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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Australia Become a Neutral Country

Should Australia Become a Neutral Country

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It is fascinating how even a simple topic on a political matter - neutrality - gets hijacked by the god-botherer fraternity.

On topic for a moment then.

There is no such concept as neutrality in today's world. If you look at it dispassionately, there never has been.

Ireland and Spain were nominally neutral in WWII, but both leaned heavily towards the Axis powers.

Spain was the more blatant of the two:

"A United Nations Security Council investigation conducted after the war found evidence that Spain had allowed German planes to operate from Spanish airfields to attack allied shipping. Spanish ports were secretly used to refuel and repair German warships. And in addition to this practical support, the state controlled Spanish media consistently broadcast a pro-Axis message."

Ireland's position was rooted in their antipathy to the British, and was also a sham, branding as deserters anyone brave enough to serve against Fascism...

...and culminating in Taoiseach De Valera's signing the book of condolence for Adolf Hitler.

Switzerland ran its own version of neutrality, which was to sell its services to the highest bidder, most often Germany. Since the country held no strategic value to anyone, it was allowed to run its war as a strictly commercial venture, happily accepting, inter alia, truckloads of swastika-emblazoned gold bars (and we know where they came from, don't we), a policy that turned it into the land of smug fur-lined parasites it is today.

Australia is reasonably strategic, geographically speaking, especially our northern reaches, so could not maintain any form of neutrality for very long, whether we wished to or not. After all, Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium were all "neutral countries" until they were taken over by Nazi Germany.

So the point is entirely moot. But one aspect of the question still puzzles me.

>>Australia's geographic location in the world gives it the ability to become a neutral country and thus hold the balance of power.<<

What aspect of "neutrality" confers the ability to hold the balance of power? Neutrality surely implies an absence of power, rather than the opposite?
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 6 January 2014 3:40:13 PM
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To all the theistic contributors to this forum, I often wonder, of the thousands of gods worshiped throughout history, which one they actually believe in. But then it's impossible to dispute "faith" even when there is no concrete evidence of a god.
Perhaps the Druids got closest as worshipping the Sun makes a little more sense, as it does contribute to life. Science will eventually finally disprove the existence of an Almighty as religions have adopted and adapted to discoveries over the years from the time of Galileo and then faith will be become an anachronism.
Posted by snake, Monday, 6 January 2014 4:10:38 PM
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Gods Messenger, Mohamed claimed that title. So it makes me think you might be mouthing his message. A neutral Australia is an opportunity for a large nearby Muslim nation to invade and occupy.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 6 January 2014 4:41:30 PM
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What seems to be missing here is knowledge about what is happening around us.
The strange thing about this issue of God of the 7billion odd of humans on this planet at the greater part of them get down on their hands and knees every single day, one a week and sometimes only once a year and give thanks to God. The very next day they go down the road that kills something.

If you might recall the first commandment was THOU SHALT NOT KILL
mankind has so far left behind nothing but destruction.
Prayer is not something that can be completed successfully in your head, it must come from your heart, your soul and of course your spirit.

I will remind you once again that the Kingdom of God can only be found within you.

Using your brain does not cut it at all.

So we on earth are a bunch of murdering heathens, no ifs, no but, no maybes.

You prove me different
Posted by Gods Messenger, Monday, 6 January 2014 6:15:10 PM
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A God is represented by his character as expressed in the character of Man. The character you yourself actually express in thought and action is the god in which you believe. If your god is no greater than yourself that is as big as your god. If you believe in a character more pure and powerful than yourself then have respect of that character.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 6 January 2014 7:02:29 PM
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' To all the theistic contributors to this forum, I often wonder, of the thousands of gods worshiped throughout history, which one they actually believe in. '

the One who is blasphemed day and night by God haters or deniers.
Posted by runner, Monday, 6 January 2014 9:54:16 PM
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