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The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

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Here is a statement from an employer using 457 visa workers.

Quote “They now employ over 20 employees each and pay taxes to our country,”

This is crazy as the small amount of tax they would pay would probably not even cover 1/5th of the unemployment benefit to a bludging Australian who could do the job.

I use the term bludging to cover what other employers say about people leaving after a few weeks, not turning up to interviews etc, generally just not wanting to work.
This seems to be a big problem one possible thing that could be done is anyone like that don't give them any money just food stamps and vouchers.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 7:54:38 PM
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457 visas should have gone when the mining boom stopped.

If these stupid politicians don't pull their fingers out and do something about our out of control welfare system, we will reach a point of no return, that's if we are not already there.

This latest plan is typical of our governments 'reactive' approach whereas they need to be 'pro active' and shut the gate before the horse has bolted.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 9:26:29 PM
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Looks like there is more to this scam apparently a rather large loophole in the form of free trade agreements which we have a few.

To quote from story.

“The other issue here is that the free trade agreements that have been strongly supported by the Coalition government are not affected by this so the China free trade agreement, the Korea free trade agreement have got these natural movement of labour clauses in there,” Labor’s skills spokesman Doug Cameron said.

“None of this affects that and you can bring workers in from China and Korea with none of these restrictions applying.”

** the restrictions being the new ones Turnbull is introducing. **
Posted by Philip S, Thursday, 20 April 2017 12:05:07 AM
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Malcolm Turnbull speech is a propaganda distraction/redirection from unresolved domestic issues using immigration border control...

My focus on Home grown problem issues in this reading is on:

Government education prescribed curriculum and teacher training practices are as responsible for teenager/adult drug addiction as South American cocaine cartel drug lords.

Because bad education leaves students traumatised and rationally clueless, supported by a long list of unwise, feel good behaviours young adults get up to, students constant mental stress awareness' need to feel normal, to feel good, outweighs a balance of the need to care about long term consequences of taking medicating feel good drugs leading to long term drug addictions. To which such obvious serious media discussions are ignored as political headline statements dominate media discussions. Popular talk media programs concern listeners with: diet; sugar; exercise; Hollywood movie releases; at best provide no more than awareness to ongoing home grown problems... As a percentage of young people listen to serious media agendas, listeners become so unaware of how media control discussion path direction, rolled-over scripted statements fade away with nothing happening.

The Don Dale detention centre lack of follow up by government action over many years, to solve human rights in detention centres are a positive for government distractions away from other ideas. School unsuitable academic education designed for form filling out bureaucratic record keeping HSC examination credentials... is predominately responsible for: poor parental caring culture as parents having attended school as teenagers were more concerned about how they felt about themselves selfishness, defending their own self-esteem; rebellious to authority high youth crimes in low employment, particularly in hot climate communities, is merely a never mentioned statement or a moment of incorrect statement to be never mentioned again.

My accusation, ruling classes corporate community establishment, financing politicians establishment controlling laws, are fearful of: changing what works for them; don't want to be sharing wealth; losing control over political power fearing real intelligent alternative political parties who would make fewer mistakes as “Pualine Hanson”... fearful of thinking intelligent competition and/or citizenry becoming wise to fake news manipulation propaganda.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:27:52 AM
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Exampling Roman Catholic European middle ages church authority threats of inquisition and heresy burnings, today's many countries experiencing illegal drug wars justifies enforcing citizens taking illegal drug laws, are about terrorising citizenry with possession of drugs accusations. Enslaving citizenry in a narrow minded fear of police authority accusing citizenry who may or may not be honest law biding citizenry, citizenry believing governments are working “for” citizenry rather than “against” citizenry, fears of being employment black listed... domestic crime and terrorism, in such environments, the real terrorising threats are coming from governments. Terrorism media stories like: “24: Legacy”: “NCIS” serves governments by seemingly prioritising opposing fearful terrorism and drug fuelled crime, “priestly church pulpit” weekly reminding citizenry with dramatised government good guys fighting terrorism stories, allowing real governments to ignore many drug war police activities legal system jailing human rights injustices.
Government education gets citizenry to consume illegal drugs to allow citizenry to be terrorised by state police. ICE is a dangerous thing under the wrong environment.

US America is an example of what happens when countries become overly populated with different cultures; different religions and different skin colours.

My accusation that citizenry believe society is imperfect containing many listed social and economic poverty problems, I theorise, corporate backed governments believe society is perfectly balanced between good and evil. Good fighting evil consistently represses intelligent thought depriving citizenry of realising alternative knowledge useful to the self-individual wealth and well-being management.

School classroom mental stress placed on incapable students to process academic tasks, has students so thought deprived/punished, thinking behaviours are so traumatised, a need for after school lazy pleasures educates low performing students to be: clueless; lazy; can't do anything and knows it; have beliefs they have no future, so why try when a life time of memories of failed school work scores lead them nowhere.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:30:37 AM
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Exampling: Youth/teenager intelligence could improve if skate boards were band. After school, teenagers time to think independent thoughts leading to self-learning skills to avoid boredom... instead, after school 6 hours of mental stress need for simple distractions lead to doing the simplest intelligent behaviours skate boarding, balancing physical movements, to raise self-esteem. Skate board skill emotional pleasure achievement rewarding simple thought judgements are far separated from monetary earning employment skills thinking. If school low class C and D graded teenagers dumped forced academic learning, spent time watching physically active trades: building industry; motor vehicle repair trades; service industry electronic repairs without suffering from 6 hours of classroom mental stress... thinking behaviours: working out how complex things work, thinking skills would improve. The same ability to work out complex work processes while having no classroom traumatised learning pretend thinking processes, developed rationalised thinking processes are very much the same as working out complex work thought processes. I say, establishment are keen to limit independent complex thought, by forcing school education onto humans potential Homo-Sapien human intelligence, beginning at ages 5 and 6 years.

Between school education's daily rolled over curriculum subjects and media entertainment, human thought is limited to managing school classroom learning mental stress traumas, constantly repressing anything which causes unwanted unusual thoughts... constantly defaulting thoughts back to pleasures, exampling emotionally rewarding skate boarding achievement memories.

A need to have HSC credentials to obtain a trade on a list of trades which require no academic ability other than reading writing and basic maths skills, that all skills from serving coffee to building trades needs HSC credentials, is little more than an excuse to hold teenagers in schools to continue a thought traumatising process, to deprive students of all independently learnt knowledge, that they as Homo-Sapien thinkers may succeed without being interfered with during economic declines to that of exampling Paul Keating's “recession Australia had to have” being able to doubt media excuses to be lies.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:32:14 AM
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