The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.
Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.
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Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 1:51:42 PM
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We don't need the level of migration we have now. We need to get bludgers to work. All migration should cease until everyone is in a job, and then immigration could be used to fill in the gaps.
Not many of the immigrants coming here now have a job to go to. They are here for the welfare. On a slightly different subject, 457 Visas, Turnbull's announcement is pure humbug. He is cutting only about 200 jobs off a list of more than 600. Some of these are ridiculous things like goat breeders, actors and so on. He is not cutting out the 457 rort, he is just relabelling it. No immigrants while Australians are not working! Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 3:22:45 PM
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Malcolm Turnbull "Putting Australia First".
It's catching on, now you see why I supported Trump. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 3:30:37 PM
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Simply it is a con job for a desperate person on the nose with voters. Labor has released an analysis that shows just 8.6 per cent of foreign workers currently on a 457 visa are working in jobs that would be excluded under the new visa system. The 651 professions eligible for a 457 visa would be slashed to 435 eligible for a new two-year temporary skills shortage visa, under the changes announced on Tuesday. The list for a new four-year visa would be even shorter. "Under Malcolm Turnbull, we'll still be bringing in cooks, builders, bakers and hairdressers from overseas to do jobs that Australians should be doing. He is so out of touch - he is cracking down on dodgy visas for antique dealers, but not for nurses. The number of jobs that Australians have been educated to do and can do that still can apply for 457 visa is way too long. Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 4:25:15 PM
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The system definitely needs reforming.
I am particularly concerned about nurses. We need to give our recent graduates a chance at jobs. Currently from what I can see the jobs are going to overseas staff simply because employers prefer trained and experienced staff from overseas instead of having to give new local graduates a chance. I'm not sure about other professions like hairdressing or IT, or medicine. I found the following website that should stir up a few comments. I don't agree with all of the comments - but I think the link is worth a read by way of broadening this discussion: The comments at the end of this article are also worth reading. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 4:37:23 PM
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Malcolm is being pulled along with a hook in his nose. Thanks Tony and Pauline. If he is really interested in putting Australia first he will expose the fraudulent gw leech/renewables industry and bring back cheap reliable energy prices.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 4:50:56 PM
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Here is a statement from an employer using 457 visa workers.
Quote “They now employ over 20 employees each and pay taxes to our country,” This is crazy as the small amount of tax they would pay would probably not even cover 1/5th of the unemployment benefit to a bludging Australian who could do the job. I use the term bludging to cover what other employers say about people leaving after a few weeks, not turning up to interviews etc, generally just not wanting to work. This seems to be a big problem one possible thing that could be done is anyone like that don't give them any money just food stamps and vouchers. Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 7:54:38 PM
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457 visas should have gone when the mining boom stopped.
If these stupid politicians don't pull their fingers out and do something about our out of control welfare system, we will reach a point of no return, that's if we are not already there. This latest plan is typical of our governments 'reactive' approach whereas they need to be 'pro active' and shut the gate before the horse has bolted. Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 9:26:29 PM
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Looks like there is more to this scam apparently a rather large loophole in the form of free trade agreements which we have a few.
To quote from story. “The other issue here is that the free trade agreements that have been strongly supported by the Coalition government are not affected by this so the China free trade agreement, the Korea free trade agreement have got these natural movement of labour clauses in there,” Labor’s skills spokesman Doug Cameron said. “None of this affects that and you can bring workers in from China and Korea with none of these restrictions applying.” ** the restrictions being the new ones Turnbull is introducing. ** Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 20 April 2017 12:05:07 AM
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Malcolm Turnbull speech is a propaganda distraction/redirection from unresolved domestic issues using immigration border control...
My focus on Home grown problem issues in this reading is on: Government education prescribed curriculum and teacher training practices are as responsible for teenager/adult drug addiction as South American cocaine cartel drug lords. Because bad education leaves students traumatised and rationally clueless, supported by a long list of unwise, feel good behaviours young adults get up to, students constant mental stress awareness' need to feel normal, to feel good, outweighs a balance of the need to care about long term consequences of taking medicating feel good drugs leading to long term drug addictions. To which such obvious serious media discussions are ignored as political headline statements dominate media discussions. Popular talk media programs concern listeners with: diet; sugar; exercise; Hollywood movie releases; at best provide no more than awareness to ongoing home grown problems... As a percentage of young people listen to serious media agendas, listeners become so unaware of how media control discussion path direction, rolled-over scripted statements fade away with nothing happening. The Don Dale detention centre lack of follow up by government action over many years, to solve human rights in detention centres are a positive for government distractions away from other ideas. School unsuitable academic education designed for form filling out bureaucratic record keeping HSC examination credentials... is predominately responsible for: poor parental caring culture as parents having attended school as teenagers were more concerned about how they felt about themselves selfishness, defending their own self-esteem; rebellious to authority high youth crimes in low employment, particularly in hot climate communities, is merely a never mentioned statement or a moment of incorrect statement to be never mentioned again. My accusation, ruling classes corporate community establishment, financing politicians establishment controlling laws, are fearful of: changing what works for them; don't want to be sharing wealth; losing control over political power fearing real intelligent alternative political parties who would make fewer mistakes as “Pualine Hanson”... fearful of thinking intelligent competition and/or citizenry becoming wise to fake news manipulation propaganda. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:27:52 AM
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Exampling Roman Catholic European middle ages church authority threats of inquisition and heresy burnings, today's many countries experiencing illegal drug wars justifies enforcing citizens taking illegal drug laws, are about terrorising citizenry with possession of drugs accusations. Enslaving citizenry in a narrow minded fear of police authority accusing citizenry who may or may not be honest law biding citizenry, citizenry believing governments are working “for” citizenry rather than “against” citizenry, fears of being employment black listed... domestic crime and terrorism, in such environments, the real terrorising threats are coming from governments. Terrorism media stories like: “24: Legacy”: “NCIS” serves governments by seemingly prioritising opposing fearful terrorism and drug fuelled crime, “priestly church pulpit” weekly reminding citizenry with dramatised government good guys fighting terrorism stories, allowing real governments to ignore many drug war police activities legal system jailing human rights injustices.
Government education gets citizenry to consume illegal drugs to allow citizenry to be terrorised by state police. ICE is a dangerous thing under the wrong environment. US America is an example of what happens when countries become overly populated with different cultures; different religions and different skin colours. My accusation that citizenry believe society is imperfect containing many listed social and economic poverty problems, I theorise, corporate backed governments believe society is perfectly balanced between good and evil. Good fighting evil consistently represses intelligent thought depriving citizenry of realising alternative knowledge useful to the self-individual wealth and well-being management. School classroom mental stress placed on incapable students to process academic tasks, has students so thought deprived/punished, thinking behaviours are so traumatised, a need for after school lazy pleasures educates low performing students to be: clueless; lazy; can't do anything and knows it; have beliefs they have no future, so why try when a life time of memories of failed school work scores lead them nowhere. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:30:37 AM
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Exampling: Youth/teenager intelligence could improve if skate boards were band. After school, teenagers time to think independent thoughts leading to self-learning skills to avoid boredom... instead, after school 6 hours of mental stress need for simple distractions lead to doing the simplest intelligent behaviours skate boarding, balancing physical movements, to raise self-esteem. Skate board skill emotional pleasure achievement rewarding simple thought judgements are far separated from monetary earning employment skills thinking. If school low class C and D graded teenagers dumped forced academic learning, spent time watching physically active trades: building industry; motor vehicle repair trades; service industry electronic repairs without suffering from 6 hours of classroom mental stress... thinking behaviours: working out how complex things work, thinking skills would improve. The same ability to work out complex work processes while having no classroom traumatised learning pretend thinking processes, developed rationalised thinking processes are very much the same as working out complex work thought processes. I say, establishment are keen to limit independent complex thought, by forcing school education onto humans potential Homo-Sapien human intelligence, beginning at ages 5 and 6 years.
Between school education's daily rolled over curriculum subjects and media entertainment, human thought is limited to managing school classroom learning mental stress traumas, constantly repressing anything which causes unwanted unusual thoughts... constantly defaulting thoughts back to pleasures, exampling emotionally rewarding skate boarding achievement memories. A need to have HSC credentials to obtain a trade on a list of trades which require no academic ability other than reading writing and basic maths skills, that all skills from serving coffee to building trades needs HSC credentials, is little more than an excuse to hold teenagers in schools to continue a thought traumatising process, to deprive students of all independently learnt knowledge, that they as Homo-Sapien thinkers may succeed without being interfered with during economic declines to that of exampling Paul Keating's “recession Australia had to have” being able to doubt media excuses to be lies. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:32:14 AM
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Introducing a new immigration system name, new whys to get around and/or change rules to be seen as solving a complained home grown problem, inventing phrases of needing skilled labour to advance Australian interests. Seems the interests are more maintaining the delusion of good democracy government, while denying children an ability to think doubtful thoughts, repressing long term human behaviours to self-rationalise whether society is governed for the good of the nation's people or for the good of the people in controlling the nation's people, following some United Nations and/or US rich “Arthur” movie story' class, idea of managing world populations and world resources.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:34:15 AM
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At the same time Australia was having Keating's 1990 to 1994 recession, several other western countries were having their own self-induced problems. Japan post First World War baby boom generation even though Japan wasn't experiencing a world war, were in the late 1980s enjoying post Second World War retirement savings wealth, so many Japanese visiting Queensland holiday resorts, streets being named in Japanese. Japanese bank share prices pushed the Nikkei up to 40,000... in 1990 thereabouts the Nikkei fell to 20,000, Queensland resorts lost all their rich Japanese spending tourists.
Wasn't till 1992 did Australia hear media stories about how Japanese bank managers were encouraging Japanese to invest savings in Japanese bank shares before bank shares crashed. Japanese CEOs seen crying while bowing while apologising to Japanese whom lost their money. In around 1981 president Reagan introduced a new interest rate policy jacking up interest rates to reduce hyper inflation. During 1980s continued world high inflation was blamed on Reagan Star Wars research arguably impossible to believe technology, which was given credit for ending the cold war with the Soviet Union. I speculate as Australia was experiencing Keating's early 1990s high interest rates, USA was also experiencing high interest rates after a 2 year low interest rate investment boom, triggered by the USA Dow Jones market crash of 1987. In late 1994, a world share market boom began. I speculate, countries boom busts are coordinated so sudden busts high percentage of unemployment provide gradual employment improvements leading to the next boom bubble bust, that busts are blamed on globalisation one dominate country, USA so big an economy, when Wall Street sneezes every other country catches a cold. 2007 US sub-prime mortgage scandal lead to Lemon Brothers bankruptcy 2008 GFC, mortgages said to be sold to many world wide credible investor/investment companies; retirement funds, Burnie Madoff, US$60 billion investment company in share market loses. Europe Euro using 2008 GFC to depress Greece; Italy; Spain; etc... holding down European interest rates ready for the next investment boom bubble bust' too lower interest rates for too longer period excuses. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:41:29 AM
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Western Australia's mining boom bust excuse to hold eastern Australian states interest rates lower than RBA would desire, add global low interest rates, RBA desires to hold down Australian dollar, already sets up the next boom bubble bust excuses... whether bust comes quickly or over a long period.
