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Afghanistan now.

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At least every Muslim prays three times each day, and God might open their minds to what Jesus meant by loving his way, his truth, his life; as most ignorant kafir atheists have no clue.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 6:04:41 PM
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I see Australia finally got a mention, some Yank politician said; "The Taliban have more Black Hawk helicopters than Australia." What, they have two? Just to add the Tallylads love those armour plated beach buggies the Yanks left behind. Hooning down the main drag of K-bull do n' doughnuts, shootn' off the live ammo in all directions. Wow, the lads would be loven it, haven' such fun!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 7:29:38 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Christianity contradicts both Judaism and Islam. Unlike Christianity with its multiplicity of creeds, Judaism and Islam each have one statement of faith. Judaism - “Hear, O israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one." Islam – “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.”

Both Jews and Muslims are strict monotheists. The triune god of Christianity contradicts the God Jews and Muslims believe in. God is their only divine figure. That excludes both the triune god of Christianity and the divinity of Jesus.

Christians have their superstition, and Jews and Muslims have their superstitions. We need no superstitions. However, we live in a civilized society, and everybody has a right to believe in anything as long as they don't bug other people.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 7:48:03 PM
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Paul, The American Generals stated all the equipment left behing was made dysfunctional, and to make it functional would need to resource from USA.
davidf. I am not a trinitarian as you seem to imply. I follow the teachings of the "way"- There is one God in all and over all.. Before Constantine made it a State religion and called it Christian. My life in not baesd in a religion it is based in a relationship with my Creator.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 8:02:44 PM
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Dear Josephus,

I agree with you about Constantine. I think there should be separation between church and state. The Baptist minister, Roger Williams, was possibly the first to use the expression, separation of church and state. He presided over Rhode Island colony which was the first unit of government anywhere in the world to have separation of church and state as an official policy.

From Barry's "Roger Williams and The Creation of the American Soul"

"The Bay's leaders, both lay and clergy, firmly believed that the state must enforce all of God's laws, and to do so the state had to prevent error in religion. This conviction they held fast to, for their souls and all the souls in Massachusetts plantation depended upon it.

Williams recognized that putting the state to that service required humans to interpret God's law. His views were not fully formed-how Massachusetts dealt with him would itself influence their formulation-but he believed that humans, being imperfect, would inevitably err in applying God's law. Hence, he concluded that a society built on the principles that Massachusetts espoused could at best only lead to hypocrisy, for he believed that forced worship "stinks in God's nostrils." At worst it would lead to a corruption not of the state which was already corrupt, but of the church, as it befouled itself with the state's errors. His understandings were edging him toward a belief he would later call "Soul Libertie." pp. 3-4.

I admire Roger Williams. Look him up on the net.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 8:33:15 PM
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Dear Josephus,

I want to live with you and everybody else in peace. If I push my ideas on you or you push your ideas on me we are not going to live in peace. I am not going to accept your ideas, and you are not going to accept my ideas. The way to live peacefully is to accept that other people have different ideas from yours rather than trying to push your ideas on them. I don't think that Jesus is a good example on how to live. In previous posts I have given examples of why I think that. You disagree. Fine. Let's just accept the fact that we disagree and live together in peace. The way to live together peacefully is to accept that others think differently from us. We can tell each other what we believe, but it is unreasonable to expect others to believe what we believe.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 2 September 2021 1:31:01 AM
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