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Gay adoption

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I suppose if people had of literally taken the laws Robert mentions we would of saved many millions of babies being murdered in mothers womb. However the likes of Robert thinks he knows better than His Creator. No wonder he supports the adoption of kids into perverted homes.
Posted by runner, Monday, 6 September 2010 3:16:59 PM
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My oh my, how the self righteous moralists here love to hate, preach, moralise, condemn, and deny people rights that the self righteous moralists demand for themselves. Ancient bigotry is alive and well in modern Australia. Luckily these people are a minority, and getting fewer and fewer as each year goes by.
Posted by TZ52HX, Monday, 6 September 2010 3:33:52 PM
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"No wonder he supports the adoption of kids into perverted homes."

No runner I'd hate to see any child placed in your care or home.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 6 September 2010 4:40:08 PM
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There is a difference between the national laws given by Moses to Isreal which you have quoted above; and the moral law of God given in the 10 commandments; when summed up is - Love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself.
Posted by Philo, Monday, 6 September 2010 9:08:59 PM
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Philo that's the part where you end up doing what the rest of us do. Using your brain and applying it to the input's available to you. That includes a mixture of cultural upbringing, whatever religious belief's you have, teachings from other faiths which make sense to you, the values which were important in your home etc. You can look at the bible and based on your worldview decide which rules apply and which don't. A christian in another place or time might come to some quite different conclusions.

Belly, myself and others may not accept the authority of your version of god but that does not mean that there is not a lot of common values/morals.

I can see the value in the commandments you quoted, I can also see the value in living as though karma was real.

I'm rather tired of christian's pretending that their moral's and values are absolute and not impacted by their own judgement and the opinions of those whose views they respect while trying to make out that those who don't follow your god can have no basis for moral's and values in our own lives.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 6 September 2010 9:39:15 PM
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The problem with abolishing absolute truth is exactly that you become your own God... in all your flaws and with all your abilities to deceive yourself and those around you in an effort to serve your interests only to the detriment of the society around you.

We think we live in such a liberal environment, so evolved in our own understanding of ourselves and those around us. So sure of ourselves and convinced that we control out own destinies.

Well the simple fact is is that we're very wrong. Our society has gone to the dogs.... Rape, murder, prostitution, exploitation, pedophilia, depressions and mental illness are at an all time high.

People need to wake up and notice an ailing society where everyone is left fending for themselves, where love and loyalty are a thing of the past and where we justify the exploitation of others in any means necessary. Take pornography and prostitution for instance. The church teaches against these two evils but society tells us to accept them as they're a sign of liberalism and vibrancy.
How many people actually consider or stop to think about the circumstances of a young girl who somehow is forced or convinced to receive a little bit of cash in exchange for self worth and dignity. How many people consider these things? Not many. Today our morals are subjective and we convince ourselves of the most inhumane and despicable things simply so we can do what we want and walk away without feeling guilt.

And if you think science proves that God doesn't exist then you've been fooled. Modern science is leading scientists back to God. Do some research. Look up Ben Stein. Learn about the fundamentals of molecular biology. Open your eyes and walk away froim mainstream media which has done it's best to deceive, divide and control people.
Posted by bach, Monday, 6 September 2010 10:19:30 PM
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