Western Australian economy managed to survive before the mining boom began, a time iron ore prices were very low. My speculation that Western Australia is faking high unemployment, establishment's reduced firing employees, placing Western Australia in an employment depression, depressing property prices, state Liberal party faking a $10 billion debt, RBA used to lower interest rates as though all Australia was in a depression. A true democracy government focused on short term popularity elections would not lower interests rates for a period encouraging low interest rates investment speculation as happened in late 1980s, to than in late 1989, raising interest rates to 20% for a considerable period, risking destroying Australian's saving wealth. Unless some foreign country influence UN and/or USA ruling class's formulated long turn plans, planned periodic depressions to reduce working class wealth. I could speculate 1988-89 finance media were driving investment speculation, getting readers who weren't so much into risky speculation until trusted media speculated good long term safe better than bank interest term deposit rewards. Paul Keating gets to play federal treasurer providing Keating takes responsibility for 20% interest rates. Paul Keating's public argument with Bob Hawke over when Hawke passes the Labor Party leadership to Paul Keating, cuts off public speculation that democracy is faked, that leadership arguing with each other in media somewhat anecdotally prove the two main party characters are running a true governing political party. All the bad busts planned years ahead of time, school children taught to believe the simplest of feel good is true assumptions, believe in mainstream media opinions are realistic rather than constant propaganda. Several years ago, Alan Bond was seen on television with Bob Hawke, both as friendly as two friends could be. Hawke as prime minister put Bond in jail. Alan Bond should have hated Bob Hawke. steve101 Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:45:41 AM
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Now that we have had time to digest Turnbull's pathetic 'we wanted you to be first to know' news about replacing 457 visas with something just the same, we can see that it is all just empty bulldust. Jobs that no one was taking up are gone, and the ones that should be going to Australians will still be taken by foreigners.
What have we done to deserve this idiot? Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 20 April 2017 11:04:08 AM
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How about for every 457 visa employee, an employee has to put on an apprentice or hire a recently graduated engineer?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 20 April 2017 2:18:47 PM
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Labour pointed that fact out about the free movement clause before the election that saw Abbott lie his way to power. It was on the net for reading.
Posted by doog, Thursday, 20 April 2017 6:44:40 PM
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My last post “establishment's reduced firing employees” should have been “establishment's reduced hiring employees”.
Western Australian state government should have predicted and prepared for the end of the mining boom, price of iron ore price climb curve from a previous iron ore price lows "Chart attachment below". Mining companies expanding iron ore mines infrastructure, offering Australian workers extraordinary wages, already employed workers quitting employment to take on mining employment. After expansion had ended, remote control driver-less trucks carrying iron ore to transport depose. Previously employed, feeling secure workers earning good wages, invested in Western Australian hurry up and buy before property gets more expensive, property boom. Governments, to get away with unforeseen boom bust property market, governments need to act as clueless/stupid as bad thinking behaviour population see each other. …............................. All those federal politicians owning property, constant demand from immigrants and foreign investors, keeps the price of property high, increasing property value of capital gains. First home buyers are losing out while the wealth of federal politicians holds firm. How many properties were purchased by politicians during depressed property prices, taking advantage of known to happen: Keating's 1990 to 1994 recession; selective mainstream media driven, my knowledge Australian' “Radio National”, 1999 Apocalypse is coming Y2K computer bug scare, Life Matters quest speaker thereabouts saying, “world banks are about to go bust, quickly sell all property before it's too late” October 30, 1999, share market lows, DOW Jones falling to 7,200 index... to 2001 depressed property prices; post 2008 GFC finance media and Rudd scaring citizenry up to the end of the mining boom? Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:33:50 PM
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Malcolm Turnbull's Australian values: returning to a previous post about parental influences. ABC1 television April 19, 8.30PM, “Testing Teachers”, the episode introduction scenes first sentence, “in Australia there's a harsh reality... your post code can determine your level of education”.
Creating a realistic theory... parents of children whom live in poorly educated post codes areas, care less about serious concerning long term ideas than parents whom live in highly educated post coded areas. My previous comment that parents as children when attending school whom were mentally stressed, disruptive, sensitive to embarrassment quick to argue back at humiliating them fellow students, in classrooms as shown on the “Testing Teachers” series episode, worsening with students with low letter graded C and D, students will be more concerned about themselves on how they feel about themselves rather than care too much about anything and anyone else, including school work. Years of being held in school classrooms, continued conflict between teachers and class students, emotionally self-programs into human behaviour through to adulthood behaviours. Adult males being more concerned about themselves, marriage is more a reward than a long term holding employment paying rent or mortgages responsibility commitment which poorly educated adults aren't fully prepared for, as few people are fully prepared. Marriage can ruin male's alcoholic drinking, drug taking intentions. Post code family violence due to school forced education, teaching students to tests, tests being the same as well educated post codes areas academically advanced A grade students are being tested. C and D students are being forced to remember science facts which have no real relevance to future physical hands on movement skills employment. Any physically active non concerned with academic science is going yell out “BS... this is a waste of time”. Teachers are wasting their time to merely HSC credential failing students, yet repressed anger, students arguing with each other, attempting to defy teachers, trying to enjoy a depressing environment using all opportunities to have fun, quick to respond angrily at judgements of being humiliated, are the ruling classes primary real intended lessons. Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:37:53 PM
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As seen on Testing Teachers, noise, constant interruptions. Get past those difficult to control childhood response problems previous teachers failed to solve, students unable to listen to teacher's sentences, failing to quickly understand, students quickly become frustrated, feeling low self-esteem and/or mental stress traumas, students feel less traumas distracting from lessons by directing previously unresolved comments at fellow student(s). The problem of noise starts up disturbing all other students. A learnt emotion rewarded defiance towards authority teachers, sees increased: over the limit drunken adult motor vehicle driving; home made illegal ICE manufacturing; an emotionally driven total disregard for obeying authoritarian laws.
Adults having gone through above mention bad post code school education, treat their children as pets, allowing children to run around out of control, arguing with siblings, parents not prepared to calm children down to allow children to think better of what they're doing. Parents show no incentive to show their children how to read before and/or soon after children first attend school as many better post code educated parents would show more calming and patient attention to their children's education. School curriculum learning is responsible for a percentage of violent bipolar drunken drug addictive behaviours society. Malcolm Turnbull can act as though Australia has honest, well meaning values, school education drags down the least prepared children using school academic BS, ensuring a percentage of failed citizenry remain: homeless; suicidal; suffering from all manners of medicated pharmaceutical company supplied drug dependant mental illnesses. That's Malcolm Turnbull's Australian values. Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:40:30 PM
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I don't listen intently to any overly worded media spokes person, condensing sentences down into subconscious memories. I tend to listen for relevant ideas, listening for something new. News media murder stories and sports, my brain immediately stops taking any notice, drifting thoughts onto something I may have been previously thinking about.
Asking students to listen to lessons, understanding moving around teachers? Not easy to sustain student attentions while in distracting environment classrooms for any significant period. I wouldn't bother watching television news without PVR shift functions to hurry through irrelevant/simplistic/boring to listen to news stories. School lessons could be typed up on PDF files showing: diagrams; pictures; charts... and up loaded to a school or education department server, email server PDF file attachments sent to students to read in mornings or at their convenience, teachers go over during later periods to ensure lessons were read and understood. Too easy says education departments when the idea is dumb down citizenry as what happens now, ensuring a Neanderthal emotional decision making working class with all the alcoholic, drug addiction, family violence, police involvement... perfect balance between good and evil chaos natural selection society which suits the ruling class's idea of managing the masses. My retired school principle says what teachers should do is to walk into a classroom, say nothing, chalking writings on the chalkboard, students not wanting to fall behind stop what they're doing, writing in text books teacher's chalkboard writings. A problem is students reading or merely copying letters, that chalkboard copying is evil mental stress pretend internal voice thought traumatising, filling Homo-Sapien potential thinking memories with long term mental depression traumas, waste of time... pass-time. steve101 Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:44:30 PM
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This is a con job by Turnball. If it were genuine he would reduce the intake of Immigrants/refugees to zero net and begin that process by stopping entry of those that cause us the most problems. For example, African refugees and muslims would be stopped. Others that practice underage marriage and FGM would be stopped. The government knows who these groups are, so it would be easy. They may even find others that cause us problems, that could be stopped from coming as well.
We do not have to put up with imports that do not or cant abide by our laws and social norms. There would still be plenty of immigrants to choose from and we get a more cohesive society. We have to get something in return for offering them a safe and secure home. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 21 April 2017 4:07:27 PM
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April 14, 2017. US PBS Newshour final minutes. The below attachment brings to listeners attention to, how people are their own experts, ignoring real expert opinions, at best seek out Google advice. I could assume, listeners formulated assumptions could support more school education. I conclude less school education, particularly starting school at too young an age. A Copy and Paste exert: “Increasingly, however, laypeople don’t care about expert views. Instead, many Americans have become insufferable know-it-alls, locked in constant conflict with each other, while knowing almost nothing about the subject they are debating. How did this happen? How is it that people now not only doubt expert advice, but believe themselves to be as smart, or even smarter, than experienced professionals? Parents who refuse to vaccinate a child, for example, aren’t really questioning their doctors. They’re replacing their doctors. They have decided that attending the university of Google, as one anti-vaccine activist put it, is the same as going to medical school.” My Steve101 opinion to answer the above question “why is it?”, school education has traumatised children all the way through schooling to final education pretend learning, subconsciously conditioning humans to hate learning anything not already simply believed. Students experience too many subjects in too shorter periods, rolling over period after period, students self-taught to condense badly contrived information into headline beliefs, that eventually prier to periodic examinations, facts will be remembered, ignoring any thought productive knowledge as slowing down the A to F question/answer fact memory process, which over many years, such fearful emotional judgements on thinking what was merely red to assume QandA examination facts, punishes incentives to think about what's being red, instead to judge compared to what's previously known. Malcolm Turnbull's replacing 457 with another title name and Australian Values, allows media to create more clueless expert short statement limited information, citizenry can feel intelligent over, capable of arguing with each other while drunk, having arguers listening to different media's limited different criticisms, citizenry believing what fits within their narrow agendas. Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:00:42 PM
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In a society of too much higher education learning and serious media provided irrelevant information which is felt better by ignoring such serious provided by so called experts media providers, listener/readers making assumptions without investigating further, allows students to move on to the next studying fact memory. Students neuron connections self-programming robot behaviours, adults find difficult to change due to learning traumas and not knowing change will improve real Homo-Sapien intelligence.
