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The Forum > General Discussion > Labors Jobs Policy

Labors Jobs Policy

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It is interesting that you had once again to stoop to quoting from the New Matilda before you could find a commentator that thought that this Job's policy was a good idea.

The tax rebate of $1bn on R&D ensures that many more $bns are spent in Aus to give the country a competitive edge. Replacing this with toothless contract policemen and screeds of paperwork to provide some protectionism is stupid beyound belief.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 21 February 2013 11:52:40 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

I prefer to go and read as many different
opinions on issues as I can. And I find that
New Matilda is a welcome relief from newspapers
like The Australian and the Herald Sun - the
tabloid press - which usually only presents
the same strident and predictable point of
view. Unlike
yourself who is only capable of quoting from the same old
tired narrow-minded script.

You criticisms therefore cannot be
taken seriously by any thinking person
until you change your agenda and tactic
because it's obvious to all, that you do have
an agenda.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 21 February 2013 1:26:46 PM
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I am probably far wider read than you. While I read the Australian, I also read the SMH, the Age, the ABC, the Telegraph, various financial papers, the new york times, Time magazine, Newsweek, New Scientist, Scientific American, etc. All I see from you is the same old drudge from your favourite blog which is a collection of left wing opinion pieces and polemics, singularly deviod of fact or reference. Your agenda is also far from subtle.

Every article I read points to this initiative being a cynical piece of feel good window dressing, pandering to the unions, and probably costing the country far more jobs than it creates.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 21 February 2013 2:53:30 PM
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Lexi the impact new Matilda is going to have on this election is nil.
It is as biased as the Murdock trash.
This link, may be the end of me, long before this man was born I was an AWU member, and loved the union.
I still do,my heart is theirs.
I think I am still a life member, but maybe not so, or maybe for long.
I stand tall, charged with the understandi8ng A TRADE UNION must first serve its members, not get involved in politics.
The bright intelligent man may one day be PM.
But he has no right to call true believers such things.
Let us not damage the union movement by Dennieing membership a voice.
And an opinion membership of our government and our party should not suffer Starlin like demands only one view is to be had.
Save the ALP dump power brokers now.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 February 2013 3:09:34 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Again your assumptions about me are totally wrong.
As a librarian , I have access to all the titles
that you mentioned (magazines and newspapers) and then some.
And I do read them. I also have access to all sorts of
other material which I delve through regularly.

As New Matilda? We've covered this ground previously.
I've told you quite clearly in the past - it would be difficult to agree with every view expressed in the columns of New Matilda,
but it would be equally difficult to disagree with them all.
And it would be impossible to
criticise any of them as irrational or foolish.

Media ownership in Australia is notoriously narrow.
Mainstream media offers precious little diversity, and such
diversity as there is runs along predictable lines.
The economics of print and electronic media tends to drive
opinion in the direction of populism.

Some of us need a place where rational
but diverse views can be found on matter of
importance. For me - New Matilda is such a place.

You don't have to read either my posts or the links that
I provide if they offend you in any way.
Stick to writers who have the wisdom to see things your way.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 21 February 2013 7:33:34 PM
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Dear Belly,

Thanks for sharing your views with me.

I don't for a moment doubt your passion,
and integrity. Not sure though how this
will influence anything in politics, but
I wish you luck.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 21 February 2013 7:38:32 PM
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