The Forum > General Discussion > Church leaders turn their backs on Animal Cruelty
Church leaders turn their backs on Animal Cruelty
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Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 12:06:56 AM
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Celivia, You may not understand this, but I am neither an atheist, agnostic, monotheist, deitist, humanist or secularist, I follow no ism, or believe in any current ideology.
Your thread's been interesting, and I thank you for it. Along with scouts, it shows the depth of ignorance and stupidity the human race uses in its desperation to destroy everything in its path. There's no animal welfare on either thread, just better ways to indulge in barbarity and increase planetary destruction. I've learnt one thing though, there's no hope for the human race, nor help in survival from the mythical Yahweh. Your all so desperate to find the right form of apologist approach, to sanction and sanitise your continuing depravity. The more it's gone on the more Wendy has salivated, as she sees more and more symbols of her gods veracity, abattoirs rising amongst the filth of environmental destruction, death and gluttony. Your only aim is to increase monotheistic populations to fulfil the destiny of your god, total destruction of life on the planet. Very self defeating, but typical of Yahweh following clones. Its really important for you to raise funds, promoting more slaughter in humane conditions, (read exterminations camps). You sure have learnt a lot from your Christian nazi ilk. Even the jews have learnt the art of complete destruction and implement it with deadly precision on all and sundry. Actually if you could, I'm sure you'd all be happy to kill, eat and export everything that moves, to satisfy your insatiable depravity and greed. Posted by The alchemist, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 8:05:16 AM
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Alchemist...Although both Wendy and I agree with you in essence about the cruelty shown towards animals and even Wendy has said, she wishes that all meat eating should stop for the love she has of animals...she is very committed.
I love animals too...I believe they have a heart spirit soul as we all do...but to use your form of expressionism the way you do only serves to make you appear very extremist and way out of left field.. That way you tend to lose your effect as to the point ur trying to drive home. I love your love of gods creatures...heaven knows they need all the love they can get...but try to hear what pple like Wendy are actually saying.. Noone on this thread has evil, self serving intent toward animals and u should be pleased that pple even raise this whole question to even begin to adress issues...a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.. It is not going to work to demand everyone stop eating meat wont happen, but at least we can be doing something to make conditions better for animals in the meantime. A sense of proportion is needed here.. And it may pay u to actually read pples post so u can answer them rationally. Posted by OZGIRL, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 10:09:43 AM
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I would like to echo my thanks to all who have contributed to this thread.
I am glad that Alchemist is a committed vegetarian - maybe one day we all will be. Until that day, the best we can do is ensure that animals raised for produce are well treated, free ranging, healthy and slaughtered in the most humane methods possible. And a good first step is to put a halt to live export. As for the church, well if the christian posters are unable to rise to the challenge, then that is sad. Even sadder that our Federal Government has become controlled by fundamentalist Christians. Below is a report written by John Warhurst on 21st Century Australian National Politics. In summary, John states that the past 10 years has: “More than any other federal government the senior members of the Howard government have been active, in word and deed, in emphasizing (or at least being open about) its religious credentials and beliefs and in emphasizing the positive contribution of Christian values to Australian society. One has only to compare the publicly Christian approach of the Howard-Anderson-Costello-Abbott team, for instance, to the privately Christian, even secular,approach of the Fraser-Anthony-Lynch team in the 1970s to see that this is true.” The full report is available on the Parliament of Australia Senate Website, therefore I posit that even John Howard himself would concur on his religious beliefs governing much policy. continued Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 10:50:56 AM
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Further examples of religious indifference on the Catholic Encyclopaedia:
“The CATHOLIC Encyclopaedia informs its readers that "the visible world with which man comes in contact is divided into persons and non-persons. For the latter term the word "things" is usually employed...animals, in contradistinction to persons [are] classed as things." By arbitrarily relegating animals to the category of "things" theologians have effectively excluded them from the moral and ethical consideration due them as sentient beings. Of course this is an absolute contradiction of the second chapter of Genesis which clearly states that both animals and humans are "nefesh chaya"--living souls. But religious spokesmen frequently ignore the Bible when it conflicts with their man-made doctrines. St. Thomas was no exception.” We gave the opportunity for Christians to help us with animal welfare – well it is never too late, people. Stop your navel gazing (and petty attempts at point scoring) and start now. All you have to do is purchase freerange produce - that's not too hard it is? Thank you Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 10:57:26 AM
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Thank you, OZGIRL.
I want to make clear that I'm leaving this thread open for discussions as I got a couple of requests asking me not to close it. It wasn't my intention to take it off OLO- we can keep talking if you must ;)But perhaps the Animal Welfare thread would be a better place to discuss general comments about animal welfare. Antje kindly offered to keep an eye on this thread for me while I busy myself with my new thread (will be soon)and will be here when I can. Thanks Antje. Oh ok Alchemist, I got that wrong for jumping to the conclusion that you're an atheist (you just didn't sound like you believed in any God). Alchemist, I can see from a certain point of view that it seems hypocritical to eat meat while wanting to improve conditions for animals to be slaughtered. The logical thing would be: well if you really want to improve things for animals then don’t slaughter them. The thing is, although it would be ideal if no one would eat meat, this will not happen because no one knows how to achieve this. Say that YOU don’t eat meat and save a sheep per year from death. What would YOU like to happen to that sheep you saved with the knowledge that there ARE other people who will eat it? a) graze on natural paddocks near a creek, taken to a nearby abattoir and slaughtered legally and as painlessly and quickly as possible? b) thrown on a ship, make it travel for weeks in cramped and inhumane conditions, then be sold to someone who ties the legs together and chucks it in the boot of a hot car to travel a few more hours till it’s dehydrated; to some dirty bathroom (I have seen the footage) where its throath will be slashed while fully conscious? c) exported in better conditions and slaughter it on arrival? d) Tell people not to eat your sheep and cross your fingers. Alchemist what would YOUR first step be to improve things for animals? Posted by Celivia, Wednesday, 13 September 2006 11:12:55 AM
Australia is currently experiencing a severe cattle shortage which has led to the closing down of several abbatoirs.
andrew mountford UK After seeing a video of a cows and sheep which had been exported from Australia being slaughtered in a Ciaro abattoir filled me with revulsion and anger. As a producer of meat you should provide your animals, as a minimum a good life and a humane good death. PLEASE end you live exports of animals to countries which are unable to provide this.
alicia mountford UK After seeing a video of a cows and sheep which had been exported from Australia being slaughtered in a Ciaro abattoir filled me with revulsion and anger. As a producer of meat you should provide your animals, as a minimum a good life and a humane good death. PLEASE end you live exports of animals to countries which are unable to provide this.
006-05-21 sonia medeiros brazil I can't understand the cruelty. I believe that the devil live there, live inside people. The laws are made for the bad side. Help the animals from this animals.
2006-05-21 Mandeep Sagoo United Kingdom
2006-05-21 Sarah Maitland Brisbane, Australia Exporting animals alive is a cruel way to die. They end up being killed anyway if they survive the torterous journey. Surely is makes more sense to freeze the meat for export