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The Forum > General Discussion > Bringing Terror to Australia

Bringing Terror to Australia

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The kids are Australian citizens.
How so ? Weren't they born in another nation to which their parents swore allegiance ?
I'm afraid that as much as I feel for innocent children, do you really believe that they won't be carrying an unmanageable baggage in the near future ?
Do you want to take that chance & if they do turn out bad will you be supportive of sending them back ?
That's why I think severe pressure needs to be put on the UN to pull its fingers out & send them anywhere but to their mother's country of birth until they're deemed de-indoctrinated or whatever the word may be !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 7 October 2022 1:48:29 PM
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Dear ttbn,


You wrote :

« Banjo, I'm sure you mean well, but I'm also sure that you are wrong on this one »

I appreciate your kind assessment that I argue in good faith, ttbn, and have no hesitation in reciprocating with a similar assessment of the sincerity of your arguments.

That being the case, I guess you will not be too surprised to learn that you have literally taken the words out of my mouth when you conclude : “I'm also sure that you are wrong on this one” !

Great minds think alike, n’est-ce pas ?

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 7 October 2022 11:54:13 PM
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Dear Indyvidual,


You evoke various situations and circumstances relating to the Australians currently held in the Syrian detention centres and pose a certain number of questions regarding their projected repatriation to Australia.

Here are a few observations that you may like to consider.

Since these people have been held in custody for several years now following the terrorist-associated lifestyles they had been leading prior to their incarceration, I would not be at all surprised if their administrative documents – passports, birth certificates, Australian consulate registrations, etc. – are not in order.

The competent Australian authorities will obviously have to take into account the exceptional circumstances of their previous terrorist-related activities and subsequent incarceration in determining who has the right to claim Australian nationality and who hasn’t, and how each individual, man, woman, and child, must be processed administratively. Nobody should be left stateless.

Some of the detainees may have double nationality and if one of those nationalities is Australian, those persons are legally entitled to return to Australia.

For children born overseas to at least one Australian parent, an application must normally be made for citizenship by descent. No doubt, there will be several cases in this category that will have to be regularised before the children can be repatriated with their parent of parents.

All this will take time.

Your suggestion that we should pass on our responsibilities for these people to the UN, I’m afraid, is a no-go. We not only have a duty to protect our citizens but also a moral, legal, and political responsibility to recuperate those that are being held in custody in the Syrian detention centres.

It’s our problem and we have to manage it as best we can.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 8 October 2022 2:53:33 AM
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Well, here is one asylum seeker who wont be getting asylum in Australia or elsewhere.

Like Russia's terrorist state campaign of murder and destruction in Ukraine, the murder wont attract much interest from some here unless it can be pinned on the United States or Israel, or failing that some other western democracy.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 8 October 2022 5:42:04 AM
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Your suggestion that we should pass on our responsibilities for these people to the UN,
Banjo Paterson,
I didn't suggest that at all, what I do suggest are places that the UN arrange with countries to temporarily provide safe refuge for these people at the expense of the mother country of the childrens mothers until such time that all identities are proven & acceptable to go to the country they claim to be from & are accepted by ! Exposure to other cultures may just provide the turning point for adopting a healthier & more respectful mentality !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 8 October 2022 5:49:06 AM
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"The thought makes me sick to think that the cowardly escapee’s from conscription will be welcomed as hero’s and afforded special privileges such as refugee status here in Australia.

Rape seed has a bright yellow flower as the author of this piece of drudge paints himself in yellow, the universal colour of cowardice."

Exactly! What we need are people with the guts to rape and murder innocent Ukrainians, nor should we be excluding those enterprising candidates prepared to hunt down gays and hack off their heads with blunt knives. I think that sort of civilisation is seriously lacking in Australia. What a shame.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 8 October 2022 7:01:11 AM
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