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The Forum > General Discussion > What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

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I think your choice of Paris Hilton is a winner for your anti-pets campaign - those links you provided had me near to puking: so much pink aaaaggh!

Love your honesty. However, perhaps in future you may want to consider the shredding you give to the formal religionists on OLO ;-)

I have a suggestion, well 2 actually. But I know I'll never get you to Ecology 101 - so you understand protecting natural environments is more than saving the cute and fluffy.

My second suggestion means you can save a life and learn a lot about yourself and other animals. This is a big ask and will take years of commitment, but it might be the best thing you have ever done.

Adopt a dog.

You said you like dogs, they like you, why not care for one? If you do this and then still view keeping pets as slaves - cool. But you might just be converted.

BTW, the keeping of dolphins, racing horse and greyhounds - definitely slave/master relationship. I will leave your consumption of animals for Protagoras to deal with.
Posted by Fractelle, Friday, 18 September 2009 9:32:18 AM
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Hey Bronny,

You're not one of these people are you?

Lucky the rest of us keep up the herd immunity for you isn't it. And you talk to me about ethics!
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 18 September 2009 10:01:53 AM
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<< Lucky the rest of us keep up the herd immunity for you isn't it. And you talk to me about ethics! >>

As I said before , I'm not entering into a detailed discussion here, apart from making the observation that many experts are increasingly questioning the wisdom of depressing the whole of the immune system, and all the short and long term risks that entails, in order to provide immunuity against a small number of uncommomn illnesses. As one of the growing number of adults who has experienced auto-immune disease I have done quite a deal of research in this area.

By the way, the only vaccine related discussion I've entered into on OLO related to Gardisil, which is a vaccine with many well documented problems, quite apart from the issue of compromised immunity.

I actually think it's far more ethical to be well informed and pro-active regarding ones health, than it is to rely purely on conventional quick-fix medicine and the pharmaceutical industries who promote it. But that's a debate for another time and I will happily argue my case with you, rstuart and anyone else who considers the medical establishment to be the font of all wisdom.
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 18 September 2009 11:18:37 AM
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Sorry, about the untitled and unedited post just then, I pressed the wrong button. Ggrrhh!
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 18 September 2009 11:27:32 AM
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I understand that with some people, you cannot give them more information than they're prepared to receive.

Your post is a typical example of those with fewer cognitive skills and can you provide evidence to show that Bronwyn was not inoculated as an infant?

Herd immunisation is recognised as a necessity - particularly when the Homo sapien breeds like a rabbit, deprived of organic foods, clean air and water and is force-fed a myriad of anthropogenic lethal chemicals through the food chain and the air they breathe, thus compromising the immune system. These "advanced" technologies and the "free market" are one and the same - free for those who make a fast buck at the expense of humanity and supported by sycophantic ignorant racketeers.

However, the requirement for herd immunisation has a downside and the evidence is compelling where once healthy children, have become seriously afflicted after inoculation. That's good reason why pharmaceutical companies began lobbying for government indemnity decades ago though litigation is ongoing and I recall one of the first successful class actions in the 60s when the courts upheld a jury verdict of $200,000 for a child who developed polio from the Sabin live polio vaccine.

The tragic results of vaccines can be seen all too often after inoculating our companion animals, however, the multi-national pharmaceutical companies know very well that it is difficult to establish a causal link between vaccines, brain damage and terminal diseases in once healthy animals.

Should you wish to debate with an oldie who has never had an inoculation, contracted chicken pox and whooping cough as a child, but remains in sound health to this day because she doesn't adhere to your herd mentality, then look no further than this post.

On reflection, haven't you anything better to do than to come in here and attack those who are more enlightened than yourself?
Posted by Protagoras, Friday, 18 September 2009 12:13:12 PM
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'Should you wish to debate with an oldie who has never had an inoculation, contracted chicken pox and whooping cough as a child, but remains in sound health to this day because she doesn't adhere to your herd mentality, then look no further than this post.'

Exactly Protagoras. You're alright mate. Bugger the rest aye!

Pity the immune suppressed or just weaker immune 6 month old babies that happen to catch the disease you carry. It's pretty hard to argue on the balance of things that we should just let polio, and measles and mumps become common again because 1 in 1 zillion kids might have been caused autism. Oh, that's right, the 90% un'enlightened' people won't let that happen. Good thing they take on the very small risk you're not willing to take isn't it.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 18 September 2009 12:49:24 PM
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