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The Forum > General Discussion > What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

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Houel you must have got your 1 in 1 zillion stat from the mens club.

Autism is a shocker, like shocking, on the rise. Here’s some Yankstats:

• 1 in 150 births
• 1 to 1.5 million Americans
• Fastest-growing developmental disability
• 10 - 17 % annual growth
• $90 billion annual cost
• 90% of costs are in adult services
• Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention
• In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion

I'm not saying immunisations are doing it or the mercury or anthing; but lots of people do.

Hey Exam, he started it.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Friday, 18 September 2009 1:52:06 PM
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"You're alright mate. Bugger the rest aye!"


1. Inoculations are administered to infants through the decision of the parent therefore, since a six month old baby is not capable of taking itself off to a health clinic, your statement above is extremely vacuous.

"Pity the immune suppressed or just weaker immune 6 month old babies that happen to catch the disease you carry."

2. Garbage in garbage out Houellebecq since I have raised several children - mine and others. The others were quickly restored to good health after living with me and none suffered any ill effects from the close contact they had with a person not immunised.

I had also ensured that the immune systems of my children were protected from the ravages of the "free" market which continues to peddle its poisons to ignorant adults who feed this synthetic garbage to their children.

And this garbage spills over to the pet food industry where diseased pigs, chickens, cattle etc, plus anything they can find as a filler is dumped in dog food.

A worker contracted a nasty swine disease in a pet food factory in Melbourne a year or so ago. Now the drug barons may design a vaccine to protect us from that disease - a result of what the unregulated free market is doing to animal and human health.

And what about a vaccine for mad cow's disease Houellebecq -just in case eh, which is another example of the unregulated free market which forced herbivorous cattle to become cannibals and killed humans as a result. In the UK (and elsewhere), cattle for human consumption were force-fed ash in their feed, which came from India's funeral pyres but then profits are paramount are they not?

"That's right, the 90% un'enlightened' people won't let that happen. Good thing they take on the very small risk you're not willing to take isn't it."

Houellebecq how "enlightening" but what was that risk you claim I failed to take? I look forward to your response.
Posted by Protagoras, Friday, 18 September 2009 2:54:38 PM
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Ah Piper, you really are getting good at googling aren't ya. I don't care, I just love the word zillion.

ADD, Autism, Chronic Fatigue, everyone's got something these days. I think it's more to do with the looking than the having.

Polio was pretty obvious with that paralysis and all being a bit of a give-away, but a 6 year old wriggling a bit through a 2 hour reading of war and peace and someone saying they're tired all the time used to go less noticed.

I don't think it's the vaccines, or the non-organic food, or the chemicals, it's just the hypochondriacs, and google, and raising awareness, and those evil pharma people that have led to the state where Jim Carey is telling people your kid'll get autism if you vaccinate your child, and people listen to him more than when their trained doctor says it's rubbish. He shoulda stuck to dumb and dumber movies I think. Though he was good in Eternal Sunshine, there's no denying it really.

Hang on, I feel a bit tired. And I'm bored by Exam. Maybe I have ADD and Chronic Fatigue! I must rush off to the doctor and tell him what I've got since I read all about it on the internet. Poor sod.

Or maybe I'm low in iron! Hey remember 'I'm a singal mum wiv a dauda' on that Iron commercial? (Sponsored by the meat industry)

I'm converted. I think we should go back to the days of deaths by polio and measles and mumps, because at least you were sure what your kids were dying from. It was a much better state of affairs aye Piper? Much better than those nasty pharma companies in conspiracy with the doctors giving us these autism causing vaccines we have these days, then laughing with that Whaaa ha ha ha ha laugh.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 18 September 2009 3:07:44 PM
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Fractelle: "Rstuart, Your ad hominem on Bronwyn - completely called for"

I'm an not sure if you are praising me or having a dig. The post wasn't addressed to Bronwyn, it wasn't about Bronwyn, and I certainly wasn't attacking Bronwyn or anyone else. What I did was perfectly innocent. I just repeated what she said to me here, on OLO. Since OLO is a public forum, I didn't think Bronwyn would have the slightest qualms with me repeating it.

