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The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

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In a society of highly educated people ready to decide complex issues, nothing gets done as no specific knowledge which can example similar problem solving individual problems, as educated people can only talk in broad single idea terms.

President Obama was often heard by me making speeches on what needs to be done, yet Obama rarely did anything, that known as Obama Care, from the beginning Obama Care was doomed, now medical care insurance premiums increase faster to that of almost no wage inflation. My opinion is to be a practising doctor in the USA, liability insurance and constant upgrading learning on already traumatised by learning doctors, increases medical costs. That ether the best medical care is provided or no medical care is provided.

A single thought with no second thoughts dominates society's reasoning, when a headline topic discussion comes up, details are rare, the ramblings of book read educated trick questioners into believing answers have been provided, opponents simply say it's not going to work, short sharp single idea replies.

Google "my steve9" top of search page for more argument conclusions on what negative behaviours school education does to human behaviours.

Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:34:59 PM
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Has it dawned on you yet that when you embark on these turgidly long monologues, that no one bothers to read them, and that at best you are simply killing the thread?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 5:46:19 PM
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Here's title to grab readers attention:

“Looking Ahead Into Australia's Possible Apocalyptic Future”.

SBS Viceland' Vice story exampling Exxon in New Guinea. Vice describes how multi-national corporations take resources out of economically poor third world counties, often leaving counties in civil war. Heading-term “resource curse”, Bougainville was an example:

Global corporations clumsily and/or intentionally mishandled, extracting marketable resources, leaving counties in civil war. I suggest, Middle East's constant wars are intentional to keep oil rich resource countries poor... other counties heed the warnings. That: European; US; Russian... industrial military-might collude, repressing Middle Eastern oil rich resource industrial economic development.

March 6, A Current Affair, Pauline Hanson suggests, Muslims firstly act polite and friendly, than once strong in numbers attempt to politically take over government. When Pauline was asked on “A Current Affair” what about the good Muslims, Pauline answers, “bunch of Muslims, whose the good one”.

My suggestion is that human behaviours when parental guided religious childhood programming are involved, can't easily change. Muslims maybe easy going while progressing in society, yet in difficult times, Muslims look for solutions by turning to god through clerics.

My argument is that Australian politically correct Western easy-going, believing propaganda, quick to ignore serious (exampling Carbon Trading discussions) babble culture is allowing an extremely different Middle Eastern Islamic religious culture whom have a history fighting against various religious sects.

A dual personality between Muslims acting Western cultured to fit in with European cultures and parent interpretations of Islamic sect religion childhood programming, obedient to god and god's conveyors of “Allah is Great” clerics specific interpretation of the Koran. That their exists childhood emotional stimulative programming most all Muslims can't repress believing.

Religions prey on public childhood intelligence fears of death, more people believe in an afterlife (Islam better than earthly life if dying by a worthy cause) than non-religious believers would take the time to investigate. Waiting for the media to mention and/or argue religious afterlife exists?
Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:03:49 PM
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Similar to Sunday morning business suited looking television evangelists: Beyond Today and Tomorrow's World... constantly talking about St John Revelations and Jesus return. That Muslim clerics from pulpits are vaguely preaching about a future reward, that a time will come when Muslims rise on Allah's command spoken through clerics as ISIS foot soldiers believes through ISIS cleric leaders to do what needs to be done in Allah's name. 1400 year old Koran verses spoken by archangel Gabriel to Muhammad “I strongly suspect, written down several generations after god's messenger Muhammad died”. That many Muslim clerics are no more qualified in correctly interpreting the Koran, leading communities compared to self-proclaimed Man Haron Monis. 1400 years ago followers began conquering: the Middle East; North Africa; parts of Spain.
Like all religions, organised religious self-proclaimed leaders portraying superior knowledge sent from a superior being, simply called god, developing trust within communities, gradually shift purpose to forcefully spreading a religion to which leaders control by means of forceful conquest... Kill the non-believers.

Because the Jewish god religion was well established and very effective, Islam is merely another Jewish religion spin off sect that ends up warring with each other.

