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The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

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Poorer counties populations have tough lives whom many will pick up a gun and aggressively fight what's believed as repressive governments, whom often give no charitable consideration to non-family members. Bring such people to Australia, whom Australian population are charitable, Australians barely complain, and pick up on currant affair programs whom criticise any politician whom questions Muslim immigration, that citizenry listeners don't know who is behind media scenes holding a media management position defending Muslim immigration for financial and/or foreign political, hidden agenda reasons.

Australia can be gullible following some USA rich class controlled government and United Nations planned recommendations. That some point in the future, US rich class on running out of natural resources to sell to further their wealth, will turn to Australia having encouraged Australia to become multi-cultural/multi-religious to use an active Islamic religious Muslim populous percentage to take over Australia, so invading a Muslim run country is more acceptable to US voting predominately Christian Americans than to be invading Australian white skin predominately European government and population.

Helps to maintain US Americans as predominately god loving Christians, that a limited number of Muslims are entering US America to indicate US America is doing the same as Australia and Europe.

Australians seeing Donald Trump's clumsy and/or incompetent administration after reading my above theories, could not believe such a intended conspiracy scenario is probable, that leaders: US America; European Common market counties, particularly Germany with all the shame Germany has from the Second World War; Russia... are colluding with each other to repress Muslim counties. Start wars while removing resource commodities while threatening other Middle Eastern and other countries with similar CIA/specialist trouble making organisations, contrived wars?

Could be said, US military move into counties, bomb buildings, creating anger against US America, that CIA financially backed local organisational self-proclaimed leaders plan terrorist retaliation against USA, end up fighting each other, as Muslim groups often do.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:16:22 PM
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Christian children being taught by parents not to lie, church preaching sinful behaviours exist and need forgiving by priests, ministers, and pastors praying to god. That “Prophet's Prey” provides ideas on how gullible human behaviours beginning in early childhood are.

Australia should get tough on immigration for the safety of Australians already living and future not yet born Australians and not to be so easily morally and charitably correct for the sake of a moment of feel good judgement morally correct stimulation.

Long term problems to that of present Middle Eastern issues have been happening for many decades and no doubt will continue for many more decades. By removing refugees from over populated counties, merely leaves more realised space for women to continue having more children, year after year spreading problems to Western countries whom have had many years ago when population growth was a recognised concern “policies to reduce population growth to a sustainable level using economic industrial development”, yet I can only speculate, through establishment individual personal greed and brain laziness, use human gullible charity to allow third world bombed by colluded military industrial countries, refugees from bombed countries to enter Western countries to repress working class increasing wealth.

Most Australians will on reading the above I am sure will at least insist Muslims on entering Australia, be far less concerned about Islamic praying and cleric sermon influences.

The problem isn't about a specific religion, that being the same problem can exist with Christianity, readers only need to listen to Joel Osteen telling listeners that “god has a plan for you, that god will provide”. Add entering heaven on doing something (Jesus like self-sacrificial) for your fellow Christians, Christian suicide bombs are no different than ISIS suicide bombs.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:21:03 PM
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People believing in their religious faith since childhood may act like every other intelligent persons, until religion becomes an issue. People maybe entirely different when Christian god and/or Jesus verse Allah becomes an issue.
The problem is clerics have influential power over people believing in religion, not politicians. In extremist religions, clerics chose politicians, not a citizenry popular vote. If by a popular vote, clerics are wanting politicians to be obedient and/or influenced by a council of cleric leaders, as in Iran.

Muslim clerics recognise Moses: Moses leads his people to the Jordan river whom cross the Jordan river to invade Canaan to steal Canaan from the Canaanites as believed righteous because Moses influenced 2 million followers to believe the land of Canaan was god's promised land. That any land is easily promised by any god praising religion religious cleric to god and/or Allah's followers.

Indonesian Muslims have a problem with Christian mayors.

I speculate, Julian Assange has no documentation stating similar above ideas that the CIA are somewhat working for Exxon and/or other multi-national corporations setting up counties in civil war and/or war with neighbours, conflict, supplying/trading/selling weapons for resources. That media stories exist with ideas that intelligent gun runners not protected by any government or corporation are supplying weapons to selective groups, movie “Lord of War”.

Mentioned in previous readings how one of either television series “Yes Minister” or “Yes Prime Minister”, Humphrey was describing how British government on governing selective commonwealth counties, armed, supplied with weapons previously repressed minority tribal groups (within named country boarded territories) neighbouring larger tribal groups who were traditionally enemies, so previous repressed minority groups would support British rule. That Britain on leaving such counties after the Second World War, many counties fell into civil war.
That decades of Middle Eastern repressed minority groups fighting for an independent homeland are a result of Great Britain dividing up Middle Eastern borders, (to that I theorise) so civil war would be a common occurrence.