Bronwyn doesn't now recall where she said this. But I do, clear as a bell. It was here:

It is etched in my memory, because I at that point I realised "this is a religious thing for Bronwyn", and ran away with my tail between my legs. Like I said, no point arguing when it is a religious thing. I always remember when I run away like a wimp.

I see it is religious for others here too. Like this, from Protagoras: "an oldie ... remains in sound health to this day because she doesn't adhere to your herd mentality" Its utter, unabridged, crap of course. This single case says nothing about the effectiveness of vaccines, as I imagine Protagoras knows. Religious things often cause people to sink to such depths. (Note: to self, Protagoras will fire back with some unpleasant remark. She always does. Don't respond.)

Bronwyn: "What the hell! Thanks for slipping that one in."

I put you, myself and Pericles in the same grouping. You don't like our company?

The Pied Piper: "I'm not saying immunisations are doing it ... but lots of people do."

They do, they're wrong, and some kids will get very sick as a result. Read the transcript here:

Here is an edited extract, to give you an incentive to click the link: "the Blairs said that it was a matter of privacy around medical history. That argument is undermined by Cherie Blair's published autobiography, where she not only said her son had the MMR vaccine but also described in some detail the actual fcuk which conceived the child."
Posted by rstuart, Friday, 18 September 2009 7:36:20 PM
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Hey I am fast becoming the Googling Queen, this is really what ABBA had in mind.

Shots, “needles” you call them in Oz I think. Okay Autism, scary – one in 150, I mean f’me that is horrific. You come across many autistic kids? I have refused to foster them (and you all thought I was a shoe in for the mother of the year award aye).

They seemed to be everywhere awhile go, I had one, I kept hearing about them from aspergers to full blown autism and then I went and had a nosey on the web. Was when I had a toddler that was just starting to show symptoms and promptly scared myself stupid about vaccinations.

ADHD – nup had lots of them, load of crap mostly. Dr has prescribed Ritalin based on reported symptoms only. Bloody shoddy if you ask me. Go on ask me.

And back to Me; I get kids immunized (rest assured Mr Stuart), my own, other peoples, I’m willing to stick a needle in any random kid, will drag them off the street if I feel they’ve missed one. Well not me, hubby does it – I don’t like watching them cry (and the award is back within my grasp).

Now cause I am so whizz bang at stuffing kids full of toxic crap I feel people like Prota should be left alone, what’s the point in being so disciplined if you can’t enjoy someone else breaking rank once in awhile.

Reminder for Exam; Houel started it.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Friday, 18 September 2009 8:00:30 PM
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Thank you so much for directing we “religious” towards balance and perfection – oh such philosophical mastery and we indeed feel truly liberated! You are the shepherd and we are the dogs who heed your voice but with respect Shepherd, may I allude you to the fact that “herd mentality” is not “herd immunisation” though wasn’t it Socrates who remarked: “We do not punish someone for something he cannot help?”

PP – I didn’t break rank since the Salk vaccine was not introduced to Australia until 1956 and the Sabin vaccine in 1966. The measles vaccine followed in 1967 and the mumps vaccine in 1981 therefore many adults remain free from vaccines since herd immunisation programmes for these vaccines were conducted in infant clinics and schools but by then my sibling and I were out bringing home the bacon (apologies to pigs!)

Salk's new polio vaccine failed to completely inactivate the embedded virus. A couple of hundred children were permanently paralyzed by inoculation side effects, and a handful died. A jury subsequently found the manufacturer not negligent, but financially liable, thereby casting a pall of uncertainty over vaccine production.

During the swine flu scare in the mid-1970's, the US congress responded to liability concerns among manufacturers by declaring that any suits would have to be brought against the federal government. When thousands of vaccine recipients suffered nerve and muscle damage, they were able to prevail against the government under a fairly simple liability standard.

Currently there are about 4,800 class actions over autism in the US regarding the Thimersol/mercury vaccine and around 1 in 6 American children now suffer ADD or other neurological afflictions. Why?

Houellebecq’s herd mentality on matters beyond his comprehension – ie. organic food, chemicals, chronic fatigue, vaccines etc reveals a certain errr… – never mind but he may be interested to learn that there are millions of old tarts and codgers roaming the planet who've never had a shot in their lives due to the reasons above, therefore his sarcasm is unwarranted.

Posted by Protagoras, Friday, 18 September 2009 10:12:34 PM
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