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The Forum > General Discussion > Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

Malcolm says, “In Australia's National Interest”.

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Many forum posters post short readings, coming to a single thought comment in as shorter sentences has possible. One forum I joined had a condition within “conditions of use”, discouraging posting few worded comments, that such comments may be taken off the forum.

My above reading on how school lesson's wordy readings are often irrelevant to readers future life, having no to few thought inspiring conclusions which can be realised. That little more than fact finding for future examinations can be realised, being highlighted with an appropriate marker. Eventually student readers will need to condense readings down to people names place names and dates for examinations. Drawn out readings leading up to something often suddenly shift to another theme, people names place names times, book reading story characters moving from one place to another place, student character interruptions all leads to degrees of frustration, increasing mental stress realised punishments.

Within school environments the only things containing movement are humans... that inspired to create memorable comments leads to endless limited number of people personality character likes and dislikes assassinations. When locking up prisoners in solitary confinement, a lack of visual input send prisoners crazy. Locking up children in the same classroom with the same students limits input to a select number of the same aged children, with similar characteristic behaviours. Same judgements day after day, reinforcing children's dysfunctional/sports loving behaviours, retarding/repressing intellectual abilities down to single assumed judgements.
The many school days each year, students coming home from school: frustrated; quick to distract from traumatised thoughts by doing something simple; listening to music; holding socialised conversation simple by avoiding talking to adults, would rather talk to same aged friends who also keep formulating language skills simple, cool, BS words analogies... analysing teenagers reducing social conversation down to few simple words, rather to feel rewarded by fully expressing by formulating complex worded sentences on what teenagers believe, should indicate teenagers are being traumatised by periods of thought. Feeling rewarded after ending increased traumatising thought, rather than feeling rewarded on fully transposing believed ideas.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:01:12 PM
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Teachers talking too quickly about more than one expression, young children failing to quickly respond, no time to think, “get started now” youthful feelings of being bullied, not liking to be bullied. Early judgements emotionally reinforced memories repeated year after year.

Spoken conversation reflects human's ability to think.

Outside of school knowledge: political readings; corporate advertising promote brands using colourful good looking people images, television commercials' fast moving scenes offer on relevant information only visual hype and fast moving sounds; journalism uses known names, heading statements followed with boring irrelevant follow up information; news media introduced expert guests, asking relevant questions often receiving from guests broad meaningless university book read quality analogy answers. Young children; school students; adults... are coached by media to remember: the headline topic; several images, predominately people faces; names of who and where... conditioning human judgement attitudes not to care to hear or read any detailed information, information being more irrelevant and/or boring than watching paint dry.

European documentaries shown on SBS television have an English speaking narrator describing relevant information in short sentences, constantly being interrupted by an expert speaking in their European language, SBS coloured yellow subtitles are shown at the time spoken foreign language begins, disappears as soon as spoken sentences end regardless whether further words are being spoken. On attempting to read coloured yellow words, statements add no real relevant information to the story fact finding process. In the end listeners can merely remember basic story information people names places names and dates heading ideas. Documentaries have no relevance to modern society usable learning.

Prime time television programs using digital editing, scenes rapidly change, sentences are short, and spoken quickly, possibly allowing only the simplest thoughts to be short term remembered. Considerable periods of no and/or not worth hearing information takes place. Suspense, waiting for a comment during competitive: cooking and variety talent programs.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:05:27 PM
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The question is... are establishment education and corporate media controllers contriving school education and entertainment to condition citizenry into short thought duration attention spans, repressing/withholding any second thoughts associated with earlier thoughts expanding two thought patterns into a more complex thought pattern, conditioned human behaviour to hate learning to recognise a new learning behaviour, prompting school learning traumas, unaccustomed torturous thought.

The same reason I type up detailed explanations of what I believe is happening, how democracy is faked to periodically lead (trust in democratic government processes) citizenry in losing accumulated wealth. How school education's primary task is to keep humans intellectually repressed, holding adults in an fun loving child intellectual behaviour, beginning with young aged children. Entertainment industry continues the dummying down process, rolling over the same concluded short attention span fast running irrelevant to managing every day human existence.

Big Brother program ideas where members of a group are expressing their thoughts on what's happening in a house community. Listeners understanding what's being said. Listeners thoughts maybe remembering personal information containing little more than simple to understand opinions placed on people. Facebook is full of people expressing opinions about self-taken pictures. Internet trolls criticising opinions no doubt are short and sharp to the point. Doesn't help when a limited number of characters which can be posted, limits the depth sentences can express.

I Watched an ABC ME cartoon, fast changing scenes, quickly spoken short sentences, scenes change from a good guy to the bad guy bantering at each other, bad guy threatening doing something evil, good guy trying his best to stop the bad guy. Cartoon ends, long list of credits comes on, hearing loud music while credits role down the screen.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:09:37 PM
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Later, on turning on my television to ABC ME, young teenagers were acting out scenes, a scene ends with one teenager actor character looking into the camera, expressing his personal opinions similar to big brother.
In all personal expressions, other than listening to English phrases about personal opinions, spoken to fast to assimilate phrases on anything other than judgement opinions placed on people, there is zero money earning skilled knowledge, may as well be riding a skate board.

