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The Forum > General Discussion > Unreasonable Religious Guilt

Unreasonable Religious Guilt

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It is interesting to me to read what *StG* writes.

This particular individual does not as yet appear to have insight, or the ability to consider Self objectively, which goes to support *DavidF's* hypothesis.

In the instance of very gentle initial impersonal probes by way of *DavidF's* opening remarks, regarding the validity of certain aspects of particular belief systems, he responds with what appears to be borderline paranoid emotional hostility.

I wonder additionally whether his behavior is obsessive and this in part goes to the core of *David's* topic. That is to say that if an individual observes repetitive (ritualistic) practice in an obsessive manner, and or strict blind adherence to dogmatic doctrine, that their consciousness literally becomes so full of it to the exclusion of most other things that the ego becomes inflamed and tender when challenged, out of fear perhaps of having no other substantial thoughts to fall back on.

" ... May I find in U oh *Lordy* a fortified tower, in the face of the *Enemy* ... "

The word stultification/fossilization/crystallization comes to mind and dear *Runner* is a classic example. Whereas her self professed *Lordy JC* was reputed to be able to commune with all manner of people, she her Self seems to be about as diverse in her views as a "pillar of salt."

A rough hack admittedly, but I think that both these two characters could do with some time apart from their own religious views for the good of the development of their own individuality.

I don't know about anyone else, but I can freely admit that at times I become thoroughly bored with my own Self and the emanations of my own consciousness, which is one of the reasons I come here, to be refreshed and nourished by the diversity and richness of the OLO garden.

Read it up, think it over, thrash it out, have a feed, have a kip, wake up and see what, if anything, new pops up in my thought stream. Not necessarily something entirely new, but often a new way to look at things.
Posted by DreamOn, Tuesday, 22 September 2009 1:03:01 PM
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Dear Fractelle,

Thank You for your kind words.

I used to think I was not religious, and perhaps
I wasn't. I didn't like what organized religion
had done to the world. I still don't. I've come
to see, however, that true religion is internal,
not external. What some have done in the name
of religion, projecting their neuroses, even
perpetrating evil on the world, doesn't make
religion as a mystical phenomenon invalid.

Secularized organized religions have become, in
many cases, as calcified as other institutions that
form the structure of our modern world.
That's why they're often rejected. Our religious
institutions have far too often become handmaidens
of the status quo, while the genuine religious
experience is anything but that.

Unless organized religious institutions step up to
bat religiously, they will wither away, for the
simple reason that people today demand relevance
and meaning from their Churches and won't permit
their God to be reduced to empty ritual and
all-absorbing law.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 22 September 2009 2:56:16 PM
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I'm sure his noodly goodness wouldn't mind me posting his eight 'I'd really rather you didn'ts'

1. I'd really rather you didn't act like a sanctimonious holier-than-thou ass when describing my noodly goodness. If some people don't believe in me, that's okay. Really, I'm not that vain. Besides, this isn't about them so don't change the subject.

2. I'd really rather you didn't use my existence as a means to oppress, subjugate, punish, eviscerate, and/or, you know, be mean to others. I don't require sacrifices, and purity is for drinking water, not people.

3. I'd really rather you didn't judge people for the way they look, or how they dress, or the way they talk, or, well, just play nice, Okay? Oh, and get this into your thick heads: woman = person. man = person. Samey = Samey. One is not better than the other, unless we're talking about fashion and I'm sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuschia.

4. I'd really rather you didn't indulge in conduct that offends yourself, or your willing, consenting partner of legal age AND mental maturity. As for anyone who might object, I think the expression is go fock yourself, unless they find that offensive in which case they can turn off the TV for once and go for a walk for a change.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 22 September 2009 3:01:56 PM
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5. I'd really rather you didn't challenge the bigoted, misogynistic, hateful ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, then go after the girls.

6. I'd really rather you didn't build multi million-dollar churches/temples/mosques/shrines to my noodly goodness when the money could be better spent (take your pick):
1. Ending poverty
2. Curing diseases
3. Living in peace, loving with passion, and lowering the cost of cable
I might be a complex-carbohydrate omniscient being, but I enjoy the simple things in life. I ought to know. I AM the creator.

7. I'd really rather you didn't go around telling people I talk to you. You're not that interesting. Get over yourself. And I told you to love your fellow man, can't you take a hint?

8. I'd really rather you didn't do unto others as you would have them do unto you if you are into, um, stuff that uses a lot of leather/lubricant/Las Vegas. If the other person is into it, however (pursuant to #4), then have at it, take pictures, and for the love of Mike, wear a CONDOM! Honestly, it's a piece of rubber. If I didn't want it to feel good when you did it I would have added spikes, or something.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 22 September 2009 3:02:48 PM
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AJ Philips

No doubt your spiritual father helps you feel at ease with your self righteous rants blaming Jesus for the ills of the world and presenting man as the answer to the problems. It seems with all man's scientific wisdom they still can't come anywhere near the miracles Jesus did in healing all kinds of disease and sickness. Your blasphemous rants are similar to those who crucified the Only one who could save them from their depravity. I sincerely hope you one day see your arrogance before its to late. Your little bit of candy that you insist on sucking here on earth is not worth the price.

Your blame shifting of responsibility from yourself onto God might make you feel a little better but is really quite pathetic. Your puny little fist shaking at the Creator of the Universe would be funny if it was not so sad.

Suzi writes

'Hell must be very full indeed!' Unfortunately yes Suzi it is and you along with anyone else who rejects Christ as Lord and Saviour will end up there and it won't be the party many mockingly make it out to be.


The idea of mortal sin is largely a human invention. Compared to true righteousness we all fall miles and miles short. That is why the prostitute enters the kingdom before the religous (because they know their own righteousness is as filthy rags to God). It is only pride which blocks us from a clear knowledge of that. Your righteousness along with mine will count for nothing.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 22 September 2009 8:32:03 PM
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<<No doubt your spiritual father helps you feel at ease with your self righteous rants blaming Jesus for the ills of the world and presenting man as the answer to the problems.>>

I’m not sure who this “spiritual father” is of mine that you refer to, but just so you know, I’m not blaming Jesus for the ills of the world. For Jesus to take the blame, he would actually have had to exist first, and we have about as much evidence for Jesus as we do for the Father and the Holy Spirit...


<<It seems with all man's scientific wisdom they still can't come anywhere near the miracles Jesus did in healing all kinds of disease and sickness.>>

Oh, you read the poem! Yes, the last 5 lines were my favourite part too. I had a lump in my throat reading that last bit.

Powerful stuff!

To think that an almighty God created diseases and us mere humans are able eradicate them... Heck, we even one-upped God with some of his creations. Just take a look at what we’ve done to wheat and bananas.

<<Your blasphemous rants are similar to those who crucified the Only one who could save them from their depravity.>>

So this monster you worship is soothed by the sacrificial death of his son? It’s no wonder he asked Abraham to kill his son. Just as well he was only joking, eh? That God of yours is such a crazy kidder!

Seriously though... What frightening little reality bubble you live in!

<<I sincerely hope you one day see your arrogance before its to late.>>

Thanks for your sincere concern, Runner.

But just so you know, I already have two questions prepared for when I die, in the event that God does exist...

1. Which God are you? Apollo, Thor, Allah?
2. Why did you keep yourself so well hidden?

Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 22 September 2009 10:26:08 PM
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