Classroom and playground culture defending student self-esteem by bullying other students who say something that reduces self felt self-esteem, to be felt out smarted by other students and/or bully students to merely raise their own self-esteem after spending several hours held captive in a classrooms, being spoken to by a forceful bullying teacher forcing tasks few students want to perform. Politicians who bring up a concerning topic headline sentence to then quickly accuse political opponents of following an alternative political policy they believe won't work, resembles classroom and playground bullying tactics many students felt increased self-esteem for doing and/or witnessing some poor students reduced self-esteem. News journalists report “as it happened” on what's going on in short fact bites, allowing similar to school examination question to A to F answer reduced thought down to what's reinforced to what's already believed judgements. Intelligent childhood fact finding needs (reducing intelligent inquisition) for periodic school examinations mental stress reduction methods has over time been one behaviour among many self-condition behaviours to become less aware of mental traumas. 13 years of reducing information to school examination answers, turned adults into non-thinking judgemental, defending their emotional intelligence self-esteem Neanderthals. Actor politicians are treating citizenry who take politicians seriously as fools. The classroom and playground feel good need to win competitive spirit, adults enjoying favoured hero politicians bullying political opponents. Such political opponent battles can be leadership scandals Abbott verses Turnbull. Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:02:20 PM
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Serious media analogies are shallow non-specific broad/ethical/moral ideas people are easily understanding. Fake news introduces far away behind closed doors nothing directly to do with average citizenry activities to allow media to criticise. All of which allows democracy to appear as though a survey asked what people would expect from a democracy, that survey collective thought judgements were fed back to citizenry educated to reduce first assumptions into what was wanted to believe felt best to decrease classroom learning traumas.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:05:09 PM
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As I claim, the biggest drug pushers are schools, not that children will take mind altering medicating drugs as children, aged 7 years children taking ADHD medication, yet youthful memories are being filled with thinking traumas. As teenagers increasing high school mental stress learning has students drinking alcohol, large amounts of alcohol need to be drunk before traumas are periodically felt gone. Next day hangovers increase awareness of depression, that daily day time hyperactivity low intelligence needed robot repetitive work tasks somewhat distract from hangovers and school learning traumas.
The problem with most pretend intellectual information as to the above PBS attachment, is that awareness is little more than stating the obvious to those who are watching such programs for real informative segments of information, who already question society's behaviours, that the PBS attachment doesn't even have a suggestion prompting debate placing “flashed with cash, deprived of all knowledge” on school education. There is an majority populous opinion school education is good for children, that children need to get an education. That the above PBS attachment describing how people disregard experts, continue believing their own assumptions, and Google for answers which are most probably Google for support for their own beliefs, which I say, an expert like the presenter in the above PBS attachment, has no answers, merely more awareness. Society remains clueless, being aware rather than debating whether presented evidence is true or fake news. A point, the above PBS attachment presenter has a book, many busy impatient readers will find getting to a headline statement point difficult therefore frustrating, punishing future incentives to want to read expert redirecting opinions. Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:06:25 PM
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The above PBS attachment presenter though attracting readers attention to his book, the book may do little more that argue the decline of thinking standards compared to previous generations, which in my limited experience over decades, has not changed. I would conclude, generations born after 1940 beginning school in 1945, were more Homo-Sapien intelligent than babies born after 1918 leading up to 1940, that primary schools prier to 1940 where more traumatising more physically punishing on disobeying teachers due to few working class children continued education past the legal age teenagers could begin employment work to earn a wage, that traumatising children during primary school years as few teenagers continued further in their education as many parents were poor and needed children to earn a wage, many parents buying and consuming large amounts of alcohol to medicate their own schooling.
Today's computer record keeping workforce, needs for maths and science credentials, many high rise office employment, convince citizenry to compete with other students in high school environments, ensuring every student is traumatising each other for the better high rise employment opportunities. President's Obama's “no child left behind” announcement is an attempt to further traumatise all children (no child left behind not traumatised) with good intentions propaganda, majority of credential proud to be educated clueless citizenry will believe. An opinion that government education departments are more responsible for societies drug addiction than South American cocaine cartel drug lords, drug lords are merely supplying a product which is in demand. If education had not caused a citizenry demand for medication trauma drugs, drug lords would have fewer to no demand for their illegal to possess product, which police are patrolling communities for, harassing in possession of illegal drugs suspects, terrorising citizenry heresy inquisition. Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:07:20 PM
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Decades ago Jesus was described in stories as tipping over money exchange tables, temple priests were charging a commission turning foreign to Jerusalem coinage into Jerusalem city coinage, much of the coinage given to the Jerusalem temple as a tax. More modern versions have Jesus tipping over tables shown to have clothing. Jesus was eventually accused by temple priests of heresy and murdered by Roman authority after being chosen by Jewish citizenry over a thief. A clueless society can be influenced by a pretence having been repeated year after year, that mere awareness creates clueless to detail experts who argue with each other as described in the above PBS attachment... too much hurried short attention span irrelevant rolled over good verses evil information lasting too shorter time to be little more than ten seconds of awareness. As a headline topic becomes awareness, media details lead to people names going through a process of investigation and/or procedure. In all the intentions of investigation and procedure, listeners are left clueless yet left believing they're experts at being clueless investigators and procedural-lists.
Australian US teaching to tests system education has traumatised below A grade students whom by the time students enter the work force, being more drug dependant and skilled employment useless, Australia 457 Visa foreign employed people have been entering Australia, to do employment work Australians would have been capable of doing if school was not made such a time consuming competing forced labour. Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:08:42 PM
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Modern media science experts explaining scientific technologies, of moving objects explained as normal occurrence, the magic of god I would think has been destroyed.
The theory of being clueless experts somewhat explains religion has not expired. That people's need to believe in a magical god, allows clueless experts to quote “god will provide” simplicity. If there being a resurgence in religion in the past 20 years, an increase in too small to see technology unexplained DNA code reading etc. headline statements... everything being explained in anecdotal expert excited nerd using animated pictures story telling, citizenry's clueless need to feel smart, that believing they have heard many rolled over ideas, a lack of real thinkable knowledge, citizenry clueless not yet expert enough, trying to be better experts, looking for more tangible knowledge using bible preaching knowledge many citizenry have concluded there must be a god. The lack of how a bible proves god and/or Jesus in heaven exists, is the same as the lack of media experts prove presented science is real. The same as people follow rolled over science lack of experiencing thought need to doubt truth, the same as religious presenter spokespersons repeat similar ideas leading to very few convincing anecdotal assumptions god provided to prophets, a god must exist, the more you say it the more it becomes true. Because the bible sounds like wisdom compared to years of pointless schooling facts, the bible provides simple god has a plan wisdom understanding mixed with end of sentence god and Jesus, simple thought mixed with the word god, god feels real. Repeat simple easy to judge ideas about democracy, democracy feels real. steve101 Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:10:37 PM
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Many forum posters post short readings, coming to a single thought comment in as shorter sentences has possible. One forum I joined had a condition within “conditions of use”, discouraging posting few worded comments, that such comments may be taken off the forum.
My above reading on how school lesson's wordy readings are often irrelevant to readers future life, having no to few thought inspiring conclusions which can be realised. That little more than fact finding for future examinations can be realised, being highlighted with an appropriate marker. Eventually student readers will need to condense readings down to people names place names and dates for examinations. Drawn out readings leading up to something often suddenly shift to another theme, people names place names times, book reading story characters moving from one place to another place, student character interruptions all leads to degrees of frustration, increasing mental stress realised punishments. Within school environments the only things containing movement are humans... that inspired to create memorable comments leads to endless limited number of people personality character likes and dislikes assassinations. When locking up prisoners in solitary confinement, a lack of visual input send prisoners crazy. Locking up children in the same classroom with the same students limits input to a select number of the same aged children, with similar characteristic behaviours. Same judgements day after day, reinforcing children's dysfunctional/sports loving behaviours, retarding/repressing intellectual abilities down to single assumed judgements. The many school days each year, students coming home from school: frustrated; quick to distract from traumatised thoughts by doing something simple; listening to music; holding socialised conversation simple by avoiding talking to adults, would rather talk to same aged friends who also keep formulating language skills simple, cool, BS words analogies... analysing teenagers reducing social conversation down to few simple words, rather to feel rewarded by fully expressing by formulating complex worded sentences on what teenagers believe, should indicate teenagers are being traumatised by periods of thought. Feeling rewarded after ending increased traumatising thought, rather than feeling rewarded on fully transposing believed ideas. Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:01:12 PM
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Teachers talking too quickly about more than one expression, young children failing to quickly respond, no time to think, “get started now” youthful feelings of being bullied, not liking to be bullied. Early judgements emotionally reinforced memories repeated year after year.
Spoken conversation reflects human's ability to think. Outside of school knowledge: political readings; corporate advertising promote brands using colourful good looking people images, television commercials' fast moving scenes offer on relevant information only visual hype and fast moving sounds; journalism uses known names, heading statements followed with boring irrelevant follow up information; news media introduced expert guests, asking relevant questions often receiving from guests broad meaningless university book read quality analogy answers. Young children; school students; adults... are coached by media to remember: the headline topic; several images, predominately people faces; names of who and where... conditioning human judgement attitudes not to care to hear or read any detailed information, information being more irrelevant and/or boring than watching paint dry. European documentaries shown on SBS television have an English speaking narrator describing relevant information in short sentences, constantly being interrupted by an expert speaking in their European language, SBS coloured yellow subtitles are shown at the time spoken foreign language begins, disappears as soon as spoken sentences end regardless whether further words are being spoken. On attempting to read coloured yellow words, statements add no real relevant information to the story fact finding process. In the end listeners can merely remember basic story information people names places names and dates heading ideas. Documentaries have no relevance to modern society usable learning. Prime time television programs using digital editing, scenes rapidly change, sentences are short, and spoken quickly, possibly allowing only the simplest thoughts to be short term remembered. Considerable periods of no and/or not worth hearing information takes place. Suspense, waiting for a comment during competitive: cooking and variety talent programs. Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:05:27 PM
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The question is... are establishment education and corporate media controllers contriving school education and entertainment to condition citizenry into short thought duration attention spans, repressing/withholding any second thoughts associated with earlier thoughts expanding two thought patterns into a more complex thought pattern, conditioned human behaviour to hate learning to recognise a new learning behaviour, prompting school learning traumas, unaccustomed torturous thought.
