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Dear O Sung Wu,

The following link may be of
interest, amongst other things it gives the
obligations that Australia owes to asylum seekers
and refugees:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 13 January 2014 4:40:51 PM
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Hi there FOXY...

Thank you very much indeed for supplying me with that link. I do appreciate, Australia as a signatory to that UN Refugee Convention, we have a clear duty to adhere to the specifics as contained in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees - 1951.

I've no problem with that FOXY, none at all. What worries me, and many others too ? Why are many of these refugees who arrive by boat, take inordinately vigilant measures to discard all documents of identification in order the Oz authorities have great difficulties identifying them, even the country from where they've originally come from ? Essentially, what concerns me...are they bona fide refugees ?

Certainly not, by dint of their highly deceptive conduct ? In fact I'd find it quite difficult to believe anything they say or anything they claim ? It's simple as that. I'm sorry FOXY, the evidence is overwhelming and speaks for itself.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 13 January 2014 5:28:17 PM
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I don't for one minute believe that there are people who object to someone seeking asylum.
The dilemma started when bogus asylum seekers exploited the good will & compassion extended to them.
The hardesd part is how to establish who is genuine & who isn't because even the genuine are bound by superstitious belief to protect the very agenda that makes them refugees in the first place.
They apparently have the right to expect us to put up with them but we have no right to even an insurance such as deporting some when things go wrong.
We must start considering to put our foot down before we get trampled by them.
Posted by individual, Monday, 13 January 2014 6:20:40 PM
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Hi there INDIVIDUAL...

Much of what you say is absolutely valid. I'd also agree with you, if an individual was genuinely in need of immediate asylum, he should get it. My trouble and by the sound of it, you would concur, is for any of these claimants to arrive here unannounced, and without any means to substantiate both their identity, and their claims ?

If I were to find myself in exactly the same circumstances, I'd gladly furnish the authorities with every jolly document I had in my possession, if for no other reason but to assist in establishing my bona fides (my legitimacy) ! Anything to authenticate my absolute need of political sanctuary. It is for this reason, I find their irregular behaviour, totally bereft of all identifying documents, which I believe is, substantially calculated to deceive ?
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 13 January 2014 8:11:22 PM
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Individual and SPQR, just wondering ...if we sent all Muslim boat people asylum seekers back to Indonesia (given your belief that all of them are fraudulent refugees), and took the same number of Muslim refugees waiting in camps over there to Australia instead, would that be ok by you?

Naturally, if all you are worried about is that all these latest predominantly Muslim asylum seekers may be lying about their refugee status, then swapping them for some 'genuine' refugees from Indonesia shouldn't be a problem?
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 13 January 2014 8:46:28 PM
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>>if we sent all Muslim boat people asylum seekers back to Indonesia (given your belief that all of them are fraudulent refugees), and took the same number of Muslim refugees waiting in camps over there to Australia instead, would that be ok<<

Of course not: the problem isn't their method of arrival, the problem is their faith. It would be okay if we could swap equivalent numbers of Muslims for Hindus, Mormons, Scientologists etc.

Muslims are a dangerous sub-human element that stand in the way of the glorious advancement of our Fatherland. They are an unclean faith who practice horrific rites: they hoard money, poison wells and murder Christian babies to use their bloods in rituals desecrating the sacred Host. If we let them into our country we will bring racial shame on all that is most dear to us, and we need to find some sort conclusive solution to the Muslim problem.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Monday, 13 January 2014 9:07:16 PM
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