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how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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Each Soul..knows God completely...This IS the miraculous power/of the Soul...The fact..that every..[each]Soul this power completely* a fact that is entirely human thinking,[in which..*if any ONE has everything,.there is nothing LEFT.]

Eating of the a symbolic expression for incorporating..into the self the ability.for self-creation...This is the ONLY which God..and His souls are NOT co-creators.

You and B...still believe you/are images..of your own creation.
You are split..with[from]..your own Souls on this point,..and there is NO resolution,..because you believe..the one thing..*that is literally INCONCEIVABLE...thus clearly faulse

That is why/your Souls are peace,
even though your minds..are in conflict.

But to be the RIGHT sense
is to be inspired,..or in the Soul...The truly inspired are enlightened,..and cannot abide in darkness.

He can speak..from his Soul..*or from his ego, he chooses...If he speaks..from his Soul,
he has chosen to.."be still..and know that I am God."..These words are inspired,..*because they come..*from KNOWLEDGE.

Your real worth..IS your..divine authorship,..and your Soul is its acknowledgment...I cannot guide..your egos..*EXCEPT as you associate them with your Souls.

Every symptom..which the ego has made..involves a contradiction in terms...This is because..the mind is split between the ego and the Soul, that WHATEVER the ego/makes is incomplete..and contradictory.

NOTHING..can reach the Soul..*from the ego,
and nothing..FROM the Soul can..strengthen the ego,..or reduce the conflict..*within it.

They are fundamentally..irreconcilable
because..the Soul cannot perceive,..*and the ego cannot know.

true learning..DOES lead to the
relinquishment..(NOT destruction)..of the the light of the Soul.[revelations]

Your NEVER at stake..*because God did not create it.
Your Soul..*is never at stake..because He DID.

YOU are part of reality,..which stands unchanged..beyond the reach of your ego,..but within easy reach of your Soul.

The word "inevitable" fearful to the ego,
but the Soul...God IS inevitable..and you CANNOT avoid Him anymore..than/that He can avoid YOU.

The afraid of the Soul’s joy,
because..once you have experienced this, will withdraw all protection from your ego..and become totally without investment in fear.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:18:17 AM
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God created He could depend on them
BECAUSE..He created them perfectly.

Your NOT serving your Soul.

If you believe..that all of the Souls that God created
ARE His Sons,..and if you also believe..that the Sonship is One,
then every Soul..MUST be..a Son[light]..of God ,..or an integral part of the Sonship.

NOTHING..can prevail against..a Son of God who commends
his Spirit..into the hands of His Father...By doing this,.the mind awakens..from its sleep,..and the Soul remembers..its Creator...All sense of Separation disappears,..and level confusion vanishes.

Most of the now possesses..are only shadows of his real strengths...The Soul knows,..loves,.and creates...These are its unequivocal functions.

The Soul..does not..need healing,
but..the mind DOES.

The mind returns its proper function
only when it WILLS..TO KNOW...This places it/in the Soul’s service, where meaningless.

The mind..DID divide itself..when it create
its own levels..[of reality]..*AND the perceive them.[his own..misscreations]..But it could NOT.*entirely separate itself from the Soul,..because it is FROM..the Soul that it..derives its whole power to create...*Even in miscreating,..our/free-will is affirming its source,..or it would merely/cease to be...This is impossible, IS part of the Soul,..which God created,..and which is therefore eternal.

God and the Souls/He created surety,
and therefore KNOW..that no miscreation exists.

But I was..a man
who remembered the Soul..and its knowledge.
I demonstrated both..the powerlessness of the body..AND the power of the mind, uniting MY will..with that of my Creator,..which naturally remembered the Soul..and its own real purpose.

The Soul’s functions.are NOT relative...*They are ABSOLUTE.
They are OF..God and_under_God,..and therefore God-like.

It aid to the his own creative endeavors.
As he made new homes..[bodies]..for Souls..and guided them..thru the period of their own developmental readiness,[via spiritual-evolution]..he learned the role of the father himself.

God and the Souls..He created ARE..symbiotically related...*They are COMPLETELY dependent..*on each other...The creation of the Soul itself..*has already been perfectly accomplished,..but the creation..*BY Souls has not.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:28:46 AM
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Lee Flynn

We have also emphasized that man, insofar as the term relates to Soul, has not only been fully Created, but also been created perfect. There is no emptiness in him. The next point, too, has already been made, but bears repetition here. The Soul, because of its own likeness to its Creator, is creative. No Child of God is capable of losing this ability, because it is inherent in what he IS.

