 7:58:20 AM
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