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The Forum > General Discussion > how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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I hinted at this when I remarked..on his habit of disengaging himself, and when I..spoke to him..about distantiation...These are all forms..of dissociation,..and these weaker/forms were always more evident in him than in you.

That is because..your..dissociation was so..extreme your did not have to hide it..because you were not aware that it..was there...Bill,..on the other hand,..DOES dissociate more than he thinks,..and that is why..he cannot listen.

He does not need to go through the same course in repression that you
did, because he will give up his major misdefense AFTER he has rid himself of the lesser..ones.

Do not disturb yourself about repression,..Bill,..but DO train be alert to..any withdraw from your brothers...Withdrawal is frightening,..and you do not/recognize all the takes in you.

Helen is right..that she will experience things..that
will cut across..all her perceptions because..of their stunning/knowledge.

You were right/that this will occur..when she
recognize..what..she ALREADY knows..and has..dissociated...from[by fear]..

You, Bill,..will learn..somewhat differently,..*because you are afraid*..[of all complete-involvement.., that they lessen..YOUr..higher/standing.

You have be so much more..clear-sighted about this
so/that you..should be oppose yourself RELATIVELY

As you come brother, DO approach me,
and as you..withdraw from..*him..I become distant to you.

Your giant step forward..was to INSIST on..a collaborative/venture. This does NOT go...against..the true spirit..of meditation.**IN it.

Meditation is..a collaborative_venture..with GOD..included..between..thee...It CANNOT be undertaken..successfully by those..who disengage..themselves..from the Sonship,..because they are disengaging themselves..from me.

God..will come to you..only as you will..give Him to your brothers. Learn first of them,..and you/will be ready to hear God as you hear them...That is because the function..of love

How can you..teach someone..the value of something
he has thrown value-less..?

He must have thrown it away..because he did NOT..see..the value..of it...You can only.*show him*how..miserable he is..*WITHOUT it,..and bring it..near very slowly, he can his/misery lessens as he..approaches it.

This conditions associate his misery..with its*ABSENCE,
and to associate..the OPPOSITE of misery..*with its presence.

It gradually becomes..desirable,.as he changes
his mind..about its worth...then..NEXT..see..the
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 14 November 2013 9:00:37 AM
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please ignore..the next..two-posts
they are simply a dire-version..[ not allowed further edit..of know why]

so lets get/this test..out of the way


Five of Cups
In..the Cover position
Indicates..the the present situation.

Meaning: Disappointment.

Being a disadvantage..and emotional strings. Unfulfilled energy drain...Spilled milk.

Suffering..over..other-one¹s suffering...Difficulty..accepting a loss...Disbelief...Senseless loss...Lingering gloom...Being limited by..the haunting..of past experience...Weight...Slow healing.

The Lovers
In the Cross position

Represents..the positive forces..or the querent's favor. If..this card..should happen to be..a negative card, indicates the nature..of an obstacle..that is hindering progress...(The card in this always its upright manner.)

Meaning:..Union..of opposites.
The promise..or potential..for love
and romance...Partnership...Attraction,..chemistry,..lust.

Humour...Romantic interlude..or amorous encounter...Restless imagination.

The crystallizing,..projecting process..of.."blind love."..High hopes...Flare of desire...Friendship,..admiration,..and affection.

Communion...Sharing...On a deeper can represent transformational..power..of love...Inspiring attain or secure love...Being made love...Conviction..and commitment.

The mystic bond..of familiar spirits...Mutual understanding.
Fusion..and energy...A pact...Symptoms of love:..anxiety,..vulnerability,..short attention span.

Being love...Poetry,..daydreams,
Expanding experience...Loss of the rational...Gratitude.

the lovers..Can represent..a choice..between desired
and acceptable...Assessment...If a decision is involved, indicates..happy outcome..after struggles.

*The Chariot
In the Beneath position
Can be viewed as a message..from the.."higher self."
It..can also reflect..the querent's potential aspirations.

Meaning:..Triumph...Victory parade...Success
of a multifaceted endeavour...Leadership,..competence,..and maturity. Conquest...An evolved personality...Courage...Being centered and secure...Moral, ethical progress..and conduct...A high-minded, honourable

approach to life...Balance,..integration...Harmony of opposite tensions...Equilibrium...Reconciling opposing forces..or views. Uniting right..and..left brain functions.

Control..over inner conflicts...Harnessing wild energies.
Life an accelerated pace,..yet maintaining direction.

Finding one¹s stride...Enjoying the thrill..and ride of life. ambition..or dream...Achievement...High energy. Promotion,..honours,..and reward...Overcoming opposition...

May indicate..a rescue,
as in..the arrival..of the cavalry.

*Nine of Swords
In the Crown position
Represents past events..and influences..that color..and give the current situation.

Meaning:..Nightmares,..suspicion,..and insecurity...Depression weighing one down...Worry and delays...Longing and misery...Pining for a loved one...Distress and obsession...

