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The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

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School education's insistence to teach to tests: advance maths; science; etc... students low HSC scores: cutting corners; hurrying through work tasks; fed up with forced work; more concerned with feeling good, medicating school mental stresses, mental illnesses. School leavers won't do anything too complex and too physically exhausting which further requires medication, Australia's 105,000 homeless people for various reasons, most of which due to societies poor Neanderthal intellectual ability learning, media repeated themes, society with society's Neanderthal education credentials, doesn't know why society is falling into disrepair.

A myth that free speech exists in society, that myself having posted many readings on how school education turns Homo-Sapien potential thinkers into Neanderthal traumatised emotional decision makers, journalists exampling 150 Fairfax journalists losing employments that being one quarter of all Fairfax journalists, potentially Fairfax 450 Australian Journalists searching through forums looking for ideas, seeing my many posts on bad education, journalists make no effort in media to even suggest school education is primarily responsible for mental illnesses: mental depression; suicides; bipolar; unable to think poor skilled labours; Donald Trump managing to become president of USA; homelessness; society bullying; family violence... The lack of repeated discussions, myself having never heard one discussion on school education causes mental illness issues. Free speech is limited to script writers editor approved “intellectualism for dummies”.

I suggest many posters on this website forum whom have good spelling and indicate good factual knowledge, whom limit discussions to “intellectualism for dummies” moral and legal postings, are with all probability, establishment paid journalists. An argument that free speech is drowned out by too much irrelevant topics to real life concerns and/or merely becomes awareness, that something worthy of concern is ignored, that's editorial journalism.

Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:26:41 PM
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Below is my explained theory alternative to media explanations easy to understand on how 2007 – 2008 global crisis came to happen:

Federal governments emphasise government debt, losing triple A ratings indicated as a higher debt servicing economic concern.

George W. Bush 2000 to 2008 president in 2008 had a US federal government debt down to US$10 trillion. President Obama ended his 8 year term with US$19 trillion.

S&P rated index companies, whom invest in interest baring debt, I believe having heard from a single finance media comment, rated as S&P good credit worthy companies traded on S&P share indexes, can only and/or only want to invest in debt that has triple A ratings, I assume to maintain their own close to triple A or are triple A ratings, to allow US 401K and Australian superannuation funds to invest investors savings in close to or triple A investment assets. Australian and US bonds having S&P and Moody's triple A ratings.

When USA and Australian federal governments were allowing 2000 to 2006 private banking industry lending money on secured mortgage deeds, as cash circulates and individuals saved in 401K and superannuation companies and employee company retirement saving plans had increasingly limited access to federal government bonds, governments reducing triple A rated debt bond sales. Supply and demand, S&P index companies increasing demand for triple A bonds on limited supply of triple A rated bonds, meant bond prices would rise, that existing rated triple A bond holders would lose capital gains, losing money.

I assume debt markets placed pressure on S&P rating agency to rate bank loans to risky borrowers bundled up mortgages into labelled Sub-prime mortgage securities, as investments to retirement investors in triple A S&P companies need for triple A profit making investments.

The real fault for 2007 and 2008 GFC/ the Great Global Recession was federal governments reducing triple A debt securities, reducing new bond creation, allowing private bank lending to risky/poor rated borrowers for an extensive period to stimulate economic GDP growth.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 12:48:46 PM
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Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull wanting to lower taxes, increasing federal government debt, allocating triple A rated bonds. Rating agencies intentions to place governments on watch, to down grade triple A ratings.

Markets with nowhere to go: investment in company expansion; retied WW2 Baby Boomers withdrawing funds from retirement funds.

Is the next market meltdown going to be caused by rating agencies down grading federal governments triple A rating? Or Donald Trump's failed to deliver tax cuts, causing a market meltdown?

Encouraging working class to save for retirement in promoted as safe investment S&P share market index rated 401K and superannuation companies, money printing triple A rated governments reducing debt or not creating enough debt to supply bond market needs, creating fewer government guaranteed triple A by S&P high yielding investments.

Exampling: investing in government bonds at 10% to have newly issued bonds yields fall, that 10% bond yield holders see balance sheet capital gains increase as newly issued bonds with lower yields than previously purchased bonds. Higher yielding bonds increase in capital gains.