The same reason I type up detailed explanations of what I believe is happening, how democracy is faked to periodically lead (trust in democratic government processes) citizenry in losing accumulated wealth. How school education's primary task is to keep humans intellectually repressed, holding adults in an fun loving child intellectual behaviour, beginning with young aged children. Entertainment industry continues the dummying down process, rolling over the same concluded short attention span fast running irrelevant to managing every day human existence. Big Brother program ideas where members of a group are expressing their thoughts on what's happening in a house community. Listeners understanding what's being said. Listeners thoughts maybe remembering personal information containing little more than simple to understand opinions placed on people. Facebook is full of people expressing opinions about self-taken pictures. Internet trolls criticising opinions no doubt are short and sharp to the point. Doesn't help when a limited number of characters which can be posted, limits the depth sentences can express. I Watched an ABC ME cartoon, fast changing scenes, quickly spoken short sentences, scenes change from a good guy to the bad guy bantering at each other, bad guy threatening doing something evil, good guy trying his best to stop the bad guy. Cartoon ends, long list of credits comes on, hearing loud music while credits role down the screen. Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:09:37 PM
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Later, on turning on my television to ABC ME, young teenagers were acting out scenes, a scene ends with one teenager actor character looking into the camera, expressing his personal opinions similar to big brother.
In all personal expressions, other than listening to English phrases about personal opinions, spoken to fast to assimilate phrases on anything other than judgement opinions placed on people, there is zero money earning skilled knowledge, may as well be riding a skate board. 1950s and 1960s saw many Hollywood cowboy movies: John Wayne; James Stuart; Garry Cooper... jet aircraft flying over desert scenes was said to have ended Hollywood cowboy movies. Crime dramas; romance; star wars... lots of scene changes, few long sentences, many short sentences between long periods of action scenes and moving around silence. Words merely explained what was trying to be achieved on what was being seen. Irrelevant imagery to work skilled life formula has not changes. Modern day script writers use in between action scenes, actors making personal opinions related to family and relationship problems and/or related to political and criminal greed. Few positive and/or negative judgements related to skilled work and monetary issues leaving listeners clueless, deprived or all relevant to real life issues knowledge. The idea of keeping things simple is keeping people simple. An unrealised idea of scripting entertainment and media news stories onto criminal activities with very few financial every day investment traps warnings, exampling Internet US$500.00 OS software fixing and driver download scan scams. Company CEOs ending their contracted period, receiving millions of dollars in severance. Are they so intelligent or are citizenry keep so deprived of all knowledge dumb? That correctly educated citizenry could do the same CEO tasks. Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:13:25 PM
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Corporate company executives donate share holder company money to both political parties' campaigning, the priority elected political party into government condition is to keep the working class ignorant of what's really happening, how companies really work, that capitalism doesn't work. Capitalism justifies rich people's advanced university education and accumulate wealth investments, management careers having more to do with who parents know within a monopolised rich class socialising with each other golf playing society “it's not what you know, it's who you know”, that “in the know” rich class receive a correct Homo-Sapien psychologically healthy education, that money is the value of the cheapest labour which can be purchased and need for working class people to need to earn money in which to barely survive and the desire to achieve wealth creation to spend in retirement.
Occasionally finance media express a large proportion of bank loans lent to borrowing customers are funded by borrowing money from foreign countries. Federal and state governments often report funding deficits. Federal government could merely create RBA balance sheet credits by the billions of dollars without creating bond issues to draw accumulated money back to RBA balance sheets, handing out no need to pay back RBA credits to RBA to pay for government services. As I heard the theory, such a money printing practice leads to hyper inflation. There is little difference to banks borrowing money overseas to loan to borrowing customers, allowing sellers of property to increase cash wealth, placing large sums of money in interest earning bank accounts, banks lending out money to borrowing customers, compared to government printing money. As stated before, foreign borrowing is a lie. Inflation is not associated with amounts of money credits in circulation. Inflation is concerned with shop bought products, fuel, CPI and wage inflation, which I suggest is controlled by government authorities predominately minimum wages. Unrestrained credit Bank Cards easy access to money should be inflationary using the supply of money verses demand on products buying. Usually wage income earnings determines the ability to service loans on 30 year mortgages. Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:18:14 PM
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Because Paul Keating establishment created compulsive superannuation in 1992, a generation of rich retired investors with nowhere to safely invest money after 2008 GFC investment company collapses reduced investors wealth, property is in high demand by cash rich nowhere safe to invest money in retired. Even if the property market bubble crashes many other investment choices will declare themselves insolvent as in 2008 GFC, made worse by Rudd spooking GFC. Elderly people holding onto family home valuable land priced property, avoiding selling property on property stamp duty charge loses, Big 4 pillar banks aren't known by currant elderly generation for declaring bankruptcy as USA banks often do.
I speculate, share investors maybe receiving high dividends, yet as the ASX market indexes have shown no improvements over the past few years, investors are being advised into shares which show small gains, eventually share prices fall to rarely seen lows, wiping out capital gains: Telstra and BHP Billiton. Finance news readings encourage buy investment on resent share price rises and on predicted announcements prior to shares sliding south, mining indexes rise and fall with few predictions of falls only announcing index slumps at the bottom, such realisations guide investors towards property investments. The single idea with few second thoughts and second doubtful thoughts education and media entertainment, are I suggest are responsible for limited self-designed investment strategies. My assertion being that HSC provides: short attention span; single thought often relate to a person, so short a sentence a thought is little more than a judgement... other than A grade HSC leavers, students will be so mentally exhausted, mentally traumatised, self-medication addictions: alcohol; drug; gambling; sports... limited experiences combining many single thoughts into skilful behaviour procedures limits skilled employment opportunities. A grade HSC grades moving into university studying practical thinking behaviours. Lessons knowledge will be so broad, learned university graduates will resemble ABC The Drum broad conclusion discussions. When specific questions are asked on a specific topics, analogies are made broad combining many things as to say many things have the same issues. Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:22:36 PM
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In a society of highly educated people ready to decide complex issues, nothing gets done as no specific knowledge which can example similar problem solving individual problems, as educated people can only talk in broad single idea terms.
President Obama was often heard by me making speeches on what needs to be done, yet Obama rarely did anything, that known as Obama Care, from the beginning Obama Care was doomed, now medical care insurance premiums increase faster to that of almost no wage inflation. My opinion is to be a practising doctor in the USA, liability insurance and constant upgrading learning on already traumatised by learning doctors, increases medical costs. That ether the best medical care is provided or no medical care is provided. A single thought with no second thoughts dominates society's reasoning, when a headline topic discussion comes up, details are rare, the ramblings of book read educated trick questioners into believing answers have been provided, opponents simply say it's not going to work, short sharp single idea replies. Google "my steve9" top of search page for more argument conclusions on what negative behaviours school education does to human behaviours. steve101 Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:34:59 PM
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Has it dawned on you yet that when you embark on these turgidly long monologues, that no one bothers to read them, and that at best you are simply killing the thread? Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 5:46:19 PM
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Here's title to grab readers attention:
“Looking Ahead Into Australia's Possible Apocalyptic Future”. SBS Viceland' Vice story exampling Exxon in New Guinea. Vice describes how multi-national corporations take resources out of economically poor third world counties, often leaving counties in civil war. Heading-term “resource curse”, Bougainville was an example: Global corporations clumsily and/or intentionally mishandled, extracting marketable resources, leaving counties in civil war. I suggest, Middle East's constant wars are intentional to keep oil rich resource countries poor... other counties heed the warnings. That: European; US; Russian... industrial military-might collude, repressing Middle Eastern oil rich resource industrial economic development. March 6, A Current Affair, Pauline Hanson suggests, Muslims firstly act polite and friendly, than once strong in numbers attempt to politically take over government. When Pauline was asked on “A Current Affair” what about the good Muslims, Pauline answers, “bunch of Muslims, whose the good one”. My suggestion is that human behaviours when parental guided religious childhood programming are involved, can't easily change. Muslims maybe easy going while progressing in society, yet in difficult times, Muslims look for solutions by turning to god through clerics. My argument is that Australian politically correct Western easy-going, believing propaganda, quick to ignore serious (exampling Carbon Trading discussions) babble culture is allowing an extremely different Middle Eastern Islamic religious culture whom have a history fighting against various religious sects. A dual personality between Muslims acting Western cultured to fit in with European cultures and parent interpretations of Islamic sect religion childhood programming, obedient to god and god's conveyors of “Allah is Great” clerics specific interpretation of the Koran. That their exists childhood emotional stimulative programming most all Muslims can't repress believing. Religions prey on public childhood intelligence fears of death, more people believe in an afterlife (Islam better than earthly life if dying by a worthy cause) than non-religious believers would take the time to investigate. Waiting for the media to mention and/or argue religious afterlife exists? Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:03:49 PM
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Similar to Sunday morning business suited looking television evangelists: Beyond Today and Tomorrow's World... constantly talking about St John Revelations and Jesus return. That Muslim clerics from pulpits are vaguely preaching about a future reward, that a time will come when Muslims rise on Allah's command spoken through clerics as ISIS foot soldiers believes through ISIS cleric leaders to do what needs to be done in Allah's name. 1400 year old Koran verses spoken by archangel Gabriel to Muhammad “I strongly suspect, written down several generations after god's messenger Muhammad died”. That many Muslim clerics are no more qualified in correctly interpreting the Koran, leading communities compared to self-proclaimed Man Haron Monis. 1400 years ago followers began conquering: the Middle East; North Africa; parts of Spain.
Like all religions, organised religious self-proclaimed leaders portraying superior knowledge sent from a superior being, simply called god, developing trust within communities, gradually shift purpose to forcefully spreading a religion to which leaders control by means of forceful conquest... Kill the non-believers. Because the Jewish god religion was well established and very effective, Islam is merely another Jewish religion spin off sect that ends up warring with each other. Having expressed the past, returning to the future: Some evil empire USA based multi-national extracting resource corporation(s) executives being rewarded by company executive bonuses, influencing Muslim clerics with monetary bribes to stir Allah loving believers during a period of an Australian economic decline. That Australia has to call in US marines and/or CIA specialists to help solve “trusted by angry (devoted to Islam) Muslims, Muslim clergy advice, influenced god loving insurgents”, USA CIA and/or specialists in stirring up insurgent activities, financed by multi-national corporation(s) began. The theory is like a Hollywood movie that yet hasn't been made. Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:09:01 PM
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If Australia were to have another (planned by US establishment rich class) Paul Keating “recession Australia had to have”, Australian Muslims that have held onto their culture: dress; religion; number of times praying to god addictive (feeling bad if not performed) ceremonies; listen to believed every word is Allah's commands' clerics using childhood pleasing parents obedient to Islamic religion pride. A Muslim call to arms, could see Australia turn to USA rulers who planned the recession to happen, moving into Australia to takeover resources, leaving Australia divided distracted by civil issues similar to today's Middle East and other countries embroiled in civil war.
