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The Forum > General Discussion > Bringing Terror to Australia

Bringing Terror to Australia

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(Continued …)


Pinochet (Chili) 2006 – died of a heart attack a few weeks after being charged with 36 counts of kidnapping, 23 counts of torture, and one count of murder – before he could be convicted.

Gaddafi (Libya) 2011 – hid in a sewage pipeline and was shot in the head

In the US assassination attempts have been made on 15 different heads of state, of which 4 have succeeded :

Abraham Lincoln 1865

James A. Garfield 1881

William McKinley 1901

John F. Kennedy 1963

Roosevelt (1912) and Reagan (1981) were both wounded and survived.

You add :

« The death penalty does not bring the victims of murder back to life and cannot be applied with justice. Australia in abolishing the death penalty is civilised in that respect »

That’s true, David, death is irreversible, therefore society must defend itself from those who penetrate it and attempt to destroy it, just as any living organism must defend itself from microbes and viruses that penetrate deep inside it and attempt to destroy it.

The fight for life is a natural phenomenon that we all engage in, consciously or unconsciously whether we like it or not. For example, nature has equipped us with natural killer cells that identify and eliminate viruses and virus-infected cells and play an important role in helping us develop antiviral immune systems that protect us from future attacks.

By the same token, I consider that those who demonstrate by their heinous terrorist acts a complete lack of respect for the life and humanity of others have no place in society and should be eliminated. By the indiscriminate murder of many innocent people, they forfeit their own lives.

I agree that the scales of justice are not exactly balanced. The sacrifice of the lives of many innocent people far outweighs that of a few culpable, misguided terrorists.

Especially as I preconise it, the latter being euthanised calmly and comfortably, in the least painless conditions that modern science can allow, which, of course, would not have been the case for their innocent victims.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 7 October 2022 7:11:05 AM
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Another complication for those banging on about citizenship, which these terror supporters don't seem to value as much as their defenders and apologists do, is that some (number not revealed yet) are not citizens but permanent residents, further complicating the mess that the Albanese government is getting itself and the country into.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 7 October 2022 7:58:57 AM
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Why are you so anti Albanese?

He's not on his own making decisions like Morrison did.
He has an entire Cabinet. And he's also not been in
power for that long. Give him a break!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 7 October 2022 8:25:24 AM
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Besides all the decision being made are on the advice
of our Security agencies.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 7 October 2022 8:26:34 AM
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Paul wrote:" Back 80 years and there was another lot of ttbn types who believed that children should pay for the "sins" of their parents as well."

Do you really want to go there? I seem to recall that you defended the execution of the Romanov kids based upon the crimes of their parents.



As a father and grandfather, I find it extraordinary that people would be prepared to just abandon kids because of the errors of their parents.

I've written here before that the decision to bring in Muslims was a disaster given that a higher-than-usual percentage were always going to be and remain anti-West. That a percentage of those people were so radicalised as to go back 'home' to begin the conquest of the Levant is testimony to the original immigration errors.

Nonetheless, we bought them here and made them citizens. An error, yes. But we can't just wash our hands of that error at the expense of kids who played no part in any of this. Citizenship has to mean something.

If the government is able to simply withdraw citizenship because they don't like your policies or those of your parents, then they, the government, have ultimate power over everyone. What next? Withdraw citizenship because you don't buy climate change?

Our liberty is based on our citizenship. Endanger one and lose the other.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 7 October 2022 8:46:07 AM
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You and ttbn are typical of those types.
Easier to write that than stating that "yes, the likes of me (you et al) keep blaming today's white generation for their forebears' wrongs" (you never acknowledge the rights) ! And, have compensation funding bleating on endless recordings !
Having said that, I just got word from a friend who told me that white Australian tourists are behaving like terrorists in places on Cape York. Highly derogatory graffiti on Aboriginal land signs, rubbish galore including toilet paper & associated bombs all over the place, mangroves being cut to access creeks, bullet shells lying around signs being shot at, new tracks made around closed off area signs, buggies running around tearing up the dried mud flats causing erosion, blaring dumbo music all night, rangers being disrespected etc etc.
You see, there are already enough home-grown terrorists, no need to bring in the spawn of the professionals as well !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 7 October 2022 8:54:32 AM
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