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The Forum > General Discussion > What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

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im with first

anyhow...its about love/hate..for most of us...and i for one..[via the previeuws]..realised i didnt want the program...lets face had/has its extreem adgenda behind the extreem that people who love their replacement human beings..[pet children]wont be allowed to keep or chosen breeds

there is nothing inherantly..[automaticlly]..bad about breeding bulldogs..[or poodles...but their owners/breeders..need to be held to minimum standards/breed specific skilling..depending on the breed...and first..given the oppertuinity to rectify/remedy..the dangers/injurouse practrices..

and not all..the breeds picked on..have we have a place for the vets...who via the breed-books..can track down the hurtfull genes...and eliminate the problem...

the hips if you recall..decended from one individual..its nothing breeders cant eliminate..simply by avoiding the matting of two resesive/carriers

aborigonals..pre-invasion..were remarkable free from ressesive defects..this was due to the system of skin mating...that avoids keeping favourable sepperation..of genetic population/quotant

im turn vets into cops...their advise on well as treat fill people with fear..[so they are afraid to the vet..this..seems more stupid...than the idocracy/stupidity..that caused the issues

see those..who use vets..arnt the problem...its those breeders who treat breeding as income/business..not a calling..of account-ability/tryust to the unborn.....much like that of priests...brrreeders of an needs to become a science...

dont be fooled by those..who sell only the negative it kids or animals...if there is not love..of the fruit/result...then arises the problem...

solution's are needed...the ressesives..are easilly detected...and the breeding tests..are allready done...vets can find those dangerouse genes..and hold their owners to acountabiliuty...then no more problems...

we should be hearing better/more solutions...not mandated govt act..upon the all..public servants arnt vets..but because of the greed/need of the few bad-apples...vets will become policy/police enforcers/informers..

set those who seek to..ban all pets..[and children]..eugenics begins..when we murder animals/sick...via govt legislation...euthinisation is murder

evil people..pretending to do good worse things..via govt censure/..via govt right to oppress/police../and/are..very willing to diseminate injurous keep us from thinking/seeing good/ that mearly different...

its not the child perverts..i much as..that they deliberate to injure kids..and make things worse..upon innocents
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 September 2009 7:33:12 AM
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Thank you OUG and sorry Exam.

I should have gone to bed instead of leaving that post. I'm like this at home as well if it's any comfort. I can be having a nice discussion with a grown up about what they've been up to then suddenly I'm ranting about some poor kid and how no one will listen.

I know... I'm going to the corner...
Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 13 September 2009 7:58:03 AM
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No doubt Pomeranians were one of the breeds mentioned...

I'm sitting here typing this looking at my mate Max. No inbreeding there: the black and tan face of a kelpie, the body colouring of a washed out cattle dog with black instead of blue, red roan socks, an exuberantly fethery tail like nothing I've seen and the build of a german shepherd (still growing and he can put his paws on my shoulders already). All that and one of the best natures I've ever come across in a dog.

I grew up with a pedigreed corgi, who was very lucky that my dad knew the breeder, because she had "inverted" colouring. She was white where she was supposed to be tan and vice-versa, which meant she was going to be put down until dad put his hand up for her. Even then, the breeder wouldn't sell her unspayed and she still had her tail docked.

All of my dogs (Max is my 10th) since then have been bitzas, mostly from the pound as puppies. Personally, I'd like to see the end of pedigreed breeds altogether.
Posted by Antiseptic, Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:17:14 AM
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I started to watch this program and had to turn off. Must be age but I can no longer watch any program where kids or animals (don't worry Pied I got you) are abused. Confession: I am a bit of a sucker for "Find my Family" - and usually end up in tears as well when it all works out well.

The irony is that these sorts of people usually profess an undying love of their pets.

I'm with Anti (nice change) on this. Who are we to interfere with nature to the extent we do, it seems humans know no bounds sometimes whether it be polluting the planet for profit, sexualising chidlren for profit or breeding dogs for profit and 'pleasure'.

Okay there is the rant.

What do we do about it? Ban it altogether under animal cruelty. Also Pet Show organisers and judges might need to assess their criteria for these pet beauty pageants and give points for character, intelligence and ability to jump through hoops (or something like that).
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:39:15 AM
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I must admit I agree with most of the comments like pelican I wasn't that keen to watch it but I thought that the other offerings at the time would unnecessarily have used up/damaged my few remaining synapse. So I did.

As I said there was very little that I didn't already, generally speaking. To my eternal shame Apart from not being involved and avoiding dogs I knew were the products of the in-breeding etc. I didn't give the issue a lot of thought.

We have had and bred/ trained a succession of dogs a from
Blue Healer cattle dogs (B) need lots of runs/ activity and can climb
Dobermans Special understanding needed
Rough coat Collie too much work for me. Wrong for Aus heat
Lhasa Apso (B) great long nose needs clipping, runners
Shih Tzus (B) great short nose clipping ideal small family dog breeders
Labs (B) Needs regular swims (webbing between toes) breeding issues
Golden retrievers (B) same
Bouvier de Flanders (my favourite) great idiosyncratic dog too small gene pool
and a Wombat Wally (extraordinary originality there). Great chick magnet...often cranky. (illegal now)
Dad and I trained police dogs and I was a tutor at a basic (Sunday am) obedience classes for about a year. We also owned 3 pet shops.

The problems are usually **idiot owners**, wrong dogs (bad choices) and bad crosses.
The show mentioned dogs for purposes and IMHO that is true.

The point is that people tend to buy on emotion and not purpose or the home environment.
All the problem on the show are here already BUT the show talked about the worst.

Keeping things in perspective, I'm not convinced that we should ban pure breeds or showing.I do believe that Kennel Clubs/ Cat Council need to be govt funded/mandated, given teeth to enforce veterinarian based “Standards”. Yes more controls(sigh). How else can we give people the right to choose and maintain healthy pets? Some nutters, profiteers will go...good riddance. And the small, caring breeders may take over. continued
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 13 September 2009 10:41:49 AM
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Re more control and success.

Problem...too many cat/dogs in Sherbrook (Vic) killing all the lyrebirds.

Total cat/dog ban? (rejected)loss of freedom of choice.

Universal cat/dog registration. Owners required to enclose pets on their property unless on lead or in special areas. Caught animals without tags were sent to RSPCA. those with tags escalating fines. Lots of angst, arson attacks, aggression even beatings etc.
3 years later some belligerent ones moved the most vocal opponents (cat owners) were on TV and are now in favour of protecting their expensive/loved pets.

The point I'm making that the options to have a pet or even the breed they want should remain but breeding practices and associated direct and indirect cruelty should be eliminated
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 13 September 2009 12:31:47 PM
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