ABC The Drum March 15, 2017, male guest speaker states 2008 GFC South Australia government in fear of high unemployment, invited foreign companies into Australia asking companies to finance employment on extracting gas from the ground without governments expecting to receive any tax royalties, which was expressed why gas is sold overseas without Australia benefiting, that employment was created for a set duration, ending employment as gas cracking to get gas to flow ended. My conspiracy theory is Japan plus several other Asian countries have a shortage of generating electricity gas fuel energy, Australia is rationing energy use in favour of Asian modernisation. Now Malcolm Turnbull seems to have shot that conspiracy theory down. That global corporations are extracting gas from Australia, reportedly exporting gas to other countries under contracted cheaper prices than Australia pays for Australian gas here in Australia, reporting such outrageous scandal transparency may indicate a degree of embarrassing anecdotal evidence truth. I suspect payment price differences are merely transparency media propaganda. I would speculate, Japan gets the gas for nothing, that wages are invented to pay for labours. Yet I like to spook the above theory as one more contrived by establishment manipulation, blaming market forces wealth making corporations, future scandal with no recognised single known person to blame, weaving a complex web of deceit. Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:11:39 PM
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Exampling, when Great Britain divided up Africa into states with other European Royal lead counties before the First World War. A documentary indicated, during the First World War, African counties led by occupying European country who were at war with neighbouring counties, fort against each other merely because leader administrating occupying counties were at war with each other. Hollywood Bogart movie “African Queen”.
A First World War conspiracy should be considered, European Royal male leaders: Great Britain; Germany were blood related to each other through Queen Victoria. That the Russian Tsar was married to the German Kaiser's sister. My above exampling point that anything being unbelievable can happen. In this media broadcast politically crazy clumsy world, my theory can certainly happen. If all the clumsy events are mere acting, them clumsy acting is preparing citizenry for bad events blamed on clumsy politicians, as in George W. Bush's second term in office, clumsy speeches. I return to an education system which leaves citizenry: too busy to care; distracted by sports, confident that stupid acting governments may actually get decisions correct, and political leaders not be influenced by foreign government/corporate advisors, influencing government bureaucrats, influencing political parties, influencing government policies, blame all that goes wrong on globalisation. USA rich whom promote religious freedom as though religious freedom is a good thing, incorrectly gain popular belief society is lead by morally and/or ethically intelligent leaders. The feel good belief of being politically and/or morally correct. Bible somewhat unclear sentences of promoting good, sin forgiveness. Channel Ten's “Bull” a psychologist speculating outcomes on trial juries, enlisting fake juries to try out defence lawyer questioning witnesses and submissions to juries. Similar marketing tactic lobbyists working for corporate leaders influencing: journalists reported news; serious media discussions, to aid influencing politicians. Lobbyists: going on about donating money to charities; expressing politically correct women's issues; saying things listening people like to hear. As trust builds up, introducing client corporate leader's wants as progressive forward thinking ideas. Sounds much like religious persuasive tactics. Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:13:44 PM
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Poorer counties populations have tough lives whom many will pick up a gun and aggressively fight what's believed as repressive governments, whom often give no charitable consideration to non-family members. Bring such people to Australia, whom Australian population are charitable, Australians barely complain, and pick up on currant affair programs whom criticise any politician whom questions Muslim immigration, that citizenry listeners don't know who is behind media scenes holding a media management position defending Muslim immigration for financial and/or foreign political, hidden agenda reasons.
Australia can be gullible following some USA rich class controlled government and United Nations planned recommendations. That some point in the future, US rich class on running out of natural resources to sell to further their wealth, will turn to Australia having encouraged Australia to become multi-cultural/multi-religious to use an active Islamic religious Muslim populous percentage to take over Australia, so invading a Muslim run country is more acceptable to US voting predominately Christian Americans than to be invading Australian white skin predominately European government and population. Helps to maintain US Americans as predominately god loving Christians, that a limited number of Muslims are entering US America to indicate US America is doing the same as Australia and Europe. Australians seeing Donald Trump's clumsy and/or incompetent administration after reading my above theories, could not believe such a intended conspiracy scenario is probable, that leaders: US America; European Common market counties, particularly Germany with all the shame Germany has from the Second World War; Russia... are colluding with each other to repress Muslim counties. Start wars while removing resource commodities while threatening other Middle Eastern and other countries with similar CIA/specialist trouble making organisations, contrived wars? Could be said, US military move into counties, bomb buildings, creating anger against US America, that CIA financially backed local organisational self-proclaimed leaders plan terrorist retaliation against USA, end up fighting each other, as Muslim groups often do. Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:16:22 PM
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Christian children being taught by parents not to lie, church preaching sinful behaviours exist and need forgiving by priests, ministers, and pastors praying to god. That “Prophet's Prey” provides ideas on how gullible human behaviours beginning in early childhood are.
Australia should get tough on immigration for the safety of Australians already living and future not yet born Australians and not to be so easily morally and charitably correct for the sake of a moment of feel good judgement morally correct stimulation. Long term problems to that of present Middle Eastern issues have been happening for many decades and no doubt will continue for many more decades. By removing refugees from over populated counties, merely leaves more realised space for women to continue having more children, year after year spreading problems to Western countries whom have had many years ago when population growth was a recognised concern “policies to reduce population growth to a sustainable level using economic industrial development”, yet I can only speculate, through establishment individual personal greed and brain laziness, use human gullible charity to allow third world bombed by colluded military industrial countries, refugees from bombed countries to enter Western countries to repress working class increasing wealth. Most Australians will on reading the above I am sure will at least insist Muslims on entering Australia, be far less concerned about Islamic praying and cleric sermon influences. The problem isn't about a specific religion, that being the same problem can exist with Christianity, readers only need to listen to Joel Osteen telling listeners that “god has a plan for you, that god will provide”. Add entering heaven on doing something (Jesus like self-sacrificial) for your fellow Christians, Christian suicide bombs are no different than ISIS suicide bombs. Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:21:03 PM
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People believing in their religious faith since childhood may act like every other intelligent persons, until religion becomes an issue. People maybe entirely different when Christian god and/or Jesus verse Allah becomes an issue.
The problem is clerics have influential power over people believing in religion, not politicians. In extremist religions, clerics chose politicians, not a citizenry popular vote. If by a popular vote, clerics are wanting politicians to be obedient and/or influenced by a council of cleric leaders, as in Iran. Muslim clerics recognise Moses: Moses leads his people to the Jordan river whom cross the Jordan river to invade Canaan to steal Canaan from the Canaanites as believed righteous because Moses influenced 2 million followers to believe the land of Canaan was god's promised land. That any land is easily promised by any god praising religion religious cleric to god and/or Allah's followers. Indonesian Muslims have a problem with Christian mayors. I speculate, Julian Assange has no documentation stating similar above ideas that the CIA are somewhat working for Exxon and/or other multi-national corporations setting up counties in civil war and/or war with neighbours, conflict, supplying/trading/selling weapons for resources. That media stories exist with ideas that intelligent gun runners not protected by any government or corporation are supplying weapons to selective groups, movie “Lord of War”. Mentioned in previous readings how one of either television series “Yes Minister” or “Yes Prime Minister”, Humphrey was describing how British government on governing selective commonwealth counties, armed, supplied with weapons previously repressed minority tribal groups (within named country boarded territories) neighbouring larger tribal groups who were traditionally enemies, so previous repressed minority groups would support British rule. That Britain on leaving such counties after the Second World War, many counties fell into civil war. That decades of Middle Eastern repressed minority groups fighting for an independent homeland are a result of Great Britain dividing up Middle Eastern borders, (to that I theorise) so civil war would be a common occurrence. Steve101 Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:23:32 PM
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Education back in media attention...
When US presidents announce a war on poverty, as I heard President Johnson announced. Good intention announcements merely lead to building schools and forcing young children to attend schools. If modern society moves into primitive societies, exampling hill billies. Unrestrained by learning traumas, not traumatised by school education humans using natural human curiosity: soon figures out modern society mechanical movements; soon question how establishment appointed authoritarian leaders take over, using local labours to built buildings to enforce laws, building jails and court houses. How wages allow exhausted by physically exhausting work, workers to buy introduced alcohol to medicate painful exhausted muscles. Not being an expert, I speculate, smoking cannabis would better block awareness of exhausted muscle pain compared to consuming alcohol... to do the same muscle pain blocking awareness as cannabis, a considerable amount of alcohol needs to be consumed. Because cannabis is easily grown ready to smoke without too much monetary expense, alcohol is more difficult to produce and more expensive to purchase, becoming an establishment controlled industry, cannabis is made illegal to grow and consume. I am going to say traumatising education creating learning traumas and exhausting work causing muscle pain, leading to consuming large amounts of alcohol (alternative to religion), has been ruling classes an intentional control tactic for hundreds of years. That school education is also about getting children through to late teenagers years to work long hours of exhausting punishing work, to go to school every school day believing students must attend school every school day regardless of how students don't like schooling, condition human behaviours to go to work every day regardless what boring and/or exhausting work is being done. Mental stress retards intellectual development into child-like behaviours fun medication and distraction, leaving human behaviours more emotional decision making Neanderthal than thinking capable of doubt Homo-Sapien. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:26:02 PM
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When the Spanish invaded America, Catholic priests forced upon native Americans religion as though being Christian was very important, that Spanish soldiers forced American natives to build a great church for the propaganda glory of a Christian god and rebuild Mexico city beginning with high wall enclosure to protect the Spanish at night from native American rebellion, Spanish soldiers obedient to Spanish rulers and priests because authoritarian rulers were god's chosen. Exhausting punishing work killed natives, constant punishment for not doing as natives were told, repressed native Americans into slavery.
Sailors and I speculate soldiers received rum rations, allowing drunken behaviours, providing a dependence of leaders to provide reliable alcohol rations. Many societies were built on exhausting work rewarded with enough alcohol to kill the pain and hell fears. By keeping working classes busy, doped up with: religious propaganda; political propaganda; alcohol; concerned about buying the next drug fix... citizenry rebellion against: being over worked at school for little more than creating employment worthy credentials and forcing competitive work in employment; fighting in wars where wars could have been prevented; lies and manipulation... citizenry are kept under control to the benefit of a rich class easy living: more executive work is a hobby than an enduring tasks; enjoyable living... establishment. Modern society seemly moving forwards in science and technical advancement, the opportunities for children to experience thought by seeing mechanical movement, variety of high rise buildings, seeing images of old technology progressed into modern technologies, opportunities to think open up conscious awareness to thinking out complex arguments and capable doubt. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:30:44 PM
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Childhood opportunities to realise complex independent from establishment schooling school work tasking focused attention must happen before children are pulled back from independent thought onto school work. Becomes school work is a difficult to stop conditioned compulsion to focus attention solely onto school work tasks, same idea as a compulsive disorder. Human natural desire to think while sober of ideas leading to discovery, constantly being aware school work has to be done, that after school homework has to be done, constantly pulling the self away from independent thought, leading to compulsive focusing attention onto mentally punishing traumatising school work. The compulsive need to focus on school work, avoiding independent thoughts, the best school work achievers capable of high scores could have been good independent from establishment high achievers, capable of questioning authoritarian rulers sense of rule. Capable of questioning politicians, standing for a political office. Capable of realising when journalists interviewing politicians, asking specific questions, politicians answer with university quality broad analogies leaving questions unanswered. That poor attention span confused listeners believe answers were somewhat answered showing a degree of conspiracy collusion separation between journalists and politicians.
