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The Forum > General Discussion > What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

What do you think should be done about 'breeding pure breeds to death' for cosmetics?

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You are potentially right but as foxy says few people are that patient.
to wait months or even travel that far.

My epitome of anything is irrelevant I was demonstrating that some pet shops are worthy of effort/recognition, one could even postulate better than some breeders, contrary Dr Worth's dubious and unsupportable in fact attitudes that dominated RSPCA policy for so long.

The key to my current research thus far, tends to indicate that there are no absolutes or singular solutions (is there ever?).

Protagoras'/Pericles' rave are exactly that, opinions ones that are 'yeeess but', lacking perspective, out of context and certainly not Australia wide accurate. I'll consider responding more if and when they post a subject
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 17 September 2009 10:21:15 AM
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Cats are really interesting Fractelle and I sort of understood not as favoured in Aussie as dogs. NZ has the same problem with cats eating the wee native things whereas as an animal in their own right they can be lovely creatures with amazing personalities. Go on, what are your cats names?

Exam I am guessing that someone needs to put on paper a law about cosmetic breeding and breeding of animals with a genetic problem, a License to be given to the male and female or it is illegal to breed from them?

Any puppy accidents euthanized? I guess the female has the licence and a blood test carried out on both parents and if paternity unknown then aborted on the spot? Fines etc handed out.

Is that too harsh or even possible to police?

Do we have the facilities available to test genetic stuff easily?

What is a "submission"?
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 17 September 2009 10:31:59 AM
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OK you've got me.

My ancient cat, who passed away in 2004, was called Garp, after the character in the book, not the film. He was a huge silver and white tabby and I can still cry over his sudden demise; throat cancer, in every other way he was superbly healthy.

My current two. Gypsy is a multi-coloured (RedGingerBlackBrown) tiger-striped ball of fluff, she was 18 months old when I selected her (after Garp's death) after visiting RSPCA, Lort Smith, Keysborough shelters and winding up at the Lost Dogs Home. She was found wandering the streets, obviously lost, her previous owners had already had her spayed and probably wonder what happened to her. She adores children, so I think she must have come from a family home.

I first saw Jet in a local newspaper newspaper article about kittens a Vet Clinic was trying to find homes for. He is black and white; black back and top of head and around eyes, with lower face all white; except for black nose. He is very small for a male, and loves to jump on my shoulder and just hang there.

Long ago I had a German-Shepherd named Mikka, she was brave and loving and adored cats.

On topic: Animal breeders keep breeding records, I see how this would aid regulation, ensuring greater genetic diversity.


I agree that the RSPCA is far from perfect, however, I think you have taken my comments which were only meant in a general sense, quite personally. It is impossible to write anything to everybody's satisfaction; I know I will never please everyone all of the time.

That said, Protagoras and Pericles both have valid points of view, whether you agree or not. They have every right to express their views on pet ownership and breeding as does the originator of this topic. A believer in varied diet, I thought Protagoras' comments on Hugh Wirth's advice about feeding nothing but dried food particularly important.

Will you be presenting your submission on this forum? Are you interested in collaboration? To whom are you submitting this submission?
Posted by Fractelle, Thursday, 17 September 2009 11:23:28 AM
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Dear Fractelle,

Thanks for your concern about my computer -
I've been promised a new one for Christmas
and I can wait until then.

At present I've got a lot of other things
on my plate - I wasn't going to go into
details - but I will tell you that it's a
very difficult and heartbreaking situation
that we're facing. My step-father has a
death wish - he's refused all medication, liquids,
and food for some time now - he's in a nursing
home, and he's had enough. We've been advised
by the health professionals to respect his
wishes and await the inevitable. Watching him
deteriorate is gut-wrenching - it's especially
hard on my mother. But enough said.

Sorry, Examinator - to go off on a tangent on
your thread.

I still feel that we need stronger legislation
to protect the welfare of animals (- as I've stated
in my previous posts -). As for breed choices, and
who people buy their pets from - I guess that
will always be a matter of personal preference.
Some people are very keen on certain breeds, others
are not. I fall into the latter group - and would
prefer to go to the RSPCA to give some animal a chance
that they may otherwise not have.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 17 September 2009 11:31:29 AM
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Hey Fractelle, silver and white tabbies are lovely, I had one once called Jimmy. When I was flatting I had a rat who lived on my shoulder and my friend had a cat that would do the same, I got kicked out of most places while she had people coming up to pat her cat.

Gypsy and Jet sound lovely. I never had a Shepherd but I did have a dalmation once who used to sleep with my pet lamb, and a black and white fluffy cat called Ninja who used to climb in the rat cage and they would curl up together. Once my rat was running across a table and my Doberman tried to get it and it turned and bit her on the nose, she left Ralph alone after that. My pets all got along from dogs sitting with ducks to the pig parking up with the rabbit. This is what happens if you weren’t allowed a pet as a child aye, you go stupid once you’ve left home. If I had room I’d probably have a pet goat again, the right breed and they are charming little pets.

And kids are just as specific; when I had all my animals kids would be drawn to usually just one species and not stray far from them.

Foxy:”- and would prefer to go to the
RSPCA to give some animal a chance
that they may otherwise not have.”

This is the way I feel about fostering.

I hope your step-father is comfortable Foxy.

Struggling back on topic, umm… crap… my mind's blank. No unsterilized animals available for sale except to registered breeders who are policed as such! Gawd it’s like being at school when the teacher throws chalk at you for gossiping and you blurt something out.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 17 September 2009 12:34:43 PM
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"Rave", examinator?

>>Protagoras'/Pericles' rave are exactly that, opinions ones that are 'yeeess but', lacking perspective, out of context and certainly not Australia wide accurate. I'll consider responding more if and when they post a subject<<

Lacking perspective?

What "perspective" does it need? They are my own views, that's all.

Out of context?

The original post pointed out the cruelty involved in the dog industry. "In increasing cases breeding dogs to die prematurely and in excruciating pain or crippled" was one observation that I noticed. In my view - or, if you like, from my perspective - keeping dogs as pets is itself a cruelty. Very much in context, I would suggest.

Australia wide accurate?

I am very aware that my opinion on this subject is widely regarded as oddball. In fact, I have met no-one yet who shares it. Does that make it somehow a "wrong" opinion?

Protagoras describes it variously as hypocritical (because, presumably, I am not a vegetarian), and as "sick, bigoted dogma".

I confess I do rather like the idea of it as "dogma", but that's only because I'm into puns.

Hey, all I'm suggesting is that people start to ask themselves the question. To look at the ownership of animals for no better purpose than self-gratification, in a more objective light.

I'm considering using Paris Hilton's handbag dog as the emblem of this movement, by the way.,2933,181477,00.html

She even has doggy fashion items

Look at the picture, and tell me that is not practising cruelty on the dog.

So, it is only one airhead, I can hear the response, we don't treat our own pets like that.

I'm sure you don't.

But you're basically in the same business.

It's just a matter of perspective.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 17 September 2009 3:09:43 PM
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