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Sport and sex scandals

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We are still focused on the NRL.
Its players and supporters, can it be we refuse to understand our own culture?
Yes this country bloke was for a while a westy.
Not a word used then but it now known as a western Sydney yobo if you like.
Coastal teen age men are no different.
Group sex was then called a union, yep every one was in it.
Back of the van or FJ Holden.
Next generation around the 80,s called it onion, same deal.
Wiser blokes went to movies of Elvis type and one on one had 50 girls to every bloke to pick from.
Johns raped no one, he refused a request to do it again, maybe he did not return calls in the days after?
So many of those back seat girls of my youth asked for what happened, some demanded it, none ever said it was rape.
In time, not long, I found myself in the movie que, and sheepish about my early learning.
Right now middle 60,s feeling 30 after weight loss and healthy lifstyle, I am not likely to get involved with married women who daily do far worse than Mathew Johns.
Today the ladettes are in control and on the hunt, some clearly refuse to see females can be preditory.
And change their minds? every second!
Posted by Belly, Monday, 18 May 2009 6:20:46 AM
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You wrote that "Problem is always going to be that we are all different."
Do you realy believe that it is a problem because we are different, because there are blacks and whites, religious and non religious, progresive and conservative, women and men, young and old persons, etc ?
In democracies there is no problem for different people, of cause the diversity, all people are equal!
For human rights every person deserves our respect and understanding and acceptance and support!
Jewely, I know you are a good person, a humanist but you are "walking" on a slipery ground, first you wrote " Assumption; everyone undamaged, stable, normal IQ, equal" and now that ""Problem is always going to be that we are all different."
Even worst you wrote that"This chick probably was someone’s patient."
Is it a patient any one with different ideas, different behave?
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Monday, 18 May 2009 6:43:08 AM
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Hi Antonios,

The way I see things is that the degree of damage, differences in IQ, and a hundred other things, that make us all different. It is a problem in any situation where a rule is made to govern all as if equal. One herd. More of a problem if we react to the breaking of a rule as one herd and condemn - that is when one person is separated from the herd because they were weaker and the lions got them.

At my place… kids go Long Term (Judge grants final orders for them never to be returned to parents). Caseworker approves new foster parents in the system and they come and get whichever child/ren under final orders.

Not once have I been asked (even after parenting child/ren over a year or more) what sort of child they are, what sort of family do I think they should be with. Little child with phobia of dogs goes to live with dog breeders. This democracy you speak of, it damages. It is fair – it damages all with no regard to who any of them are or could have been.

There is a study going on right now trying to find out why foster children do not function as well as other children in society, questioning everything except DoCS themselves and their complete disregard of the individual in the beginning. I offered to be part of it but they don’t want people that have thought about it.

This talk doesn’t merge with what I see happening around me. This democracy does not protect its young, its old, its hurt, the different. Do I have “democracy” confused with how things work in court and government in reality? Are you meaning it is a sound concept even though it doesn’t work with people?

I didn’t know I was a humanist, hadn’t even heard the term before. Is there “individualists”? I do except strange people, except my mental case neighbor who keeps having yelling matches with my mental case daughter at 3am.
Posted by Jewely, Monday, 18 May 2009 8:26:36 AM
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'As Foxy said, Gould pointed out that the situation changed after the other guys walked in'

Exactly. So why is Matthew Johns being crucified? Apparantly they climbed in the window (very mature) and he didn't even know for some time.


'but there's no piking afterwards, because then you're a teasing man-hating bitch who deserves whatever is coming to you.'

Exactly! A woman can say no at any time! Even 5 days later!


'last post came from such a very dark dirty arrogant hate filled place'

Sounds like my kinda place! That's ok. Someone in CJ's position can just wave his 'established users' pass:-)


I cant believe the others cant see the latent homosexuality either. But I don't think the homoeroticism necessarily underlies misogyny.


'Why should she bear no responsibility for her own situation?'
Because she's only 19. That makes her someone's 'daughter'. I'm not sure at what age she'd turn into a 'cougar', but if she was a cougar it'd be all ok.

I think there is an underlying hatred of the league blokes because of this very 'daughter' issue. Let's face it in general, it's young men, especially young, fit, athletic men who ARE shagging society's 'daughters'. Now if it was lawyers or nerdy accountant young men, that'd be ok. But for some reason nobody wants their daughters shagged by such virile, non-intellectual type men.

Maybe because they'd have to face the young woman's base desires for 'Hot' guys, and cant reposition it to any romantic, provider type scenario in their heads. It's a woman just wanting a guy for a body that is hard for some people to accept.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 18 May 2009 10:00:56 AM
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"Paternalistic much, old chap?"

Antiseptic, Nope. Just the plain ol' simple truth.

"So what you are saying RobP, is that its ok for some women to naturally react, but not ok for some blokes. Sorry, that is a double standard. If those women did not throw themselves at men, there would not be a problem either."

Yabby, OK I agree with you where the females you refer to are motivated badly (just like some of the males in the Johns saga). Both lots need to change. My point was that women take their cue from men not the other way around. The current feminist revolution (led by a few strong females) I see as a temporary power reversal to get the overall balance back into male-female relationships. Once the feminist movement passes, women will once again, as I said earlier, react to what men see in them. Thoroughly natural and thoroughly good too
Posted by RobP, Monday, 18 May 2009 10:35:09 AM
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CJ, I have no idea why some footballers are keen on circle jerks.
I've never been in their situation, so can't say, but I don't think
its even relevant to the debate. Some guys jerk off over porn movies,
that is their business, not my business. 19 year old blokes full of
testosterone, will have erections over all sorts of things.

I certainly don't think that mysoginy plays into it. That is a whole
different psychological problem.

RobP, the game between males and females has been going on for
eons and I don't think that will change, as one takes their cues
from the other.

I don't believe this story of men having all the power, for I have
just seen too many so called highly powered businessmen and others,
go home and do exactly what the wife tells them.

It all kind of comes back to basic evolutionary biology. Men evolved
to spread their genes around for good reasons, from an evolutiory
perspective it was very successfull. Pairbonding was one way of
doing it, but not the only way. I betcha that there are a few small
footballer babies wandering around out there.

Women evolved to attract a mate to stick around, so that they had
resources to feed the offspring. Sex was what they used to do it.
Look around you today, most women still put their kids first
and foremost, well before the husband
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 18 May 2009 11:13:46 AM
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