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Silencing the majority

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I truly am concerned at just how often news reporters become commentators.
And say and do things that seem purely political correctness run wild.
ABC is a classic reporters who seem to have , other than the microphone, no special understanding of issues but impose personal views on us, while undermining others right to be different.
I need not mention shock jocks, shocking hardly tells the full story.
Was the Wikileaks founder wrong to appear on Q and A?
Was the ABC then right to plant him?
Is it ok to marginalize Australians who hold concerns for or against climate change, migration,boat people?
Is it wrong to think differently?
Can it be the majority always gets it wrong.
Opinions, thoughts,views are one thing, but we are constantly on every side seeing views imposed on those of us who like to think for them selves.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 6:13:10 AM
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you can fool most of the people

some of the people
most of the time

all it takes is a media
that dosnt report the facts
[or reports the sports reports better than the news]

how come HALF OUR NEWS
is sports?

we get opinion
not news

polititions = [prostitutes]

see how we get lots of subterfuge
released late on friday night
when a disaster strikes

Naomi Klein: "Shock Doctrine"
Unleashed by Right-Wingers
in Wisconsin and Throughout the Country

For decades right-wing ideologues have exploited crises
to push through an agenda ..that has nothing to do with resolving those crises.

AMY GOODMAN: As a wave of anti-union bills
are introduced across the country in the wake of the Great Recession, many analysts are picking up on the theory that award-winning journalist and author Naomi Klein first argued in her bestselling book The Shock Doctrine:

The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.

In it, she reveals how those in power
use times of crisis to push through undemocratic,
radical, free market economic policies...and big new taxes

continues at link

or watch vidio

or how about the leaked documents

or robo signers?

hello serf

no charges for leighmans lies

i see nothing

bahrain [use nerve gas mate]

more faulse flags

semite ethnic cleansing

tsa [scanners cook the books]

heck why bother right

yes we can do without proffesionals
that allow this*
to be reasonable
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 8:06:40 AM
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…In this “Multicultural” world of ours, it pays to have an understanding of other languages, apart from English. It is this point which saves us from the total impact of Government/Media propaganda bias.

…Fortunately, I have an ability with Latin based languages and find by surfing the SBS multi language news broadcasts, get a broader view of life through their news coverage. News from Turkey gives a balanced view on Middle East events etc. Persevere with it, you’ll see what I mean I am sure.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:09:28 AM
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I share your concerns about journalists and have done for many years.

Years ago the media employed reporters that reported on the facts of a situation or event. Not so today, they are all commentators who voice their personal opinion on issues.

I cannot comment on the Q and A programme as i do not watch it. It seems biased to me and so is the audience.

I quote as examples the many things whereby Pauline Hanson was quoted out of context or some the journalists simply made up. You may recall, it was open slather for all scribes to have a go at Pauline, with the blessing of the media bosses and the major parties. Even today some are still deliberately putting spin on what she has to say.

Yes it is well beyond time that reporters again began reporting the facts and let their readers make up their own minds on issues.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:09:50 AM
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What if the Majority support Julian Assange?
And considering he is pro freedom of speech/freedom of press, naturally any network that is not painfully partisan towards neoconservative views would automatically jump for joy- not to mention gain a lot of publicity at interviewing probably one of the most important and notorious people in the world.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the ABC also host Dick Smith's Population Puzzle documentary, followed by a debate between those concerned about population vs a handful of low-grade "left-wing" commentators and real-estate lobbyists, who got their backsides kicked by the "anti pops"?

And that aside, I was also under the impression that broadcasters were doing good by informing and presenting to the rest of us fringe and minority views we most likely knew little about- as opposed to simply reinforce what we already knew so we'd feel better about ourselves and our political standing (something you'd expect from a communist country).

I'm somewhat under the impression that those who accuse the ABC of being 'left wing' are actually reading this idea from a newspaper or commercial channel and not actually seeing for themselves, because watching it the 'left wingedness' simply isn't there, they give plenty of coverage to a broad range of lobbyists and political leaders relevant to each issue (though in the event of race/culture relations they only show one of the two 'sides' in most cases).

Same deal with the SBS- despite it being the channel that published David Hicks' Jihad Letters- the fact that it also showed his dad looking sad and moping must automatically mean the show was 'pro-hicks', as opposed to showing all sides of the story and letting people with functioning brains decide for themselves.
Posted by King Hazza, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:28:52 AM
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One under god:

...You are on the mark with your comments, unfortunately, and under the rule of Capitalism, one can expect to be plundered at our weakest moments.

...Thanks for your comments (another post) regarding Kookaburras. To be woken at 2.00am by Kookaburras does not herald the dawn I am sure, but as you suggest, it may herald in a mythical way a change to circumstances through refocusing our life on the difference between what really matters in the end, to what we have lead ourselves to BELIEVE is of most importance.

...See, I agree with you, in our world of Atheism which has abandoned myth and religion as a guiding principle to moral direction, we lose an important power to reflect on life by ignoring them.

...To me, the sound of the Kookaburra immediately focuses my attention on the animal kingdom around me and removes my concentration away from the horrors associated with the most despotic of animals, “Human”.

...Thank you Kookaburra and thanking you OUG.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 9:43:50 AM
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Belly you are being too kind.

It is always "literary" people who gravitate to journalism. Words they can handle, but understanding how things work, [be they mechanical, or states], is beyond most of them. That is why the good ones are so few.

In the old days they went through the copy boy system, where only the more practical survived, but today they do a fairy floss degree, then start believing they know which way is up.

