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Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.
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Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:33:50 PM
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Malcolm Turnbull's Australian values: returning to a previous post about parental influences. ABC1 television April 19, 8.30PM, “Testing Teachers”, the episode introduction scenes first sentence, “in Australia there's a harsh reality... your post code can determine your level of education”.
Creating a realistic theory... parents of children whom live in poorly educated post codes areas, care less about serious concerning long term ideas than parents whom live in highly educated post coded areas. My previous comment that parents as children when attending school whom were mentally stressed, disruptive, sensitive to embarrassment quick to argue back at humiliating them fellow students, in classrooms as shown on the “Testing Teachers” series episode, worsening with students with low letter graded C and D, students will be more concerned about themselves on how they feel about themselves rather than care too much about anything and anyone else, including school work. Years of being held in school classrooms, continued conflict between teachers and class students, emotionally self-programs into human behaviour through to adulthood behaviours. Adult males being more concerned about themselves, marriage is more a reward than a long term holding employment paying rent or mortgages responsibility commitment which poorly educated adults aren't fully prepared for, as few people are fully prepared. Marriage can ruin male's alcoholic drinking, drug taking intentions. Post code family violence due to school forced education, teaching students to tests, tests being the same as well educated post codes areas academically advanced A grade students are being tested. C and D students are being forced to remember science facts which have no real relevance to future physical hands on movement skills employment. Any physically active non concerned with academic science is going yell out “BS... this is a waste of time”. Teachers are wasting their time to merely HSC credential failing students, yet repressed anger, students arguing with each other, attempting to defy teachers, trying to enjoy a depressing environment using all opportunities to have fun, quick to respond angrily at judgements of being humiliated, are the ruling classes primary real intended lessons. Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:37:53 PM
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As seen on Testing Teachers, noise, constant interruptions. Get past those difficult to control childhood response problems previous teachers failed to solve, students unable to listen to teacher's sentences, failing to quickly understand, students quickly become frustrated, feeling low self-esteem and/or mental stress traumas, students feel less traumas distracting from lessons by directing previously unresolved comments at fellow student(s). The problem of noise starts up disturbing all other students. A learnt emotion rewarded defiance towards authority teachers, sees increased: over the limit drunken adult motor vehicle driving; home made illegal ICE manufacturing; an emotionally driven total disregard for obeying authoritarian laws.
Adults having gone through above mention bad post code school education, treat their children as pets, allowing children to run around out of control, arguing with siblings, parents not prepared to calm children down to allow children to think better of what they're doing. Parents show no incentive to show their children how to read before and/or soon after children first attend school as many better post code educated parents would show more calming and patient attention to their children's education. School curriculum learning is responsible for a percentage of violent bipolar drunken drug addictive behaviours society. Malcolm Turnbull can act as though Australia has honest, well meaning values, school education drags down the least prepared children using school academic BS, ensuring a percentage of failed citizenry remain: homeless; suicidal; suffering from all manners of medicated pharmaceutical company supplied drug dependant mental illnesses. That's Malcolm Turnbull's Australian values. Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:40:30 PM
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I don't listen intently to any overly worded media spokes person, condensing sentences down into subconscious memories. I tend to listen for relevant ideas, listening for something new. News media murder stories and sports, my brain immediately stops taking any notice, drifting thoughts onto something I may have been previously thinking about.