1950s and 1960s saw many Hollywood cowboy movies: John Wayne; James Stuart; Garry Cooper... jet aircraft flying over desert scenes was said to have ended Hollywood cowboy movies.
Crime dramas; romance; star wars... lots of scene changes, few long sentences, many short sentences between long periods of action scenes and moving around silence. Words merely explained what was trying to be achieved on what was being seen. Irrelevant imagery to work skilled life formula has not changes.

Modern day script writers use in between action scenes, actors making personal opinions related to family and relationship problems and/or related to political and criminal greed. Few positive and/or negative judgements related to skilled work and monetary issues leaving listeners clueless, deprived or all relevant to real life issues knowledge.

The idea of keeping things simple is keeping people simple. An unrealised idea of scripting entertainment and media news stories onto criminal activities with very few financial every day investment traps warnings, exampling Internet US$500.00 OS software fixing and driver download scan scams.

Company CEOs ending their contracted period, receiving millions of dollars in severance. Are they so intelligent or are citizenry keep so deprived of all knowledge dumb? That correctly educated citizenry could do the same CEO tasks.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:13:25 PM
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Corporate company executives donate share holder company money to both political parties' campaigning, the priority elected political party into government condition is to keep the working class ignorant of what's really happening, how companies really work, that capitalism doesn't work. Capitalism justifies rich people's advanced university education and accumulate wealth investments, management careers having more to do with who parents know within a monopolised rich class socialising with each other golf playing society “it's not what you know, it's who you know”, that “in the know” rich class receive a correct Homo-Sapien psychologically healthy education, that money is the value of the cheapest labour which can be purchased and need for working class people to need to earn money in which to barely survive and the desire to achieve wealth creation to spend in retirement.

Occasionally finance media express a large proportion of bank loans lent to borrowing customers are funded by borrowing money from foreign countries. Federal and state governments often report funding deficits. Federal government could merely create RBA balance sheet credits by the billions of dollars without creating bond issues to draw accumulated money back to RBA balance sheets, handing out no need to pay back RBA credits to RBA to pay for government services. As I heard the theory, such a money printing practice leads to hyper inflation. There is little difference to banks borrowing money overseas to loan to borrowing customers, allowing sellers of property to increase cash wealth, placing large sums of money in interest earning bank accounts, banks lending out money to borrowing customers, compared to government printing money. As stated before, foreign borrowing is a lie.
Inflation is not associated with amounts of money credits in circulation. Inflation is concerned with shop bought products, fuel, CPI and wage inflation, which I suggest is controlled by government authorities predominately minimum wages. Unrestrained credit Bank Cards easy access to money should be inflationary using the supply of money verses demand on products buying. Usually wage income earnings determines the ability to service loans on 30 year mortgages.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:18:14 PM
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Because Paul Keating establishment created compulsive superannuation in 1992, a generation of rich retired investors with nowhere to safely invest money after 2008 GFC investment company collapses reduced investors wealth, property is in high demand by cash rich nowhere safe to invest money in retired. Even if the property market bubble crashes many other investment choices will declare themselves insolvent as in 2008 GFC, made worse by Rudd spooking GFC. Elderly people holding onto family home valuable land priced property, avoiding selling property on property stamp duty charge loses, Big 4 pillar banks aren't known by currant elderly generation for declaring bankruptcy as USA banks often do.

I speculate, share investors maybe receiving high dividends, yet as the ASX market indexes have shown no improvements over the past few years, investors are being advised into shares which show small gains, eventually share prices fall to rarely seen lows, wiping out capital gains: Telstra and BHP Billiton. Finance news readings encourage buy investment on resent share price rises and on predicted announcements prior to shares sliding south, mining indexes rise and fall with few predictions of falls only announcing index slumps at the bottom, such realisations guide investors towards property investments. The single idea with few second thoughts and second doubtful thoughts education and media entertainment, are I suggest are responsible for limited self-designed investment strategies.

My assertion being that HSC provides: short attention span; single thought often relate to a person, so short a sentence a thought is little more than a judgement... other than A grade HSC leavers, students will be so mentally exhausted, mentally traumatised, self-medication addictions: alcohol; drug; gambling; sports... limited experiences combining many single thoughts into skilful behaviour procedures limits skilled employment opportunities.

A grade HSC grades moving into university studying practical thinking behaviours. Lessons knowledge will be so broad, learned university graduates will resemble ABC The Drum broad conclusion discussions. When specific questions are asked on a specific topics, analogies are made broad combining many things as to say many things have the same issues.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 3:22:36 PM
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