My lady can get annoyed with me sometimes, when watching news on TV. I will groan, & say something like, I'll bet she/he says "this" next. What annoys her is that she has not seen through the gobbledygook the correspondent has been sprouting, or where they are going with it. She hates it when I am right.

It's not only on OLO that one can get into trouble talking sense.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 10:07:08 AM
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The media provides instant coverage of social events and social changes, ranging from news and opinions to fads and changes. It offers role models, viewpoints and even glimpses of lifestyles that people might otherwise never have access to. Through the media, children can learn about courtroom lawyers, couwboys, police detectives, or even such improbable characters as Superman, Batman, E.T., and Rambo. The fact that many of these images are not very realistic does not necessarily lessen their influence. Through media advertising, too, the young learn about their future roles as consumers in the marketplace and about the high value the society places on youth, success, beauty, and materialism. Changing social norms and values are quickly reflected in the media and may be readily adopted by people who might not otherwise be exposed to them. The rapid speed of new trends in youth culture, for example, depends heavily on such media as popular records, television, FM radio, youth-oriented magazines, and of course movies. The most influential medium is probably television. Some critics charge that the medium actually
impedes learning by hindering the acquisition of reading skills and encouraging intellectual passivity, but these claims are difficult to prove or disprove. Also, although television does bring a flood of information into the home, much of it is highly selective or as you point out - distorted. News programs, for example, tend to feature the visually exciting or emotionally moving stories that draw large viewing audiences - even if this means omitting issues that are more sober but perhaps significant also. Fictional portrayals, too, often overrepresent some categories of the population, such as the wealthy or physicians, lawyers, detectives, the police, and underrepresent others, such as the aged or minorities. Of course individuals are also influenced by many other agents of socialization - religious groups, youth organisations, and later in life, such agents as corporations or other employers etc. People tend to see things from a viewpoint of subjectivity - they interpret things based on personal values and experiences and inevitably like anyone else, will be guilty of some measure of bias.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 10:43:29 AM
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The problem with so many of these people in the thread is that they actually demand news services with outright polarized views of the "left" and "right" so they don't feel threatened by alternative viewpoints too profoundly in their day to day lives.

For example, that David Hicks documentary I mentioned showed the photos and letters of his Jihad ventures as potential evidence to his guilt, along with interviews of various relevant people to camp X-ray, as well as his parents- which is exactly what I would percieve as 'rounded' coverage of every angle that could be covered on the issue. I ultimately decided this was compelling evidence that Hicks was indeed a Jihadi, and despite the evidence of his dad being sad and Gitmo being unconstitutional, that it was best NOT to help him- while others may have decided otherwise being given a full story.

But it seems that comments in papers and online were not happy with it because it was simply not "left" enough or "right" enough, because I suppose some people simply are not smart enough to cope with facing all angles of a story and need to be wrapped in cotton wool and told things that they like to hear.

I suppose that's probably why Assange telling people things they might not like to hear is so unpopular among some of us?
Posted by King Hazza, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 12:19:54 PM
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King Hazza has pretty much voiced my feelings on this issue.

Freedom of the press implies that none of will always read or hear what we want to in terms of matching our ideals.

As for Assange it was not wrong or right to air his question. The show gave the PM and Assange air time and opportunity to respond - what could be fairer than that.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 1:05:25 PM
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Just a thought, Lexi.

>>The rapid speed of new trends in youth culture, for example, depends heavily on such media as popular records, television, FM radio, youth-oriented magazines, and of course movies. The most influential medium is probably television.<<

My current experience of one teenage son still at home is that he will spend very little time indeed in font of the TV screen, but a substantially greater amount of time in front of his computer screen. There he will spend some 80% of his time in online (i.e. chat) conversation with friends, and 80% of his time (these activities can of course be simultaneous) on his favourite web sites. Which, almost certainly, will have some form of forum/discussion/blog interaction as well.

Rather than sit in front of one TV screen and watch a "broadcast", he will have anywhere between four and ten windows open at any one time, and be dividing his time between them.

I suspect strongly that the influence of television on the young may be rapidly waning; I know that in my house, it has already all but disappeared.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 1:23:49 PM
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You could be right. My reference was on the whole - to younger children.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 2:20:55 PM
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I have to go on record here, I a man ABC fan.
And no difference exists between left and right in using media, rather miss using it.
I want to draw a line between knowingly not sticking to truth and not understanding it.
Ad libs, the reporter commenting on a story their have just read or are about to can be fun.
Australia in the lead in todays cricket test,, then telling us they are 6 for 55.
Being in control, and under great stress, at controlling traffic at a dreadful road death scene, under police orders no traffic to move in next hour, hearing local radio station say road is open!
Knowing an idiot has rang in, trying to force movement, but you have to deal with every motorist who heard it.
Shock jocks!I know a very special man, worked for a long time in radio.
He can tell of such getting to air with false people in trouble storys, going to kill them selves to add to ratings.
Cronulla, can any one tell me the actions that ended in a riot are pure evil?
They want about the years of taunting and threats bashings and intimidation that lead to it?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 2:29:07 PM
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ABC and QandA take another look Banjo, yes bias but for and against both sides.
Two weeks ago watched the Shorten/Turnbull episode.
Loved a tweet in a perfect world those two would be leading today.
Any one with memory's of what was said should remember the woman on the right of screen, her input, to me, seemed to be an uniformed voice with zero understanding but a big ego.
Watch the drum, if you must, some comment is as silly as the Benny Hill show ever was.
Then read to out pourings of some say Andrew Bolt.
We know the media is a tool but in the hands of some who are tools it is not nice.
And yes I have cringed on hearing a member of my party getting his voice and opinions to air often but with great distances between them and truth.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 2:40:26 PM
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I read the three major papers daily and watch the news on one commercial TV channel and the ABC news, plus some other programes on ABC and SBS. No radio. Very rarely any commercial TV programes.

