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how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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Bill,..your parents many ways,..but their perceive/was quite warped,..and their misperceptions stood/in...the way of..their..own knowledge...but..There is/no reason should/ the way..of yours.

It/is..still true/ believe
they DID/ you...yet..This your perception,..and/wholly destructive..of your knowledge...This is/not-only true..of your attitudes/toward..your parents,..but also/of..your mis-use/of..your friends.

You still/think..that you..MUST respond/to..their..errors AS_IF..they..were true...By reacting..self-destructively, are GIVING them/approval..[verification]..for..their misperceptions.

No-one..has the right/to..change himself..according/to..different circumstances...Only/his actions..are capable..of appropriate variation...His belief/in constant,..unless/it rests on perceptual..acuity..rather/than knowledge..of what..he is.

It is/your.DUTY to..establish..*beyond doubt..that you_are..*totally side/with..(identify/with)..anyone’s..misperceptions of you,..*including..your own.

If you/become-concerned..with totally/irrelevant factors,..such as the/physical condition..of the classroom,..or..the number of students,..even..the hour/of..the course,..and the many/elements may/ select..for a basis/for misperception, have lost/the knowledge..of what.ANY interpersonal relationship/is for.

It is..*NOT true/that..the difference/between
pupil..and lasting...They meet..IN ORDER/to abolish..the difference...between/them..At the-beginning,..since we/ time,..they come together..on the basis/of..inequality of..ability and experience.

The aim/of..the them more/of..what is temporarily
his...This process..has all/of..the miracle-conditions..we referred to-at..the beginning...The/teacher..or miracle worker) more/to those..*who have less,..bringing them/closer to/equality..with him, at/the..same time gaining..for himself.

The confusion/here i..s only..because/they do-not gain/the same things,..because they/do not..NEED the..same things...If they did, their..respective,..though/temporary..roles would/ conducive to mutual profit.

Freedom..from fear/ BOTH teacher
and pupil..ONLY if*.they either/their..needs
or..their positions/in..regard to-each terms..of higher and lower.

Presumably,..children/must learn..from parents...What parents learn merely of/a..different order...Ultimately,..there is/ order,..but this/involves..only knowledge.

Neither parents/nor children..can be said/to..HAVE knowledge,
or their/relationships..would/not exist.AS IF-they..were..on different-levels...The same/is true..of the/teacher..and the pupil.

Children/ authority-problem..ONLY if/they..believe
that their/ influenced/BY..the authority...This is/an
act/of will..on their part,..because/they are..electing to mis-perceive..the authority..and GIVE him/this power.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 3 November 2013 2:52:20 PM
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A TEACHER..with/an..authority/ merely..a pupil
who teach/others...because..his..will/has willed/wrong-creation.

He/ position
where..he can/be..misused..and misperceived.

This/makes him..resentful/of teaching,..because/of
what..he insists..was done/to him.

The..only way-out..of/this particular..aspect
[of/the desert] leave...The way/this
is release..EVERYONE involved, ABSOLUTELY/REFUSING to any/form..of honoring..further/misscreation/error.

Neither/teacher..nor learning
unless he/ as..means..of further/ attack.

If he/does this,..he will/be..imprisoned..whether he
actually teaches.or/learns,..or refuses/to-be..engaged in/the process at-all...The role of/a..teacher,..properly conceived,[realized] one of/leading..himself/and..others..out of/the desert...

The value/of this role..can hardly/be..underestimated,..if only because it/ which..I very gladly/ own life.

I have..repeatedly/asked..MY pupils to/follow me...This means
that, teachers,..they MUST/interpret I
do...I have/made..EVERY teach-you/*ENTIRELY without fear.

If listen, will/be..unable to avoid
the VERY/obvious..error..of perceiving/ a threat. hardly/ teaching is/a process..whose to..produce/learning.

*The ultimate/purpose..of ALL/ to abolish fear.
This/is that/knowledge..can happen...The role..of/the NOT/the role..of God...This confusion/is..all too frequently*made, parents,/teachers,/therapists,..and the clergy.

It/is..a real/misunderstanding..of both God..and His miracles...Any teacher..who believes/that fearful..*CANNOT learn because/ paralyzed...He also..cannot..really teach...fearlessness.

B...was quite-right/in..maintaining..that/this course
is..a/prerequisite..for his...However,/he was..really saying much more/than..that...The purpose..of/this..course IS/to
for knowledge...So its..the/only real/purpose..of any legitimate course...All/ a follow Me.

Whenever..anyone decides..that/he..can..function/ SOME roles but/..not in others,..he cannot..BUT/ make/a compromise..which/will..not work. under/the..misbelief..that/ coping/with..the fear problem/by..functioning as/an administrator..and as a teacher of interns,..but NOT/as..a teacher of students,..he/is..merely-deceiving
himself...He owes/himself..greater respect.

There is tragic as/the..attempt to/’s self, implies that/you perceive..yourself as so unworthy that/ for you..than truth.

Either you/ the/ properly fill,..or you cannot/function..effectively..*in any of them...*This/ all..or none decision..You CANNOT make/inappropriate..level of..distinctions/within-this choice.

You are..either/capable..or not.
This..does not..mean that/you..can DO..everything,/ does DOES mean/that you..are either.*totally/miracle-minded..or not...This NO compromise..whatever.

When..B. says/that..he cannot/teach,..he is making-the
same/mistake..that we spoke/of..before,..when/he if universal laws..applied to*..everyone/except him.

This is/not..only arrogant,..but patently/untrue...Universal laws
must/ him,..unless he/does..not exist.

We will/not argue..about this.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 3 November 2013 10:06:37 PM
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Every Soul God created is part of you, and shares His glory WITH you.
His glory belongs to Him, but it is equally YOURS.