Having expressed the past, returning to the future: Some evil empire USA based multi-national extracting resource corporation(s) executives being rewarded by company executive bonuses, influencing Muslim clerics with monetary bribes to stir Allah loving believers during a period of an Australian economic decline. That Australia has to call in US marines and/or CIA specialists to help solve “trusted by angry (devoted to Islam) Muslims, Muslim clergy advice, influenced god loving insurgents”, USA CIA and/or specialists in stirring up insurgent activities, financed by multi-national corporation(s) began.
The theory is like a Hollywood movie that yet hasn't been made.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:09:01 PM
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If Australia were to have another (planned by US establishment rich class) Paul Keating “recession Australia had to have”, Australian Muslims that have held onto their culture: dress; religion; number of times praying to god addictive (feeling bad if not performed) ceremonies; listen to believed every word is Allah's commands' clerics using childhood pleasing parents obedient to Islamic religion pride. A Muslim call to arms, could see Australia turn to USA rulers who planned the recession to happen, moving into Australia to takeover resources, leaving Australia divided distracted by civil issues similar to today's Middle East and other countries embroiled in civil war.

ABC The Drum March 15, 2017, male guest speaker states 2008 GFC South Australia government in fear of high unemployment, invited foreign companies into Australia asking companies to finance employment on extracting gas from the ground without governments expecting to receive any tax royalties, which was expressed why gas is sold overseas without Australia benefiting, that employment was created for a set duration, ending employment as gas cracking to get gas to flow ended.

My conspiracy theory is Japan plus several other Asian countries have a shortage of generating electricity gas fuel energy, Australia is rationing energy use in favour of Asian modernisation. Now Malcolm Turnbull seems to have shot that conspiracy theory down.

That global corporations are extracting gas from Australia, reportedly exporting gas to other countries under contracted cheaper prices than Australia pays for Australian gas here in Australia, reporting such outrageous scandal transparency may indicate a degree of embarrassing anecdotal evidence truth. I suspect payment price differences are merely transparency media propaganda.
I would speculate, Japan gets the gas for nothing, that wages are invented to pay for labours. Yet I like to spook the above theory as one more contrived by establishment manipulation, blaming market forces wealth making corporations, future scandal with no recognised single known person to blame, weaving a complex web of deceit.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:11:39 PM
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Exampling, when Great Britain divided up Africa into states with other European Royal lead counties before the First World War. A documentary indicated, during the First World War, African counties led by occupying European country who were at war with neighbouring counties, fort against each other merely because leader administrating occupying counties were at war with each other. Hollywood Bogart movie “African Queen”.
A First World War conspiracy should be considered, European Royal male leaders: Great Britain; Germany were blood related to each other through Queen Victoria. That the Russian Tsar was married to the German Kaiser's sister.
My above exampling point that anything being unbelievable can happen. In this media broadcast politically crazy clumsy world, my theory can certainly happen. If all the clumsy events are mere acting, them clumsy acting is preparing citizenry for bad events blamed on clumsy politicians, as in George W. Bush's second term in office, clumsy speeches.

I return to an education system which leaves citizenry: too busy to care; distracted by sports, confident that stupid acting governments may actually get decisions correct, and political leaders not be influenced by foreign government/corporate advisors, influencing government bureaucrats, influencing political parties, influencing government policies, blame all that goes wrong on globalisation.

USA rich whom promote religious freedom as though religious freedom is a good thing, incorrectly gain popular belief society is lead by morally and/or ethically intelligent leaders.
The feel good belief of being politically and/or morally correct. Bible somewhat unclear sentences of promoting good, sin forgiveness.

Channel Ten's “Bull” a psychologist speculating outcomes on trial juries, enlisting fake juries to try out defence lawyer questioning witnesses and submissions to juries. Similar marketing tactic lobbyists working for corporate leaders influencing: journalists reported news; serious media discussions, to aid influencing politicians. Lobbyists: going on about donating money to charities; expressing politically correct women's issues; saying things listening people like to hear. As trust builds up, introducing client corporate leader's wants as progressive forward thinking ideas. Sounds much like religious persuasive tactics.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:13:44 PM
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