The haunting of past hurts and injustices...Debilitating,..unhealthy situation...Unrelenting/enemy...Loneliness...Indecision..Bewilderment..Premature end.

Seven of Swords
In the..Behind position
Represents the preoccupation..of the subconscious..which filters into waking life,..affecting moods..and outlook...This is the underlying theme..of dreams..and the emotional the querent's life.

Meaning: Resignation...Acceptance...Limited success...Releasing of the old..renews the spirit...Rejecting outside expectations..for an individually..fashioned lifestyle...

Posted by one under god, Thursday, 14 November 2013 9:56:10 PM
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End of an ordeal...Negotiations. Independent-thinking...Confidence...

Release from the grip of material questing..for higher pursuits.

*The Sun
In the Before position
Represents.the state of..the querent's relationships..with others.

Meaning:..Triumph,..success,..and security.
Growth,..well-being,..and nourishment...Solutions,
faith,..and glory..Sincerity in love...Play,..vacation,..and enjoying the blessings in life..without analysis.

Being the moment...Rejuvenation...Childlike innocence and playful manner...Youth...Trust...Blossoming...Thriving...Enjoying the pleasures of nature...Bounty after trials.. Masculine..sexual energy. Summer love, romance..

Bright,..warm days...Learning new skills..through play.
Thanksgiving...Birth of a child...inFame.

Two of Swords
In the Self position
Indicates the querent's psychological state..and attitudes
which can greatly..affect the outcome..of the matter.

Meaning: Armed peace...Uncertainty...Limited information.
Impasse...Blind judgment...Sensing...Frail alliance/but with potential...Invitation to friendship,..collaboration,..or union,..but not being met halfway.

Questioning whether friend..or foe...Dual nature...Energized by a not yet..*decided situation,..relationship,..or path..venturing into the unknown.

Having to proceed.while in the dark,..using intuition..or caution. Self-reliance...Having to make..a blind break a stalemate.

Seven of Wands
In the House position
Represents the querent's..environment..and unseen forces influencing the situation.

Meaning:..Courage,..determination,..and creative thinking.
Portends a good hazard a gamble...Though the odds..may seem against you,..there are your position.

The victory of..a major battle..paves the opportunity
and a positive life...Taking a stand...Guarding principles and dreams...Fending off predators.

Silencing naysayers.

Seven of Pentacles
In the Hopes position
Indicates..the hopes..and fears..of the querent.

Meaning:..Bounty comes..of patience..and ingenuity...The fair
and just..treatment..of personal and business life...Feeling of well-being...Satisfaction/in work.

Profit...A card of goodwill...The repaying..of past kindness. Stability..and steady progress...

Reaping what has been sowed.

Three of Cups
In..the Outcome position
Indicates..the outcome of the matter.

Meaning:..Celebration...Thanksgiving...Shared happiness...pleasure and..satisfaction...Enrichment/of friendships...Support,..encouragement.

Excitement..and play...Enjoying arts..and talents...Luck,
excitement,..and momentum...Goodwill and humour...

The doubling effect..of success shared...The joy of artistic collaboration...Romantic fun...The freshness of spring.

Gratitude..and good health.*..ahhh-mene
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 14 November 2013 9:57:11 PM
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i thought to..try it twice..[with other format]


Seer of Wands
Seer of Wands
In the Cover position
Indicates the querent in relationship to the present situation.

Meaning: Don’t be surprised at her frankness; the Seer of Wands is not one to mince words! Her hot temper and impulsiveness will get her into all kinds of trouble. Filled with the youthful notion that she is indestructible, she can be daring to the point of danger. This spunky girl may not be practical, but her enthusiasm is worth encouraging. It will lead her to her true calling. Maturity and responsibility can come later. This Seer may represent a bold person in your life, or she may be asking you to nurture your own adventurous spirit.

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In the Cross position
Represents the positive forces or assets in the querent's favor. If this card should happen to be a negative card, it indicates the nature of an obstacles that is hindering progress. (The card in this position is always interpreted in its upright manner.)

Meaning: Despite the many negative associations with this card, it brings you an amazing gift: the possibility of transformation. Now is the time to release patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Have trust in the future, bid farewell to the past, and allow yourself to be reborn.

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Ten of Pentacles
Ten of Pentacles
In the Beneath position
Can be viewed as a message from the "higher self." It can also reflect the querent's potential aspirations.

Meaning: In the Ten of Pentacles, we experience the satisfaction of having all our needs met. Having attained a lasting level of security, we have good reason to relax and to celebrate the abundance of life with friends and family. At the same time, this card speaks to the importance of creating something worth passing on to future generations.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 15 November 2013 10:35:51 AM
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Whatever your age,..start thinking..about the legacy you will leave.

