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Afghanistan now.

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Dear Josephus,

The Catholic Church signed a Concordat with Hitler. Most Lutheran churches supported Hitler. Would Catholics and Lutherans support someone they did not consider a true Christian? The genocide of the Jews by the Nazis was accepted because of the promotion of centuries of Jew hatred by Christians. Some Christians opposed Hitler, but the majority supported him and his hate. If Hitler was not regarded as a true Christian he would not have been enthusiastically supported by a Christian country. He didn't seize power. He took power by democratic means because Christian Germany supported him. You are trying to deny history. You are a hypocrit, Josephus. You don't like what Hitler so you call me insane. Christians fought for Hitler. Christians operated the camps. Christians murdered 6,000,000 Jews and a lot of other people. You want to deny the truth so you call me insane.
Posted by david f, Monday, 30 August 2021 5:04:35 PM
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David f, I have a close German friend now 102 years of age who was conscripted into the German Army. He had no choice in joining, he was forced to fight for Germany. He hated Hitler and what Hitler did to Germany.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 30 August 2021 5:11:34 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Your friend had a choice. He could have refused, but he was unwilling to suffer the consequences had he refused. One heroic Christian refused to fight for Hitler and was executed. You can look up Franz Jägerstätter on the net. The officials of his church tried to persuade him to serve Hitler. He was lonely in his opposition.Had there been many like Franz Jägerstätter Hitler would never have been in power, but most Christians supported him. I also have German friends who served in Hitler's armies. Some felt guilty about it after the war. The fact is that had most Christians opposed him he would never have taken power. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf which told what he wanted to do, and many Germans supported it. Unfortunately, Christians have supported many bad things. Some try to rewrite history and deny it. tells the story of one of the few Christians who refused to go along.

"A History of Christianity" was written by Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of Church History at Oxford. Read it and learn a little.
Posted by david f, Monday, 30 August 2021 5:44:56 PM
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david f, your view of Christ and his teachings is distorted. Most History is Roman Catholism not the history of people of the WAY.Learn the difference.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 30 August 2021 6:06:43 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Please remove the hate from your heart. Unfortunately although Christians talk of love Christians practice hate. Not only do Christians hate non-Christians, but they hate Christians of another branch.

Unfortunately, the Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all vehicles of hate and intolerance. Josephus wrote: “What you purpose is ignorant of the teaching of Christ, many who follow the State Religion of Rome might behave with such burnings etc.” By the ”Religion of Rome” it is reasonable to assume that Josephus meant his fellow Christians, the Catholics. He apparently has no love in his heart for his fellow Christians of another denomination.

Christ, himself, was intolerant as I pointed out in my previous post. He regarded those who didn’t follow him as the enemy.

Why did Luther turn against the Jews? Luther thought that Jews rejected Christianity because of the corruption of the Catholic Church. When he founded a new religion independent of the Catholic Church and Jews did not follow him, Luther adopted the attitude of the intolerant Jesus (He who is not with me is against me.) and hated Jews.

The other main founders of Protestantism were John Calvin of Geneva and King Henry the Eighth of England. John Calvin set up a totalitarian government in Geneva and had Servetus, a scientist who doubted the Trinity burned at the stake. My article about it is at:

Servetus was burned at the state because he doubted the Trinity.

Henry VIII founded a new religion because he wanted a divorce and the Catholic Church wouldn’t give him one.

The largest Protestant denomination in the United States is the Southern Baptist Convention. The SBC separated from the other Baptists because the SBC supported slavery.

Southern Baptist Convention - Wikipedia

They found support for it in the Bible which accepts slavery. In the New Testament slaves are advised to be obedient to their masters.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything, not only to please them while they are watching, but with sincerity of heart and fear of the Lord

Posted by david f, Monday, 30 August 2021 7:38:18 PM
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The history of World War II is bleak.
Christians, Jews, Germans, Russians, members
of all nations, caught in the merciless war.

No faith, no nationality, no race, were free of
cowards or collaborators. No group was spared from
killers and traitors in its midst. Some of these
villains perished, some were captured and punished,
for the most part shortly after the conclusion of
the war. Others escaped retribution, dying, as did
the evil dictators - Stalin and Hitler. - the
evil architects themselves - without being brought
to justice.

However there were numerous courageous men and
women who refused to participate in the subjugation and
destruction of the targeted groups and individuals. There
were Christians who interceded with their lives to save
persecuted Jews. There were Jews who died in their attempts
to save Christians. They died, some along with
their entire families, or accepted their fates in
concentration camps rather than betray their fellow human

Some are known, but most perished and are known only to
God. These heroes embody human nobility in its highest
form and stand as beacons in the otherwise bleak history
of World War II.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 August 2021 7:42:41 PM
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