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The Forum > General Discussion > Child porn, paedophilia, gay bars, corruption, and the Labor party.

Child porn, paedophilia, gay bars, corruption, and the Labor party.

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Belly suggests I have placed a bet each way in what I have so far posted in this thread.

Belly, maaaate, I wouldn't have so much as been able to get near a cashier's window in this TAB to get any money on if I wanted to, due to all the hysterical over-reaction to what most who have posted claim to be a known 'wind up' poster, one who has confessed to being such within this very thread. It seems but mention the words 'child porn' or 'paedophilia' in any context, and the ability or will to read what is actually posted goes straight out the window, let alone any ability to rationally discuss any such issues to the extent that they may become to be shown to be relevant. I think some interests exploit this 'irrationality reflex' in both political debate and international diplomacy.

Let me be clear: I was not suggesting that Ammonite was trying to close down the OLO site. That was something seemingly attempted, between them, by Gregory Storer and 'Mikey Bear' over the publication by OLO of the Muehlenberg article last November. What Ammonite (endorsed by Morganzola) in this thread was opening up was the same sort of challenge to moderation as was used in the attempt, in relation to the Muehlenberg article, to divert attention away from what had been an attempt to prevent publication of certain sorts of articles and/or authors on OLO by attacking the revenue of the site.

What has to be remembered is that what has been over-reacted to here is an opening post and topic title, and as such is something that has been the subject of specific moderation approval before even going up on the discussions index page. It is not a post that has 'flown under the radar'. This site does not need a re-emergence of the challenges to moderation that were occurring a few months ago. I was, and am, simply trying to help nip any such re-emergence in the bud.

Some more MSM background on the current matter:
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 25 April 2011 10:42:09 AM
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Judging by your replies you've all had a more privileged upbringing than I. Working on farms in my school holidays from age 9, after 8 years primary school started an apprenticeship at 14. Tradesman at 17, started another apprenticeship but didn't quite finish due to coming to Australia at 20 with not more than 10 words of english to my credit. What you erroneously see as brung up proper is what I have learnt here working on building sites and, Banjo because a bloke wears a blue singlet at work doesn't mean he has less sense that an academic. Isn't that exactly what I've been saying in just about all of my posts.
That there are deviates in the ALP getting caught is not my fault.
Posted by individual, Monday, 25 April 2011 10:53:49 AM
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Apart from one post best ignored the standards has lifted.
First Forrest, my thanks and regards.
In another thread this morning I high lighted by thoughts along those lines.
Followed all, those links here is my review.
I truly think media and its servants craft headlines not quite true.
But it is true of both the ALP and the union movement power[ no less Conservatives]is miss used by supporting mates.
Only the best should serve,not best mate, those behind a south Australian gentle man should now go.
Banjo I would not ask you to change a thing, true you know some of my closest mates are conservatives.
OUG bloke mates are worth it if they drink your beer take your smokes be rude in front of the kids ,well not good but if you truly want and need help a mate will be there, emptying the fridge on the way out.
I believe in our two party system, think even the very best independents bring more bad than good know in my heart Windsor is if not the most honest man in Parliament close to it.
And understand Rob Oakshot before helping the ALP was loved and trusted and remember it was his party's failures that saw him become an independent.
Party system must be held accountable but is the only one that works.
England is heading to our system, we should go one vote one value soon,
No country should be held to ransom by 12% of its voters.
PS FG has shown fierce defense of OLO who has not yet given who can afford to and why?
PS OUG took every step would not highlight paste try again.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 25 April 2011 2:49:46 PM
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Forrest Gumpp

That sound you hear is my applause - diversionary tactics is your forte - if you are not on the OLO payroll, you should be.

As for the topic (such as it is) yes, indeed the Labor Party is flawed, however not to the point of being the font of all evil as Shadow Minister continually claims. Child porn and pedophilia crosses all political boundaries. As for corruption; the Libs are innocents? No - politics soon either fouls or eliminates the innocents. And Gay Bars? - there are gays in the Liberal Party as well, maybe they own shares in gay bars - who the fork cares.

Despite the chorus of many posters on this thread clearly stating Shadow Minister is stark nekked, he has found his niche here on OLO. I just wish I knew what it is he is balancing out on OLO.
Posted by Ammonite, Monday, 25 April 2011 3:39:27 PM
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I wasn't trying to divert from either the opening post or the inferences some posters saw it as making. To my mind some of the MSM commentary in relation to the SA MP child porn downloading charges seemed to be similar to some of the points Belly has been making in relation to the ALP machine for some time now. For example, like this statement from the first linked item in my previous post:

"But a senior state figure said proper
renewal was only possible if faction
bosses, "who wouldn't know a voter if
they fell over one," stopped interfering."

It seemed a pity to allow the hysterical reaction of some posters, to the effect that the OP implied that all who supported Labor supported the alleged vices, to drown out such observations. There are other SA connections of interest, particularly in relation to the setting up of the National Electricity Market and the associated privatisation of electricity generation and distribution opposed by around 80% of the Australian public. Especially given Keating's highly-publicised castigation of now NSW Labor Opposition Leader John Robertson's having opposed the sell-off of NSW electricity assets, whilst at the same time not explaining to either Robertson or the Australian public WHY such privatisation was either necessary or desirable.

Combine this with the Star Chamber-like situation of the charged SA MP being unable to be formally publicly named, and the censoring of SA Parliamentary Hansard in recent years to remove a speech from the record (one that described how a person could use certain medications and techniques to commit suicide, if I recall correctly), and you have an even more intriguing confluence of events. Especially so if there is a SA Labor 'religious right' or 'Opus Dei'-style centre of influence involved in the current allegations.

Yet in NSW, for what does the new Liberal/National coalition government attract significant criticism? Why, the alleged influence of a 'religious right' faction, one having supposed Opus Dei connections, over government policy formation!

Could this be what Shadow Minister is on about?
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 25 April 2011 6:00:46 PM
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Sorry bloke just can not believe a conspiracy is in place to protect this seemingly grubby person.
Not defending him but just why are we convicting him before trial,of what,on what evidence.
Haveing said that I trust the police and say he has done wrong.
He appearers on SMs information to be a near new police minister.
Did this law, that persons charged with sex crimes not be named exist before his crimes? yes.
Did the ALP introduce it, I do not know any one tell us.
Now a by product of union/Labor ties, no less so than big business/Conservatives ones, is that awful word a lie but damaging solidarity.
SOLIDARITY WITH WHO? grubs or party followers fleas on the back of party's or its very reason to exist.
My ALP threw Bennie Readon out, because he,like John Robinson stood against the very things that DESTROYED NSW ALP.
They will be the ones who rebuild, and Bernie is a hero for understanding union power is first and last its members interest not the ALP.
But my defense of my party is not going to be weakened by these facts, no evidence exists any one hide the sins of this bloke or changed laws to do so.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 26 April 2011 5:58:54 AM
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