As society becomes more advance and media present more visual images of complex machinery, children seeing complex ideas who take the time and effort to work out and hold memories, repeatedly seeing complex ideas reinforcing previous memories, human behaviours feel rewarded for remembering complex ideas, increasing incentives to continue human curiosity. School education with 2 to 3 hours of homework, prevents children from beginning a pathway of rewarding self-curiosity memorable behaviours, leading children onto sports fields, simple ball chasing dog intelligent entertainment behaviours, medicating learning traumas and work exhaustion with alcohol drinking and drug taking, sports loving citizenry despising anything complex. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:34:31 PM
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Authoritarian statements that highly educated university student graduates earn higher wages than HSC credential graduates, in time maybe unfounded. As computers have reached close to full potential, creating robot tasks to replace employees, experts are predicting programs are replacing many office work employment tasks, including journalists.
Many university graduates with credential letters at the end of their name, intending to teach in a university, find part time teaching as many university graduates are competing for similar occupations, “Big Bang Theory” series. Education creates mobile skills, competing educated skills with low income expectations middle class Indian graduates. The capitalist culture of over supplying skilled workers to allow competition creating short boom periods of selective professions only to have by the time university students graduate, there exists too many of the same skilled workers, at a time when demand has fallen as planned work has been completed. As star watching astronomy and venturing to Mars becomes spoken about in media topics, ideas of studying science and mathematics may result in university graduates serving coffee in coffee bars. Too many university graduates flooding employment markets with over the top irrelevant credentials to employers, employers are saying applicants are too educated for available employment. Capable of complex thought students capable of experiencing individual doubt, spent fewer hours focused on irrelevant learning to many future employment opportunities, could find future realistic realised business opportunities more rewarding with better long term rewards than focusing attention on long hours of zero financial rewarded school work on an uncertain future, merely suggested by federal government education ministers comments on past history of higher incomes for university graduates. University students now paying higher fees while learning only 50% of what students attended university for. Up to 4 years of studying rather than earning wages using good HSC credentials than lower graded HSC credential graduates. Paying back Hex borrowing “if” income actually comes to predicted high income earnings. That exampling 10 years later, on changing employment careers, will 10 year old education credentials mean anything to new employers, and will the credentials aid in a self-made business. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:41:11 PM
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If by chance a self-made business were to become relevant, not having to have focused attention on realities of business while younger, university education merely made people in business more unaware of proficient business practices.
My many arguments education is about creating punishing to achieve specialised skills, discouraging people from learning many more skills thinking, becoming skilled at complex thinking, recognising Paul Keating's “recession Australia had to have” boom bust establishment scam. Australian values: citizenry allowing establishment classes to keep working classes stupid to realities. steve101 Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:47:52 PM
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Adelaide police officer recovering after being shot with arrow in Hendon: Quality Journalism: above attachment shows a motor vehicle fully inflated tyre. The shown arrow head is not seen, therefore the arrow head has penetrated right through the tyre wall. The tyre pressure would had deflated the tyre. My theory, a picture of an arrow hanging out of a policeman's leg wasn't available to complete the story, therefore an arrow was Photoshoped into a motor vehicle tyre. If you click on the picture, a close up picture can be seen. Shadows under the tyre and under the below the door sill doesn't match the shadow on the arrow. I believe the close up image picture has been cropped out of a far away taken picture. The shadow under the higher off the ground sill under the door is not compatible with the arrow, the arrow being closer to the ground, the arrow shadow is lower than the shadow below the sill. If the arrow being lower than the sill is casting doubt on my theory, the tyre front bottom is lower than the arrow, should cast a wide shadow, yet casts no shadow. Looking closely at the tyre where the arrow enters the tyre, there's no indentation around the arrow shaft where the arrow enters the tyre. The pixel resolution of the arrow seems lower in number per square inch than that of the motor vehicle and tyre's greater number of pixels per square inch. I believe, archery bow arrows wouldn't easily penetrate motor vehicle tyres, arrows need a heavy weight, weight together with velocity. Arrows used by Henry the fifth battle of Agincourt had sharp heavy iron arrow heads to penetrate sheet metal. I would also believe a theory that police don't shot out tyres to stop criminals from escaping in motor vehicles, as bullets merely bounce off tyres. The picture is fake news. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 4 May 2017 12:34:02 PM
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Anecdotally: I know a man who before he retired from setting led letters print type the old fashion way, after Murdoch modernised printing presses. The man during conversations to me stated he would set rows and columns of led letters type, reading the type backwards. As many journalists were paid by the word, readings could be lengthy. In the man's words, an editor came down from up stairs, the editor removed sentences to allow articles to fit in columns alongside pictures. Articles often lost all journalist's intended meanings.
The man said he didn't read news papers, he believe newspapers were meant to keep people dumb. ….................... Mentioning to several people how Internet posters post short comments, several people have read and/or heard how Internet posters post short sentence posts that people don't like reading long readings. My comment that news paper readings roll over the same idea crime stories, using different names and places, allowing readers to read short sentences, readers enjoying making same old judgements rather than allowing readers to think prolonged torturous thought, keeping readers dumb. School education provides readings which need to be remembered in short A to F question form, answers being: people names; place names; dates; remembered short ideas to relate to short questions with related answers. The many posters short and lazy effort to be correctly understood indicates the true credential quality of school education. Posted by steve101, Thursday, 4 May 2017 12:38:10 PM
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Quality journalism is in eyes of the beholders. Create stories to satisfy the simplest of thinkers: investigative crime; one line politician sentence political analogies; daily financial reports on overall share market trades; sports players personal controversies.
I don't read news print, due to crime reports have nothing interesting to do with me. Catholic church: hell fears; sin forgiveness; selling promises of an afterlife... crime stories are an essential replacement to religious manipulations. In fear of increasing crime, citizenry need government to provide protection, governments selling protection to citizenry. Crime keeps citizenry dumb as the stories are not that much different than Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. True investigation stories would investigate late October 1999 share market crashes having moving down to extreme lows, than within 60 to 70 rising to new highs miracle in early January 2000. Politicians not coming out with end of the world crisis warnings, desensitising scaring citizenry. Doesn't matter how good critical journalism is, there's always editors editorial guide lines, restricting stories, that political commentary is designed to allow government to look transparent. I can only speculate Richard Nixon from the very beginning was going to get a presidential pardon from vice president Gerald Ford after Ford became president. News print media removes all doubt media and political systems are conspiring to fool the: poorly educated; thought deprived; learning traumatised... public. My postings aren't posted here to entertain forums comment posting regulars. My postings are for would be journalists scanning forums, looking for ideas, to take up ideas and repost ideas in other mediums. Several ideas I have posted, I believe have been heard by myself soon after. If Fairfax journalists reposted similar to my anti establishment posts, bad education causes mental illness, long term results for Fairfax journalists lost employment maybe better than going on strike. steve101 Posted by steve101, Thursday, 4 May 2017 12:51:07 PM
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SBS “Testing Teachers”, taking the brightest recently qualified young teachers to attempt to teach the lowest graded, least successful school examination credential high school achievers. One female teacher in one episode was seen keen in attempting to teach science, begins by stating she wants to get to know students.
Teachers attempting to teach students whom after leaving school are at best are capable of driving trucks, teachers attempting to explain science, to begin with “I want to get to know you”... asking students what they “feel”, students will say schooling is BS. John Lennon's 1970 song “Working Class Hero”, remarks on how students are confused, dummied down with: religion; sex... I'd add: music; media crime stories; mental stress traumas; etc... Canberra's federal government undefined problem poor working class skills solution to society's ills, is mismatching between learning something usable to further human usable learning. One more short sentence “Konski” funding, teaching to standard same tests “A” grade students in rich suburbs take to “D” grade students in the lowest economical dirty work working class take. While test credential “A” grade students, D grade students are merely attending school because government laws make children and teenagers attend schools. Schooling is intentionally “Neanderthaling” human behaviours. As seen on Testing Teachers, teachers are wasting wage earning teacher's time and no wage earning poor learning capable students time. Students should be more into reading truck fixing/assembling parts mechanical manuals. At least some future relevance to learning visual imagery would increase enough memorising visual scenes complete with memories on what is seen when images are correct, that compared to when something is seen incorrect which could be damaged. Science is bogus teaching, providing students one off learnt test information consuming time which students will never need to know in wage earning employment opportunities. Learning for the sake of learning, increasing accumulated depressive memories, in future years coming to awareness as mental depression, often self-medicated with illegal drugs and/or suicide. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:10:08 PM
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North East Arnhem Land around 100 Aboriginal children as young as aged 7 years are sniffing aviation fuel. My accusation, children confined in classrooms for many hours 5 days a week, aviation fuel is to medicate School boredom traumas and work task mental stress. Little difference than Don Dale youth detention.
Aged 7 years school children is the age children are diagnosed with ADHD, often being medicated for ADHD. Day after the 2017 federal budget, ABC television Business, quest small businessman said 457 workers must remain, foreign workers work, that Australian workers won't work. My added theory, foreign workers will work because money going back to country to which 457 workers came from, buys many things, where buying relevant goods in Australia: rent; buying property... are too expensive relevant to available exhausting physical work to earn the money. School education supposedly taught workers to work, forced non-paying schooling punished many students incentives to work. Work has always been about value of money in what money can buy. If work is too difficult, too exhausting, workers work because few alternatives exist. Workers work exhausting work because: families rely on working parents wages; parents encouraged children to work... if male workers weren't conned into long term commitment to marriage and children, workers in time could change employment to more suitable less exhausting work. School educated traumatised to think Neanderthal workers, workers take on exhausting work as a long term monetary income, using school learnt repressing: awareness to mental traumas; awareness to physical exhaustion... add alcohol to increase child intelligence fun, males take on commitment to marriage and children. School education traumatising thought, male workers merely continue doing exhausting work. Workers bad education: bipolar behaviours; bullying... leads male workers into family violence. Poor education, having traumatised human complex reading and mathematics skills expressed in examination credentials, leads workers to except exhausting zombie work employment, poor thinking skills prevents workers from moving out of unwanted exhausting work, finding rewards for exhausting work in delusional marriage and children. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:11:20 PM
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Coal Seam Gas... I have seen journalists on television lighting gas bubbles bubbling from a river. I ask why gas is see coming out of USA house taps and bubbling up from rivers? Why coal seam gas doesn't seep out of the ground? Being lit to indicate seepage is coal seam gas.
