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Silencing the majority

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Well just had a closer look at those posts OUG.
It would look to be time wasting to ask why media silences the views of the majority.
I am clearly on record as not trusting Gillard.
Said it on day one of her leadership, also said she would govern well, still waiting may yet do it.
But lets look, is she,or for that matter Abbott deliberately bad?
While I cringe at this mornings news,young Lady's presuming Lybia is going to be another Iraq.
And forced to question is that news? or the reporters views? is it informed, is it true.
We get evidence every day any thing can be made out of a story.
Politicians every side, are not Gods, should not be judged on sex or looks presentation or other than actions.
Yet we judge them harshly.
We complain about wages but ANY OF THEM could earn far more in similar rolls out side the Parliament.
Just maybe we should look into our mirrors more often.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 6:38:19 AM
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""time wasting to ask why media silences the views of the majority.""
their opinions are uninformed
or formed by media spin
fears/hates/bias faulse hopes

thus based on delusion
thus arnt relivant

""said she would govern well,""
govern for business intrests
not the people

""is she,or for that matter Abbott deliberately bad?""

there is the sad point
they are perfectly good people
but the system is such..they are kept ignorant
by the faceless numbers men
selling the party policy as a business

""young Lady's presuming Lybia is going to be another Iraq.""
lets presume she does have better info than us or the media
[they do got lots of oil]

""is that news?""
julias opinion is
regardless if its true or not
it will be the base that rules her next ruling

""anything can be made out of a story.""
and anything can be made the story of today

""Politicians of every side,
Yet we judge them harshly.""

if they didnt like to be judged
dont stand for election

""ANY OF THEM could earn far more in similar rolls
out side the Parliament.""

many get better rates after leaving politics
so why give them a pension..[they should be paying us]
they get a dream list of contacts..and much business oppertuinity

[look at how rudds wife did
out of howards privatisarion of social security]

""Just maybe we should look into our mirrors more often""
maybe we should tax ...not doing it
lets bring on ...the mirror tax..

tax looking
hey lets tax everything
tax breathing as well as smoking

sorry belly..but i give them that they do know what they do
and love the vile
they CHOSE to do..
not to everyone..

just me and anyone else
they dont like [smokers/old/young/poor]
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 7:40:53 AM
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I watched question time yesterday.
Read the online news papers this morning.
Saw the TV news reports.
And read the placards the crowd had insulting and defamatory at times but that is their right.
I am struck by the idea that will not go away.
I saw heard and read a different news from every media I used.
Some so remote from truth it scares me.
I wounder,true, are we being pushed to take on views or being informed, do media out lets make news or report it.
Is media largely lost?, has the print media a future, is the media no longer believable.
Gillard did win yesterday,she is growing in the job, but is the reason she needs to.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 March 2011 5:13:50 AM
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Hate to digress Belly, but on page 3 of this post you mentioned something profound, regarding the media.

The role of the media is to preach, "what to think, not how to think".

This began with the birth of propaganda in history, at the point of the Theodoceian Edict.
A time in history when Theodoceias (a roman emperor), decreed that all inhabitants of the Roman Empire shall be christian.

Greece at this time was studying the process of "how to think" with philosophers such as Aristotle for example, and at the threat of execution, had to abandon this process and accept that the truth was the truth, regardless of it's basis in logic or math or the observations of nature around them.

Strangely I was made aware of this fact in a local paper at Noosa of holiday in Qld, in an article by the father (of all people) Nick Minchin, the Liberal Senator. He clearly mapped out the nature and character of this turning point in history.
Posted by thinker 2, Thursday, 24 March 2011 8:42:35 PM
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Do not be sorry thinker 2 I found it interesting,and not totally new.
About 30 years ago at the scene of a tragic road fatality I was on duty controlling traffic.
A Little old man came with drink in hand for me and we talked about just that subject, for an hour!
I truly think media people,from reporters to just news readers,are giving us THEIR VIEW and in some media we are getting only the owners view.
Not defending Labor,see other posts,but an intention to ignore some sins and magnify others always has existed for all media.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 March 2011 6:36:40 AM
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ok media lies
but do generals lie?

sure they do
but here is one speaking his truth

Can a 4 star General Talk Like a Truther?
Try to Debunk a General Wesley Clark!
By: kdtroxel

who* is talking
credentials please

General Wesley Clark, U.S. Army (ret) -- Former Commanding General of U.S. European Command, which included all American military activities in the 89 countries and territories of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Additionally, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), which granted him overall command of NATO military forces in Europe 1997 - 2001. Awarded Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Purple Heart for his service in Viet Nam and numerous subsequent medals and citations.

Graduated valedictorian of his class at West Point.

saying what*

* Video interview ABC's
This Week with George Stephanopoulos 3/5/06:

"I think when you look at this country, right now,
we need a 2-party system that works."

ie the current 2 [party-system ISNT WORKING]

"" We need Congress to do its job.""

serve the people
not bigg business

""We need real investigation
of some of the abuses of authority
that are apparently going on at the Executive branch. ...""

""We've never finished the investigation of 9/11""..!

""and whether the administration
actually misused the intelligence information it had.
The evidence seems pretty clear to me..."..!

"I've seen that for a long time."

ok it isnt much
but some truth is better than none

more truth

egypt bans protest
Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 March 2011 10:16:05 AM
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