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Silencing the majority

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Last night in NSW the majority was not silenced, we are better for it.
It was always going to be so.
One in three ALP voters voted conservative.
With swings as high as 30% greens never attracted more than one point five to two percent rise .
I am proud to be ALP this morning, proud to have played a roll in bringing us first to our knees then step by step back to the party we once so proudly had been, it will take time.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 March 2011 4:17:28 AM
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yesterday we were slapped by the labour hand
tomorrow we will be slapped with a liberal hand

the mockery
de moc-race-see
we are aloowed to chose
which parties right hand slaps us ..this time

we have no choice
about being slapped

thus the minority of 2 party loyalists
rules the majority of voters

the majority is silenced by the two pea trick
sure there is a 3 rd party..of nutters
and a 4 th party of fools
and even independants

but mate you just know
one of the two parties shall rule
[lord it over the rest of the muggs]

once it was labour was the workers
and liberal was about liberty and the bosses
but al the parties now are the same..[ruled by faceless backroom backdoor men]who fund raise and legislate the payoff to those supporting both parties..

i loove that you still feel something
im just feeling numb

possably because some fool decided
they could tax my smoking into extinction

or maybe its just because i still dont hate those party people decieved by professing decievers

[by their deeds shall we know them
[by their works do we note who they serve

we got the governers we de-serve
just know they arnt there to serve us

ask not what your party..can do for you
ask what you*..can do..*for your party
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 March 2011 7:15:50 AM
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OUG Hope you are well today.
Your cynical view of politics must be a hard thing to carry.
I have never seen that side in any party.
Last nigh good hard working members got elected on both sides ,and others, defeated.
Every one likes to kick a Polly, but few have the answers.
Independents? still three in this house all honored by those who trusted them.
Say we had a house full of them,do you not see how awful it would be?
The party system is the best we have.
Yesterday the very back of my party was broken, by its members.
I rest my case democracy works.
No party is free to be so bad without paying for it.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 27 March 2011 9:48:25 AM
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if the choice be between synocism or gullibility
its no choice once you know how things work

here is a latest look at the media[lies]

[thats only the tip of the iceberg]

here is an alternate reason for the libia 'scirmish'

of course theories abound
[i dont have enough web acces 'speed' to watch any vidio
to se if gadfly got it anywhere near right about jfk being silenced]

but such is life

it was interesting to note the grens vote fell away to near nothing
[at least to the point that they lost seats]and lost contol of the upper house

so the carbon tax thing figured in that
but also that both parties put the greens last
[ie would rather get the oppisite of the 2 party system the vote that give the greens anything]

i cant say i disagree
but there will be a way arround it
someone will play the 2 last preferance game
but it still silences the majority who would come 2 de

but such is the game

ps your parties baqck wasnt broken yesterday
its been broke for a long time..but then the whole demon-autocratic system is rotten[good to see canada sacked its govt..

but even so
the system is still bad]

ps noted the passing of much of the bbc today

many last shows..soon the yanki pbs system gets shut down too
[again more silencing of the allready silenced majority]

mate how can you not see things are changing
and have changed

and not for the better

if it wasnt for the fact the bloggers have had a win

there isnt much else worth noting

ge still dont pay tax

anyhow why bother
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 27 March 2011 3:32:51 PM
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no im not well today
been having chest pains and headaches all night long
[im reduced to smoking tea leaves]

where is the union standing for my riughts not to be persicuted for smoking the last legal drug

smokers were the majority
nowe we have bbeen ridfioculed and lied to
blamed for every crime in the book
its we that done all the vile

mate im had enough of it all
just emailed my tobacconist
will be printing the email at previous last stand thread yoyu started re smoking and banning it..mate your govt is trying to kill me

im smoking tea leaves
im on a strict budget
my tobacconist is holding this years smokinmg budget
i supect the recent seizure of tobacco was him
but he isnt taling
i bought the tobacco[he bought it with my money]
i have a right to know where my tobacco is

im dying fast bloke
thank you alp

bloody moralists legislated me into a corpse
and the silence is deafening

you used to smoke a heck of a lot
it didnt hurt you did it
be honest were lied to
just as we all have been decieved

do we need govt that needs to lie
so delicate people dont need to smell my stink?

when we all knew we stank..[ie all smoked]
the world was a better place
think about it

im in pain mate
govt did this to me

damm it the alp govt did this to me
i am a former unionist im just scum
stuff the alpo stuff the govt soon i will be dead

and it didnt cost govt a cent..i want an appoligy
i need my smoke..i want my tax back
Posted by one under god, Monday, 28 March 2011 3:54:42 AM
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I feel for you OUG, have for some time.
If you lived a bit closer I would buy you that tobacco,and a feed.
But it can not happen.
I have more to say about this stalled thread but first, may I go sideways.
I have told of my hard times childhood.
And that some one caring and giving at that time changed me.
Many will be upset with me and you for this,it sadly is easier to go past this post than understand.
See I think we should not ever walk past some one we can help.
Very Very hard,even dangerous at times.
But if we want a better world we better start working for it.
No Christian me but you will if you look find one church who knows your need of tobacco is hurting.
Union? been nearly six months,time flys, phone still rings visitors from rank and file arrive at my door but for every unionist two hate the movement.
Look else ware for help, I trust my mob still but you do not exist for more than I care to think of.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 28 March 2011 6:04:28 AM
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