For future analysis, bond debt creating federal governments can't reduce government debt otherwise investors will be forced into unsecured fake triple A investment debt.

Retirement savers should invest in savers own personal homes, once homes are owned, workers can save for retirement. Yet because most mortgages are 30 years, several houses maybe owned as employments changes.

Either government pays retirement pensions or pays dividend bond yields to superannuation funds, superannuation funds pay out to retired investors, superannuation funds taking commissions and fees before passing money to retirement investors. All looks good as long as bond yields stay low. Once bond yields rise, every bond investor loses previous capital gains.

Reasons for east coast of Australia capital cities property boom are retirement investors realising funds have lost capital gains and dividend/interest yields are low, that rising interest rates will further reduce earnings.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 12:56:20 PM
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Capitalism works during company expansion periods, companies selling goods to other companies expanding into: office buildings; hardware outlets, Masters and Bunnings; shopping centre retail outlets... yet the last company profit making entity are wage earning workers having worked to build and/or refurnish buildings, that many workers transport wholesale and retail products to earn wages, who are often paying rent and/or saving their money to buy a house that has often been built many years prier, servicing loans for many years, to which wages barely buying products many workers earn a living providing services to other people whom are: building new buildings; refurnishing buildings; transport goods for consumption; many workers working in inner city office buildings providing record keeping services.

As corporate expansion slows, government stimulative packages are provided to avoid recessions and depressions... “we're all Keynesians now” Keynesian theory. A “war on drugs” US documentary comment suggests police harassment of drug users focusing attention mainly on Negroes, placing offenders in jail under state government financed corporate supervision were US state and federal governments preferred stimulative packages.

As office work is increasingly being carried out by: online computer servers, placed in building basements; Indian phone service providers learn to speak clearer English allowing non-Indian callers better understanding. Sydney and other centralised business districts will reduce employees, relying on computer programs form filling out voice recognition ability for human communication. Inner city office buildings will become vacant, as fewer office workers will be needed to process insurance claims and similar activities.

As fewer human employees are required to perform employment tasks due to globalisation and fast Internet services, more invented part time work to provide limited service industries: serving coffee to inner city office workers will decline. Due to the Internet, thousands of Journalists have already lost employment, with 150 more Fairfax journalists planned to lose employment.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:15:08 PM
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I'd suggest, getting an education to become an employed journalist, news organisations hiring desperate to become a journalist' employees, periodic mass firings, getting rid of the least talented, is an often occurring event. The practice over staffed corporations hiring during expansion periods and firing end of expansion periods. Workers changing careers, unable to find new employment, places people in periods of poverty: unable to service various loans; homelessness; marriage break ups. My accusation of hidden never spoken about by media establishment intentional practices.

Building companies are failing to finish domestic buildings, leaving property owners and indebted property investors with reduced value in planned investment assets.

As more people leave one industry moving into another industry, increased competition, more opportunities to pick the cheapest service providers, more middle men managers between retail paying customers, middle men hiring building contractors, cheapest quotes provides more confidence tricksters, taking advantage of legal loopholes, swindling people out of their money. Legal loopholes I suggest where enabled so an unknown manipulating establishment can trick working class out of their accumulated wealth using front people protected by corporate law accountancy loopholes.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:17:57 PM
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Society will have more criminal activities, which require more police presents on streets. Terrorism and illegal drug war provides opportunities to justify increasing police forces and specialised enforcement: CIA; FBI; etc... governments when realising rising unemployment, law enforcement stimulative packages are increasing arrests on drug users, placing illegal drug users in jail, employing more prison and detention centre guards.

USA's teachers teaching to standard curriculum tests, every school child from A grade in good education score post code districts to the lowest grade in bad education score post code districts, poor learners are traumatised by impractical teaching demands, traumatised students eventually use: illegal drugs; alcohol; violence; crime... many end up being in jail, as USA has high percentage of jailed people, whom were first jailed while well under the age of 25 years, teenage/young adults carrying out unwise emotionally driven behaviours shown on “Science of Stupid” by school education traumas, constantly need: physical movement ADHD “H” for hyperactivity; drug use; drinking alcohol; feeling being wrong disagreement drunken arguing quickly turns to fistfights; Neanderthal fun behaviour distraction to block out 13 years of school education (particularly last several years leading up to HSC) learning traumas.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:19:13 PM
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