The Revelation unites Souls directly with God.

The Miracle unites Souls directly with each other.

Revelations induce complete but temporary suspension of doubt & fear. They represent the original form of communication between God and His Souls,

The Soul never loses its communion with God

If a mind creates without love, it can create an empty shell. This CAN be possessed by evil. But the Atonement restores the Soul to its proper place

The miracle restores the Soul to its fullness

The soul is in a state of grace forever.

Man's reality is ONLY his soul.

Therefore, man is in a state of Grace forever

The Soul is therefore unalterable because it is ALREADY perfect, but the mind can elect the level it chooses to serve.

Free will is the attribute of the mind, NOT the Soul. The Soul always remains changeless, because it never leaves the sight of God

The mind, if it votes to do so, becomes a medium by which the Soul can create along the line of its own creation

if a mind (Soul) is in valid relationship with God, it CAN'T be upside down

Sex was intended as an instrument for physical creation to enable Souls to embark on new chapters in their experience
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 7:32:20 AM
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Descartes a very interesting..teaching procedure,..and one..from which he/himself..learned a great deal...He began with doubting..the existence of everything,.except/himself.

He insisted..that his own existence..*was not open to doubt,
and..rebuilt his entire/thought-system..on the one..premise
\*“I think,..therefore I am.”*/

It is noteworthy..that he arrived at accepting the entire system
which..he originally doubted],..[solely..on the basis..of this
ONE piece..of..known/know-ledge...

There was,..however,..a distinct his own perception.
He/no longer really questioned..the reality..of what he perceived, because he KNEW..he was/there...witnessing...its real/being.

We mentioned..before not too/sure of this,
and why..we suggested/that he concentrate on..replying..the imp0licite question..with an..affirming reply

\*“Lord, I am.”*/

A un* be effective
unless he*begins..with..the simple truth..of simply.,BEING THERE.

B,..this is/not to question...You will..lose all your
fear..of teaching..and relating..[in any form]..once you know..*who you..really[essentially/ essence]..are.

There is-no point..whatever/in the prison
of believing..that up to you...*You do-NOT..exist
in different-lights...[visualizations/aspects]..It is..this belief which/has..confused you..about your own reality.

Why/would you want to..remain so yourself?
We have..already discussed/the Last some..though insufficient detail...After.the Last Judgment,*..there isn’t any more.

This is symbolic..only/in..the sense that much better off..WITHOUT judgment...When
the Bible says..“Judge not that/ not judged” means that if* judge..the
reality of all, will be..unable* avoid judging..your a different measure*

The judge/rather..than know*
has been..the/cause of..the loss of peace.

Judgment is..the process..on which perception
*but not..[re]-cognition/rests...We covered this..before
in terms..of selectivity...Evaluation was that be
its obvious prerequisite.

Judgment*..*ALWAYS involves rejection.
It is not* ability..which emphasizes ONLY/the positive-aspects
of what/is..ill-judged,..whether it out of the self...However,..what/has been perceived*..and rejected,..(or judged and.found wanting).;remains in the/unconscious...simply..*because it/HAS*been..perceived.

Watson had/a very relevant notion..of the this connection...In fact, was
so relevant..that he dropped officially*out of accord with Behaviorism.

He was right..on both counts.

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 5 November 2013 3:43:17 PM
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One..of the illusions..from which human/'perception suffers
is perceives/and..*judges..against..has no effect.

This..cannot be true,..*unless man..also believes
that/what..his judgment vetoes..does not exist...He evidently..does not believe/this,..or he..would not/have judged..against it...*It does/not..really matter/in..the end,..whether ..judge right..or

Either way, sand/placing..your belief..[in the un-real.]..
This/ judgment, IMPLIES..the belief..that choose FROM*.

Neither of/you..has any idea..of/the tremendous release..and deep peace..that comes/from meeting yourselves..and your brothers*..totally without judgment.

If you/will..look/back at..the earlier notes..about what you
and..your brothers ARE, will realize that/judging any really/without meaning...In fact,..their lost/to you*precisely..*because you ARE..judging them.

All uncertainty..comes/from..a totally fallacious
belief..that you/are..under the..*coercion/of..judgment..You/do
not..need organize your/life,..and organize yourselves...back..into atonment. look/upon..knowledge,..all judgment/is..
automatically-suspended,..and this/is..the process..that enables recognition/to REPLACE..perception...Man is/very..fearful of
everything..he..*has miss-perceived..and..accordingly..refused to accept.