There are no idolaters in the Kingdom, but there is great appreciation for every Soul which God created

Glory is your inheritance, given your Soul by its Creator, that you might EXTEND it. But if you hate part of your own Soul, ALL your understanding is lost, because you are looking on what God creates AS YOURSELF without love.

The peace of YOUR Soul lies in its limitlessness. Limit the peace you share, and your own Soul MUST be unknown to you. Every altar to God is part of your Soul, because the Light He created is One with Him.

You CANNOT sell your Soul, but you CAN sell your AWARENESS of it.

You cannot perceive the soul, but you will not KNOW it while you perceive anything ELSE as more valuable

The Holy Spirit is your strength because He perceives nothing BUT your soul as you. He is perfectly aware that you do NOT know yourselves, and perfectly aware of how to teach you what you are.

The Soul has been created. The body is a learning device FOR the mind.

the Soul is already perfect, and therefore does not require correction.

ONLY the mind is capable of illumination. The Soul is already illuminated

In the Creation, God projected his Creative Ability out of Himself toward the Souls which He created, and also imbued them with the same loving wish (or will) to create.

They heal because they deny body-identification and affirm Soul-identification.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 6:53:42 AM
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God's Sons..[lights]]..are
as they are as Souls.

if he the wrong voice,
he has LOST SIGHT*..of his Soul...BUT..He CANNOT ever-lose it,..
but he know it...It is therefore[thereby].LOST TO HIM,..*until he chooses truth..over self-delusion.

We have repeatedly..emphasized the/fact/..that one level
of the mind..*is not another...So/ is ..with/the ego..and the soul,..and with time..and eternity.

Eternity is an idea..of God, the soul*..understands it perfectly.

The Holy the mediator between/the
interpretations of the ego..[of man]..and..the knowledge..of the Soul.

Whenever you are not..wholely joyous, is because
you have..*reacted with a lack of some Soul..which God created.

Do not withhold your the Sonship,..or you withhold yourself from God...Selfishness is of the ego..but self-fulness is of the Soul because*..that is how..He created it's beiing.

The Holy the part of the mind..that lies between
the ego..and the Soul,..mediating between them..*ALWAYS IN FAVOR OF THE SOUL.

The soul KNOWS..that/the consciousness..of all/its brothers is included* its own, IT is included in God...*The power of the whole Sonship..AND OF ITS therefore its OWN fulness, rendering its Creation..and its creating..*equally whole and equal in perfection the OPPOSITE of loss,
as the opposite of sacrifice...our inner-Being MUST be extended..outwards...That is how it retains*.the knowledge of itSELF.

The soul yearns to share*..ITS ITS Creator did.
Created BY sharing,..its will is to create...It does NOT wish to CONTAIN God,..but to EXTEND..HIS BEING.

The extension of God's the Soul’s only function.
ITS fulness cannot be contained..any more than constrained..the fulness of its Creator...fullness IS extension...oof miraculous creations via revelations.

YOU may..*not know..even/your own creations,..but this
can no more interfere..with their reality..than your unawareness of your Soul..can interfere..with its being.

Your creations love your Soul
loves your Father..FOR THE GIFT OF..your CREATION.

It becomes ONLY a means/ which the part..of the mind which
you have separated..from your Soul..will/can..reach beyond its ego-distortions..and..return to the ergo-Soul.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:07:28 AM
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Against this sense of temporary existence,
the Soul offers the knowledge of permanence and unshakeable BEING.

You cannot conceive of the real relationship that exists between God and His Souls, because of the hatred you have for the Self you have made.

In the ego's language, to have and to be are different, but they are identical to the Soul.

In every case you have thought wrongly about some Soul that God created, and are perceiving images your ego makes in a darkened glass.

The ego and the Soul DO NOT KNOW each other.

I am conditioning you to associate misery with the ego, and joy with your *Soul*

the Soul reacts in the same way to everything it know is true, and does not respond at all to anything else.

Existence is SPECIFIC in how, what, and with whom communication is worth undertaking. Being is completely without these distinctions. It is a state in which the mind IS in communication with everything that is real, including its own Soul.

Remember that the Soul knows no difference between being and having. The higher mind thinks according to the laws which the Soul obeys, and therefore honors only the laws of God.

Having everything, the Soul HOLDS everything by GIVING it, thus creating as the Father created.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:08:26 AM
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Listen only to God, who is as incapable of deception as are the Souls he created.

Of your egos you can do nothing to save yourselves or others. But of your Souls you can do everything for the salvation of both. Humility is a lesson for the ego, not for the Soul. The Soul is beyond humility, because it recognizes its radiance, and gladly sheds its light everywhere.

I need devoted teachers as much as I need devoted priestesses. They both heal the mind, and that is always my own aim. The Soul is far beyond the need of your protection OR mine.

Man reacts to his ego much as God does to His Souls,-- with love, protection, and great charity.

The ego's ceaseless attempts to gain the Soul’s acknowledgement and thus establish its own existence are utterly useless. The Soul in its knowledge is unaware of the ego.

While the ego is equally unaware of the Soul, it DOES perceive itself as rejected by something which is greater than itself.

Salvation is nothing more that "right-mindedness" which is NOT the one-mindedness of the Soul, but which must be accomplished before one-mindedness can be restored.

The Christ Mind wills from the Soul, not from the Ego, and the Christ Mind IS yours.

You, too, have a Kingdom which your Soul has created. It has not ceased to create because your ego has set you on the road of perception. Your Soul’s creations are no more fatherless than you are. Your ego and your Soul will never be co-creators, but your Soul and YOUR Creator will ALWAYS be.

It should be quite apparent to you by now why the ego regards the Soul as its "enemy." The ego arose from the Separation, and its continued existence depends on your continuing belief in the Separation.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:09:19 AM
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