I tried Q and A a few times and was not impressed. Certainly would not watch it if Turnbull was on as he lost me when he introduced those stupid light globes and then supported Rudds ETS. Human induced climate change has yet to be proven and I doubt it will ever be.

Mind you Abbott started well by blocking the ETS, but now seems to be changing his stance somewhat. He should stick to his original assesment of AGW as Bulldust. The alarmists conned the world!

But you started this thread with critisism of journos forcing their opinions on us and I agree. If I want commentary, I will seek that from politicians or commentators, not some idiot reporter just out of Uni.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 16 March 2011 8:17:55 PM
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Well Banjo apart from man made climate change I mostly agree.
But I listen to radio national and ABC for current affairs and sport.
Yes both sides miss use media.
And yes again very fixed and maybe uninformed from both sides are now commenting, pushing a view,once that would not be happening.
However if say you want to talk on talk back ,and the personality has a different view you will be cut off and called a fool.
More importantly, in saying this I understand I turn some stomachs,I that some views are going to get me branded,you too.
CRONULLA,so called riot,yes it was bad, never should have happened.
Media is telling us it was a one day event from yobo Aussies,that it shamed us all.
Do you think it was?
I look at the positives the new life Gard's from a minority and even the I am sorry from a flag burner, not PC rubbish as the better part of that out come.
Other surely will not agree ,,but is it true?
Is media teaching us what to think and what not to think.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 17 March 2011 5:28:54 AM
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belly quote..""Is media teaching us what to think and what not to think.""

mate its worse than that
its teaching us when not to think
[how often you gone to sleep in front of the tv?]

ever notice how the adverts are allways yelling[loud]
thats to wake us up to hear the latest consume order

[how often you feel hungry after an advert
and go raid the fridge]
why ya ythink there are so many cooking shows?

or are watching some hero detective [or reporter]
having a drink..and gone for a drink yourself

why ya think there are so much stresssfull police/hospital/
or just generally yelling shows on the box

it used to be the same pavlove dog response with smoking

monkey see monkey do
its not so much do as we say
but do as we do..

oh further on where the money was spent

horseracing got a big chunk of it..
but league got the most
tennis did just fine out of it..

[if you see it on tv..they did just fine]

dont forget the arts
or big business
[ports rail and airports]

govt sure hasnt
its a matter of following the money
[they know this thus destroyed the archives]
and built a new one to keep those in the know quiet

dont forget the private prisons
a huge chunk went there

[thats how you keep vocal minorities silent]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 March 2011 6:44:11 AM
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King Hazza,
When my son started work at the ABC his boss told him that
if he was a Liberal voter to keep quiet about it if he wanted to
progress in his career there.
Years later when he was in a position of responsibility he commented
that almost all the jornos are either rusted on labour voters or
members of the party.
He said that he found most of the technical staff we more inclined to
be liberal voters.

However, that was their secret as the only ones in the closet are
Liberal voters.
The ABC is the only organisation that has no gay closet but a Liberal closet !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 17 March 2011 4:10:42 PM
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I had a similar experience in one of the Corps I worked in many years ago Bazz but in the reverse.

It was a highly RW management team and any closet Laborites kept their politics to themselves or risk a suspicious eye. Oddly enough most of the tradesman/maintenance staff and technical staff were Labor voters.

Some organisations do better with a mix even if it means some in the closet, such as when arguing with the management team, why it was not appropriate to suggest shift workers not be given the extra two weeks holiday each year (as per the award) because at the time nobody seemed to know it was in the award.

I reckon people who work rotating 24/7 shifts should be allotted extra vacation time. Having done it years later it is really difficult and impacts greatly on personal health. And more importantly it was the Law.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 17 March 2011 5:22:48 PM
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...But more broadly Pelican, why is the Liberal party branded with the swastika, and the Labor party branded with the hammer and sickle?

...Probably explains the bias in the services to which you referred. We were at war with the Commos’.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 17 March 2011 9:34:18 PM
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I think the ABC is no longer an ALP arm, it was once.
Rather slanted towards green now ,but Conservatives and Labor have been seen too.
I have not put my case well.
I wanted to tell of my view that on every issue, unimportant or massively so, we get a slanted view.
Now take the Australian cricket captain.
Watch him call to that player running at him, its mine its mine, forget the tragic injury's such running in to one another have bought about.
HE IS the Capitan, he did not want to drop the catch.
The story is being sold that he is a hot headed rude beggar? is that the story.
We are being sold a pup, not reporting but headline making.
I do think, honestly,majority views are unwanted on some issues hidden even.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 18 March 2011 4:57:15 AM
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belly quote...""We are being sold a pup,
not reporting but headline making.""

quite right belly
but its even worse
there are many areas they simply avoid talking about
like palistein..[much worse than the warsore ghetto ever was]

but it seems
if your family got raped two generations ago
your fine raping anyone you chose..from there on

we let our leaders deal with dictators
abusing their people at will...and dont even get told

think how come we can get hours of sports
and still get half an hour of sport 'reporting'
yet news dont get footy type shows or basketball broadcasts

there is no balance
no full game reporting of real news

heck we get fox sports reports
but not fox politics reports
nor fox govt watch

fox has daily talking points
it uses these to *not mention certain things

""I do think, honestly,majority views are unwanted
on some issues hidden even.""

