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Sport and sex scandals

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1. I wrote "if all persons involved on it are adults and they agree with it" NOT FOR "mislead a young girl "
2. The Sydney case was a crime! I do not know where did you find the adults in this case and the agreement between the boys and the girl.
I am interested for the protection of the basic human rights and I do not like to see any person to violate them.
About the mass media, the are doing business and they do many things to increase their profits.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Saturday, 16 May 2009 11:27:04 PM
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Examinator:"Foxy is getting a bit of a hammering unfairly."

Foxy isn't "getting a hammering, she's being asked to justify her claims. Why do all you people get so upset when you're asked to justify your claims?

So far, we've had Foxy getting all twisted out of shape trying to invent a perpetratorless crime rather than put her mind to the question, we've had you getting all bent out of shape trying to avoid giving a simple explanation for what Matt Johns did that was actually so wrong, we've had CJ telling us they're all queers (who queerly happen to like sex with women) and we've had the usual "look at moi look at moi, you go grrrl, look I'm a grrrl too, see grrrlpower rox" from ginx, along with a couple of hangers on.

Matt Johns and his wife and family have been pilloried over this, with very little cause, in my view. None of the people here who approve of that have been able to say why they approve, while those who disapprove have made several strong arguments. To my mind, in the absence of something new, there's not much point discussing this much further.
Posted by Antiseptic, Sunday, 17 May 2009 5:36:49 AM
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We have quite a storm going here have,nt we?
Just as men can be preditory when it comes to sex, so too can females.
Group sex can be, yes true group, invited by the female, often is.
That circle? well its new to me, never ever heard of it never heard of men who are not homosexual doing it.
Team bonding? do you know some footballers go to play and train ,but never get to know their team mates?
Another press/medea fantasy? most likely ,remember news is made no longer reported.
Have any of us, you too foxy, ever known a woman who might well have invited this sex act, enjoyed it, bragged about it, then as an underlining mental health issue progressed came out years after and told a far different story.
We all have, such people exist.
this 19 year old knew what she was doing, by that age she may have been at least as grown up as the men in that room.
Her own story, reported by her workmates, who blame her for the event, say she had sex with two locals days before, why are some inffering sainthood on her now?
Sex is the driving force behind humanity, we must understand it always will be.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 17 May 2009 5:48:00 AM
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*Did you pummel your chest after you wrote that Yabbs?*

No Ginxy dear, I did not. But I am happy to pass on life's
wisdoms for free :)

Just think about the statement for a while. "I am a girl,
I have 2 breasts and a vagina, thus I deserve respect"

Nonsense. Why is a girl more deserving of respect then a boy?

I read this article in the Age this morning:

Sounds to me like schoolkids are alot more sexually forward then
we were, for in those days a blow job was still a big deal.
Not now it seems, as girls compete to leave rainbow coloured rings
on boys penises. So these kids know a fair bit, a long time
before they get to any pub at 18.

I think Foxy just sees this one from her relatively sheltered
youth, compared to what is happening around her, even if she is
not aware of it. That article might be enlightening.

Belly makes a valid point, there are plenty of predatory females
out there. Just last night, the Aussie chick who was commentating
the Eurovision song contest, mentioned how "you could go home with
any of them" (performers), then went on about going backstage
to snare herself one of the Trojans or words to that effect.

So my issue with Foxy is that once again she seemingly thinks that
men should change their behaviour, but what about women?
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 17 May 2009 10:19:06 AM
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This sad tale comes about because the Federal Court of Australia is an exclusive club, created by the Liberal Party to assist its gangster contributors, to avoid the consequences of laws passed by the Parliament of the Commonwealth. Some of those gangsters pose as reputable citizens, and publish newspapers. The gangsters can, because the Federal Court of Australia will not file everything presented to it, and when something is filed, will not deal with it according to law.

Matthew Johns, like him of hate him, is entitled to the protection of the Privacy Act 1988, and also to the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that guarantee the right to privacy; So too any other sporting personality, until charged and convicted in a court of law. Just because a person plays sport does not make a person public property.

If the politicians in Canberra, would earn their money as members of the Privy Council, the High Court of Parliament, the highest court in Australia and discipline the effete snobs, in the exclusive club entitled the Federal Court of Australia and use their powers under Parliamentary Privilege, to call these irresponsible and ineffective guardians of the law to account, and insist they obey the law, then everyone would be better off all round.

Paul Keating’s government passed the laws to protect us from these money grubbers. The atheists and secularists who have stacked the Federal Courts of Australia with dishonest low life lawyers, instead of insisting they abide the Constitution, and sit with juries in all cases, are the real problem. Without a system that makes the media accountable, and bashes the livin bejasus out of their hip pocket, whenever they break the Statutes passed by the Parliament of the Commonwealth the Members in Canberra may as well be dead wood.

I deplore personal attacks on individuals in the media. I deplore gangs, and organized crime. So too did the ultimate victim of organized crime, Jesus Christ. While we tolerate these gangsters in power, we deserve to have our civil rights and personal freedom abused
Posted by Peter the Believer, Sunday, 17 May 2009 12:06:36 PM
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I’m enjoying the discussion and find the terminology revealing especially from antiseptic.

“Who was the predator - the woman (not "teenager", as the media like to paint it)”

“What of Charmyne Palahvi, mid-late 30s, openly preys on young male footballers?”

“The fact that some young men were willing to take advantage of her availability is hardly worthy of crucifiction”

A quick look at the definition of a teenager finds the following; “Teenager: A person between the ages of 13 and 19; an adolescent.”

So while antiseptic refers to the female involved not as a teenager which she clearly is, not as a young woman, but as “the woman”, those poor footballers are referred instead as “young male footballers” or “young men”.

I find it exemplifies Old Testament thinking.

Proverbs 5:8“Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house.”
5:9“Lest thou give thine honor unto others, and thy years unto the cruel.”

Proverbs 7:7“And behold among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding.”
7:8“Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house.”
7:9“In the twilight, in the black and dark night.”
7:10“And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot, and subtil of heart.”
7:11“She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house.”
7:12“Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.”
7:13“So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him.”
7:24“Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.”
7:25“Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.”
7:26“For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.”

The ‘young man’ and ‘youths’ are but ‘children’ however the women’s ages are never discussed. Perhaps if Mr Johns had read his bible and heeded its warnings a bit more thoroughly then his honour may still be intact. Geez, that sounds like Runner.
Posted by csteele, Sunday, 17 May 2009 1:11:04 PM
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