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Afghanistan now.

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Modern soldiers are just paid mercenaries.
The second you take foot off our soil, you're an invader, not a defender.
Fighting for democracy - what democracy?
Left and right are wings of the same bird.

The same democracy that openly punishes white people for being white in their own countries, preferring to instead back the interests of interlopers?

There's something really wrong in this world.
Elites want to create a 'new future' and dictate the lives of everyone single person in it.

You do this by taking countries away from their citizens, and making the citizens all multicultural guests.

Identity politics is just a tool to separate our own identities from our national identity.

- And in doing so, there's nothing 'Australian' left to even fight for.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 22 August 2021 6:22:07 AM
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People who are just surviving don't give much thought to freedom and democracy.

Two afghans squaring in the dirt, one says to the other; "Sorry to hear your goat died."....the other; "That's the end of me!".... "Look on the bright side, you get a free vote in next weeks democratic election."

Americans in full military outfits, M16's at the ready, land their Black Hawk in an Afghan village. Yank to "interpreter" in his Southern American drawl; "Tell em' we're here to bring em' freedom and democracy."..... The head Afghan mumbles something back...."What did he say?"...interpreter; "Have you got any Yankee cigarettes."

For Afghan thrill seekers, The Americans will take you up 30,000 feet hanging from the under-carriage of a giant transport full of Yanks inside watching as you drop to the ground without a parachute. Great entrainment for those on board, it sure beats the inflight movie.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 22 August 2021 7:02:15 AM
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If there's more Taliban now than ever, then the Taliban must be like a kind of religious nationalist entity? where the more the US tried to impose itself, the more it pushed these disgruntled citizens into the arms of the Taliban, because the Taliban aligned more with their views?

Maybe it's a similar thing to white Aussie males pushed towards identifying as NAZIs under political correctness agendas, that discriminate against white males.
Like 'Gender Diversity' quotas - over getting the job on merit.
And disparaging all 'white males' in a kind of collective punishment.
- Though I suppose the same could probably be applied to the term 'Black Man'.

Why should pushback be considered terrorism?
Terrorism, is when you take an 'Ends justifies the means' approach,
- Deliberately inciting acts of violence and harm against others.

But this is where they push things if they don't give people a voice;
This is what happened with black people, and there was pushback, and violence, and here we are now today.

If you're black and you want to pushback, that seems ok atm.
But white people can't have a voice at all without being labelled racist?

Why are they polarising things with identity politics, it's just making things worse, causing people to stand against each other?

I ask the question - Did the US create Taliban in it's own gung-ho attitude?

And more importantly is this.
Joe Biden Yells "My Butt's Been Wiped!"

What am I supposed to do with this?

This is the guy that has the nuclear codes to the worlds most biggest military.

Again, what exactly am I supposed to do with this!!??
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 22 August 2021 7:42:19 AM
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AC, if they had a "democratic" election in Afghanistan right now the Taliban Party would be the big winners. Our way of thinking is just as alien them, as there's is to us. They don't have a huge middle class or inteligencia to understand liberal democracy, no more than the surfs of the Dark Ages did. In their top 10 of concerns, democracy is not one of them, to them they have far more pressing issues, like who wont blow my head off than the luxury of democracy.

Like during the Vietnam War, the last thing the villages wanted to see was the Vietcong or the Americans in their village, it always ended badly for them, no matter who arrived.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 22 August 2021 8:36:00 AM
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The Taliban have seen how the Vietnamese got their foot in the door, can't blame them for trying to do the same !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 22 August 2021 7:01:54 PM
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I actually agree with ttbn.

An apology should be provided. Those governments who were involved, making the previous circumstance worse should also help clean up the mess. Admit as Governments you were wrong. Don't brush things under the carpet.

If this is anything to go by, it shows the current U.S President is not one can remotely consider a leader and I have already lost confidence, not that I had much in the first place. Others though had more and some still defend President Biden today, why I don't know.
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 22 August 2021 8:35:36 PM
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