you are so right
just 'dont mention the war'

rupert dont like that
the media is owned..
bought and payed for
by less than 5 corperations globally
Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 March 2011 7:04:21 AM
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Indeed Bazz, but why doesn't that explain how The Chaser and Qanda keep getting away with thoroughly bashing Labor on a consistent basis or confronting party members with scandals and questions they are unable to answer?
And for that matter, the Julian Assange ambush?
Posted by King Hazza, Friday, 18 March 2011 9:12:55 AM
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Well said Belly, not being a great admirer of modern media, who used to earn much respect as professionals, I echo you sentiments in relation to “opinion peddling” and “emotive rhetoric”.

It must be my age, and yes Policemen do seem to be getting younger. I listen to news and current affairs in utter disbelief. How can so many journalists and presenters get things so badly wrong? Is it the pressure of round the clock broadcasts that leaves them with no time to check or validate? Are they really that ignorant? Do they see it as their job to invent “facts” in the absence of real ones? Is it the producers? Is it the media owners?

It’s not just our media. Globally we have seen the human tragedy in Japan unfold with almost every bulletin leading with unsubstantiated garbage about the nuclear nightmare taking place. Yes it is very serious, possibly catastrophic. But advocacy point scoring based on “maybes” ahead of the actual deaths and suffering of the Japanese people is just nauseating.

It’s about time they stopped putting school kid activists in front of a microphone and employed people who have a least a rudimentary understanding of History, Geography, Economics and geo-politics.

More importantly, is the Australian public that gullible that we actually swallow this divisive partisan nonsense from all perspectives?
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 18 March 2011 12:09:55 PM
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extracted from

There is overwhelming evidence that we are entering the final chapter of class warfare in the US. Today, in the "public arena," it is forbidden to say class warfare, and many citizens do not regard themselves as working class.

The assault on language comes compliments of the propaganda apparatus, which includes: public relations, marketing, corporate media and the entertainment industry, universities, think tanks and so on.

Its purpose is to distract our attention from serious matters so we can focus on trivial matters - usually involving consuming.

Edward Bernays, the founder of the modern propaganda industry, described the process:

Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of ...

in almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.[1]

also note shock doctrain

Never have so many been held incommunicado by so few. More and more have the right to hear and see, but fewer and fewer have the privilege of informing, giving their opinion and creating.

The dictatorship of the single word and the single image, much more devastating than that of the single party, is imposing a life whose exemplary citizen is a docile consumer and passive spectator.

Never before have so few ..fooled so many.[3]

read more:
Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 March 2011 2:36:37 PM
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Yes good points spin doc in the case of the Japanese radiation trouble the news is all over the place.
Not totally trusting the power company or government I have researched the subject.
It is bad, but melt down, promised in near every report is very unlikely.
News is slanted and uninformed.
Dreadful but hardly as bad as some reporters are claiming, do they read from scripts or just say what comes into their minds?
Who writes the script, what expertise do they have or look for?
Every media system wants to be first, to sell more make money from every issue.
Truth often runs last for that reason.
Wondering, help please, is the instant steam from water drops likely to be radio active?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 18 March 2011 4:07:46 PM
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its all scripted
[ie every talking point and word used in the media]

re the water being radioactive..this is a big no

when the water evaporates its just water vapor
but in decaying the rods..radionuclides are released
these may sit in the water..or be in the air..
carried along with [but not part of]..the water

If something radioactive is dissolved in the
water, then the vapor itself will NOT be radioactive
- unless the
radioactive substance is also evaporated

Water doesn't get radioactive when it is evaporated. Water in the
liquid state absorbs enough energy to go into the vapor state. This
is called the heat of vaporization.

This process occurs when you boil water.
Water also has a vapor pressure.

This essentially
relates how much water vapor is present
above liquid water at a
particular temperature.

Radioactivity has to do with changing
the nucleus of atoms (like adding or subtracting neutrons), not
changing physical states of compounds (like going from liquid to gas).
Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 March 2011 5:28:18 PM
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Belly, I’m no expert so I’ll be sticking my neck and will probably get is chopped. I will put the questions to my UK friend, 40 year nuclear “garbo”. He disposes of waste from reactors and weapons grade stuff.

You can also ask the questions on the Barry Brook web site, he’s an environmentalist but has a good practical grip on nuclear power generation.

As I understand it, an overheating reactor must be vented if there is a pressure build up due to lack of coolant. If this happens there will be radiation release in the vapor, mostly short lived stuff that lasts about 8 hrs to three days. Meltdown in normally associated with reactors in production, these in Japan were auto shutdown when the quake was detected. Due lack of coolant even the deactivated reactors generated heat and lots of it, so a partial meltdown might have occurred. This means damage to cladding and leakage of nasty stuff into the secondary containment. Venting after this can release the nasty stuff but so far I can’t find out if this occurred. We just don’t know.

The instant steam you talk about is mostly due to trying to get coolant into a reactor that has already had a meltdown. The “corium” (melted stuff in the bottom of the container) can cause steam pressure build up that “could” rupture the containment. Don’t think this has ever happened in power generation but might have in military use. Who knows?

I’m guessing like everyone else but based on the activities at the site, it looks like they had a partial, but no nasty stuff.