Posted by steve101, Friday, 28 April 2017 3:23:32 PM
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Education back in media attention...

When US presidents announce a war on poverty, as I heard President Johnson announced. Good intention announcements merely lead to building schools and forcing young children to attend schools.

If modern society moves into primitive societies, exampling hill billies. Unrestrained by learning traumas, not traumatised by school education humans using natural human curiosity: soon figures out modern society mechanical movements; soon question how establishment appointed authoritarian leaders take over, using local labours to built buildings to enforce laws, building jails and court houses. How wages allow exhausted by physically exhausting work, workers to buy introduced alcohol to medicate painful exhausted muscles.

Not being an expert, I speculate, smoking cannabis would better block awareness of exhausted muscle pain compared to consuming alcohol... to do the same muscle pain blocking awareness as cannabis, a considerable amount of alcohol needs to be consumed. Because cannabis is easily grown ready to smoke without too much monetary expense, alcohol is more difficult to produce and more expensive to purchase, becoming an establishment controlled industry, cannabis is made illegal to grow and consume.

I am going to say traumatising education creating learning traumas and exhausting work causing muscle pain, leading to consuming large amounts of alcohol (alternative to religion), has been ruling classes an intentional control tactic for hundreds of years.

That school education is also about getting children through to late teenagers years to work long hours of exhausting punishing work, to go to school every school day believing students must attend school every school day regardless of how students don't like schooling, condition human behaviours to go to work every day regardless what boring and/or exhausting work is being done. Mental stress retards intellectual development into child-like behaviours fun medication and distraction, leaving human behaviours more emotional decision making Neanderthal than thinking capable of doubt Homo-Sapien.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:26:02 PM
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When the Spanish invaded America, Catholic priests forced upon native Americans religion as though being Christian was very important, that Spanish soldiers forced American natives to build a great church for the propaganda glory of a Christian god and rebuild Mexico city beginning with high wall enclosure to protect the Spanish at night from native American rebellion, Spanish soldiers obedient to Spanish rulers and priests because authoritarian rulers were god's chosen. Exhausting punishing work killed natives, constant punishment for not doing as natives were told, repressed native Americans into slavery.

Sailors and I speculate soldiers received rum rations, allowing drunken behaviours, providing a dependence of leaders to provide reliable alcohol rations. Many societies were built on exhausting work rewarded with enough alcohol to kill the pain and hell fears.

By keeping working classes busy, doped up with: religious propaganda; political propaganda; alcohol; concerned about buying the next drug fix... citizenry rebellion against: being over worked at school for little more than creating employment worthy credentials and forcing competitive work in employment; fighting in wars where wars could have been prevented; lies and manipulation... citizenry are kept under control to the benefit of a rich class easy living: more executive work is a hobby than an enduring tasks; enjoyable living... establishment.

Modern society seemly moving forwards in science and technical advancement, the opportunities for children to experience thought by seeing mechanical movement, variety of high rise buildings, seeing images of old technology progressed into modern technologies, opportunities to think open up conscious awareness to thinking out complex arguments and capable doubt.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:30:44 PM
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Childhood opportunities to realise complex independent from establishment schooling school work tasking focused attention must happen before children are pulled back from independent thought onto school work. Becomes school work is a difficult to stop conditioned compulsion to focus attention solely onto school work tasks, same idea as a compulsive disorder. Human natural desire to think while sober of ideas leading to discovery, constantly being aware school work has to be done, that after school homework has to be done, constantly pulling the self away from independent thought, leading to compulsive focusing attention onto mentally punishing traumatising school work. The compulsive need to focus on school work, avoiding independent thoughts, the best school work achievers capable of high scores could have been good independent from establishment high achievers, capable of questioning authoritarian rulers sense of rule. Capable of questioning politicians, standing for a political office. Capable of realising when journalists interviewing politicians, asking specific questions, politicians answer with university quality broad analogies leaving questions unanswered. That poor attention span confused listeners believe answers were somewhat answered showing a degree of conspiracy collusion separation between journalists and politicians.

As society becomes more advance and media present more visual images of complex machinery, children seeing complex ideas who take the time and effort to work out and hold memories, repeatedly seeing complex ideas reinforcing previous memories, human behaviours feel rewarded for remembering complex ideas, increasing incentives to continue human curiosity. School education with 2 to 3 hours of homework, prevents children from beginning a pathway of rewarding self-curiosity memorable behaviours, leading children onto sports fields, simple ball chasing dog intelligent entertainment behaviours, medicating learning traumas and work exhaustion with alcohol drinking and drug taking, sports loving citizenry despising anything complex.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:34:31 PM
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