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how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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We have spoken..of many different human symptoms,..and at this level there..IS almost/endless variation...But there is only* cause..*for all of them.

The authority-problem IS..“the root..of all evil”.
Money is..but one of..its many reflections,..and is a reasonably
representative example..of the kind of thinking..which stems from it.

The idea..of buying/and selling..implies precisely the kind of exchange..that the Souls..*cannot understand at/all*..because their own always abundant,..and all their demands are fully met.

Every symptom..which the ego has made..involves a contradiction in terms...This is/because..the mind is split between the ego..and the Soul, that WHATEVER the ego..makes is incomplete and contradictory.

Consider what a..“speechless professor”..means/as a concept.
It literally means..a “non-professing professor,”..or a “nonspeaking speaker”.

professors..*must be actively..profession..
or they are but..salt..[that has lost/its taste]

Untenable positions such as this..are the result of the authority problem, which,..*because it..accepts the one*inconceivable its..base-premise,..*can only produce ideas/which are inconceivable.

B...may claim..(and has certainly/done the past)
that the/PROFESSORSHIP..was thrust upon him...This is/not true. He wanted it..very much,..and..also worked get it.

He would/not have..had to work so hard either,
if he had..not/misunderstood it's service..with other...

The term..“profess” used quite/frequently in the Bible,..but
in a somewhat different/context...To*to identify..with an idea..and offer the be THEIR/own.

The idea does/NOT lessen; becomes STRONGER.
The teacher clarifies..his own/ideas and strengthens them..BY teaching them...

Teacher and pupil,..therapist and patient,..are all alike in the learning process...They/are in the SAME order of learning,..*and unless they..*SHARE their lessons..they will lack/conviction.

If a salesman..must the product he sells,..
how much more must..a teacher the ideas which he professes...

But he needs..another condition;..he must*..also the whom he offers his ideas*

B...could not be afraid to teach..unless he still believes that interaction means loss,..and that learning..means separation...

He stands guard*..over his own..miss-conceived/ideas,..because he
wants to protect..this thought-system..*as it is,..and learning MEANS change.

Change is*always the separated,[dived..of mind]
because they cannot conceive..of it as a change..*toward/HEALING the separation...They ALWAYS..MISS_perceive a change for further separation,..because separation..*WAS..*their first experience of change.

Bill,..your..*whole-fear..of teaching[professing] nothing*but an example..of your/own intense*separation anxiety,..which you_have handled..with..the*usual series..of mixed defenses..[your OWN*miss-creations]

in/the..ill-conceived/combined pattern..of attack..on truth..
and defense..of error, which/characterizes..ALL/ego-biased non-thinking.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 10:00:32 AM
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You insist..WRONGLY..that..*if you enter
into your EGO,..that..your SOUL..will find..peace...somehow*

This..profound/ possible only if one maintains
that..the SAME thought-system..can stand..on two foundations.

NOTHING can reach..the Soul..from the ego,..and
nothing /FROM the Soul..*can strengthen/the ego,..or reduce the conflict..within it.

The ego..IS a contradiction.
Man’s self..and God’s Self opposition... miss-creation, will,..and in..divergent-outcome's..both truth..and false.

They are/fundamentally irreconcilable.because the Soul cannot perceive,..error..and the ego cannot know..any..but truths it has biased towards self.

They are..therefore..NOT IN COMMUNICATION,
and..can never communication.[light/dark..dont_mix]

Nevertheless the ego..can learn,..because its maker
can be misguided,..but CANNOT..make the totally/[out/of..the life-given].

The Soul..need not be taught,.but the ego*MUST...

The ultimate reason why learning..or teaching is perceived as because..eternally true learning..DOES lead to the relinquishment..over..(NOT destruction of]the ego..[darkness of self] the light/of the Soul.

This is...the change..the ego ..MUST fear, does/not share..the clarity..only charity.

My lesson..was like yours,..and
because..I can teach it.

I never..attack your/egos..(in spite of..H’s strange beliefs/to the contrary),..but I DO try to..teach them..*how their/miss-thought-systems..many/have arisen.

When..I remind you..of your..TRUE perfect-Creation,..
your egos..cannot..BUT respond..with fear.

Bill,..teaching..and learning are..your greatest strengths
now,..because..*you MUST..change/your mind..and help others..change theirs....

It is refuse

to tolerate change..or changing..only..because you believe..[fear]..that you only ..can that the Separation/never occurred.[the first.WILL BE LAST..remember*]

The dreamer..who doubts.the reality..even..of his/own-dream..
while he is still is not really..healing the mind to mind-level-split...underpinning the separateness.

