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Silencing the majority

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Early this morning I too could not sleep.
Watched at 2 am a story about miss information on climate change and linked it with other big business vs reality things.
It followed earlier in the day an x employee of the government of the USA telling how that government in an effort to Assist Britain in turn help BP get oil.
Told lies about the family's of the Lockable air crash.
Sat in conference and made up lies to help oil interests!
Have any of us got doubts? do any of us not think we are being manipulated.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 March 2011 6:13:29 AM
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i dont need your charity belly
and its unlikly we would ever meet
and im not asking

i still got plenty of cash[for my own needs]
but not enough to waste on giving them tax

i just want govt to get lost..
get their hands out of my pocketts

i ask nothing from them
i get nothing from them
use none of their services
get no pension etc

dont run a car..
pay for the power i use

how do they get off ..taxing my smokes
making me a criminal,..i dont hurt no-one

i live alone in a house i own and payed for
got assets i could sell
[but refuse to give govt the cash]

im not hurting no one
seek no free lunch
kill no one

yet drunks can drink
and kill all they like
gamblers can steal money and gamble
govt is even going to allow docters a right to kil

i just want to die in peace
im still helping others

am working hard for a better world
but am realistic about how vile
the truelly evil ..*of this world choses to be

sure there is good in everyone
but even..the best must still be aware
it holds potential evil it ..too

its that do gooders only see the vile
in others thats doing the real harm

the lies to get that tax on smokers mate was truelly vile
a lie even for what may seem..for good reason is still a lie

how many smokers are made to feel they are evil
because they were lied to?

you chose to give-up

i chose to die
rather than be forced ..into paying them to smoke
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 8:29:46 AM
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OUG you quite often lash out at my concern for you.
I intended no harm.
Your last post, before that one, came from way down black dog on the shoulder country.
I have been there.
You have every right to your hurt but understand this, it should not be aimed at good people wanting to help.
This would be a better world if more helped.
Yes looks like your supplier may have been that one,still bloke laws exist he broke them.
If a deal looks too good to be true it is.
I wounder how many of us would buy cheap illegal goods? have to say most.
I mean no harm but You can if you try, give it up.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 March 2011 11:32:14 AM
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