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The Forum > General Discussion > Bullying?


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Hi Lexi and Antiseptic

I am guilty as charged Lexi-I admit to rushing in without reading your opening comment. However, the story of the law office was a true one. The staffer was kept on only because the boss felt sorry for her because she’s not had a good life. What took place was really horrible and the boss was the victim. I think its fair to say we will all think of our own experiences when we think of bullies.
Depending which side of the fence you have spent most of your time on. Now as for complaints increasing- the world is getting sad. People don’t treat each other with respect anymore as they did in our parents and grandparents days . It starts with parenting and goes from there.

Tell you what though I almost dropped my coffee when I heard that story on TV. I was in the middle of replying to this thread when this story came on TV. ( I have a TV over the top of my computer

I am sorry if this off topic but its something close to my hear. The most disgusting bullying goes on towards our elderly. I had the biggest beefup with Ozcare heads over the way their staff treated my elder neighbour.

The problem is nobody is there to check on their in-house carers . It all started when she got a new girl sent to her. The women/ girl was annoyed when the poor old dear asked her to take her shoes off before walking on her white carpet. ( The other lady always had for three years)
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 28 July 2011 6:51:19 PM
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To cut a very long story short the heads when she complained instead of speaking to their staff split her service. They maintained under work place and safety their staff were not allowed to work longer than 90 minutes.

I contacted the Ministers off of WPHS and the head guy said you tell Ozcare- that is manure and I could fertilize my garden with it.

I did just that but they still refuse to fix it for the lady.

So now they have a person come at 8.30 am till 10 then back at 1 to 2 once a fortnight. It really is bullying her.

The other strong influence in AU is 90% of the funding for civil libs etc is coming from Saudi . There has been a big shift in policies .
Antiseptic, This is all part of why wanted work choices but nobody likes to see someone bullied either. Some do need a bit of help but how you sort the wheat from the chaff without spending 6 B- i don’t know This threads winding up and tbo i dont have time to read everything
cheers all & PS be nice guys
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 28 July 2011 6:53:26 PM
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Dear Kerryanne,

Thanks for being you. Always fair, always thoughtful,
always caring. What a big plus for us in this forum.
I've been a witness to some very bad
cases of bullying. We had a colleague at work who took
it upon herself to make it her goal in life to deliberately
look for another colleagues mistakes. And every time she
found a mistake she ran to the boss with it.
This woman made the other lady's life absolutely miserable.
And she didn't let up.
This other lady tried every which way to win this woman
over - to no avail. To make a long story short - it got so
bad that the poor woman ended up having a complete mental breakdown
and ended up being institutionalised. Nothing was done by the company at the time. It was only years later that we
learned there was some small settlement made to the lady's family
by way of compensation. But enough of this misery.
Things do happen. As for the elderly - don't get me started. I know that there's probably some very-good and dedicated staff and carers out there - but some certainly do leave a lot to be desired. I've got a mother-in-law with Alzheimers and a mother with dementia.
It's not easy.

Again, Thanks Kerry.

All The Best,
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 28 July 2011 8:36:56 PM
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& Ladies its always a pleasure to chat with - both yourself and the others too. I am sorry what happened to your work mate and no wonder you feel so strongly about it.
If that had been me seeing my work mate picked on I would got myself in trouble.

Whenever you get time open a thread on the elderly if you feel like it and I will be happy to give it as much attention as possible.

I will see you next time Lexi.

Antiseptic - I am shocked!

You opened a thread on bullying & I think the comment above was directed at Ammonite,
**I know you're not real good at maths, but I shouldn't think you'd find that too hard to grasp. Perhaps you could ask someone when you're down at Centrelink putting in your form next time...
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 26 July 2011 11:40:29 AM>>

May I simple say that Ammonite, is one of the most polite posters together with Lexi and Pelican on the site. We are in different paddocks as how to handle some things- but.

Anti- careful you dont win the war but lose the battle. I agree with much of what you and others said- but.

I think video footage in all work places may be a good idea- I know people say privacy etc - but whats the answer .
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 28 July 2011 9:19:09 PM
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Ah Kerry, Fraccy and I go 'way back. She's been milking a centrelink benefit for years, so I wouldn't get too exercised on her behalf.

I've offered her truces in the past, but she prefers to try to troll for sympathy, just as she did here. Occasionally she manages to get a bite from people who are not used to dealing with spivs.

She specialises in asking stupid questions that have already been answeered in the thread, so it's not surprising that she gets short shrift.

Lexi, I'm sorry to hear of your friend, but when I mentioned what happened to me as an 11 year old boy, I got a stony silence and some whinging about politeness.

I say you're a hypocrite of the worst sort and a bully to boot. Even worse, you're gutless and hide when called out. Frankly, you're a fraud.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 28 July 2011 10:16:09 PM
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Now- seriously just some legal advice and then i will give a personal opinion. Regardless or not if a person was milking centreline & had twenty claims- or some other source- a bank for eg:

The law does not lend to favoritism.


That person ( whether or not) using their real name is entitled to pursue compensation.

All they have to do is prove they are the person posting in the tag name.-

In other words if somebody is a crook milking CL-they are *still entitled to enjoy the same protection of law & sue for damages.

The law may then award *them damages’ & believe it or not that EVEN may include time in prison if it went that way.

So that person might get a smack on the knuckles- but be entitled to sue you- up to one million $ for damages. True.

I am only telling you this because I fear you may be unaware.

If the lady wanted to she’s within her rights to demand your contact details

Are we awake yet?

On a personal note as promised:

Firstly I recall ( so i am sure you knew too) this lady has been ill& in bed for months.

Also, I have never seen you in a thread about environment or concerns of others as I have this lady.
(just an observation)

You have certainly broken forum rules Anti. After a few days you probably will look at what you said and regret it.

I hope your man enough to apologize- but my advice to this young lady would be- careful whom you befriend.

I know* what type of person this poster is Anti.

*A lady with a brain and a good heart.*

Sorry you’re so bitter dear but from where i sit we found the 1% at least on this thread.
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 28 July 2011 11:09:13 PM
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