You HAVE dreamed of..a separated ego,
and you HAVE a world..which/rested upon it.
thus..This is..very real to you...You cannot..undo doing nothing and not/changing.

If you are renounce the role of guardians
of your them to me,..I will correct them very gently,..and lead you home.[under grace/mercy..peace]

Every good teacher..hopes to give his much of
his own thinking..comforts.[com-fortable/com-fort-ing]..that they day no longer..*need him...This is the one real goal of the parent,.teacher,.and therapist.

This goal..will not/ achieved by those who believe that they will LOOSE..their child or pupil..position..or patient if*..they succeed.

thats the..clear error.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 10:28:34 AM
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those..who miss-believe..that they will LOOSE
their child..or pupil..or patient ..patent/power or position..if..they succeed...clearly failtheir profession.

It convince..the ego of this,
because it goes..against all ..of its own*laws...But remember..
that laws..are protect..the continuity of/the which..*the law-maker believes.

It is.natural enough..for the ego to protect itself,..once YOU
have made NOT natural..for YOU to want/to obey its laws..*unless YOU believe/in them.

The ego..cannot make..this choice
because..of..the nature..of its origin.

But YOU can,..because of the nature of YOURS.
Egos can clash in any situation,..but Souls cannot clash/at all.

If you perceive..a merely a..“larger ego,” WILL be afraid,..because to/ENLARGE an eg..IS to increase separation anxiety.

Do not this foolishness,
Bill...I will teach with you and live with you,.if you will think with me...But my goal will..always be to finally from the need..for a teacher.

This is//the OPPOSITE..of the ego-oriented teacher’s goal.
He is concerned.with the effect of HIS/ego..on OTHER egos,..and he therefore interprets their interaction as a means of..ego/preservation.

This is no less true./.if he is afraid to teach
than if he is frankly..out to dominate..through teaching.
The form of..the symptom is only..a reflection of his particular way of/handling..the separation anxiety.

ALL separation a symptom..of a continuing will
to remain separated...This/cannot be repeated..too often because you have..*NOT learned it..*Bill, are afraid to/teach..ONLY because you are afraid..of the impression..your image of yourself..will make

You believe that their APPROVAL..of your image..will exalt it,..but
also..that your separation anxiety..will be increased.

You also believe..that their/DISAPPROVAL of it..will lessen the separation anxiety,..but at the cost..of depression.

I would/not to devote teaching
if..I believed either-of..these ideas,..and YOU will..not be a devoted teacher..yourself as you..maintain them.

I am/constantly..being perceived as..a teacher be exalted or rejected,..but I do not*..accept either..*perception for myself.

Your own NOT established* your teaching.
Your worth..was established*by God.

As you dispute this,..EVERYTHING you *do..will be fearful, and particularly/any situation..which lends itself easily to the superior-inferior fallacy.

Teachers..must be/patient,..and repeat their..own
lessons..until they are..properly..learned...I am un-willing..
to do so,..because I..have no set..*your learning/earnings/limits..*for you.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 10:44:29 AM
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Once again,—NOTHING..*you do,
or think,..or will,..or necessary..*to establish/your worth.

This point..IS NOT DEBATABLE..except in delusions.
Your ego..*is NEVER at/stake..because God.*did not create it.

Your Soul..*is stake..*because He DID.

Any/confusion..on this point ..IS a delusion,[miss-creation/of ego.
and no form..of devotion other..let alone possible as long/as..this..ego-delusion lasts.

Bill,..if you be..a devoted..professing-teacher
rather/ ego-centric one, will not be/afraid...The teaching situation..IS fearful..if it is misused.. ego involvement...If you/become afraid, is BECAUSE you are this way...But..the devoted teacher..FEARLESSLY-perceives..the situation..*AS IT IS,..*and NOT..*as HE wills it.

He does/not..see dangerous
because/HE is..not exploiting it...yet..The ego
tries to exploit..ALL situations..into forms/of praise for itself in order to/overcome ..its fears..and doubts.

It will/be..doubtful forever,..or better,
as..long as..*you believe in it...*You who made it..CANNOT trust it, because..*you KNOW* is not..really-real.

The ONLY..sane/ not-to change reality,
which fearful attempt,..but to..simply see it as/it is.

YOU are..part of..the only..true-reality,..which stands unchanged beyond..the reach of..your ego,.but..within easy-reach.of your Soul.

Bill,..again I tell you..that when you are afraid, still
and KNOW..that God is real..and*YOU are..His beloved son[in whom he is well pleased.]