Google: “rivers of coal gas fire” to find many search pages of posted stories on bubbling up coal gas on surface of rivers, fired up to indicate that bubbles are coal gas. Gas seen bubbling from rivers, several LP gas bottles with taps turn on could be lying on river beds, bubbles being lit. opportunities for fake news scaring concerned people into protesting which makes no difference to planned gas extraction yet shows media is transparent opposing gas extraction companies. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:12:22 PM
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ABC media broadcast program The Drum could be considered an obvious theme discussion program, myself labelling the program, “Intellectualism for Dummies”.
…..................... Larry Pickering mentioned recently how communism was a threat to Australian Capitalist establishment, during 1950s prime minister Robert Menzies announced policies of “home ownership”. 30 year loans often single income earning male workers, eventually owned their own quarter acre block home. My extended theory was that early 20th century born before 1930 generations experienced and/or brought up with employment repressing 1930s depression, establishment playing workers off against each other depressing wages, 10 hour work days, 6 to 5.5 days a week and inconsistent long periods of employment. As soon as Second World Wars begins, every able body male and many females are employed for several years. Military armour being manufactured by local corporations, financed by government. To my knowledge, Australian federal government were constantly broadcasting concerns through media about Australian banks after 1929 world share market crashes. Concerns after 1934 banks went bust or something similar. Unemployed bank depositors couldn't obtain unemployment benefits money until savings were exhausted, as my mother expressed, happen to her father. That all these years of bad economic events happen under the control of a democracy. School students early exit from school education, working class population after having fort against Japan, on ending the war, were to return to 1930's depression economy, allowing a known establishment rich class, reward middle management middle class with better living conditions, repressing working class wages. I speculate, locally controlled communist conspiracies threatened world western economy rich classes in control established systems. My father expressed 1950 – 1951 inflation rose to 10%. most of the 1950s to end of 1960s, mortgage interest rates were fixed at 5.9 %. Vietnam War was an excuse to send post Second World War generation back into high inflation increasing rising variable interest rates excuses, boom bust, constant media government deficits reminders, depleted cash reserves bank bankruptcy mostly in USA, blaming free market forces financing corporation management greed excuses working class financing, various companies going broke. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:16:33 PM
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School education psychologically conditions human behaviours to simplify complex reasoning into single short sentences, referred to as one liners. School students condense simple information down to names and dates related to single sentence meanings. School examination questions, A to F memory prompting answers, mental stress repressing memories associated with knowledge determines examination credentials. Media limit sentences to action scenes and individual personal problem concerns, limiting listeners and readers increase Homo-Sapien intellectual knowledge.
My problem with serious media discussions are that conversations are limited to government politicians party ideology and legal processing, that real concerning issues are not solved, that problems increase as though being told problems are worsening, transparent media without stating causes and solutions during short discussions, short discussions are little more than moral and ethical intellectualism for dummies. Australia's east coast city property boom has few plausible reasons leading towards ideas that real estate property rent management are advising client landlords to raise rents, increasing real estate percentage commissions, increasing demand for property investments speculation, increasing demand for property auctions. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:18:20 PM
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Any ability to increase borrowing, servicing loan obligations plus the number of bidders: foreign investors; local investors superannuation funds; living in house family home buyers... increases property prices to the advantage of: sellers; bank fees and interest rate spreads; real estate commissions; auction fees and auction advertising; state governments stamp duties and taxes; legal documentation; renovations; furniture remove-lists. Many property sellers moving to a lower priced modern building property location.
As property prices rise, increasing speculation, when investment price levels flatten, slowing turnover speculation, declining property prices forces more bankruptcy sellers selling at declining price market buyers speculating lower future prices, lower than present price auction bids. Present day property market is removing spare savings, spare spending ability, reducing grocery sales, spare cash for entertainment affordability. When the property market declines, affordability problems will worsen. As present day low unemployment has HSC high city employment percentages... country areas have high unemployment percentage figure causing overall employment statistics at 5.9%. As establishment controlled business, using Centrelink subsidised wage employment, increased unemployment while property market declines, increase establishment businesses to reduce hiring/holding onto employees. Bigger and longer a boom continues, more disastrous and longer recessions last. Federal government constantly reminding listeners federal debt is high and credit ratings are in danger of being down graded, raising borrowing interest rates. Banks maximising borrower's ability to borrow money, merely pushes up all action bidders ability to bid up property prices to borrowers limited/narrowing affordable margins to service mortgages. ABC story presenter Stephen Long's speculation that banks are trying to maintain triple A credit ratings by bank management fraudulently filling out bank loan applications, over estimating borrowers earning capacity, in all honesty, leads to borrowers maximum borrowing, unplanned events limited margin leading to an inability to service loans, setting up borrowers, using “other people's money” bank depositors savings... Capitalist 1934 bankruptcy scenario. All looks good as long as property increases in value according to supply and demand theory. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:23:55 PM
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As city property investment continues, almost every evening, media showing concerns that property boom is eventually going to turn negative, investors intelligence is limited by school education psychologically conditioned to dislike repetitive learning, repetitive murder stories, media commercials, easy understanding moral media intellectualism for dummies. Property turnover and flipping property investors, investors will get court on the way down the negative speculative market, held property difficult to sell, as banks are reluctant to lend during declining property speculation, property sold at fire sale prices, as in late 1990s and post 2007 and 2008. Citizenry's years of ignoring media fear stories and expert bubble bust theories seeing nothing happening, speculating using capitalist theory and past history, investors will be court short... unless some burst of wage inflation and/or viable employment task “Big Project like a new airport construction” improves borrowing sustainability.
Human learning behaviours of hurried memorising, hearing once, ideas aren't held for long periods and school education and media's lack of real intellectualism conditions new ideas to be barely thought through. Media repeated easy to understand moral concerns, school education's traumatised brains easily falling into depression on over worrying, find ignoring worrying, doing as emotionally driven desires wish, investments mostly turning out profitable within their life span. Employers, whom would rather prefer hiring 457 visa workers than Australian born workers, saying Australian workers are lazy, rather spending working hours surfing. As post Second World War young adults weren't expecting an easy life contemplating communism, working exhausting labours for poor living conditions rent paying rewards. Governments had to bride workers with promises of home ownership to persuade workers to work exhausting labours. That having experienced the same incentive home ownership persuasions during 1920s, 1930s swindled home ownership out of many house mortgage payers, that by adding government fears of communism, governments would not swindle future mortgage holders as in during the 1930s. Home ownership in 2017 being difficult to obtain, I speculate teenagers are not wanting to work long hours of exhausting labours, and would rather stay at home and hang around with their parents. Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:25:26 PM
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School education's insistence to teach to tests: advance maths; science; etc... students low HSC scores: cutting corners; hurrying through work tasks; fed up with forced work; more concerned with feeling good, medicating school mental stresses, mental illnesses. School leavers won't do anything too complex and too physically exhausting which further requires medication, Australia's 105,000 homeless people for various reasons, most of which due to societies poor Neanderthal intellectual ability learning, media repeated themes, society with society's Neanderthal education credentials, doesn't know why society is falling into disrepair.
A myth that free speech exists in society, that myself having posted many readings on how school education turns Homo-Sapien potential thinkers into Neanderthal traumatised emotional decision makers, journalists exampling 150 Fairfax journalists losing employments that being one quarter of all Fairfax journalists, potentially Fairfax 450 Australian Journalists searching through forums looking for ideas, seeing my many posts on bad education, journalists make no effort in media to even suggest school education is primarily responsible for mental illnesses: mental depression; suicides; bipolar; unable to think poor skilled labours; Donald Trump managing to become president of USA; homelessness; society bullying; family violence... The lack of repeated discussions, myself having never heard one discussion on school education causes mental illness issues. Free speech is limited to script writers editor approved “intellectualism for dummies”. I suggest many posters on this website forum whom have good spelling and indicate good factual knowledge, whom limit discussions to “intellectualism for dummies” moral and legal postings, are with all probability, establishment paid journalists. An argument that free speech is drowned out by too much irrelevant topics to real life concerns and/or merely becomes awareness, that something worthy of concern is ignored, that's editorial journalism. steve101 Posted by steve101, Monday, 15 May 2017 12:26:41 PM
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Below is my explained theory alternative to media explanations easy to understand on how 2007 – 2008 global crisis came to happen:
Federal governments emphasise government debt, losing triple A ratings indicated as a higher debt servicing economic concern. George W. Bush 2000 to 2008 president in 2008 had a US federal government debt down to US$10 trillion. President Obama ended his 8 year term with US$19 trillion. S&P rated index companies, whom invest in interest baring debt, I believe having heard from a single finance media comment, rated as S&P good credit worthy companies traded on S&P share indexes, can only and/or only want to invest in debt that has triple A ratings, I assume to maintain their own close to triple A or are triple A ratings, to allow US 401K and Australian superannuation funds to invest investors savings in close to or triple A investment assets. Australian and US bonds having S&P and Moody's triple A ratings. When USA and Australian federal governments were allowing 2000 to 2006 private banking industry lending money on secured mortgage deeds, as cash circulates and individuals saved in 401K and superannuation companies and employee company retirement saving plans had increasingly limited access to federal government bonds, governments reducing triple A rated debt bond sales. Supply and demand, S&P index companies increasing demand for triple A bonds on limited supply of triple A rated bonds, meant bond prices would rise, that existing rated triple A bond holders would lose capital gains, losing money. I assume debt markets placed pressure on S&P rating agency to rate bank loans to risky borrowers bundled up mortgages into labelled Sub-prime mortgage securities, as investments to retirement investors in triple A S&P companies need for triple A profit making investments. The real fault for 2007 and 2008 GFC/ the Great Global Recession was federal governments reducing triple A debt securities, reducing new bond creation, allowing private bank lending to risky/poor rated borrowers for an extensive period to stimulate economic GDP growth. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 12:48:46 PM
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Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull wanting to lower taxes, increasing federal government debt, allocating triple A rated bonds. Rating agencies intentions to place governments on watch, to down grade triple A ratings.
