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Gay adoption

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I agree with the point that to be in a same sex relationship negates the option to have children of that relationship. It is a natural conclusion, as the relationship of itself cannot produce a child. The only possibility is for a person of the opposite gender to be sexually involved. Does the child have the right to know its biological parents? Can the adopting mother have the right to discriminate against her child being placed in a gay couples relationship?
Posted by Philo, Friday, 3 September 2010 2:42:04 PM
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bach? you are being funny now are you not?
This year has been a dreadful one for the uncovering of Church's looking after the interests of children.
It is dreadfully true every year brings new storys of the horrors of child abuse and the covering up by?
As I do not believe in any God, firmly think we should judge only in the interest of the kids.
I will look for other reasons not to let it happen.
Mostly the kids will be loved, not exposed to danger and I still am unsure we should let some heterosexuals have kids.
Yet if I was in NSW Parliament I truly do not know how I would vote.
I am unsure but willing to see the big picture.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 3 September 2010 5:40:40 PM
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Your bias is showing. Churches have in their care millions of children; that several are abused by men and reported upon in the Media is not a balanced view of the reality. It is most unfortunate that most reported cases are with children of the same gender. Does that say somthing?
Posted by Philo, Friday, 3 September 2010 5:50:37 PM
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how can anyone in their right mind be in favour of 'gay adoption'?

A child needs stability and normality during the formative years. How can two mums or two dads provide this? Plus, just think about when the child goes to school. Won't the other kids laugh at him/her and make the situation even worse?

This is all just politically correct nonsense where minority agendae are given more importance than what is normal.
Posted by Austin Powerless, Friday, 3 September 2010 6:30:42 PM
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No one actually realizes there's no kids around that can actually be adopted. Chances are, the kids that might be adopted would mostly be from one of the partners having bred previously, or via IVF. It's just giving the second partner the chance to be the kid's legal guardian.

As a Christian, am I for or against it?. Well, the most important thing is that any kid has a stable and safe environment to grow and develop to the best of its potential. If a kid is given that then I reckon both people - in any form of couple - should be rewarded with God's greatest gift of all; the right to call the child theirs.

Let God do the judging, hypocrites.
Posted by StG, Friday, 3 September 2010 11:07:14 PM
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I agree with StG. Most heterosexual couples wishing to adopt a child in this country must look to other countries to find children to adopt, as there are very few available in this country.

The chances of a gay male couple being able to adopt an unrelated child is almost nil.

So all this hysteria over gay adoption is actually about the partners of gay parents being able to adopt their partners child.

In actual fact, many children do find themselves in the situation of having a gay parent because their parent originally couldn't face up to the fact they were homosexual, and went ahead and had a family with a heterosexual partner.

Children are very resilient. If most kids can deal with the many relationship breakdowns, divorces, and step-parents amongst heterosexual parents, then most can handle gay parents.

Kids aren't born with the holier than thou attitude about people different from themselves.

They need homophobes and religious nutters in the form of adults to teach them hate, later in life.
Posted by suzeonline, Saturday, 4 September 2010 12:46:54 AM
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