What impact will your life have on the world? On an even deeper level, the Ten of Pentacles offers a gateway into the essence of its suit: that the everyday world contains magic and mystery that we are often too busy to acknowledge. Honoring this magic is perhaps the most profound and valuable legacy we can leave behind.

The Lovers
In the Crown position
Represents past events and influences that color and give rise to the current situation.

Meaning: When this card appears, be prepared for a new love in your life or be ready to work on a current relationship. The Lovers beckon you to be deliberate in your choices. The challenge is to learn how to give yourself without losing yourself. Trust in love, and don’t let fear keep you from commitment if it feels right.

Eight of Cups
In the Behind position
Represents the preoccupation of the subconscious which filters into waking life, affecting moods and outlook. This is the underlying theme of dreams and the emotional undercurrent in the querent's life.

Meaning: The heart’s yearning for a deeper meaning cannot be ignored. The Eight of Cups calls you to begin a spiritual quest, to withdraw your energy from the world to be more present with your inner life.

Whether you hike up the Himalayas or retreat to your room, give yourself plenty of time alone. Creative solitude is the single most important thing that will help replenish your joy in living. You may also bring back greater self-awareness, spiritual insights, and possibly a whole new set of values.

Six of Cups
In the Before position
Represents the state of the querent's relationships with others.

Meaning: Just for now, leave the worries of the world behind. Live fully in the present. Even a few moments of such deep ease can seep into and change your life.

If you are not experiencing the joy promised in the
Six of Cups, might your memories..for such a time.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 15 November 2013 10:38:09 AM
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In*fact,..this/is..traditionally..the card/of nostalgia,..[looking back-on..happier days.]..But
more than..just longing..for/a..perfect and..irretrievable time,.. reminiscing..can-help..*you draw..insight..from..the enrich/the..present.

Forgotten/dreams..may resurface..with renewed*potential..[wikiseed/wikigeld?]..Remember, the..innocence..and simple joys..of youth..are always*.available within.

Four..of Wands
In..the Self..position
Indicates..the querent's/psychological-state..
and attitudes..which..can greatly-affect..the outcome..of the matter.

Meaning:..This card..portrays a joyful passage*..
from one/ the next...Like..the May-Day..celebration,

the Four..of about..the gaiety/
that..encourages growth..and abundance.

The spring-crops..are in the ground...A good foundation..has been established;..great in order.

Remember,..delight..has a vital creating/lasting success. With..hard*work behind..and more challenges ahead, is the time to relax..and enjoy.

Take all/that you’ve..accomplished.
You’ve..come.a long way!

Six/of Wands
In the/House..position
Represents the querent's..environment
and..unseen forces..influencing the situation.

Meaning:..The Six/of Wands..may herald..the arrival/of..good news;
it may/also..mark a moment..of personal glory...One of the most gratifying* in the deck, shows..the high point of a creative/journey.

Self-confidence..forged the path/to..this victory,.for
as Rachel-Pollack..says,..“Optimism..produces/the very/success it desires..and..expects.”..Having manifested..your goals,..your achievements..are now..[now/are][are/now]honored

by others...A promotion..or other reward/may even-be granted to you. You deserve..this acknowledgment,..for your success..benefits the whole community...Inspiring*others..with your triumph,..people may look.[for..themselves].

to you..[for leadership..]guidance..However,
be wary..of the human desire...for heroes.. don’t use y
our gain unfair-advantage.over others...Enjoy your time in the lime..[light]..for what it’s worth,..knowing that..frame may fade..but your accomplishments..will endure.

The High Priestess
In..the Hopes position
Indicates the hopes .and fears..of the querent.

Meaning:..The High Priestess..invites you/to..come to a
place..of stillness,..receptivity,..and self-awareness...of others

To experience..her mystical vision, may need/to..cultivate y
our heary..our intuition..through meditation.or dreamwork...Trust your inner-oracle,..for the seek..*is within..all..and everything.

Four'/of Pentacles
In..the Outcome-position
Indicates..the outcome..of the matter.

Meaning:..The Four of Pentacles..reminds us..not/to..depend on
what we own./for our sense of security...The pursuit of..material gain alone* barren..and both individuals..and the larger organism..[society].of life.

A culture..that has..survived..for so long..
i.. the desert..knows that..the best insurance..
is the love..and support..of..a living/ falls,..the others..*will be support them.
This..true wealth..can’t be hoarded. [it given/received] be..truly-believed]

This card..may represent..a time..when
survival-instincts..are needed.

A..genuine/ your security..could be at hand,
so..clever stewardship..of important.

At the..same time,..don’t let*..irrational fears..of deprivation
take over...You..are*honestly examine..your ..and possessions.

Recognize*..and appreciate..the..forces/that.*sustain[your life.] so..brings/ ironic/scarcity..of funds.

caution..ABOUT..THE a toy*
Posted by one under god, Friday, 15 November 2013 11:01:58 AM
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