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Sport and sex scandals

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I had a vision just now.

Yabby was at a motel, and he came upon an open door with a few blokey blokes hanging around outside. He glanced inside, and noticed a naked young woman having sex with one bloke, a couple waiting their turn, and another half dozen standing in a circle around the bed jerking off.

Being a red-blooded male, Yabby's genetic programming kicked in, and he followed his erection into the room. He had no choice because of the genetic imperative, but once inside he quickly came to the awful realisation that he was in a room full of w@nkers, jerking off while someone rooted his daughter.

Fortunately, Yabby woke up then and realised it must have been a bad dream, because he obviously doesn't have a daughter.

Otherwise he couldn't have written what he did above.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 17 May 2009 8:35:15 PM
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Sheesh CJ, you are a worry, you really are. This debate has so
many sides to it and all you seemingly have focussed on throughout,
is those circle jerks. That kind of makes me wonder what is going
on at your subconcious level :)

As a matter of interest, I choose to live a rather quiet life
these days, but I do not deny a pretty wild time in my younger
years. I just think that the pendulum has swung so far in favour
of women the victims, that we need to bring it back somewhere in
the middle.

True, I don't have a daughter, but I do know people who have lost
daughters to Ice. They age 20 years in a couple, they become
psychotic, imagining grubs coming out of their skins, violence
is huge and you can't reason with them or even assist. I'd rather
still have a daughter, then lose her completely.

People can get over bad sexual experiences, but I have yet to see
too many recover from a bad addiction to Ice. Whole lives are
ruined forever. If you know of any solutions, I would love to
know about them, so I can forward them on to those people who simply
don't know what to do next with their addicted kids. Governments
offer no solutions, certainly not in Western Australia.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 17 May 2009 9:43:20 PM
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That last post came from such a very dark dirty arrogant hate filled place that I almost pity you.

CJ you need help.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 17 May 2009 9:45:25 PM
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ASymeonakis "Some "adults" need protection from themselves and others" There is a huge risk for violation of BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS IF WE THINK THAT SOME ADULTS NEED PROTECTION FROM THEMSELVES AND OTHERS."

I’ve met grownups that need advice, told to wake up, don’t deal well with this big wide world, need to have basic stuff explained to them over and over and I for one am sick of calling them mum and dad.

You consider it a risk if we think some adults need protection from themselves and others? Did you think that through?

“It is better for us if we respect basic human rights and accept that all people are equal and all adults are mature.”

If people here agreed with you they would be a lot nicer to each other.

“What is your IQ?”

Social IQ - top notch, Emotional - doing fine. That one where you need to go to school – probably doesn’t get past your average French poodle.

“You wrote "No; Professor/student, doctor/patient, boss/employee celebrity/groupie" I say NO ONLY to doctor/patient if the patient do not control him/her self and depend on his/her doctor. I understand there is a problem for the sex between " Professor/student, boss/employee celebrity/groupie" but it is not fear to put for them extreme limits about the sex and ask them to behave different from any other person, controlled moves YES but they are human beings and they must have similar basic rights"

But if you want fair and you want everyone to be treated the same how does that gel with doctor/patient? This chick probably was someone’s patient. Problem is always going to be that we are all different.
Posted by Jewely, Sunday, 17 May 2009 10:22:30 PM
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LadyAussieAlone:"Does anyone ever think to check, at the time; to ask if the woman is enjoying herself?"

Is this the new standard? It's rape if the woman didn't enjoy it? What about the man? I've had some pretty substandard sexual partners - can I claim rape because I ejaculated just to get it over with? Wow, this is almost as good as Foxy's "perpetual emotion machine" of victims. Roll up, roll up, everyone's a loser.

RobP:"cause of the problem in this situation is men acting badly. Women naturally react to what men see in them"

Paternalistic much, old chap?

I'm fascinated by the rush of feminists to make the claim that a 19 year old woman is not sufficiently mature to consent. It's really quite a wonderful sight to see all these people who owe their career to the notion that women are "as good as men" falling over each other in a rush to jump on the victim-go-round and at the same time disenfranchise all the younger women. They know how to make the most of a good victim down at the Women's Studies Department.

Ninaf's friend, Karen Willis of the NSWRCC, even got a guernsey on TV on Sunday, but no one explained why, since this wasn't a rape - the police have said so in strong terms. They had Jacqui Magnay on ABC sport, doing the same "all men are bastards", surrounded by 3 out of 5 other presenters who happen to be gay. Can anyone guess what the theme of the day was?

If nothing else, this has clearly shown the power of women in the media today. The papers have been full of polemics and there is a constant refrain of "the community finds it unacceptable", yet a quick glance at any blog site or even the comments pages of newspapers show this to be clearly a divisive issue. None of the "journalists" have chosen to mention the divide, preferring to pretend unanimity, so obviously anyone disagreeing can be painted as "deviant", which is something girls learn how to do very young.
Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 18 May 2009 5:57:07 AM
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Hasbeen: << ...a very dark dirty arrogant hate filled place... >>

You mean like the motel room in Christchurch, or the toilet cubicle in the Valley, or the motel room in Coffs Harbour, or....?

Yup, spot on. Full marks.

So Yabby, you reckon the 'circle jerk' that is apparently part of the venerable League tradition of the 'bun' is just an extension of normal male sexual behaviour? I don't, which is why I've drawn attention to it.

However, I note that several of you studiously avoid considering its place in the whole tawdry episode. Speaking of which, I didn't call the offending footballers "queers" as Antiseptic asserts. Indeed, I imagine they'd be mortified at the suggestion.

However, I and many others have identified blatantly homoerotic aspects - of which the 'circle jerk' is a prime example - of the Rugby League subculture. I also think that this repressed homoeroticism underlies the misogynistic and abnormal displays of hypersexual conduct with which Thugby League is now publicly identified.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 18 May 2009 6:11:00 AM
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