He believes..that..*because/he has
refused-to..accept it,..that..he has..lost control..over it...This
is why..he sees it/in..nightmares,..or/in..pleasant what seems* be..happier dreams.

*Nothing..that you/have..refused to
accept..can-be/brought..into awareness.
It..does NOT follow..that.,.it is..dangerous.
But it/DOES follow..that you..have made/it..dangerous.. feel..tired,
have judged* capable/of..being tired. laugh at
you..have debased. laugh/at..yourself, are..singularly..likely
to others,..if only cannot tolerate..being more..debased..THAN others...All/of..this does..make you..feel/tired,
[emotionally drained/spent] is..essentially disheartening.

You..are not/really..capable of..being tired, capable..of wearying..yourselves.
The strain..of constant/ virtually/intolerable.

It is..a curious thing/that any..ability..which is
so debilitating;..should be/so deeply..cherished.
held so dear..bought upon/ dearly..
thus..clearly earned.

But..there is..a..very good/reason..for this.
(This,..however,..depends..upon mean/by good.) author of..your-reality,..which is
totally*..impossible anyway,..then you/will..insist..on judgment.

You..then..will/also to-use..the term.;.with..considerable fear
and..believe/that..*judgment..will/ used..against you...To whatever/extent..*it IS/used against you, is..*due ONLY*to..*your its a weapon/of defense..for/your own authority.

The issue..of really..a question/of authorship. individual..has a..“authority problem,” because/he..believes..he is/the author..of himself,..and
resents..his own projection/ share/his delusion..

in this respect...He then perceives/the one
in which..two people/are literally..fighting for/his..own authorship.
This* fundamental error..of/all..those..who believe/they have usurped*..the power off..God*
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 1:53:53 PM
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"People understand..what..'knowledge'..means.
And..they understand/the possibility..of different levels..of knowledge...They understand/that knowledge..may be..relevent..toa geater..or lesser..purpose,..that is/to say,..being..of one quality or..of another quality.

But..they do/not..understand relation/to..'being.'..

'Being,'..for them,..means simply..'existence'

knowledge..exists..with/,.. opposed..[justly..'non-existence.'] understand..that being..or existence may be
of very..different levels..and categories...Take for instance the being..of a mineral..and of a plant...It is a different being...The being..of a plant..and of an again a different being.

The being..of an animal..and of a an/other..different being. But..the being..of two people..can one another..more than the being..of a mineral..from/that..of an animal-being.

This is exactly..what people do/not understand...And
they do not understand..that knowledge..depends on..the being...Not only do/they not understand..this latter but..they not wish to understand/it...And Western culture. is/considered that..a man may possess/great knowledge,
for example..he may be/an able-scientist,..even/make discoveries, advance science,..and at the same time/he may be,..*and has/the right to be,..a petty,egoistic,caviling,mean,envious,vain,naive,..and absent-minded.

"And is/his being...And people..think/that
his knowledge..does not depend..on his being...People/of Western culture..put great value..on the level of/a man's knowledge..but they do/not value..the level of a man's-being..and are/not ashamed..of the low level/of..their own being...They do/not..even understand..what it means...And they/do not..understand..that a man's/knowledge*depends on the/level..of his being.
"If knowledge..gets far ahead/of being, becomes
theoretical..and abstract..and life,.,.or actually harmful,..because..instead of serving/life..and helping people..the better/to struggle..with the difficulties..they meet, begins/to's life,..and/brings new difficulties..into it, troubles..and calamities..which were not there before.

"The reason..for this/is..that knowledge[which is/not]in accordance with being..cannot be..large enough for,..or sufficiently/suited to, man's..real immediate/needs.

It will/always be..a knowledge..of one thing
together with/ignorance..of another thing;
a knowledge..of the detail/without..a knowledge of/the whole;..a knowledge..of..*the form[without a knowledge/of..the essence].

"Such preponderance..of knowledge..over observed/in present-day..culture...The idea of/the..value and importance..of the level/of completely forgotten...And it/is..forgotten that/the level determined by/the level..of being. a given/level..of being
the possibilities..of knowledge..are limited...and finite..Within
the limits..of a given-being..the quality..of knowledge/cannot be changed,..and the accumulation..of information..of one/and..the same nature,..within already/known limits,..alone is possible.

A change in/the nature..of possible
only..with a change/in..the nature..of being.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 6 November 2013 3:28:13 PM
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