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Gay adoption

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The problem with abolishing absolute truth is that you might actually have to think for yourself.

Claiming that it is against God's will and nature allows one to be a bigot without having to think, as using one's grey matter might lead one to realise what mean spirited and spiteful position one occupies.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 9:05:07 AM
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If you're so capable of living a rightous life by means of your own intellect alone then why do we have man made laws?

When you live in a society where you believe that you have the right to 'choose' between what is right and wrong you should also appreciate and consider what impact your actions have on the community around.

For instance, if you were to abolish the law of adultery which this society pretty much has done so long ago it will surely lead to broken hearts, homes, and families usually where if a children are involved they're most likely to suffer the greatest.

Getting rid of absolute law means relativity and subjectivity when it come to what is right and wrong. This is dangerous because as we know only too well it doesn't take much for people to convince themselves and others to commit the worst of crimes.

Christ commands people to 'love your enemies'. It's because in our hearts and minds we can drown our consciences and by arrogance use our flawed logic to justify the exploitation of others to serve our own ends.

This is how the law permits prostitution for example. A multi-billion dollar industry that bullies and intimidates and places often young, confused, desperate girls at the mercy of deviant degenerates.
Posted by bach, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 9:29:09 AM
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This society has been thinking for itself for quite a while now. What are the fruits of this arrogance?

Countless brothels and strip joint in every city worked by your daughters. A general population plagued by depression and mental illness. Rape, Pedophilia and other Crime at an all time high. Countless elderly dying alone in nursing homes. Sustaining a multibillion dollar industry whose only service is to provide you with a quick and efficient means to kill your unborn children. Families treating their pets better than their own kids. Come on guys wake up and smell the roses.
Posted by bach, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 9:37:58 AM
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In summary, religion enables one not only to be thoughtlessly bigoted, but self righteous about it too.

I will have to settle for informed angst.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 9:48:42 AM
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Newsflash to bach - adultery is not illegal in any Australian jurisdiction. It is, however, in places like Saudi Arabia and Iran. Personally, I'd rather live here.

SM - we differ politically, but on this subject it's nice to be able to agree 100%.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 9:52:51 AM
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SM that's not a summary but your bias. It could easily say that lack of religion cultivates arrogance and and stupidity but that would be my bias and opinion.

CJ Newsflash: I was referring to the Ten Commandments and I'm well aware of the civil and criminal law in this country. Might help to read the article over.

Also CJ i think SM is married so enough with the flirting
Posted by bach, Tuesday, 7 September 2010 10:07:59 AM
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