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Afghanistan now.

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From David F's link-

This is interesting-

*Luther was initially apparently supportive of Hebrews

Luther's first comment on the Jews- a letter written to George Spalatin 1514:

Conversion of the Jews will be the work of God alone operating from within, and not of man working — or rather playing — from without. If these offences be taken away, worse will follow. For they are thus given over by the wrath of God to reprobation, that they may become incorrigible, as Ecclesiastes says, for every one who is incorrigible is rendered worse rather than better by correction.

In 1519, Luther challenged Servitus Judaeorum ("Servitude of the Jews"). "Absurd theologians defend hatred for the Jews. Jew(‘s won’t join us from) the cruelty we wreak on them—our behavior towards them we- resemble- beasts?"

In his 1523 essay That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew, Luther condemned treatment of the Jews and urged Christians to treat them kindly. Luther's desire was that Jews would convert to Christianity.

*Luther changed his mind

In August 1536 Luther's prince, Elector of Saxony John Frederick, prohibited Jews from inhabiting, business, or passing through. Rabbi Josel of Rosheim, asked a reformer Wolfgang Capito to approach Luther in order to obtain an audience with the prince, Luther refused. Responding Luther referred to his unsuccessful attempts to convert the Jews: "... I would willingly do my best for your people but I will not contribute to your [Jewish] obstinacy by my own kind actions. You must find another intermediary with my good lord." Heiko Oberman notes this event as significant in Luther's attitude toward the Jews: "Even today this refusal is often judged to be the decisive turning point in Luther's career from friendliness to hostility toward the Jews."

Josel of Rosheim, helping Jews of Saxony, wrote "due to that priest whose name was Martin Luther — may his body and soul be bound up in hell!! — who wrote and issued many heretical books in which he said that whoever would help the Jews was doomed to perdition."

*Hebrew Josel of Rosheim also came to hate Martin Luther.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 11:03:23 AM
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Perhaps Martin Luther came to the view that Hebrew intolerance of the views of other cultures and their "incorrigibility" had led to their rejection by these same cultures. The fact that Hebrews didn't have their own territory seemingly forced Hebrews into the same situations again and again. I'm not sure why the Hebrews with their skill for business logistics didn't cut their own territory but maybe they were too few in numbers to do so. Maybe we need to look to the Talmud and the Torah to understand their perception.

Both Catholic and Islamic Empires were probably too powerful by the 1500's for the Hebrew's to challenge directly. Hebrew's don't generally seem to be empire builders or explorers though in contemporary US they seem to dominate the physical sciences
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 25 August 2021 11:48:06 AM
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I watched an interview with this bloke in Afghanistan, his head was wrapped in a bedsheet, so I couldn't check him out. This bloke claimed to be a member of ISIS-K, having previously been a member of the Taliban. Seems he was upset that the Taliban had gone legit, a bunch of softies, and were now a conservative mob in his opinion. Maybe they can join the Mad Mullah's Afghan Conservative Party, now they're gone all "legit". Allah forbid they could even start hanging pics of Ronnie and Maggie on the walls of the Mosque, even install a bar in the corner, you never know. What got up Mr ISIS-K nose was these bleeding heart liberals in the Taliban hadn't done a decent beheading in months, not even a stoning to death for Christ sake, I mean Allah's sake! Well after all George W had the nice guys from Afghanistan over for dinner, or something before the twin towers blew up, that did put a dampener on thing. Joe's on first name basis with the Taliban Funsters; "Hi Mahammad"...."Hi Joe" ...."How's it hanging with you"..."Not bad Joe, gotta go Uber eats just dropped me Macca's order, my favourite, An Infidel on a bun, see ya."..." Jesus! that's nice, see ya."...."Don't say Jesus, its Allah Joe."
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 29 August 2021 6:53:25 PM
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The behavior of the various tribes of Afghans makes me wonder if
they follow the practice of Arab muslims of traditionally marrying their cousins.
Is it a practice of all moslems ?
It would explain some of their behaviors as a culture.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 29 August 2021 11:30:14 PM
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David f for you to claim Hitler was a true Christian identifies you as insane. [Not able to read history] The true Christians were hiding Jews and secretely getting them out of Germany. Hitler was a madman attacking the true Christians in Britian etc - they were bearing the blunt of this evil man. He was no model to identify as Christ. You need to deal with the chip on your shoulder.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 30 August 2021 4:26:39 PM
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The hope for Afganistan and Christians there.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 30 August 2021 4:58:02 PM
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