Asking students to listen to lessons, understanding moving around teachers? Not easy to sustain student attentions while in distracting environment classrooms for any significant period. I wouldn't bother watching television news without PVR shift functions to hurry through irrelevant/simplistic/boring to listen to news stories. School lessons could be typed up on PDF files showing: diagrams; pictures; charts... and up loaded to a school or education department server, email server PDF file attachments sent to students to read in mornings or at their convenience, teachers go over during later periods to ensure lessons were read and understood. Too easy says education departments when the idea is dumb down citizenry as what happens now, ensuring a Neanderthal emotional decision making working class with all the alcoholic, drug addiction, family violence, police involvement... perfect balance between good and evil chaos natural selection society which suits the ruling class's idea of managing the masses. My retired school principle says what teachers should do is to walk into a classroom, say nothing, chalking writings on the chalkboard, students not wanting to fall behind stop what they're doing, writing in text books teacher's chalkboard writings. A problem is students reading or merely copying letters, that chalkboard copying is evil mental stress pretend internal voice thought traumatising, filling Homo-Sapien potential thinking memories with long term mental depression traumas, waste of time... pass-time. steve101 Posted by steve101, Friday, 21 April 2017 12:44:30 PM
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This is a con job by Turnball. If it were genuine he would reduce the intake of Immigrants/refugees to zero net and begin that process by stopping entry of those that cause us the most problems. For example, African refugees and muslims would be stopped. Others that practice underage marriage and FGM would be stopped. The government knows who these groups are, so it would be easy. They may even find others that cause us problems, that could be stopped from coming as well.
We do not have to put up with imports that do not or cant abide by our laws and social norms. There would still be plenty of immigrants to choose from and we get a more cohesive society. We have to get something in return for offering them a safe and secure home. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 21 April 2017 4:07:27 PM
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April 14, 2017. US PBS Newshour final minutes. The below attachment brings to listeners attention to, how people are their own experts, ignoring real expert opinions, at best seek out Google advice. I could assume, listeners formulated assumptions could support more school education. I conclude less school education, particularly starting school at too young an age. A Copy and Paste exert: “Increasingly, however, laypeople don’t care about expert views. Instead, many Americans have become insufferable know-it-alls, locked in constant conflict with each other, while knowing almost nothing about the subject they are debating. How did this happen? How is it that people now not only doubt expert advice, but believe themselves to be as smart, or even smarter, than experienced professionals? Parents who refuse to vaccinate a child, for example, aren’t really questioning their doctors. They’re replacing their doctors. They have decided that attending the university of Google, as one anti-vaccine activist put it, is the same as going to medical school.” My Steve101 opinion to answer the above question “why is it?”, school education has traumatised children all the way through schooling to final education pretend learning, subconsciously conditioning humans to hate learning anything not already simply believed. Students experience too many subjects in too shorter periods, rolling over period after period, students self-taught to condense badly contrived information into headline beliefs, that eventually prier to periodic examinations, facts will be remembered, ignoring any thought productive knowledge as slowing down the A to F question/answer fact memory process, which over many years, such fearful emotional judgements on thinking what was merely red to assume QandA examination facts, punishes incentives to think about what's being red, instead to judge compared to what's previously known. Malcolm Turnbull's replacing 457 with another title name and Australian Values, allows media to create more clueless expert short statement limited information, citizenry can feel intelligent over, capable of arguing with each other while drunk, having arguers listening to different media's limited different criticisms, citizenry believing what fits within their narrow agendas. Posted by steve101, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:00:42 PM
Western Australian state government should have predicted and prepared for the end of the mining boom, price of iron ore price climb curve from a previous iron ore price lows "Chart attachment below". Mining companies expanding iron ore mines infrastructure, offering Australian workers extraordinary wages, already employed workers quitting employment to take on mining employment. After expansion had ended, remote control driver-less trucks carrying iron ore to transport depose. Previously employed, feeling secure workers earning good wages, invested in Western Australian hurry up and buy before property gets more expensive, property boom.
Governments, to get away with unforeseen boom bust property market, governments need to act as clueless/stupid as bad thinking behaviour population see each other.
All those federal politicians owning property, constant demand from immigrants and foreign investors, keeps the price of property high, increasing property value of capital gains. First home buyers are losing out while the wealth of federal politicians holds firm.
How many properties were purchased by politicians during depressed property prices, taking advantage of known to happen: Keating's 1990 to 1994 recession; selective mainstream media driven, my knowledge Australian' “Radio National”, 1999 Apocalypse is coming Y2K computer bug scare, Life Matters quest speaker thereabouts saying, “world banks are about to go bust, quickly sell all property before it's too late” October 30, 1999, share market lows, DOW Jones falling to 7,200 index... to 2001 depressed property prices; post 2008 GFC finance media and Rudd scaring citizenry up to the end of the mining boom?