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Silencing the majority

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I had a similar experience in one of the Corps I worked in many years ago Bazz but in the reverse.

It was a highly RW management team and any closet Laborites kept their politics to themselves or risk a suspicious eye. Oddly enough most of the tradesman/maintenance staff and technical staff were Labor voters.

Some organisations do better with a mix even if it means some in the closet, such as when arguing with the management team, why it was not appropriate to suggest shift workers not be given the extra two weeks holiday each year (as per the award) because at the time nobody seemed to know it was in the award.

I reckon people who work rotating 24/7 shifts should be allotted extra vacation time. Having done it years later it is really difficult and impacts greatly on personal health. And more importantly it was the Law.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 17 March 2011 5:22:48 PM
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...But more broadly Pelican, why is the Liberal party branded with the swastika, and the Labor party branded with the hammer and sickle?

...Probably explains the bias in the services to which you referred. We were at war with the Commos’.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 17 March 2011 9:34:18 PM
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I think the ABC is no longer an ALP arm, it was once.
Rather slanted towards green now ,but Conservatives and Labor have been seen too.
I have not put my case well.
I wanted to tell of my view that on every issue, unimportant or massively so, we get a slanted view.
Now take the Australian cricket captain.
Watch him call to that player running at him, its mine its mine, forget the tragic injury's such running in to one another have bought about.
HE IS the Capitan, he did not want to drop the catch.
The story is being sold that he is a hot headed rude beggar? is that the story.
We are being sold a pup, not reporting but headline making.
I do think, honestly,majority views are unwanted on some issues hidden even.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 18 March 2011 4:57:15 AM
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belly quote...""We are being sold a pup,
not reporting but headline making.""

quite right belly
but its even worse
there are many areas they simply avoid talking about
like palistein..[much worse than the warsore ghetto ever was]

but it seems
if your family got raped two generations ago
your fine raping anyone you chose..from there on

we let our leaders deal with dictators
abusing their people at will...and dont even get told

think how come we can get hours of sports
and still get half an hour of sport 'reporting'
yet news dont get footy type shows or basketball broadcasts

there is no balance
no full game reporting of real news

heck we get fox sports reports
but not fox politics reports
nor fox govt watch

fox has daily talking points
it uses these to *not mention certain things

""I do think, honestly,majority views are unwanted
on some issues hidden even.""

you are so right
just 'dont mention the war'

rupert dont like that
the media is owned..
bought and payed for
by less than 5 corperations globally
Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 March 2011 7:04:21 AM
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Indeed Bazz, but why doesn't that explain how The Chaser and Qanda keep getting away with thoroughly bashing Labor on a consistent basis or confronting party members with scandals and questions they are unable to answer?
And for that matter, the Julian Assange ambush?
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 18 March 2011 9:12:55 AM
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Well said Belly, not being a great admirer of modern media, who used to earn much respect as professionals, I echo you sentiments in relation to “opinion peddling” and “emotive rhetoric”.

It must be my age, and yes Policemen do seem to be getting younger. I listen to news and current affairs in utter disbelief. How can so many journalists and presenters get things so badly wrong? Is it the pressure of round the clock broadcasts that leaves them with no time to check or validate? Are they really that ignorant? Do they see it as their job to invent “facts” in the absence of real ones? Is it the producers? Is it the media owners?

It’s not just our media. Globally we have seen the human tragedy in Japan unfold with almost every bulletin leading with unsubstantiated garbage about the nuclear nightmare taking place. Yes it is very serious, possibly catastrophic. But advocacy point scoring based on “maybes” ahead of the actual deaths and suffering of the Japanese people is just nauseating.

It’s about time they stopped putting school kid activists in front of a microphone and employed people who have a least a rudimentary understanding of History, Geography, Economics and geo-politics.

More importantly, is the Australian public that gullible that we actually swallow this divisive partisan nonsense from all perspectives?
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 18 March 2011 12:09:55 PM
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