We can take heart from the “fact” that a 40 year old reactor withstood a once in 100 year earthquake, an equivalent tsunami, loss of the entire power grid, total loss of coolant and loss of up to four levels of back up power generation. Will it survive? Probably. Will nuclear power generations’ reputation? My guess within six months, but that’s an engineer talking.
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 18 March 2011 5:42:17 PM
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Yes agree with all that spin doc in fact I wounder just how many near misses have taken place.
I see Japan has bought Germany to close 5 out of its 17 plants.
But unless true renewable are around the corner we will still[hopefully] get our Nuclear plants here.
I doubt wind is the answer ,yet with new finds it may well be.
I would be just great, seemingly impossible but great, if media started a balanced and informative debate on such issues.
I may dream but am not expecting it to take place.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 19 March 2011 5:49:31 AM
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im fine with nuke power generation
[too many workers have died from blacklung disease]
even if govt hides the numbers under smoking statistics
[ie only 20 percent of the cancer credited to smoking]

when we have a meltdown..and the radioactive numcleotides drift off with the vaper the result is cancer..of the blood amoung other things
recall when the govt was blowing up the deserts[add that to the deaths ATTRIBUTABLE to smoking]

they have managed to silence the majority of smokers
with spin lies and deceite...created guilt..[ie pasive smoking guilt]..when the disease came in reality from wood smoke..radiation fallout ...asbestus..and diesal particulate..

but the minority has ben silenced
and still people die

anyhow the new generation
should be the other type of nuke generationms i mentioned previously
[that dont make nukes or meltdown]

but im over this topic
will do a belly and call the topic done

[sorry bells couldnt resist that]
it will be over and done when its all been said
and thats a long ways away[two containment vessels have cracked]

how pathetic was the water bombing
[why didnt they lay the electric line before the meltdown]
there are still too many questions..[maybe even a grenie behind all of it]

ie here is a thought
nuke generation was planing to build
a max of 5 new [compare this to the income ge gets fropm selling us the new light bulbs..or solar panels on every roof..or millions of wind generators

ps the german reacters are only being checked

will be back on line
in 3 months to 6 weeks
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 19 March 2011 7:52:35 AM
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Yes it is true, the ABC makes an effort to be unbiased some of the time.
I am not sure if they have a deliberate policy to be seen to be
unbiased, but on the whole they do not achieve that aim.

On another tilt I have been promising myself to make a diary on all the
matters that they get obviously wrong on television. News items go to
air that should have been seen to be factually wrong if even the slightest
check had been made. They usually get technical things wrong and
considering that the TV stations are full of technical people it would
not take much effort to check.

I think the most appalling headline I saw was immediately after the
nuclear event in Japan was the headline in BIG letters MELTDOWN
before anyone knew whether such an event had happened.
Even a week later, there might be a partial melt but certainly not
in the impact of what was implied by the headline.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 19 March 2011 10:10:25 AM
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Belly, I did get an update overnight but I don't have clearance to make it public, sorry about that, a bit of a fizzer really.

I can say that my previous post was a pretty accurate assessment and I’m sure that the real issues and actions taken will be in the public domain within weeks. The media may have much to answer for their alarmist speculation.

As to the near misses you asked about. In the US there has been six “partial meltdowns” since 1954. Four of these were “experimental”, one resulted from coolant flow testing and the only “production” unit was Three Mile Island. A total of three fatalities since January 3, 1961.

Soviet Union, Chernobyl. According to multiple agencies under the UN, including the IAEC, 28 died of acute radiation syndrome with possible future cancers put variously 4,000 to 7,000. So far 17 cancer deaths recorded in the 25 years since 1986.

Japan, unfolding as we speak and outcomes yet to be determined.

US Nuclear Propulsion incidents x2, Russia x22. (All submarines)

Can’t find any recorded incidents on current (in service) generation surface or submarine propulsion units.

Nuclear Powered Merchant Ships x13, only one now in service.

Nuclear Powered Military. France, US and UK have some 150 Nuclear powered submarines in operation. The US has at least 100 nuclear powered vessels in service.

US has x11 Nuclear powered Carriers in service. France x1, Russia ? Unknown number of Kirov Class still in service.

Taking all Power Generation, Propulsion and Research reactors into account, there are around 1,000 reactors in service currently, plenty to go wrong? but more about “hype”.

As for Germany, it has the most vocal anti-nuclear power lobby in the world. All x19 plants were due for decommissioning by 2020 until July 2010, when Merkel surprisingly announced extension programs until 2035. Five of these are older types and were immediate targets anyway. A moratorium of three months was announced this week on the extension program only. My guess is nuclear will grow as the current renewables, wind and solar are only viable with subsidies and tariffs.
Posted by spindoc, Saturday, 19 March 2011 10:53:16 AM
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All interesting posts, spin doc it seems much as we expected.
I grant Germany appears to be taking the safe route but its opposition is saying it is a bluff to extend Nuclear powers life.
In the back ground is ABC news 24, been wrong about that, it is news 4 hours news repeatedly repeated.
But for the third time it is one on one.
Nuclear expert says the extra release in OTHER areas is less than moving to live on a mountain top.
So while the whole series of events is tragic, continues to be a threat, it hardly seems a melt down.
OUG yes I tend to say threads are out of puff, but often get a surprise myself, this is not my thread it is as much yours or any one.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 19 March 2011 5:04:52 PM
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quite right belly
here is one you wont hear from the zionist media controllers

Stuxnet found in Japan in October - Is Fukushima an unintended consequence of Israel's hacker attack against Bushehr?

According to the security company, the virus is designed to target a German-made program often used in systems managing water, gas and oil pipelines. The program is used at public utilities around the world, including in Japan.

