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The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

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Same reason school education, particularly the last few years before HSC, mentally stressful high school, punishing human curiosity pleasure incentives to learn new skills. Once students learn a skill: apprenticeship; university; college; Tafe... spending time to begin learning a second wage employment skill, for most workers doesn't happen, due to known long hours of mostly learning nothing to do with what's needed to be learnt to carry out skilled tasks.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:20:23 PM
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Entertainment media: movies; television series; host interviewing quests; media news stories... everything heard has no information relevance listeners can relate to wage earning employment. News media rolling over stories: Schapelle Corby; Lindt Cafe; terrorism; murders; political announcements and aggressive interviewer questions to politicians; political leak embarrassment scandals on nothing important, transparency... to news watchers, all this repetitive no added new information news stories by citizenry must be wanted to be ignored. I theorise information is designed to punish listeners curiosity, continuing school's human learning behavioural punishment.

Old news stories returning with little new not heard before updates, “news” should be called “olds”. Repeating heard before names simplifies listeners attention to detail, I accuse as an intentional media tactic to dumb down listeners intelligence.

Bringing up old stories exampling Lindt Cafe, criticising police, detailing little more than vague ideas, criticising authoritarian: police; politicians comments, shock jock style... criticism decisions places within listeners subconscious memory an understanding of when opportunities to criticise events.

Family violence derived from boredom, inability to realise positive reflections other than: amazing; fantastic; childish entertainment, exampled by media fun programs; you have won... boredom and repressed anger leads to dissatisfied emotions, leads to criticising spouses; leads to bored spouses arguing back, women's believed equal leadership/relationship/partnerships, women quick to respond to male criticised bullying. I suggest establishment are intentionally contriving using media entertainments: relationship programs, beginning with the “Honeymooners” comedy entertainment awareness incentive to solve boredom.

Adam Ruining Everything, pointed out that reality programs are scripted. My assertion that relationship programs almost always lead to relationships falling apart. That negative comments are more realistic that positive comments are least realistic to real life. I don't watch such programs, so I'm merely assuming from program commercial promotions.

Keeping humans happy and dumb leads to increased family size children numbers., turning humans against each other reduced family size child birth numbers.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:22:02 PM
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Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is a third party alternative to the two main parties Nationals and Liberals being one party.

I speculate, Pauline Hanson was a candidate for the Liberal party, her emotional influence on voters that voters liked her, wanting a third choice alternative party candidate to the Liberal and National party, yet surveyed voters didn't feel voting a National/Liberal party was what voters wanted. The media attention away from the two main party system candidates, made Pauline Hanson who she is, that negative media stories can always unseat Pauline Hanson as what happened in the 1998 federal election. By inventing a third party controlled by the establishment. As third party politicians fail to perform, dogged by scandals, voters judgements guide voters choices away from future independent candidates. Pauline Hanson gives voters of independent candidates from the two main parties system, a bad feeling. Guiding future voters away from voting anything other than: Liberal party; Country Party; Labor party... candidates.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:24:35 PM
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When Donald Trump accuses mainstream media of producing fake news, media and politicians appear separate from each other. Politicians separation from media and legal systems is one of several propaganda beliefs providing an appearance of truth in democracy.

Mainstream media report to citizenry Donald Trump accuses media of faking news, which becomes news itself, yet mainstream media deflect fake news onto Internet news providers independent from mainstream media.

Politicians one line statements providing media with story headline platform reporting, serious political programs can ramble on about. Exampling CNN satellite/cable news networks rely on a steady stream of known politicians: scandals; announcements; presidential speeches; house leader speeches; interviewing political book writers; interviewing journalists and retired from house committees experts opinions; criticising Obamacare; Trump's replacement medial care failed legislation criticism arguments. Satellite/cable network steaming providers need addictive reasons for people to purchase subscriptions.

A republican party candidate assaulting a journalist who was only doing his job, by persisting in asking potentially embarrassing news worthy questions. The event was only recorded in audio. A CNN female journalist supports the event with descriptions of the republican candidate climbing on top of the thrown down on the ground journalist, punching the journalist. Soon after the republican candidate apologising for his bad behaviour. The separation between political system and journalists continues.

Attacking a journalist is a vote winning tactic.

Serious discussion media can discuss why physically attacking journalists is an acceptable behaviour for hopefully respected politicians. I speculate whether fake news has an influence, that citizenry addictive behaviour by paying attention to media news to only witness: murder stories; political statements; quick one line statement meaningless comments; rolled over old story updates, providing no worthy to report new news.
I hate to watch most news reports, using shift function on a PVR device shifting through murder stories as fast as possible, quickly moving through Schapelle Corby and Lindt Cafe irrelevant news updates, that many news watchers are angered by pointless to them media stories and are entertained by microphone journalists sudden demise.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:26:25 PM
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If mainstream media want to subscribe to surveys, try surveying what news watchers want to watch. I'm certain hearing about the Lindt Cafe police making bad judgements scandal is way down the list.

I speculate, television news media are driving news watchers to Internet news providers. That the number hits recorded on news stories should indicate a survey number. That, I'd suggest, punishing watchers intelligent behavioural curiosity has an intentional explanation, to why US citizenry voted into political office a man who assaulted a journalist.

The public/citizenry to believe corporate controlled establishment mainstream media contrived performances, politicians campaigns funded by corporations, whether you the reader wanting to believe events are contrived or not, citizenry's awareness to fake news stories is like an emotional need to have faith in god religions. The faith in news media stories to be true, is easy to consume, habit forming compulsion. Not to believe in mainstream media news stories will punish the feel good beliefs of being intelligent, not to be so easily fooled, where all that is happening by most citizenry is little more than childhood processing classroom information: names: dates short description events for future school examinations. To be eventually getting answers correct competing against many other children competitive spirit.

Posted by steve101, Monday, 29 May 2017 2:29:25 PM
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