Do not*..let your ego..dispute this,*because..the ego cannot know*as far beyond..*its you are.

* NOT*..the/author of fear.

YOU are.

You..have willed,..therefore, mis-create
unlike Him,..and you have..thus..*made fear..real..for yourselves.

You are/ peace,..because
you are not fulfilling..your..intended-function
Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 11:12:31 AM
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God gave you a..very lofty responsibility..which you are not meeting.

You KNOW this, are afraid.

But your egos..have chosen be afraid
INSTEAD of meeting it..When you awaken you/will not
be able to understand this,..insanity..because it is literally in-credible.

Any increase its merely to postpone the inevitable...The word..“inevitable” the ego,..but
joyous to the Soul.

God [grace/love/mercy/eternity..IS inevitable
and you..CANNOT avoid Him..anymore than..He can/avoid YOU.

The afraid of..the Soul’s limitless joy,..because once you have experienced this, will..withdraw all protection from your ego..and become totally* injurious/paralinguistic fear.

Your great now,..because a witness to the Separation, and your ego/rejoices..when you witness to it.
Leave it behind...Do not listen to it,..
and do not preserve it.

Listen only to God,..who/is as incapable of deception
*as are..the Souls he created...As teachers and therapists,
release*..yourselves..and release others.

Do not present..a false and unworthy picture..of
yourselves TO others,..or such a picture OF them yourselves.

The ego has built..a shabby and un-sheltering home for you, because it *..cannot build..otherwise..Do not try to make this impoverished house stand...ITS weakness..*IS your..soul/sole-strength.

Only God could make a home..that was worthy..of His beloved and beholden-Creations, who have/ leave it their own dispossession...abandonment-fears.

His Home will stand forever,..and
is ready..for you when you choose to enter.

Of can be wholly certain.

God incapable of creating..the perishable
as your ego is..of making the eternal.

Of your egos you can do save yourselves or others.
But of your Souls you..can do everything..for the salvation of both. a lesson for the ego,..not for the/Soul.

The Soul is beyond humility,..because it recognizes its
radiance,..and gladly sheds its..light everywhere.

The meek..shall inherit the earth..because
their egos are humble,..and this gives them..better perception.

The Kingdom of the right..home..of the Soul,
whose beauty and...dignity are beyond doubt,.;beyond perception,
and stand the mark of the love..*of God for His Creations,..who are wholly-worthy..of Him..and ONLY of Him.

Nothing sufficiently be
a gift..for a creation..of God Himself.

I will..substitute..for your
ego will,..but NEVER.for your Soul.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 11:18:14 AM
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A father can safely..leave a child with an elder brother who has shown himself responsible,..but this involves/no confusion about the child’s origin.

The brother can protect the child’s body and his/ego,.which are very closely associated,..but he does not confuse HIMSELF..with the father
because he does this,..[although the child may].

The reason why..I can be entrusted with YOUR
body..and YOUR egos is simply/because this enables not to be overly concerned with them,..and for ME to teach you their/un-importance...I could not understand..their importance to YOU..if I had not once been believe them myself.

Let us learn this lesson together,
so we can/ free of them..together.

I need devoted much as I need devoted priestesses.
They both..sweek heal the/mind,..and that is own aim.

The far beyond the need..of your protection..OR mine.
The Biblical quotation..should read..“In this need NOT have*.tribulation.BECAUSE I have overcome..illusions..of the world.”

THAT is should..“be..of good cheer.”

B’s course..was very carefully chosen,..because
“abnormal psychology”..IS ego/centric psychology.
This is precisely..the kind of content..which should
never be taught FROM*..the ego whose abnormality..should be lessened by true-teaching,..not increased...bythat false.

You,..Bill, are..particularly well perceive this difference,..and can therefore,,to teach this course as/it should be taught...Most teachers unfortunate tendency to teach the COURSE*abnormally,..and many of the students..are apt to suffer considerable perceptual distortion..because of their own authority problem...miss-perceptions.

Your teaching assignment..(and I assure IS an
assignment)..will be to present..perceptual distortion..* without either them yourself,..*or encouraging your*..students to do so.

This interpretation..of your role..and theirs is
too charitable to induce/fear..If you this role,
you will..both engender..and experience hope,..and you/will inspire rather..than dispirit..the future teachers..and therapists I am entrusting to you.

I promise to attend myself,..and you..should
at least credit..with me with some/dependability in keeping my own promises.

I never make them lightly,..because I know
the brothers have for know truth's qualities..for my motives..remain..pure/true...of good grace and mercyful.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 8 November 2013 4:53:58 PM
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