Here is a nightmare scenario for you.

1. Israel and the US create Stuxnet.
2. Stuxnet is deployed to wreck Iran's nuclear power station.
3. But Stuxnet escapes from its intended target and spreads across Asia!

4. As the above article documents, Stuxnet was in Japan last October, presumably still spreading and intended to wreck nuclear power plants.

5. Stuxnet targets the Siemens controller
6. Fukushima uses the Seimens controllers Stuxnet was designed interfere with!

So now the difficulty the Fukushima nuclear plant operators faced in recovering control over their runaway reactors takes on a darker significance.

Remember that the first problem following the quake was that the automated shutdown systems failed to operate at some of the reactors, because pumps failed and valves would not open even while running on batteries; the very sorts of mischief Stuxnet supposedly was designed to cause at Iran's power station.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 March 2011 6:38:52 AM
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Total information blackout on Fukushima Unit 4 reactor raises serious questions about truth of situation

Clearly everything is not fine, especially for the Japanese people. If you have been paying attention to the many other reports here on NaturalNews about the situation, you will quickly recognize the many serious factors at play and their numerous inconsistencies.

There is an extremely dangerous plutonium-based fuel in one of the damaged reactors that may have already been, or eventually could be, released into the environment

an allegedly empty cooling pool exposing thousands of highly volatile fueling rods to the open air

and a US president telling everyone to chill out and do nothing other than watch television for further information

It is very simple as to why there has been such an enormous effort to downplay the potential for danger from these compromised and damaged reactors:

*they were designed by General Electric.
[the biggest lobby group for subsidised 'alternatives'
its win win for them
regardless of who else looses

The potential of liabilities, lawsuits, etc., is very great, and could literally closed down the nuclear power business not only in this country, but also in the world at large.

There are 23 reactors designed by GE here in the US,
which are built upon the same flawed design.

but dont worry
govt has allready 'bailed them out'

indemnified them

Look out for the nuclear bomb coming with your electric bill

Obama’s provision of $54 billion in loan guarantees to the nuclear industry will cost Americans much more than the probable 50% default rate that the Congressional Budget Office anticipates.

While the federal government will guarantee the profits of investors, rate payers will suffer the inevitable rate hikes.

Indicates Widespread Insurance Fraud;
Bank Of America Owns A Force Placed Insurance Subsidiary;
Other Banks Earn Commissions

PROPAGANDA ALERT - Japan nuclear crisis should not carry weight in atomic energy debate, George Monbiot
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 March 2011 6:54:14 AM
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neither julier
nor julying speaks for me


re the wiki question
extracted from


Our own analysis tied Assange to Israel and showed him to be working hand in hand with the New York Times, the Guardian and other papers, hiding a Israeli agenda of war on Iraq, war by “others,” behind sham whistleblowing.

Wikileaks was and is chickenfeed, always ready to pat itself on the back and take credit for everything from the revolution in Tunisia to stopping the nuclear meltdown in Japan. Wikileaks has only one real purpose, to bring about a war with Iran. As a sideline, it waits for instructions, evidence points to Tel Aviv though Wikileaks may serve any master with enough money, as long as Israel gets their cut.

If any person understands Wikileaks and Australia, it is director Tony Lawson. Julia Gillard is a “man with a mission,” that’s for sure. Nothing in that mission involves anything good for Australia, that’s for sure also;

"Alone among all of Earth's life forms,
humans alone perceive the absolute inevitability of their own mortality.

For thousands of years, con artists have exploited that fear of the inevitable end of life, offering for sale various magical escapes from the grave, and all the acolytes have to do is surrender their money, their obedience, and their sanity." -- Michael Rivero
Posted by one under god, Monday, 21 March 2011 6:59:20 AM
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Well just had a closer look at those posts OUG.
It would look to be time wasting to ask why media silences the views of the majority.
I am clearly on record as not trusting Gillard.
Said it on day one of her leadership, also said she would govern well, still waiting may yet do it.
But lets look, is she,or for that matter Abbott deliberately bad?
While I cringe at this mornings news,young Lady's presuming Lybia is going to be another Iraq.
And forced to question is that news? or the reporters views? is it informed, is it true.
We get evidence every day any thing can be made out of a story.
Politicians every side, are not Gods, should not be judged on sex or looks presentation or other than actions.
Yet we judge them harshly.
We complain about wages but ANY OF THEM could earn far more in similar rolls out side the Parliament.
Just maybe we should look into our mirrors more often.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 6:38:19 AM
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""time wasting to ask why media silences the views of the majority.""
their opinions are uninformed
or formed by media spin
fears/hates/bias faulse hopes

thus based on delusion
thus arnt relivant

""said she would govern well,""
govern for business intrests
not the people

""is she,or for that matter Abbott deliberately bad?""

there is the sad point
they are perfectly good people
but the system is such..they are kept ignorant
by the faceless numbers men
selling the party policy as a business

""young Lady's presuming Lybia is going to be another Iraq.""
lets presume she does have better info than us or the media
[they do got lots of oil]

""is that news?""
julias opinion is
regardless if its true or not
it will be the base that rules her next ruling

""anything can be made out of a story.""
and anything can be made the story of today

""Politicians of every side,
Yet we judge them harshly.""

if they didnt like to be judged
dont stand for election

""ANY OF THEM could earn far more in similar rolls
out side the Parliament.""

many get better rates after leaving politics
so why give them a pension..[they should be paying us]
they get a dream list of contacts..and much business oppertuinity