Markets with nowhere to go: investment in company expansion; retied WW2 Baby Boomers withdrawing funds from retirement funds. Is the next market meltdown going to be caused by rating agencies down grading federal governments triple A rating? Or Donald Trump's failed to deliver tax cuts, causing a market meltdown? Encouraging working class to save for retirement in promoted as safe investment S&P share market index rated 401K and superannuation companies, money printing triple A rated governments reducing debt or not creating enough debt to supply bond market needs, creating fewer government guaranteed triple A by S&P high yielding investments. Exampling: investing in government bonds at 10% to have newly issued bonds yields fall, that 10% bond yield holders see balance sheet capital gains increase as newly issued bonds with lower yields than previously purchased bonds. Higher yielding bonds increase in capital gains. For future analysis, bond debt creating federal governments can't reduce government debt otherwise investors will be forced into unsecured fake triple A investment debt. Retirement savers should invest in savers own personal homes, once homes are owned, workers can save for retirement. Yet because most mortgages are 30 years, several houses maybe owned as employments changes. Either government pays retirement pensions or pays dividend bond yields to superannuation funds, superannuation funds pay out to retired investors, superannuation funds taking commissions and fees before passing money to retirement investors. All looks good as long as bond yields stay low. Once bond yields rise, every bond investor loses previous capital gains. Reasons for east coast of Australia capital cities property boom are retirement investors realising funds have lost capital gains and dividend/interest yields are low, that rising interest rates will further reduce earnings. Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 23 May 2017 12:56:20 PM
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Capitalism works during company expansion periods, companies selling goods to other companies expanding into: office buildings; hardware outlets, Masters and Bunnings; shopping centre retail outlets... yet the last company profit making entity are wage earning workers having worked to build and/or refurnish buildings, that many workers transport wholesale and retail products to earn wages, who are often paying rent and/or saving their money to buy a house that has often been built many years prier, servicing loans for many years, to which wages barely buying products many workers earn a living providing services to other people whom are: building new buildings; refurnishing buildings; transport goods for consumption; many workers working in inner city office buildings providing record keeping services.
As corporate expansion slows, government stimulative packages are provided to avoid recessions and depressions... “we're all Keynesians now” Keynesian theory. A “war on drugs” US documentary comment suggests police harassment of drug users focusing attention mainly on Negroes, placing offenders in jail under state government financed corporate supervision were US state and federal governments preferred stimulative packages. As office work is increasingly being carried out by: online computer servers, placed in building basements; Indian phone service providers learn to speak clearer English allowing non-Indian callers better understanding. Sydney and other centralised business districts will reduce employees, relying on computer programs form filling out voice recognition ability for human communication. Inner city office buildings will become vacant, as fewer office workers will be needed to process insurance claims and similar activities. As fewer human employees are required to perform employment tasks due to globalisation and fast Internet services, more invented part time work to provide limited service industries: serving coffee to inner city office workers will decline. Due to the Internet, thousands of Journalists have already lost employment, with 150 more Fairfax journalists planned to lose employment. Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:15:08 PM
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I'd suggest, getting an education to become an employed journalist, news organisations hiring desperate to become a journalist' employees, periodic mass firings, getting rid of the least talented, is an often occurring event. The practice over staffed corporations hiring during expansion periods and firing end of expansion periods. Workers changing careers, unable to find new employment, places people in periods of poverty: unable to service various loans; homelessness; marriage break ups. My accusation of hidden never spoken about by media establishment intentional practices.
Building companies are failing to finish domestic buildings, leaving property owners and indebted property investors with reduced value in planned investment assets. As more people leave one industry moving into another industry, increased competition, more opportunities to pick the cheapest service providers, more middle men managers between retail paying customers, middle men hiring building contractors, cheapest quotes provides more confidence tricksters, taking advantage of legal loopholes, swindling people out of their money. Legal loopholes I suggest where enabled so an unknown manipulating establishment can trick working class out of their accumulated wealth using front people protected by corporate law accountancy loopholes. Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:17:57 PM
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Society will have more criminal activities, which require more police presents on streets. Terrorism and illegal drug war provides opportunities to justify increasing police forces and specialised enforcement: CIA; FBI; etc... governments when realising rising unemployment, law enforcement stimulative packages are increasing arrests on drug users, placing illegal drug users in jail, employing more prison and detention centre guards.
USA's teachers teaching to standard curriculum tests, every school child from A grade in good education score post code districts to the lowest grade in bad education score post code districts, poor learners are traumatised by impractical teaching demands, traumatised students eventually use: illegal drugs; alcohol; violence; crime... many end up being in jail, as USA has high percentage of jailed people, whom were first jailed while well under the age of 25 years, teenage/young adults carrying out unwise emotionally driven behaviours shown on “Science of Stupid” by school education traumas, constantly need: physical movement ADHD “H” for hyperactivity; drug use; drinking alcohol; feeling being wrong disagreement drunken arguing quickly turns to fistfights; Neanderthal fun behaviour distraction to block out 13 years of school education (particularly last several years leading up to HSC) learning traumas. Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:19:13 PM
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Same reason school education, particularly the last few years before HSC, mentally stressful high school, punishing human curiosity pleasure incentives to learn new skills. Once students learn a skill: apprenticeship; university; college; Tafe... spending time to begin learning a second wage employment skill, for most workers doesn't happen, due to known long hours of mostly learning nothing to do with what's needed to be learnt to carry out skilled tasks.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:20:23 PM
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Entertainment media: movies; television series; host interviewing quests; media news stories... everything heard has no information relevance listeners can relate to wage earning employment. News media rolling over stories: Schapelle Corby; Lindt Cafe; terrorism; murders; political announcements and aggressive interviewer questions to politicians; political leak embarrassment scandals on nothing important, transparency... to news watchers, all this repetitive no added new information news stories by citizenry must be wanted to be ignored. I theorise information is designed to punish listeners curiosity, continuing school's human learning behavioural punishment.
Old news stories returning with little new not heard before updates, “news” should be called “olds”. Repeating heard before names simplifies listeners attention to detail, I accuse as an intentional media tactic to dumb down listeners intelligence. Bringing up old stories exampling Lindt Cafe, criticising police, detailing little more than vague ideas, criticising authoritarian: police; politicians comments, shock jock style... criticism decisions places within listeners subconscious memory an understanding of when opportunities to criticise events. Family violence derived from boredom, inability to realise positive reflections other than: amazing; fantastic; childish entertainment, exampled by media fun programs; you have won... boredom and repressed anger leads to dissatisfied emotions, leads to criticising spouses; leads to bored spouses arguing back, women's believed equal leadership/relationship/partnerships, women quick to respond to male criticised bullying. I suggest establishment are intentionally contriving using media entertainments: relationship programs, beginning with the “Honeymooners” comedy entertainment awareness incentive to solve boredom. Adam Ruining Everything, pointed out that reality programs are scripted. My assertion that relationship programs almost always lead to relationships falling apart. That negative comments are more realistic that positive comments are least realistic to real life. I don't watch such programs, so I'm merely assuming from program commercial promotions. Keeping humans happy and dumb leads to increased family size children numbers., turning humans against each other reduced family size child birth numbers. Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:22:02 PM
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Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is a third party alternative to the two main parties Nationals and Liberals being one party. I speculate, Pauline Hanson was a candidate for the Liberal party, her emotional influence on voters that voters liked her, wanting a third choice alternative party candidate to the Liberal and National party, yet surveyed voters didn't feel voting a National/Liberal party was what voters wanted. The media attention away from the two main party system candidates, made Pauline Hanson who she is, that negative media stories can always unseat Pauline Hanson as what happened in the 1998 federal election. By inventing a third party controlled by the establishment. As third party politicians fail to perform, dogged by scandals, voters judgements guide voters choices away from future independent candidates. Pauline Hanson gives voters of independent candidates from the two main parties system, a bad feeling. Guiding future voters away from voting anything other than: Liberal party; Country Party; Labor party... candidates. Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:24:35 PM
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When Donald Trump accuses mainstream media of producing fake news, media and politicians appear separate from each other. Politicians separation from media and legal systems is one of several propaganda beliefs providing an appearance of truth in democracy.
Mainstream media report to citizenry Donald Trump accuses media of faking news, which becomes news itself, yet mainstream media deflect fake news onto Internet news providers independent from mainstream media. Politicians one line statements providing media with story headline platform reporting, serious political programs can ramble on about. Exampling CNN satellite/cable news networks rely on a steady stream of known politicians: scandals; announcements; presidential speeches; house leader speeches; interviewing political book writers; interviewing journalists and retired from house committees experts opinions; criticising Obamacare; Trump's replacement medial care failed legislation criticism arguments. Satellite/cable network steaming providers need addictive reasons for people to purchase subscriptions. A republican party candidate assaulting a journalist who was only doing his job, by persisting in asking potentially embarrassing news worthy questions. The event was only recorded in audio. A CNN female journalist supports the event with descriptions of the republican candidate climbing on top of the thrown down on the ground journalist, punching the journalist. Soon after the republican candidate apologising for his bad behaviour. The separation between political system and journalists continues. Attacking a journalist is a vote winning tactic. Serious discussion media can discuss why physically attacking journalists is an acceptable behaviour for hopefully respected politicians. I speculate whether fake news has an influence, that citizenry addictive behaviour by paying attention to media news to only witness: murder stories; political statements; quick one line statement meaningless comments; rolled over old story updates, providing no worthy to report new news. I hate to watch most news reports, using shift function on a PVR device shifting through murder stories as fast as possible, quickly moving through Schapelle Corby and Lindt Cafe irrelevant news updates, that many news watchers are angered by pointless to them media stories and are entertained by microphone journalists sudden demise. Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:26:25 PM
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If mainstream media want to subscribe to surveys, try surveying what news watchers want to watch. I'm certain hearing about the Lindt Cafe police making bad judgements scandal is way down the list.
I speculate, television news media are driving news watchers to Internet news providers. That the number hits recorded on news stories should indicate a survey number. That, I'd suggest, punishing watchers intelligent behavioural curiosity has an intentional explanation, to why US citizenry voted into political office a man who assaulted a journalist. …........................ The public/citizenry to believe corporate controlled establishment mainstream media contrived performances, politicians campaigns funded by corporations, whether you the reader wanting to believe events are contrived or not, citizenry's awareness to fake news stories is like an emotional need to have faith in god religions. The faith in news media stories to be true, is easy to consume, habit forming compulsion. Not to believe in mainstream media news stories will punish the feel good beliefs of being intelligent, not to be so easily fooled, where all that is happening by most citizenry is little more than childhood processing classroom information: names: dates short description events for future school examinations. To be eventually getting answers correct competing against many other children competitive spirit. steve101 Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:29:25 PM
From 8.00AM to 8.16AM, ABC television morning breakfast bottom screen typed readings:
457 Visa:
PM: Our immigration program is a recruiting exercise;
PM: We cannot remain prosperous, if not more competitive;
PM: Global support for migration has disintegrated;
PM: We are back in control of our borders;
PM; Migration must be in our national interest;
PM: Australian jobs for Australians first;
Four-year visa restricted to strategic skills shortages;
Higher English standard required for the 4-year visa.
Strong migration is the answer...
My opinion: Malcolm Turnbull's speech has plenty of branded “government” commercial expertise awareness, I assume as audiences expect as a good performing expert at speeches, prime minister.
After the speech ended, ABC Breakfast host stated, Malcolm is expressing who is in charge of borders, who comes to Australia.
My expression, the speech will allow media to focus citizenry attentions on the usual rolled over immigration and foreign influenced terrorism, ignoring home grown problem issues, somewhat focused on by independent from mainstream media Internet journalism.