[look at how rudds wife did
out of howards privatisarion of social security]

""Just maybe we should look into our mirrors more often""
maybe we should tax ...not doing it
lets bring on ...the mirror tax..

tax looking
hey lets tax everything
tax breathing as well as smoking

sorry belly..but i give them that they do know what they do
and love the vile
they CHOSE to do..
not to everyone..

just me and anyone else
they dont like [smokers/old/young/poor]
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 March 2011 7:40:53 AM
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I watched question time yesterday.
Read the online news papers this morning.
Saw the TV news reports.
And read the placards the crowd had insulting and defamatory at times but that is their right.
I am struck by the idea that will not go away.
I saw heard and read a different news from every media I used.
Some so remote from truth it scares me.
I wounder,true, are we being pushed to take on views or being informed, do media out lets make news or report it.
Is media largely lost?, has the print media a future, is the media no longer believable.
Gillard did win yesterday,she is growing in the job, but is the reason she needs to.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 24 March 2011 5:13:50 AM
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Hate to digress Belly, but on page 3 of this post you mentioned something profound, regarding the media.

The role of the media is to preach, "what to think, not how to think".

This began with the birth of propaganda in history, at the point of the Theodoceian Edict.
A time in history when Theodoceias (a roman emperor), decreed that all inhabitants of the Roman Empire shall be christian.

Greece at this time was studying the process of "how to think" with philosophers such as Aristotle for example, and at the threat of execution, had to abandon this process and accept that the truth was the truth, regardless of it's basis in logic or math or the observations of nature around them.

Strangely I was made aware of this fact in a local paper at Noosa of holiday in Qld, in an article by the father (of all people) Nick Minchin, the Liberal Senator. He clearly mapped out the nature and character of this turning point in history.
Posted by thinker 2, Thursday, 24 March 2011 8:42:35 PM
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Do not be sorry thinker 2 I found it interesting,and not totally new.
About 30 years ago at the scene of a tragic road fatality I was on duty controlling traffic.
A Little old man came with drink in hand for me and we talked about just that subject, for an hour!
I truly think media people,from reporters to just news readers,are giving us THEIR VIEW and in some media we are getting only the owners view.
Not defending Labor,see other posts,but an intention to ignore some sins and magnify others always has existed for all media.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 25 March 2011 6:36:40 AM
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ok media lies
but do generals lie?

sure they do
but here is one speaking his truth

Can a 4 star General Talk Like a Truther?
Try to Debunk a General Wesley Clark!
By: kdtroxel

who* is talking
credentials please

General Wesley Clark, U.S. Army (ret) -- Former Commanding General of U.S. European Command, which included all American military activities in the 89 countries and territories of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Additionally, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), which granted him overall command of NATO military forces in Europe 1997 - 2001. Awarded Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Purple Heart for his service in Viet Nam and numerous subsequent medals and citations.

Graduated valedictorian of his class at West Point.

saying what*

* Video interview ABC's
This Week with George Stephanopoulos 3/5/06:

"I think when you look at this country, right now,
we need a 2-party system that works."

ie the current 2 [party-system ISNT WORKING]

"" We need Congress to do its job.""

serve the people
not bigg business

""We need real investigation
of some of the abuses of authority
that are apparently going on at the Executive branch. ...""

""We've never finished the investigation of 9/11""..!

""and whether the administration
actually misused the intelligence information it had.
The evidence seems pretty clear to me..."..!

"I've seen that for a long time."

ok it isnt much
but some truth is better than none

more truth

egypt bans protest
Posted by one under god, Friday, 25 March 2011 10:16:05 AM
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Last night in NSW the majority was not silenced, we are better for it.
It was always going to be so.
One in three ALP voters voted conservative.
With swings as high as 30% greens never attracted more than one point five to two percent rise .
I am proud to be ALP this morning, proud to have played a roll in bringing us first to our knees then step by step back to the party we once so proudly had been, it will take time.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 March 2011 4:17:28 AM
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yesterday we were slapped by the labour hand
tomorrow we will be slapped with a liberal hand

the mockery
de moc-race-see
we are aloowed to chose
which parties right hand slaps us ..this time

we have no choice
about being slapped

thus the minority of 2 party loyalists
rules the majority of voters

the majority is silenced by the two pea trick
sure there is a 3 rd party..of nutters
and a 4 th party of fools
and even independants

but mate you just know
one of the two parties shall rule
[lord it over the rest of the muggs]

once it was labour was the workers
and liberal was about liberty and the bosses
but al the parties now are the same..[ruled by faceless backroom backdoor men]who fund raise and legislate the payoff to those supporting both parties..

i loove that you still feel something
im just feeling numb

possably because some fool decided
they could tax my smoking into extinction

or maybe its just because i still dont hate those party people decieved by professing decievers

[by their deeds shall we know them
[by their works do we note who they serve

we got the governers we de-serve
just know they arnt there to serve us

ask not what your party..can do for you
ask what you*..can do..*for your party
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 March 2011 7:15:50 AM
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OUG Hope you are well today.
Your cynical view of politics must be a hard thing to carry.
I have never seen that side in any party.
Last nigh good hard working members got elected on both sides ,and others, defeated.
Every one likes to kick a Polly, but few have the answers.
Independents? still three in this house all honored by those who trusted them.
Say we had a house full of them,do you not see how awful it would be?
The party system is the best we have.
Yesterday the very back of my party was broken, by its members.
I rest my case democracy works.
No party is free to be so bad without paying for it.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 March 2011 9:48:25 AM
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if the choice be between synocism or gullibility
its no choice once you know how things work

here is a latest look at the media[lies]

[thats only the tip of the iceberg]

here is an alternate reason for the libia 'scirmish'

of course theories abound
[i dont have enough web acces 'speed' to watch any vidio
to se if gadfly got it anywhere near right about jfk being silenced]

but such is life

it was interesting to note the grens vote fell away to near nothing
[at least to the point that they lost seats]and lost contol of the upper house

so the carbon tax thing figured in that
but also that both parties put the greens last
[ie would rather get the oppisite of the 2 party system the vote that give the greens anything]

i cant say i disagree
but there will be a way arround it
someone will play the 2 last preferance game
but it still silences the majority who would come 2 de

but such is the game

ps your parties baqck wasnt broken yesterday
its been broke for a long time..but then the whole demon-autocratic system is rotten[good to see canada sacked its govt..

but even so
the system is still bad]

ps noted the passing of much of the bbc today

many last shows..soon the yanki pbs system gets shut down too
[again more silencing of the allready silenced majority]

mate how can you not see things are changing
and have changed

and not for the better

if it wasnt for the fact the bloggers have had a win

there isnt much else worth noting

ge still dont pay tax

anyhow why bother
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 March 2011 3:32:51 PM
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no im not well today
been having chest pains and headaches all night long
[im reduced to smoking tea leaves]

where is the union standing for my riughts not to be persicuted for smoking the last legal drug

smokers were the majority
nowe we have bbeen ridfioculed and lied to
blamed for every crime in the book
its we that done all the vile

mate im had enough of it all
just emailed my tobacconist
will be printing the email at previous last stand thread yoyu started re smoking and banning it..mate your govt is trying to kill me

im smoking tea leaves
im on a strict budget
my tobacconist is holding this years smokinmg budget
i supect the recent seizure of tobacco was him
but he isnt taling
i bought the tobacco[he bought it with my money]
i have a right to know where my tobacco is

im dying fast bloke
thank you alp

bloody moralists legislated me into a corpse
and the silence is deafening

you used to smoke a heck of a lot
it didnt hurt you did it
be honest were lied to
just as we all have been decieved

do we need govt that needs to lie
so delicate people dont need to smell my stink?

when we all knew we stank..[ie all smoked]
the world was a better place
think about it

im in pain mate
govt did this to me

damm it the alp govt did this to me
i am a former unionist im just scum
stuff the alpo stuff the govt soon i will be dead

and it didnt cost govt a cent..i want an appoligy
i need my smoke..i want my tax back
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 3:54:42 AM
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I feel for you OUG, have for some time.
If you lived a bit closer I would buy you that tobacco,and a feed.
But it can not happen.
I have more to say about this stalled thread but first, may I go sideways.
I have told of my hard times childhood.
And that some one caring and giving at that time changed me.
Many will be upset with me and you for this,it sadly is easier to go past this post than understand.
See I think we should not ever walk past some one we can help.
Very Very hard,even dangerous at times.
But if we want a better world we better start working for it.
No Christian me but you will if you look find one church who knows your need of tobacco is hurting.
Union? been nearly six months,time flys, phone still rings visitors from rank and file arrive at my door but for every unionist two hate the movement.
Look else ware for help, I trust my mob still but you do not exist for more than I care to think of.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 March 2011 6:04:28 AM
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Early this morning I too could not sleep.
Watched at 2 am a story about miss information on climate change and linked it with other big business vs reality things.
It followed earlier in the day an x employee of the government of the USA telling how that government in an effort to Assist Britain in turn help BP get oil.
Told lies about the family's of the Lockable air crash.
Sat in conference and made up lies to help oil interests!
Have any of us got doubts? do any of us not think we are being manipulated.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 March 2011 6:13:29 AM
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i dont need your charity belly
and its unlikly we would ever meet
and im not asking

i still got plenty of cash[for my own needs]
but not enough to waste on giving them tax

i just want govt to get lost..
get their hands out of my pocketts

i ask nothing from them
i get nothing from them
use none of their services
get no pension etc

dont run a car..
pay for the power i use

how do they get off ..taxing my smokes
making me a criminal,..i dont hurt no-one

i live alone in a house i own and payed for
got assets i could sell
[but refuse to give govt the cash]

im not hurting no one
seek no free lunch
kill no one

yet drunks can drink
and kill all they like
gamblers can steal money and gamble
govt is even going to allow docters a right to kil

i just want to die in peace
im still helping others

am working hard for a better world
but am realistic about how vile
the truelly evil ..*of this world choses to be

sure there is good in everyone
but even..the best must still be aware
it holds potential evil it ..too

its that do gooders only see the vile
in others thats doing the real harm

the lies to get that tax on smokers mate was truelly vile
a lie even for what may seem..for good reason is still a lie

how many smokers are made to feel they are evil
because they were lied to?

you chose to give-up

i chose to die
rather than be forced ..into paying them to smoke
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 8:29:46 AM
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OUG you quite often lash out at my concern for you.
I intended no harm.
Your last post, before that one, came from way down black dog on the shoulder country.
I have been there.
You have every right to your hurt but understand this, it should not be aimed at good people wanting to help.
This would be a better world if more helped.
Yes looks like your supplier may have been that one,still bloke laws exist he broke them.
If a deal looks too good to be true it is.
I wounder how many of us would buy cheap illegal goods? have to say most.
I mean no harm but You can if you try, give it up.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 March 2011 11:32:14 AM
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